
The Finger

Detroit strip clubs
Friday, May 1, 2015 3:09 PM
Yesterday I was sitting at a table in the club, drinking beer and waiting for a fav. A dancer I didn't know came up to me and asked if I wanted company. I politely told her, "No, I'm waiting for someone." The dancer then gave me the finger. If I had been rude, I could understand her action, but I had been perfectly nice. She certainly doesn't understand customers. I will never get a dance from her. Has a stripper ever given you the finger?


  • shadowcat
    9 years ago
    I think once or twice but it was in jest. I just replied promises, promises.
  • Ironcat
    9 years ago
    Maybe she was just indicating that prostate message service was available.
  • mikeya02
    9 years ago
    Once, I was waiting for my girl and a new girl sat next to me. I told her I was waiting for someone, so no dances. She asked me why. I said "cuz I like her". She gave me a dirty look and got up in a huff. She didn't last long there.
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    Have ran into my fair share of dancers that did not take “no” very well; but can't remember getting the finger. One that comes to mind was at Baby Dolls Dallas in the early-2000s in the old location – the dancer chats me up for about 10 minutes thinking she's reeling me in and I let her do her thing; she asks if I want some dances; I said sure (she had big natural tits) – she then said “dances are $20 but if you want to touch it's $30” – I said “no thanks” - she gets up; calls me an asshole; and storms off. [I used to visit Baby Dolls 2 to 3 times a month and never paid more than the standard $20/dance for good 2-way dances; bitch thought I was stupid]
  • Subraman
    9 years ago
    I haven't gotten the finger specifically, but girls -- perhaps frustrated with life, how their own choices have left them with so few options, lack of cash, whatever -- do all kinds of funny things. I have to admit, my response is to laugh out loud -- literally. I think some of the reactions are hysterical, it takes a lot to insult me (and a huge amount for a girl whose job is walking around in a thong to insult me!). One of my favorite stories: girl comes over and asks my buddy "wannadance?", he says no, she asks me, I say no, she says, "Are you guys from the Castro?" (the gay area of the city). Both of us busted up laughing, she gets this frustrated look that she didn't get the hurt/insulted reaction she was hoping for, and stomps away.
  • Clubber
    9 years ago
    Ironcat, Is this some new Apple or Google service? Perhaps facebook? "...prostate message service."
  • Lone_Wolf
    9 years ago
    I can't remember getting the finger specifically but thru the years I've been given many smart ass comments that were unjustified. Usually the dancers pulling this shit are past their prime or should not be dancing. Club management should not allow dancers that do this to work and other dancers should chastise them for doing it. All the behavior does is drive money out of the club.
  • JamesSD
    9 years ago
    The finger? No. I've had AA dancers basically call me racist. I've gotten eyerolls. But they know what could get them in trouble.
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    I've had dancers act rude after getting rejected but do not remember getting the finger. I would post her club name wherever I saw her no matter if I saw her at different clubs and say she was rude. It'd be like giving her back an online finger, karma wise. Probably wouldn't get her stage name unless the DJ announced it though. I noticed some clubs immediately will allow another dancer to use the same stage name if the prior dancer with that name quit or stopped working there for whatever reason. I guess if a dancer or rude dancer quits after only a week or two and a new dancer takes over the name, she could accidentally have people avoiding her.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    Surprisingly I don't think I've gotten the finger before. Had plenty of irrational pissed off bitches even though I was polite, but never that. Guess it gives me something to look forward to.
  • shailynn
    9 years ago
    I'd say the worst and most pushy dancers I have even dealt with were the French-Canadians in Toronto and Montreal. "No Thank you," and then the 3rd degree on why not, like I really want to say "because you're fucking ulgy, pushy, smell like an ashtray and look like you haven't taken a bath in 4 days." Nope never a finger yet though.
  • Jamesday
    9 years ago
    Just say that your waiting for certain dancer, just stopping by to have a drink, Real good one is to say sure, but I wish I first stopped at the bank before I came in. That will get them to leave
  • dallas702
    9 years ago
    Last year at Tootsie's (Miami) a hot blond dancer walked up to me and produced the one digit salute, right in front of my face. Certain that she had mistaken me for someone else, I preparing to argue that she was assaulting the wrong guy. Then she placed said finger in her mouth and it appeared that the skin barely remained attached as her suction increased. When she later removed the finger from her mouth she said to me, "Interested?" Getting the finger is not always a bad thing.
  • warhawks
    9 years ago
    ^^^^ that's a good sales pitch. I'd have trouble saying "no" to that one!
  • crazyjoe
    9 years ago
    I just put my middle finger down and the rest up and tell them I am dyslexic
  • shailynn
    9 years ago
    you're crazy joe! lmao!!!
  • georgmicrodong
    9 years ago
    Shit, I got almost that reaction from the one of the stylists at the barber shot where I get my hair cut. Walked in there one day last month and my regular was busy. So the other one there offered to do my hair. When I said no thanks, she got all indignant Her: Why not? Me: I like the way "B" cuts it, thanks. Her: It's just hair, I can cut it as good as she can! Me: No thank you. Her: [Irritated and brusque] She's going to be at least a half hour. I'll do it. [While attempting to hustle me into her chair by grabbing my arm.] Me: I'll wait, thanks. Her: [Angry now] Why not? Me: [Shrugging her off] No. Thank You. Her: Well you can't wait. You have to let me do it or leave. Me: Is the manager here? What is his or her number? Her: [Silence] Actually, not only do I like the way "B" cuts my hair, I like the way she smells, and the way she presses her boobs against my arm and shoulders while cutting my hair.
  • ididthisonce
    9 years ago
    @jack - I never got the finger on using "I'm waiting on someone line" but she did ask for a tip.. I did have a dancer that sent me a locker room pick of herself offering a middle finger salute after I refused (along with requesting she never contact me again) that she cease asking me to send her money. It was the third separate time over a couple month period in which she had texted requesting such. I had never agreed to do anything but pay for dancing. Cute girl but I didn't wish to set a precedent with her (Chastity's Club in Columbia SC).
  • ilbbaicnl
    9 years ago
    How long did it take you to come out of the trance? [view link]
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