
Dancers that talk about their husbands or boy friends.

Atlanta suburb
Why do they do it? Is it their way of telling you that you have no chance? I won't say that this is widespread. Seems like it would be counter productive. But still some do it.

I'm thinking of one Follies dancer in particular. She is NOT hot but is likable. She is sweet and will sit and talk to you as long as you want and if you decide to give her a pity dance, you won't be disappointed. But she constantly brings up her BF.

Then there was tumblingdice's GF. She would call me on the phone and fuck my ear for 30 minutes telling me what the ass hole had done. I don't want to hear it.


  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    Mainly because they are idiots. I'm not that nice if they start that shit I say buh bye.
  • K
    7 years ago
    I always assume anything they say is an attempt to seperate me from my money. I am rarely wrong in this point.
    That doesn't mean they are successful.
  • Doces300
    7 years ago
    Never ran into that, but my CF asks alot of questions about my wife, which I find sort of off putting. Yet she is so good at what I want that I put up with it.
  • JuiceBox69
    7 years ago
    Shadow is she a blond white chick with a beautiful face...clean dancer right ?...on days...if it's the same bitch she is very sweet...want fuck but actually loves to meet OTC at restaurants...I've had many great meals with her. She does talk about her BF a shit load though
  • Huntsman
    7 years ago
    I've run into this at times and haven't seen any correlation between them telling me this and their services. In other words, I have no idea why they would bring up the husband/bf. Theoretically, it may be a bit of a signal that services are limited but I haven't seen it play out that way. It does make me a bit more watchful of a pimp/thug potential but I haven't necessarily found that to correlate either.
  • theDirkDiggler
    7 years ago
    Sometimes girls don't really think about things. How many girls talk about their kids? A lot of them, as if you're supposed to feel sorry about their bills and their baby daddies. Maybe when girls get comfortable with you, they just talk about their lives and what they did and who they did it with. It's always a buzzkill to hear about the boyfriend or husband. For me it means they probably have regular sex with some guy that probably regularly nuts in their pussy which often results in stinky pussy if it wasn't that long ago.

    On the other hand i've had girls tell me that they haven't had sex in a very long time. Strangely, these girls were kind of lame opposed to GGG. i didn't want to hear about that if i couldn't do anything about it. One even said that her husband didn't give her sex much at all and never went down on her. ...............................................
  • JuiceBox69
    7 years ago
    I used to have a favorite that would trash talk her husband then suck my dick lol
  • shailynn
    7 years ago
    I’ve had this happen several times before. I don’t talk about my wife, so why do they think I want to hear about their boyfriend. Instant fantasy killer.
  • MrDeuce
    7 years ago
    With my OTC girls, the rule is "You can talk about your sex life with your husband/BF (within reason) but NOT about what you do with other customers". For example, it was moderately interesting to hear about my ATF's rather extensive sex life with various boyfriends, but if she ever mentioned other customers, I asked her to change the subject. I do agree that these girls are often too open about what they do with others, which destroys the fantasy.
  • Cashman1234
    7 years ago
    I've had dancers talk about their significant others during a dance. I think it's natural to chat about your significant other at your place of employment, and maybe that's what is happening? Of course - there are better times than when dancing for a customer - for certain talks.
  • JuiceBox69
    7 years ago
    If a girl tries to talk during a Dance I tell her my brain isn't working properly and talk after the dances back at the table...they usual shut up
  • Cashman1234
    7 years ago
    Lol Juice! That's a great way to get them back to work!
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    7 years ago
    I usually assume that the dancer has been in the strip club business long enough to no longer understand (or care) about the fantasy versus reality aspect on the customer side of the equation.
  • GoVikings
    7 years ago
    i've rarely experienced this. i think most of them know that bring up BF's/hubby's is counter-productive of their goal---which is getting a PL's cash
  • JuiceBox69
    7 years ago
    Thanks man lol...I had to learn to say something because I noticed if they talk I can't get or I lose my erection lol...no lap gasm if that happens
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    I have encountered them, talking about the BF, talking about the husband. These women, sometimes it sounds like they want a replacement BF or husband. Otherwise they are not interested in me.

    I listen to what they say about their SO, and I can see it there way. But I also know that I am glad that I am not their SO.


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  • Uprightcitizen
    7 years ago
    I have not had that much except sometimes to bitch about their bf.

    I think it serves mabe three purposes, 1. Because you will listen is probably the main answer...nobody else will listen to her. 2. because she wants you to feel sorry for her and give her $$, 3. She wants you to feel like there is a chance to be her new bf so giver her $$
  • bubba267
    7 years ago
    Some guys go to the club looking for love, and this is a way to keep guys from tying to get too close.
  • ButterMan
    7 years ago
    I don't why some girls do that but they lose my business when they do.
  • Bj99
    7 years ago
    I think it's mostly bc it's on their mind, and a lot of guy do ask if we have boyfriend's.
  • JuiceBox69
    7 years ago
    I don't
  • Bj99
    7 years ago
    That's smart of you. I prefer to leave it out.
  • rl27
    7 years ago
    I have had many tell me about their boyfriends / husbands, children, parents and various other family members. Never once cared.

    I did meet one about a year ago who talked about another dancer who girlfriend who works in a different club in the area. From what I gathered they both used to work in the same club, but the dancer I was talking to doesn't like seeing or thinking about her getting doing things with other guys. Yet, she didn't have any problem giving me and other customers some very intense lap dances among other things.
  • DandyDan
    7 years ago
    Most of the time, when they talk about their significant other, it's a downer. If I have known them for a while, it's less of one than if I just met them. Then there was my former favorite Angel, who told me about her husband right before we fucked. It wasn't the first time we fucked, so it seemed all right. It wasn't the last time, either.
  • chessmaster
    7 years ago
    Bad business sense is all.
  • dallas702
    7 years ago
    As customers, we older pervs probably encounter more strippers who talk about boyfriends, husbands, and kids than the younger PLs. Some of it is likely because the difference in age is enough for the young woman to feel "safe" about talking personal issues. As mentioned above, some of it is SS, a set up for why she needs more money. Part of it, I think, is about the dancer's need (or at least, willingness) to create a connection, to share a little about herself so she feels like she is with a friend. At least a friend as long as the money keeps flowing!

    As much as we like to make fun of SS, and keep some emotional distance from the strippers we love to grope, the fact is = they are human. They are capable of very human, and often very convoluted scheming and thinking.
  • MrBater2010
    7 years ago
    1. Feeling you out for a move. (As in thinking of moving in with you and leaving him)
    2. Just letting off steam.
    3. Prepping you, so her cuck can watch someday. (Yeah, Dream on you perv.)
    4. Making conversion.
  • flagooner
    7 years ago
    WARNING: I didn't initially intend it, but this turned out to be SJG/bookguy type of post.

    If I don't know a stripper well, it's a big turnoff, and I take it as a sign she wants to maintain a bit of distance.

    After building a bit of rapport with a dancer over time I look at it differently.

    My M.O. is to find strippers I genuinely like and enjoy the company of (who also give very high mileage dances). While it is probably often SS, as the relationship builds I actually appreciate when a stripper feels comfortable enough to trust me with that part of her life. It helps me with my fantasy that she really cares about me.

    Other benefits:
    It provides quite a bit more opportunity for better conversation.
    A sympathetic ear can often lead to enhanced attention.
    I'm a suckered for drama and actually enjoy some of the stories.

    My ATF told me that her baby daddy came back in the picture (after getting out of jail) and that she was giving him another chance. She told me because he didn't like that she got texts from her regulars and she asked me to respect that. She assured me that it was a last chance and that she wouldn't allow him to drive her back to her old bad habits (luckily she apparently considers grinding on older men's cocks as a good habit).

    Surprise, surprise. A couple months later she greeted me as I came into the club enthusiastically. She needed a shoulder to cry on. She "loves" this guy but he had been treating her like shit.

    After I commiserate and relate how we both go through similar things we go up for dances. I'll just say it was the best experience I had ever had in a SC, before or since.

    I find the enjoyment much more intense when I do allow feelings to develop. When I get off from a stripper I don't really know, it doesn't feel much different than masturbating, only lazier and much more expensive.

    The problem with getting this close to a stripper is the vulnerability ito can create. It makes it even more important, but harder, to remember that what goes on inside the doors is fantasyland and that I have to turn that all off when I go back outside.
  • larryfisherman
    7 years ago
    Shit maybe you've built a nice repoire with her, and she's comfortable being honest with you.
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    I don't hear it too-often, but when I was a newbie I didn't like to hear it - nowadays I don't put much stock in anything dancers tell-me and not too-much phases me.

    I think some of them are just clueless - I recall a SW thread a while back a young-dancer asking if it was ok for her to wear either her wedding or engagement ring in the club - most of the SW dancers adviced against it but this young dancer was defiant that "she was in-love" and she never wanted to take her ring off even when at the club.

    Dancers are at the club to make $$$; and it's clear-cut for them - for the young inexperienced dancers it probably does not cross their minds that there are custies that don't see it just as clearly (busine$$ only) and thus it does not cross their mind that it would affect certain custies.

    And some do it as a way to keep some distance as for custies not to ask them on dates.
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