
Comments by dallas702 (page 4)

  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    So is S. Florida next?
    When the media reports things like "strongest Atlantic hurricane ever" they forget to include little details like context and perspective. It is the strongest open ocean Atlantic hurricane actually measured - but that measurement only includes hurricanes that US "hurricane hunter" aircraft have flown into (up until 2010 they only flew out as far as the Gulf of Mexico or over the Bahamas and western Carib). So the "ever recorded" part is really a significant qualifier. Neither NOAA, nor anyone else, can really say how strong other storms were out in the Atlantic over the past 200 years because no one ever measured them. The fact is, Irma is the strongest open ocean Atlantic hurricane in the past 7 years. Any greater claim is misleading. Of course, that doesn't make the sting any less for the leeward islands - especially the BVI which is dead center bullseye in about 18 hours. Clubber, are you sure you can't load up the pets, the bike and a few necessities, and maybe even the SO, and head North? It really looks like your neighborhood is gonna' get creamed.
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    7 years ago
    An acquired taste?
    The photoshop animated noses ears and masks are a sign (to me) that the girl is not very bright or mature and that's a turn off. Plus, I am just not into the mega xtra large butts. So I don't think I will be acquiring that taste!
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    So is S. Florida next?
    Clubber, I look at WU also, especially to look at the different computer model's forecast tracks, but I also check out the histories as well. I go to noaa because they are directing the planes that fly into storms so the nhc has the most recent status. Plus, it is the nhc that has and runs most of the computer weather models, so I read the forecaster's discussion to get an idea what they think is working - or not working - in the forecast tracks of various models. Note that (whether WU or nhc) every model has Irma making a hard right turn somewhere between Friday and Monday. That is NOT good news for South FL, unless the turn happens early Friday. Every other forecast slams So FL and the Keys. Stay safe!! I suggest you button up now then go visit your son in ATL for a week or so!
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    7 years ago
    So is S. Florida next?
    I just looked at the nhc.noaa.gov site and now Irma is a 150 kt. Cat 5 storm. Ouch!
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    So is S. Florida next?
    Damn tiny laptop!!! It just posted all by itself! To continue - whether anyone wants to read or not - the NOAA cone of uncertainty doesn't work as well as their computer models insist it should! My, totally amateur, ill informed forecast, has a weakened Irma (cat 1 or 2) bouncing off Cuba and next Sunday burying itself in the South FL swamps for a couple of days. Sorry Clubber, but my guess is that you are going to get your feet wet again! But hey, If (by some miracle) I am right - Miami will get the worst of the water and wind damage and we all know that Miami does need to be pressure washed now and again! (Cruel sick joke, I know - my apologies to folks down there who do get hammered)
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    So is S. Florida next?
    I am also watching Irma closely. The 5 day NOAA forecast has Irma centered just north of central Cuba and still heading west. But NOAA hurricane tracking has an historic error rate of about 225 miles on their 5 day forecast (average spread between 5 day projection and actual position). That means Irma could - in 5 days - be over Jamaica or the central Bahamas. Like Get Smart's Cone of Silence, the NOAA cone ofuncertanty
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Mom's basement
    Looks, Money, Status
    In the natural environment for most TUSCL members, the only Status needed is "customer" or PL, our Looks generally rise to the standard of "probably not a mass murderer." We depend upon Money to place us in the top tier of strip club customers.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Armageddon hits Downtown Detroit
    Is there an ongoing investigation of any city council members or the police chief? Seems every time a Detroit politician is under investigation, there is another crackdown on strip clubs.
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    7 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Official TUSCL Pets Thread
    Dog, small (30lbs) but doesn't know it, demanding, self centered, attention seeking, and always wanting to "mark" everything as hers. Struts through the middle of any space like she owns it and always insists on having all of my attention. Oh' wait - - that was the wife. The dog is nice.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Potential issues with OTC
    A several years ago I agreed to a "private show" (aka OTC) with a day shift stripper in a NOLA club who was living in a Red Roof not far from the club. She was hot, lean and stacked with natural Ds - she was also a redhead and I didn't know ('till later) she was high most of the time (she actually seemed very normal in the club). As I started to pull into the Red Roof parking lot that evening the flashing red lights discouraged me and I immediately turned around and parked in a 24 hour dinner lot nearby. I watched as NOLA police struggled to carry a kicking and screaming redhead stripper in cutoffs and a tank top to a patrol car and try to get her to sit in the back seat. I drove off - carefully. The next day - at a different club - a dancer commented on a friend who was arrested the night before, "just because she was being loud in the motel parking lot." I started asking questions and she acknowledged that it was at the Red Roof and finally admitted the cops found several baggies of pills, coke and meth in the room. Just as bad as a stripper flipping out OTC, is being in the room when the cops decide to visit for the drugs! I was lucky that the cops got there BEFORE I did. Be careful out there.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Now Strippers Can Swallow Trump Too!!!!
    * insert political joke here *
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Mother and daughter arrested for 'running an erotic massage parlor out of the ga
    Floriduh does have fines and misdemeanor charges in their "massage" licensing statute and local law uses that often to drive away "immoral" and unwanted activities. Often, the massage violation will result in an agreed fine and probation, but the prostitution charges are usually reduced to something less with a fine and probation (to avoid losing the case in court - which happens a lot when State Persecutors go to trial). The problem for these Backpage women is that, now that the neighbors know, they cannot continue without a neighbor calling the cops, so they must move or find other employment - especially now that the "mom" has an arrest for "unlicensed" she cannot get a license. There are a number (a very big number) of licensed masseuses in Florida and a lot of them work out of their own home. Some offer nothing more than a therapeutic massage, others will add a happy ending, so a parade of 8 to 10 old white guys stopping by daily would not be a problem. Several licensed massage therapists have decided that it is a perfect cover for a more lucrative prostitution business and offer a full menu of services. Essentially, local law enforcement in FL doesn't (or - often - can't) do anything about the "extra" services. Several 2010 - 2015 attempts to stop this, by charging prostitution, were thrown out of court simply because the "customer" actually paid for (and received) a service the masseuse was licensed to provide. The "extra" was essentially free and excused as "uncompensated activities between consenting adults." I know that similar laws surround similar activities in Texas, Georgia, Kansas (as of about 15 years ago - it might have changed), Colorado, New Mexico, Tennessee, Virginia, New York, Maine, Ohio and probably many other states. In some cases the licensed masseuse must also have a license for the location and be subject to "safety and sanitation" inspections. In other cases, the "extras" masseuse is outcall only. But in most states, this is a functional means for women with the ability to get a massage license to engage in activities that pay much better with little risk of criminal arrest.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Dancer took me in bare back
    Does the three second rule apply (pick up the dropped cookie within 3 seconds and it is OK to eat because the germs didn't have time to get there) if she just slips it in then whips it out for a BBBJ?
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Montreal area SC Extras
    (NOTE: my experience is not recent, the last time I was in Montreal was 2015) Extras are easily available at several "OFF- Island" clubs. The clubs in downtown Montreal are great places for inexpensive lap dances, many nude, and some dancers at some clubs are "generous" with contact, but real extras including BJs and FS are rare to non existent in town. But travel a few miles out of town, off the island, and many clubs are heaven for extra seeking mongers! Extras friendly clubs include Bar Le Gentleman (nude) in Marieville, and Club Rendevous (nude) in Carignan. Both are clubs I have been to in the past. But I think that you will find that MOST nude clubs over 25km off the island are extra friendly.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    You can run but you will only die tired
    Menu up front
    OTOH, the reviewer could just be afraid of a LEO trap. There are a lot of very unlikely "cops will arrest you" stories out there and the reviewer may have heard one or conflated escort sting tactics with strip club extras.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    @RandomMember, (late response to your comment 4 hours ago) Actually, I have 2 children (now 40 and 36 y/o) and 3 grandkids. I enjoy a close relationship with all of them. I am quite familiar with mainstream Christian, "conservative" Christian, Roman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, Coptic, Mormonism, Shinto, Baha'i, Zorastrianism, Conservative Jewish, Reform Jewish, Buddhist, Taoist, Maoist, Confucianism, and Islam. (And passingly familiar with a few others.) I have even met a Seventh Day Adventist or three (don't like the odds there - 144,000 will be saved out of 6 Million membership). For the most part, faith (and religion) is not based upon fairy tales, but instead upon a collection of shared values and an agreement share in life experiences and learn as a community of faith. Some religions, I agree, are way out there, and cannot be sustained by real world experience (the Church of Latter Day Saints teaches some really extreme stuff). Some are even based upon what today could only be called evil (Satanism is obvious, but read the Koran and you will find some really sick instruction to the faithful). I also have a sense of humor. Not that I do not believe in climate science (I do), but the political science of man-made-catastrophic-global-warming is way too over the top for me. And, given time, I can make a valid argument that there IS a "religious" fervor to many people who are convinced that the hyperbole surrounding the theory is a portent of a coming apocalypse and therefore calling it a religion is appropriate. Oh, and your more recent comment about, "take health care away from 22M people" is propaganda from the Democrat left and is not based in fact. Remember that insurance is NOT health care. It is much more likely to make health care affordable for everyone if this nation to action to make actual medical care LESS expensive instead of making everyone buy more expensive insurance.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    I had been regularly attending services at the Church of Catastrophic Global Warming where the Most Reverend Al Gore has been preaching to beat the wind. I was recently nominated to work on the fundraising committee, but I would have to move to The Hague, Netherlands because our church fundraising office in D.C. was recently closed. I don't think I'll take the committee post, even though committee members get to use Rev Al's G650 to fly back and forth. Actually, I am not sure I want to continue attending. Two years ago, when the North Pole didn't melt, Rev Al told us it was a right wing plot, and would be defeated as soon as President Hilary exposed the conspirators. But when that didn't happen either, the holy priests of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, speaking from the Holy UN Building in NYC, promised us righteous hurricanes, climate refugees, and no more winters. I just ain't sure I want all that. So now I think I will quit the CCGW and start attending the local Temple of Extras in the Afternoon where I hear from other regulars, that nirvana - or true bliss - or at least ejaculation, is a true sign of faith. Brother Shadowcat has expressed on this site, several times, the veracity of this claim in the holy confines of his local Temple Follies. Besides, it is much easier to explain to my family, friends and neighbors that I am going out to TEA.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Entry age
    I think most of the royal family were allowed in shortly after they were born. The rest of us have to buy a ticket and the senior discount only applies to those of us over 62.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Bang for the buck? Day shift vs niight shift?
    It has already been said. Day shift offers more opportunity for whatever is available, more attention from strippers and (usually) better prices. For me, another plus is I don't have to wade through crowded clubs, smell unwashed partying patrons, fewer visits by waitresses "ready for another?", less noise, and fewer "Wanna' dance?" walk by offers. And, yes, the trade off is fewer dancers - less selection.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Breathe, breathe in the air
    Tempted but resisted - saw sense.
    Meh, Fucks happen. Sometimes your big head makes decisions, sometimes the little head just gets all fired up. There are risks, and some of the risks are life threatening. Other risks are bothersome, annoying or expensive. There are real risks to life. Walking across London Bridge can be dangerous. Standing on a hilltop holding onto a metal pole in a thunderstorm can be dangerous. Some risks I'll take, others, not. You made a wise choice - this time. But will you made the same choice every time?
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    7 years ago
    Evil Lair
    What do you do for fun?
    Once - and only once - I answered, "I visit strip clubs and fuck strippers." She went and got a bouncer!
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    When will prostitution become legal ?
    Legal prostitution in the US is now limited to a few places in Nevada - says the media - and most people buy that line. But Rhode Island doesn't prohibit private agreements between consenting adults. Yeah, I know, recent laws have made the Providence clubs "clean up." But the new rules were about clubs. Several other places all across the US allow a quiet continuation of the world's oldest profession. Only when the action makes the news do the "officials" do something about it. (and no matter what political "lean" you support, we all know the news leans left) Interestingly, while "conservatives," "Republicans," and "religious do gooders" talk about stopping lewd behavior, they are seldom the ones to enact prohibitive legislation. The places with the most restrictive rules, and the most enforcement, are liberal enclaves. I guess the left needs to control everything, or at least be "seen" to be doing "something." Don't forget, it is a hoard of liberal women who insist that sex trafficking is a crisis and laws must be passed! The bottom line is that neither the left not the right has a lock on prohibiting or allowing prostitution. Both sides have reason to use the issue for their own political gains. And prostitution is an easy target, no lobbyists, no major political contributors, and no union to object. While the swing between permissive and restrictive public action will continue, so will the industry of prostitution continue. It may never be "legalized" but it will continue.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Off topic. How I believe most people feel about Trump now, hope is diminishing
    Random, I agree on the disposable income (which may be why I am watching carefully for the tax changes - I depend on cap gains for a lot of that stripper money), but I don't really wish ill upon the mentally deficient who supported the witch or demand impeachment of the President because he isn't she! Though I do enjoy seeing their discomfort every time he confounds their desires.
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    7 years ago
    Off topic. How I believe most people feel about Trump now, hope is diminishing
    It took Obama, Pelosi and Reid 23 months to line up all the democrats behind the pork laden political disaster that became known as Obamacare. Other than the ACA, the only "accomplishments" of Obama were acts taken without support from the Legislative or the majority of American citizens. Trump has been on the job for less than 5 months and he has already "undone" over half of Obama's executive actions and agency rules. Clearly Trump cannot reverse the multi-billion dollar give away to Iran, but he has pulled out of the Paris fraud. Whether Trump is able or willing to keep other campaign promises will likely be a subject of argument up until the moment he keeps his promise - or fails. For me, I chose Trump as a far better alternative to Clinton even though I did not agree with many of his pre-campaign positions and I doubted he intended to keep many promises. So I am already very impressed with President Donald J. Trump. He has, in just 5 months, kept more campaign promises than the preceding three presidents combined. Perhaps keeping his word is why D.C. is fighting him so hard.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    PL vs Creep
    Just to be clear. I am a PL - all those other guys are creeps.