
The ball busting sales technique?

TUSCL’s #1 Soothsayer!
When it's slow for the girls, meaning a buyers market, do you ever find the attempts strippers make to sell you a dance are a feign attempt at emasculating you?

Example, "So, why aren't you getting any dances?" No introduction by the dancer, no hello, just an in your face attempt at verbally shovinf and manipulating their way into a sale.

Another example, as I was watching a baseball game due to my teams being in the playoff race, "are you looking at the girl or a guy?" Again no introduction or a "hello", just an attack on my manhood. There were several dancers In my line of view along the way to the TV that had the game on, so I got her joke. (Bases were loaded in a tie game). Yet she proceeds to tell me she is just busting my chops and then has the gall to ask "you wanna dance?" WTF, am I too old school to understand the modern day sales techniques? I mean I'm in sales, and never would I lead off with insulting the customer.


  • rh48hr
    7 years ago
    They are trying to take advantage of customers who are intimidated by the environment it seems to me.
  • s275ironman
    7 years ago
    The truth is, a large percentage of strippers would not do well in any other type of sales job.

    A stripper approaching a customer and just asking "Wanna dance?" is the equivalent of a car salesman approaching a customer and asking "Wanna buy a car?" Last I knew, a car salesman doesn't sell many cars with that little of an effort.
  • Mate27
    7 years ago
    ^^^ I bet your right, but she I stand my ground and show their pitch doesn't work on me, over 50% of them leave huffing and puffing away with an attitude! Smh..
  • mark94
    7 years ago
    That's why I spend 80%-90% of my time and money on my favorites. If someone new launches into any sort of sales technique, I say no before they can complete their first sentence. I'm too old for stripper shit. Now, you women get off my lawn !
  • Mate27
    7 years ago
    Ironman-"Truth is, large % of strippers would not do well in any other type of sales job".

    They read men's primal needs pretty well, and it's no wonder they get burnt out so fast. If it's true the brain is the largest sexual organ, and they're not hitting us in more ways than just physical, it gets lame.
  • dallas702
    7 years ago
    Far too often, these young women have no concept of civil behavior - really. Their social interactions have been within a close group of people their own age with similar worldviews and communication skills. They simply do not know any different. If they tease friends with "put down" remarks, they use the same approach on potential customers. Remember these women were hired as strippers, not communications specialists!
  • BrotherFogHorn
    7 years ago
    Bring them to church
  • skibum609
    7 years ago
    Thirty five years doing divorce law and as a result I cannot think of anything that gets less of a reaction from me than inane comments and behavior.
  • clubdude
    7 years ago
    I had one sit down and ask for a shot. No introduction or anything. I declined. Then she started saying that she knew I had money. I concurred that I did, but none of it was for her. That got her to leave. I'm getting to short tempered in my old age.
  • Bj99
    7 years ago
    It's just like when you get in a fight w your woman, so she just lets her crazy loose and texts you like crazy, talking shit. If it's slow, and guys aren't tipping, or getting dances, the girls feel disrespected and just plain irritated, so they will make the customer feel like crap, if they aren't going to spend money anyways.
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    @Bj99 my lip itches I need a kiss now ; $
  • mark94
    7 years ago
    The worst ( best ?) I've experienced was a small club where I was getting my first drink at the bar. It was slow and the dancer on stage started screaming at me that I needed to start tipping. The other dancers thought it was hilarious. I just walked out.
  • Mate27
    7 years ago
    Another time I told this dancer who asked me immediately if I wanted a dance. I said no thanks, I have to run. She says, "literally you have to run?"

    My retort was I'm just finishing my drink and then I got to go. She says "you mean you got to run?" I said yes, if I stay much longer I will have to run out of here. She says, "well you better get running!" So snarky in her attitude I will never pay attention to her if she approaches again. So many strippers, so much stripper shit, and so few drugs for them to be on.
  • Bj99
    7 years ago
    @ 25.. not until you have that checked out. You should be more careful ab the VIP room DATY. :P
  • Cashman1234
    7 years ago
    I've dealt with some poor dance selling techniques, and they don't bother me much. It's somewhat good as it tells me that the dancer isn't right for me.

    Those lines might be similar to asking "You don't really want a dance - do you?"
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    @ BJ99 I never do the VIP room it's an old Hawaiian disease called lackofnooky
  • Bj99
    7 years ago
    Haha! ;)
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    Are you laughing cause I'm pathetic or because you're horney?
  • Dougster
    7 years ago
    The absolute worst is when black girls try to get you to buy a dance with "How come you don't want a dance from me? Are you racist? Yep, you're racist." Are they expecting you to say "No, I'm not! And I'll even buy a dance from you to prove it!"
  • shailynn
    7 years ago
    Meaty, you bring up a good point that made me think...

    Even the biggest rookie on this board is probably a seasoned vet inside a strip club when compared an average PL who goes to the one club close to their house treating it almost like a neighborhood bar, or the one PL who sneaks out from his wife to get a glimpse of some titties. I'm betting a lot of guys get pressured or just say "yes" when asked "wanna dance?" So for the average stripper, if their lame inquiry works 1/3 of the time, they stick with it.

    I used to think "damn she'd be good in sales" but ironman is probably right - they'd suck for a number of reasons, one being not being able to take rejection which would happen a lot more outside the strip club versus inside.

  • Mate27
    7 years ago
    ^^^ You and Ironman are right, the unrefined sales skills of most dancers disqualify them from getting at my money. I've been to the clubs probably over 50-60 times in the last two years. Of those trips I always bring $200. Most of the time I leave with over $100 remaining, and there was only one time I remember being close to spending it all when a favorite of mine spent some time with me instead of her whale.

    I get it where I'm a seasoned PL, and can see through the BS sales pitch they give. It just crosses the line to annoyance. Now if I can only get those kids off my lawn!
  • Mate27
    7 years ago
    It's these type of dancers who project their shortcomings onto the customer. Pick up your game so your quality competes for our dollars, and then we all can enjoy the club experience.

    The general trend of lower quality dancers in the club to a more ratchety style has dancer techniques shifting to an edgy sales pitch with very little in the way of class. Lowering standards translate to a lower class of dancer, and hence a more desperate type of clientele. Then you have dancers on here claiming they are the shit, just because they can bilk lonely old men money out of their pockets.

    No wonder the industry is getting ratchety.
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