
Comments by ThisOldManPlayed1 (page 38)

  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Inquiring dancers about extras
    First off... a hearty welcome to the BEST DAMN strip club website in the nation (if not the world)! I, like many of my fellow TUSCLer friends, have a don't ask policy for extras. However, through communications, I imply (usually during a lap dance) that they (extras) would be nice. Here is a sample saying: (during a dance) "Sweetie..... I just don't know if I could ever get enough of your loving!" "Hon.... you'd better slow down because I certainly don't want to get out of control with you." "Geeez baby! Anymore of this (hot dancing) and I'm gonna have to make a trip to the men's room to finish!" These kind of comments I have made, in addition to others, during enjoyable lap dances, and 50% of the time, they either get EXTRAS started or an invitation for OTC involvement. Just try and get a feel for each dancer first, and go with the one dancer you might think offer those extras.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Memphis Platinum Plus
    I TOTALLY agree with you IGU. Give me her "sister" club ANY DAY!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    What Does A Stripper Spend Her Money On
    That's my girl! Way to go evilcyn. You are one of a few who actually don't have expenses for the junk stuff like drugs, piercings, tattoos. You look GREAT the way you are. Still planning a trip up north to see you again, just don't know when yet.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    What Does A Stripper Spend Her Money On
    How about: Dancer costumes, shoes, etc. Weed, etc. I like the "deadbeat" boyfriends answer Babysitters Club payouts Alcohol in the club when they can't get a drink bought for them
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    South Carolina
    Shadowcat/Igiveup banned again
    A hearty welcome back IGU! We've all missed you greatly. Funny how you just suddenly "came again" within the Lenten season. No sacraligious meaning meant. Yes indeed. We all hope The Bones can return to us sometime in the future. Until that time, maybe some of us will be able to get a bit closer to his TUSCL records! LOL
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Menage a trois? Yes or no?
    Yes! In 1979, I had an occasion to do the menage a trois with my first wife and another military friend's wife He went TDY (temporary duty) and I was the lucky STIFF. When I went TDY, he was the lucky STIFF. In 1982, I had the occasion for a menage a trois with a girlfriend and another friend. My girlfriend was bi-curious at the time. It worked out!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Medical issue or mental issue?
    Do you think she may have fainted after seeing the size of your cock? I could imagine her passing out after you layed the BIG PIPE to her!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    How many strippers were still virgins at 18? Were you?
    LMAO@parodyman! I would presume NONE. And NO, the couple of times I hopped on stage at The Tunica Cabaret (with no customers around), I definately was NOT virgin!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    How much does a male stripper make?
    I've seen those stripper party videos (not the hardcore party videos). These were produced in England and the stripper parties were held in large rooms. If you want to see some free previews, type in CFNM (clothed females naked males) in a search window. A bunch of adult oriented listings. Don't be 'fooled' by the HARDCORE PARTY vids where the girls do everything. As far as the question... how much do they get paid... I have no idea. HOWEVER.... since I am over the age of most male strippers, I wouldn't mind picking up some extra cash doing private strips for the ladies in the rest homes! :-)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    To shave or not to shave? Customers....
    I'm 60 years old and SHAVED. It all began about 3 years ago upon the suggestion of my (now 30 year old pilot son). He told me that all the chics like shaven guys. So.... I started and haven't stopped. It gets to be a pain in the ass sometimes. HOWVER------------ after reading evilcyn's response to this topic----- "I am so less likely to lick them shaved"... I might have to start searching for a 'pubic hair piece'!!!
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    South Carolina
    Shadowcat/Igiveup banned again
    First off, let me express my sorrow over IGU's ban. I understand the reasoning behind it, and will miss him and his discussions. Secondly..... let me explain about Bones. Bones wasn't banned at all. Bones had requested his discussion board entries be removed, due to personal problems to which I am familiar with, but won't go into details, to protect his interest. However, Founder was kind enough to keep Bones' reviews on board to help and entertain members of the website. Bones will not be posting any further reviews, as he has slowed down on his clubbing, and also feels that continuous review postings might discourage members that have an interest in attaining rankings status. Bones has been a popular and entertaining member here and we all appreciate his past efforts and will remember him always. YOU GO BONES!!!
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Common web site internal 500 error server messages?
    I too, having been getting the same errors, usually occuring at night time. Could the SERVER unit be over loading?
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    why do some clubs decriminate
    Reporter hasn't made any comments since MARCH 7TH! Why is this thread continuing???
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    why do some clubs decriminate
    It would be VERY hard to convince me that you are a REPORTER to begin with! READ what you just WROTE! Spelling and grammer is awful! Any comments BG?
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Strip Clubs circa 1980 vs TODAY
    Much like AN, I'm not a favorite of MEGA CLUBS, give me the ole' hole-in-the-wall friendly type tavern with seasoned dancers. Columbia PP to be the EXCEPTION of course!! I remember back in the 1970s, in Ohio, we started with bikini dancers, dancing behind the bars on stages, and not removing a stitch of clothing! But, back then it was easy for me to get a hard-on just fantasizing what was beneath those bikinis! Clubs have come along ways since then. They are still entertaining and some are just out right "bordellos" with a club front, such as Diva's in Kokomo, IN. Read the reviews, you see what I'm talking about.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Questions for EvilCyn
    Skankarellas.... LOL.... I love that term! Never heard it before. OK dear, here's the gist of things. Within the next 4 weeks, I will be planning a visit up to the Cleveland area. And of course, that calls for another visit to the "infamous Bugsy's" hole-in-the-wall! :-) I'll be sure to contact you days prior to my departure. I just gotta' see dem' EYES (amongst other delectable things) one more time!!!
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Favorite lie to your SO when you are going out to a strip club.
    I remember couple years back when I had a wife and worked about 10 miles from The Tunica Cabaret, I would stop in for an hour or so, telling the wife I had gone and played poker after getting off work. Worked like a charm!
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    lap "rag" or large handkerchief
    Dear Dr. Ron: (better than Dear Abbie) - I agree with DougS in that the lap rag does help keep the pussy juices from staining your trousers. I've never seen one, but have had my share of pussy stains on my trousers as well as my own stains. I always carry a spare handkerchief to the clubs to help clean up any mess, that I might ACCIDENTLY make.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Peculiar dance restrictions?
    I've heard of the 'one foot on the floor' rule. According to a dancer in Dayton, Ohio, they have that rule. As far as the Hip Hugger (one of my favorite clubs), they just gotta' pay dem' cops mo' money is all! :-)
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Coffee At A Strip Club?!
    I would have to say that this truck driver COULD have come up with a better excuse other than COFFEE! Although, I've ordered coffee in strip clubs myself, usually to help sober myself up before driving. I don't think too many SCs even offer coffe. Oh well...... if I had a wife.... I'd probably say, you CAUGHT ME... and hope for the best. NOTE: Don't give your cell phone number out to strippers. Give them your buddy's number!!!! :-)
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    What about when SHE won't stop talkin ?
    There was ABSOLUTELY no problem with "evilcyn" talking during our lap dances. We were BOTH so infatuated getting into the dances, we had to much other stuff to concentrate on!!! :-)~
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    OTC. Do you ask or wait for her to ask?
    I've been asked many many times for an OTC experience by dancers. I just don't care for that only because their motive is money driven. I've had two OTC experiences, one a quickie, the other a short relationship. It was strictly for the sex and nothing more. There is ONE dancer I would love to have an OTC relationship with, but it will never happen, unfortunately, and I've never approached her about it either. I can only fantasize about it.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Personality vs Sexuality
    Actually, to me, Personality and Sexuality go hand in hand for enjoying a good time with a dancer. At Bugsy's in Elyria, most all of their dancers were very very sexual in nature in their performances and in receiving tips. But, I only had the occasion to be with ONE dancer (???? need I say who?) and she had a very OUTGOING personality along with her sexuality, which her eyes, her movements, her smile, her tight bod, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc.... However, if you are looking for conversation, Personality is a requirement. If you are looking for lust, Sexuality must be there.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Most exotic gift a stripper ever gave you?
    OK IGU: I was about to follow through with my exotic gift as "erotic moments", but you clarified a material item. So..... my most exotic gift a stripper/dancer gave me? A perpetual HARD-ON (hours). All I'm going to say is that it occured in Elyria, Ohio!
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    What is the longest time you have ever spent in a strip club?
    Other than spending just about ALL DAY & ALL NIGHT in Columbia's PP..... I would have to say I spent close to 5 hours in Bugsy's Speakeasy in Elyria, OH. Why not longer? Two reasons. First, evilcyn had worn me out and I failed to bring Viagra! (keep in mind, wearing me out is NOT providing me EXTRAS) Secondly, all though I still had cash and a couple of credit cards which I could have and would have used, I had to make it back to Columbus that evening. Other than that, I would have gotten a motel and spent the entire evening with evilcyn!