
Coffee At A Strip Club?!

I don't know if any of you saw this in the paper the other day, but when I read it, I thought it was pretty funny. Actually, it hit pretty close to home.

I know it wasn't MY wife that sent the letter, but maybe it's another TUSCL member's wife?

Going to a strip club for coffee... that's rich! I'm fairly certain that MY wife would see through this alibi without consulting Annie's Mailbox! Follow this link ->


  • chandler
    18 years ago
    Annie should know the only correct answer is: Don't answer your husband's cell phone.
  • shadowcat
    18 years ago
    In the last 20 years I have neverhad more than that 20 cups of coffee In the total time. I also recently heard that Hot Chocolate is more stimulating to the brain.
  • ThisOldManPlayed1
    18 years ago
    I would have to say that this truck driver COULD have come up with a better excuse other than COFFEE! Although, I've ordered coffee in strip clubs myself, usually to help sober myself up before driving. I don't think too many SCs even offer coffe.

    Oh well...... if I had a wife.... I'd probably say, you CAUGHT ME... and hope for the best.

    NOTE: Don't give your cell phone number out to strippers. Give them your buddy's number!!!! :-)
  • Book Guy
    18 years ago
    One word: pre-paid anonymous cell phone that your wife doesn't know about with its own separate number

    OK, that's more than one word. In fact, that's a lot of words. Is it too many words, too complicated? Maybe that's why so many people seem to miss the concept ...
  • Clubber
    18 years ago
    That sounds like me, except I don't drive truck and my SO never answers my cell. When I used to visit with my ATF, I often had coffee in that club. I knew management well and could always get coffee. We talked often on the phone, and met outside the club, but it wasn't a sex thing. SO has met her, but via a mutual friend. God, I miss spending time with that woman.
  • ArtCollege
    18 years ago
    There used to be a club near an army base that was open early in the morning. Struck me as odd, but I think some guys who had pulled a graveyard shift would come in for breakfast. Makes coffee sound good. Just be careful about spilling.
  • Yoda
    18 years ago
    There is a topless donut shop attached to a strip club in Portland Me. I've never been there early enough to visit but a friend of mine tells me it's pretty busy in the morning!
  • DougS
    18 years ago
    I thought the interesting part of the newspaper column was that it seemed fairly obvious that the husband was doing more than just visiting a club... if he's got a stripper calling him, there's a good chance he's also OTCing with her. The advice response mentioned that there was obviously a level of "emotional intimacy"... yep, we all know about that, don't we?
  • Book Guy
    18 years ago
    In Montreal they have topless haircutting salons. Of course, I'll bet that the hair cut is only one of the many personal services offered. :)

    And in Micanopy Florida, there's a truck stop that is a clip joint / supposed strip club, with 24 / 7 diner food available. Presumably naked girls will be there 24/ 7 too? Probably not, but I'll bet they tell you there are hotties workin', even if there aren't.
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