
Questions for EvilCyn

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EvilCyn: I hope you don't mind me (or the rest of us "PLs" here) asking you a question or two, but it's not often that we find ourselves being able to ask a dancer questions, in an "anonymous" manner like this. If you'd rather than not answer any questions, just say so.. Any insights that you can share with us, would be most appreciated, however.

Without further rambling...

Out of curiousity, have you experienced - or have your heard from other dancers about their experiences - danceing for a customer that you found yourself attracted to, and perhaps even totally turned on by? Do the girls talk about "the hot guy in the crowd" or maybe the guy that's "hung like a donkey" when they return to the dressing room?


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evilcyn - Does it come natural or was it a learning process?

I am talking about those BEAUTIFUL and SEXY eyes of yours and how you get them to peer right through me so sensuously. I remember watching them while we were together, and they just seemed to keep saying... "come to me"..... "I want you"..... YEOOOWW!!!

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On a more non-personal nature..... with your years of dancing you probably have come across dancers that hmmm.. let's say, go the EXTRA mile or mileage in a club. As a 'safe' dancer as yourself, how to you handle the dancers that exceed club limits? Do you talk with them? Do you try and tame them down? Do you just ignore them altogether?

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For me depends on the day, what I would like to do with hair and makeup..

I would say average is a half and hour, to an hour is there if there is like major hair stuff going on..

Avatar for casualguy

I thought of a question for you evilcyn if you don't mind. How long does it usually take a dancer to get ready after she arrives in a club? Is an hour typical? Seemed like a long time to me. A dancer told me this after I found out she was stuck in the same traffic jam as me.

Avatar for evilcyn

Yes, by all means there are times that you just have a chemistry with someone....Its not maybe that he is all that "hot" by normal standards its just that things just seem to click between the two...

We are sexual creatures and yes some guys have really turned me on to dance for them.

We will talk about some one who has turned us on when we are in the dressing room, it makes our night more fun, and sometimes you'll see a girl get like highschool silly about it, we are only human, minaswell enjoy that sexual energy..

Yea, we do talk about the ones hung like a donkey, we can't help but realize its there.... We have a few regulars who know we have discussed how BIG they are ...

Avatar for ShotDisc

Another question if I may. How do you decide how much action you will allow during a dance?

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do you define action, as, extra's?? or normal full contact dance???

Avatar for DougS

Another question, (well, several questions bundled together) if I may... Do you ever dance for couples? Girls? Do you enjoy dancing for them? Do you allow more freedom with the females than you allow withyour maile customers?

Avatar for DougS

BTW, thanks for answering my previous questions. It really is nice getting a dancer's perspective.

Thank You!

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I have danced for girls and couples sitting right next to each other..

Alot of times if girls are not use to being in s stripclub, they are to uptight to enjoy themsevles.

Woman who have been there, and get into going can be alot of fun to dance for.. If it is a female customer I don't know, no she gets no more freedom then anyone else.... I don't feel thats fair to anyother paying person in there...

Now if it happens to be a hot chick I know ( dancer or x-dancer that I met or a freind) yea they may get a little more, but not a whole lot more then maybe me sticking my tongue down their throat...

Avatar for DougS

Interesting as usual. Which brings up another question. (seriously, EvilCyn, if you'd rather not answer questions from us PLs here, just say the word!)

Kissing... more specifically the deep French variety... how commonly is that allowed (or better yet initiated) by you or girls that you know in clubs? The reason I ask is that to me, it's a pretty intimate thing and in my experiences it has been pretty rare. Also, in my thinking, it SEEMS to signify a little more closeness than just a customer/dancer relationship.

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With girls I work with, My best friend of 5 years also works with me, her and I always have our tongue's down one anothers throats...

With customers, no, girls I don't know or haven't worked with long, no...I am talking with people I know, yes I think it is a very intimate thing, and would not just share that with anyone, it means nothing and is not a turn on at all if everyone gets it...

Avatar for ShotDisc

sorry for being so vague. I meant in the club, mutual touching, possible sexual contact

Avatar for lopaw

Wow...it's nice to hear that you enjoy dancing for us ladies as well as the gents, evilcyn.

Rock on girl!!!

Avatar for shadowcat

evilcyn: no questions. I have more than enough favorite dancers to answer the questions that you have been asked. And since I know them a lot better than you ( no offensive ment) I got to trust in them. Keep it up as long as you are comfortable with it....

Avatar for minnow

My ? for Evilcyn... Which club do you work at?? If you don't want to answer that, I understand. Lacking that (this may be repetitive as you have more tuscl time than I), could you provide us an idea of your background(yrs dancing, types of club(s) danced at{nude, topless, contact&no contact}, region or city(ies), length of time most recent club, etc. Thanks.

Avatar for evilcyn

As for thee action question, It will be about the same for all who follow the rules, with ATF's, I may just spend more time being as close as I can without getting the evil manager look...

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I dance in the cleveland area. I have only danced in topless clubs.. I have been dancing 10 years, and at my current place for going on 5 years...

Avatar for minnow

EC- Thanks for reply- I might find an excuse to go to Cleveland, once the snow melts(lol). Its rare to find a dancer that has been @ same club for 5 yrs.

Avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy

If the hair stuff is taking an hour, that's time not spent on something pleasing to the customers, I'm pretty sure. For most men, I'd guess, if it's clean shiny s mooth silky and not too elaborate, that's basically all that's necessary. The rest of it is done for the approval of the dancer herself, or of other girls.

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Book Guy, If I have a day where I want to do something different with my hair, do it, and it looks good, I am so much happier and smiley, it is about a dancer feeling good about herself, witch in turns means I am a better entertainment for you ....Somedays I am good with nothing or days I want to look like a princess, it just all depends, and if I go with my mood, my day is uasually more productive..

Avatar for chandler

I've known plenty strippers who needed no more than 10 minutes to be out on the floor looking fabulous. They probably hadn't just rolled out of bed, and preferred to do all but the final primping at home.

Avatar for motorhead

I just had to add my two cents worth to this discussion since my ATF must be the SLOWEST lady in the world to get ready. She gets to the club between 7:30 and 8 pm yet doesn't come out until 9:30 to 10 pm. While I am patiently waiting, the other dancers who know that I am waiting for her will stop and say things like "she is almost ready." She takes a shower, shaves her legs, does her hair and make-up. The anticipation of her coming out of the dressing room makes it all the more special.

On the other hand, I have seen girls at the HH walk in the door and be out on the floor in 10 minutes or less.

Avatar for casualguy

It must be the hair. The dancer who told me she was getting ready for about an hour has some long hair. She apparently was stuck just a short walking distance behind me in an interstate parking lot mess. I visited one club for a little over an hour before they closed. Then I visited her club, sat down for 10 minutes. Then she appeared and asked how long I had been there. She had just gotten ready.

Thanks for the answer evilcyn.

Avatar for casualguy

Now that I think about it, it's probably a good thing the dancers spent some time cooling off if they got upset about being parked on the interstate for what seemed like forever.

I was just hoping no one suffered permanent injuries or died. Still don't know. Of course the wreck was probably saving me money while it was costing the dancers money.

Avatar for ThisOldManPlayed1

First off... a big HEARTY thank you and appreciation for evilcyn answering ALL of our questions!

Secondly.... I had the DISTINCT opportunity to make an acquaintance with evilcyn earlier this month in her club. (see Bugsy's in Elyria, OH) I had no idea what she looked like, but when I first walked in and saw this GORGIOUS woman at the bar..... my first comment to myself was "God, I hope that's her!" It was!

Chandler said: I've known plenty strippers who needed no more than 10 minutes to be out on the floor looking fabulous. Evilcyn is ONE of those 'dancers' he was talking about! Her natural beauty stays with her!

The name 'evilcyn' is a cute name for her, but there is absolutely NOTHING evil about her. I will go as far as to say that she is of the opposite, very very ANGELIC!

One thing for sure, evilcyn is a PRINCESS and I would give ANYTHING to be her PRINCE!

I will definately be back up in the Cleveland area, if not to visit my son, at least to visit my PRINCESS! :-)~

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HappyLapper, You are the sweetest.....

I enjoy answering questions here...

I like the chance to also see what you guys think about things as well...Lets me know of how I can improve on things.......

Avatar for casualguy

I think we may have discussed this here before but to jog my memory, what do you think is a normal tip out fee for dancers? Which people does a dancer typically tip in a club?

Avatar for evilcyn

HappyLapper, thanks for your sweet words..

As for Skankarellas, Yes I have worked with a few over the years.....I don't personally say anything to them, I am just not friendly with them, not rude, just not going out of my way to be nice or friends with them...I am there for my own job, and can't waste energy being angry over it...

Avatar for ShortDuck

evilcyn, I enjoy reading your comments here. I would like to see more dancers participate in these discussions. I like reading your comments much more than these guys bashing each other.

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Skankarellas.... LOL.... I love that term! Never heard it before.

OK dear, here's the gist of things. Within the next 4 weeks, I will be planning a visit up to the Cleveland area. And of course, that calls for another visit to the "infamous Bugsy's" hole-in-the-wall! :-) I'll be sure to contact you days prior to my departure. I just gotta' see dem' EYES (amongst other delectable things) one more time!!!

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