
lap "rag" or large handkerchief

OK, what's the protocol when a dancer places a large handkerchief on your lap and tucks it into your belt? What's she inviting you to do? (I can guess but I wouldn't want to be wrong and then look stupid.) This was at Mons Venus (Tampa), but I imagine elsewhere also.


  • Book Guy
    18 years ago
    The lapper-towel is a longstanding staple of the industry at some clubs, while at other clubs, there's nothing even remotely like it. I think that whether or not a given club or dancer uses one of these things is more based on the legal jurisdiction and its restrictions, and the purveyors' strange interpretations there-of, than on any other motivations.

    For example, at Fantasia just north of Toronto throughout the 1990s, there were regular uses of lap-towels but also regularly available full-service extras. Meanwhile at most other Toronto-area clubs there were no lap-towels. At Platinum Plus in Memphis, until the recent December raid, there were some extras available from some girls, while other girls were quite squeaky-clean, and meanwhile nobody had ever heard of a lap-towel.

    I'm surprised to hear about it at Mons Venus. I recall that in the early 2000s there were none in the whole Tampa area, and perhaps this one girl is not the norm, maybe because she has experience dancing elsewhere.

    In any case, trying to circumvent the towel in order to receive extras, perhaps full-service, would, in my opinion, be only as difficult as negotiating with the right girl. The towel itself becomes moot, once you've agreed to something that partakes of removal of the trousers as well.
  • DandyDan
    18 years ago
    The lap towel (or blanket) is a staple at the one nude club here in Nebraska as well, Shakers in Waverly (listed here as Lincoln). The one previously existing nude club down in Lincoln (since closed up) had it as well. That's the one thing I don't like about it. I think it's the only way they are allowed nude lapdances here. I think it's a nice way to tell LE "Hey, there is no contact here between dancers and customers. We got this towel here." In a way, it seems like that one-foot-on-the-floor thread going on here now.
  • minnow
    18 years ago
    DrRon- My 1st experience with "lap rag" occurred @ 2001 about 10 yrs ago. IMO, strikes me as someones half baked idea of some sort of "protection". Only 1 or 2 dancers did it, they weren't exactly the strongest dancers either. This practice is now de rigeur @ 2001, I don't recall experiencing it at the Monz, if I did, then it was a forgetable dance.
  • DougS
    18 years ago
    The ol' lap rag does serve a purpose in the nude clubs. It helps reduce the chances that your fluids will touch her bare body parts, should you happen to "nut". Also, with her bare body parts, it's not a bad idea to prevent HER juices from getting all over your trousers. I've left a few nude clubs with a wet spot, and I KNOW it wasn't from the inside of MY pants...
  • ThisOldManPlayed1
    18 years ago
    Dear Dr. Ron: (better than Dear Abbie) - I agree with DougS in that the lap rag does help keep the pussy juices from staining your trousers. I've never seen one, but have had my share of pussy stains on my trousers as well as my own stains.

    I always carry a spare handkerchief to the clubs to help clean up any mess, that I might ACCIDENTLY make.
  • DrRon
    18 years ago
    Well, thanks to the several respondents. I see now what was going on and I won't wonder about it next time. (Not that I was focussing on it last time.)
  • chandler
    18 years ago
    BTW, Ron, in case you were still wondering, you shouldn't take the presence or lack of a towel as her way of either inviting you to cum in your pants or not. That's a separate issue, although at Mons Venus, I think you're fairly safe to assume she'd be cool with it.
  • Book Guy
    18 years ago
    chandler: though I agree that she SHOULD be familiar with inside-the-pants male enjoyment to completion, if she works at Mons Venus, I have to mention out a recent irony. On Strip club list dot com, within the last year, I recall an interaction in which one of the dancers at that very club got involved in the discussion. You know how it can go, when a new or overly princessy dancer gets started telling the boys how they should behave? Well, that was how it went. Eventually, she pointed out that ALL dancers ACROSS THE ENTIRE GLOBE would be DISGUSTED if a male sported an ERECTION while she was giving him a lap dance. At that point, I suggested she stop ruining her business ...

    But this was on the Mons Venus page, of all places. Ironic, that the same club should be used by her over there as a paragon of virtue, and by you over here as a paragon of vice. :)
  • parodyman-->
    18 years ago
    Last time I went to a place that uses these, I named my lap-rag "CLIFBAR"!
    18 years ago
    I've only run into a lap rag a few times and it was always in a club where the LDs were done in the nude. I've never encountered it otherwise. Which kinda makes some sense.
  • parodyman-->
    18 years ago
    Go ahead and use Clifbar's face to clean off your cocks. He likes it!
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