
Personality vs Sexuality

Atlanta suburb
Can you spend 6 hours in a strip club just getting one lap dance after another? I can't. I usually will do 2 to 4 and then take a break. During the break, I enjoy talking with my favorite dancers. Topics of discussion can range from strip clubs/strippers to more private/personal lives. I have found that the more we get to know each other personally, the better the lap dances get.

On the other hand. A few months ago, I was in my favorite club with 2 other TUSCLers and I met a dancer new to me. She gave me a BBBJ and then did my 2 friends the same way. One right after the other.

For me, short term is good but I prefer a dancer with personality. That gradually increases sexuality over time.


  • DandyDan
    18 years ago
    I certainly go for personality over sexuality, or at least pure sexuality. I do not go for any dancer who's whole game is to give you a BBBJ, or anything like that. It's not that I am not after that necessarily. It's just that I want to know what they are like first. If there is no chemistry between me and a "10", I can't enjoy it, and it makes me wonder why she was a "10" in the first place. But I know plenty of girls who are a lot less than "10"'s who definitely pass the personality test.
  • shadowcat
    18 years ago
    Btw,a month later, I saw her head bobbing up and down but have not seen her since. Where are you, J---?
  • chandler
    18 years ago
    I can't spend more than about 3 hours in a club without ODing. It's very rare that I enjoy spending more than an hour at a time with one stripper. I choose sexuality over personality. Talking about our personal lives takes me too much out ot the mood. I like to keep things on a pretty superficial level.
  • chitownlawyer
    18 years ago
    My tolerance of total time in a strip club is about where Chandler's is. Much more than three hours, and I start to feel like I am living in a Steely Dan song (or, even worse, a Tom Waits song).

    I do like to visit with a dancer for about a half hour before I get a dance. To go straight to dances betrays the expeience for what it is. So let's each play "let's pretend" for a while...then she can get her money, and I can get my--umm, experience.
  • chitownlawyer
    18 years ago
    My tolerance of total time in a strip club is about where Chandler's is. Much more than three hours, and I start to feel like I am living in a Steely Dan song (or, even worse, a Tom Waits song).

    I do like to visit with a dancer for about a half hour before I get a dance. To go straight to dances betrays the expeience for what it is. So let's each play "let's pretend" for a while...then she can get her money, and I can get my--umm, experience.
  • minnow
    18 years ago
    I see both as being complimentary to a certain extent. Much like desireing a high perf. sports car, but not willing to give up heater, ac, good sound system. Or coveting a luxury car, but don't want it to have numb steering & handling.
  • Book Guy
    18 years ago
    Sometimes I like getting lost in that Steely Dan song, all stoned out on my horniness and zoned out on just the right amount of liquor buzz. It's a tough balance to maintain, but for me, smoking a pipe helps to keep the denizens at bay, and makes me look like I'm doing something productive and important, too.
  • evilcyn
    18 years ago
    I would think that some like myself, that sexuality is part of the personality ..... I am just very sexual in nature, but also love getting into great conversations about out of club topics..
    Isn't kinda something that is a pre req for dancing, without sexuality can ya give a good dance??
  • chandler
    18 years ago
    When I answered that I choose sexuality over personality, it was in response to the original question the way it was posed. I don't care to spend my time with a stripper talking about everything under the sun. That doesn't mean I don't appreciate her personality. I just focus on how she expresses it through her sexuality as long as I'm in a strip club. It's impossible to separate the two, and strippers who try to leave their personality at home aren't very fun.
    18 years ago
    I have to be with a dancer I really like to spend more than about 1.5 hours in a club. A typical visit for me is to sit and watch for about a half hour, have a girl join me, talk for a half hour, get some dances from her, then leave. Often for me the mst enjoyable part is the conversation. And I almost never spend time with more than one girl per visit, it's rare enough to find one who I like. So I guess personality is more important for me. I like her to have some sexuality too but I like it to be fairly subtle.
  • DougS
    18 years ago
    If I had to answer the question completely "either or", I would have to say the most important trait is sexuality. I'm there to be entertained sexually, not with a sparkling personality.

    In reality, her personality needs to be attractive to me, too, if I am to spend any length of time with her. She could be the hottest dancer there, but if our personalities do not mesh, I would probably get a few dances with her (probably three) just to enjoy her visually, and then I'd move on to look for the hot girl with the personality to go with it.

    I'd rather spend my time with an 8 that had a nice personality, than a 10 with whom I couldn't relate.
  • chandler
    18 years ago
    It would be difficult for me to find a stripper I like if I were to take as deep an interest in her personality as I do with a potential girlfriend. However, I'm not looking for somebody to spend a season of my life with, just a few fleeting moments of superficial fun. One reason I intentionally limit my exploration of her personality is that I don't want to learn things that could turn me off and spoil her ability to sexually entertain me. This way, at a decent club I can usually find several girls I like enough to spend up to an hour with concentrating on the pastime that attracts me to a strip club once or twice a month, not the kind of wide ranging conversation I might have the other 27-30 nights of the month at a regular bar or coffee house or anyplace.

    Besides, there's a limit to how well you can know the personality of a stripper you're paying to entertain you. When she tells you about her private life and her feelings about all kinds of stuff, no matter how many hours you're together, you may think you're getting close, but it's an act. You're buying the illusion of emotional intimacy. At least her sexiness is something I can be sure about, so as long as I'm paying, that's what I want.
  • parodyman-->
    18 years ago
    Chandler is right on point! Who the fuck wants to know any personal details? Who gives a shit? Any "real" facets of the dancer's life will probably be a turn off anyway. Stick with the fantasy. That is what you are paying for!
  • ThisOldManPlayed1
    18 years ago
    Actually, to me, Personality and Sexuality go hand in hand for enjoying a good time with a dancer.

    At Bugsy's in Elyria, most all of their dancers were very very sexual in nature in their performances and in receiving tips. But, I only had the occasion to be with ONE dancer (???? need I say who?) and she had a very OUTGOING personality along with her sexuality, which her eyes, her movements, her smile, her tight bod, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc....

    However, if you are looking for conversation, Personality is a requirement. If you are looking for lust, Sexuality must be there.
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