
Most exotic gift a stripper ever gave you?

Atlanta suburb
I could say, the time she bought me a lap dance with another dancer but am thinking more in terms of real gifts. Like shirts, etc. In my case my first ATF, after returing from a trip to the Phillipines with her mother, gave me a bottle of Vino Viagro. That was 4 years ago. I still have not opened the bottle. I told her that I was waiting for that visit to my house to open it. That never happened and she has quit the business and I have no contact with her. I have searched the internet and still can not find a definite answer to what it is. It is produced by Tanduay Distillers of the Phillipines. Their web site only mentions its name but not what it is. Wine or an aphrodisiac? Is it legal in the US? I won't drink any of it untill I know what it is. Just like I won't buy Viagra from an unknown in India. I just emailed their USA contact for information. If any of you have knowledge of this drink, please post. It's been driving me nuts for 4 years.


  • casualguy
    18 years ago
    Other than free dances from different dancers and other much nicer freebies, one dancer gave me a free calendar from one dancers club she was working at when she disappears from the club I usually see her at. hmm, I just remembered she told me last year I was on the DVD for that club and that was my first visit to that club. I was wondering what all the tv cameras were for. A dancer found a seat for me right at the stage and then months later another dancer told me I was on the DVD.
    I'm leaving footprints in some of the clubs I visit. Another dancer from NC told me there was a picture of me in a club there I visited around their opening time. I never noticed.
  • casualguy
    18 years ago
    I found a reference searching the net. One guy said wine in the Phillipines was generally not that great but listed alternatives. One of those was the fortified wine you mentioned above Vino Viagro. He went on to say he tried to drink that and dozens of other alternative fortified wines from the Phillipines but said don't unless you don't mind drinking Sterno or rubbing alcohol. Not sure if he was referring to the Vino Viagro or all of the alternatives.

    site I found this on

  • DougS
    18 years ago
    I've never had a stripper give me a store bought gift, so I guess themost exotic gift that I have received from a stripper, would be HERSELF. It's always fun unwrapping and then playing with gifts like that!
  • chandler
    18 years ago
    IGU: As we said when you asked here before, Vino Viagro is a fortified wine. Does your bottle have an ordinary wine label or a big photo of a half naked couple on it? In 2003, Tanduay tried to take advantage of the brand name similarity to Viagra by re-labeling the bottles to imply an aphrodisiac property, but that's purely marketing. Pfizer took them to court over it for copyright infringement, even though the wine pre-dated the drug.

    The newer label can be seen here:

    It sounds like pretty nasty stuff. Made from weird ingredients like asparagus, not grapes. If you Google vino-viagro, the top two hits are the above blog and another wine blog that says this:

    "Vino Viagro and dozens of other local fortified wines are available. I had a project to try them all, but could not do it. They are undrinkable by anyone who would not drink Sterno or rubbing alcohol. Stay away, save your brain cells."
  • shadowcat
    18 years ago
    chandler: I have done the same Google and Yahoo searches as you and came up with the same results. With the exception of the law suit. My bottle has 2 half naked people on the label. Thanks for your answers. I will continue to keep this bottle but only as a rememberance of more fun times
  • lopaw
    18 years ago
    Although not exotic, the best gift a former ATF ever gave me was my freedom.
    I still love her (in a PL sorta way, of course), but the woman was absolutely nuts.
  • shadowcat
    18 years ago
    lopaw, I know where you are coming from but I was looking for material items...
  • chandler
    18 years ago
    IGU: The suit was filed in 2003 and is still ongoing. Google pfizer+tanduay+infringement to see a very basic listing. It doesn't even mention Vino Viagro, but I'm sure that's what it's about. I was able to find more info on it last year, including a picture of the old label, which looked like an old fashioned wine bottle.
  • Clubber
    18 years ago
    She knew I had back problems, so she bought me a back massager that fit in my car. I could drive and get a massage as well as apply heat to my back. Still use it. It never replaced her massages, however.
  • parodyman-->
    18 years ago
    I don't accept gifts, but I knew one fun seeking individual who got blistering anal warts from a dancer.
  • ThisOldManPlayed1
    18 years ago
    OK IGU: I was about to follow through with my exotic gift as "erotic moments", but you clarified a material item.

    So..... my most exotic gift a stripper/dancer gave me? A perpetual HARD-ON (hours). All I'm going to say is that it occured in Elyria, Ohio!
  • Yoda
    18 years ago
    I have a hand-made piece art in the shape of a guitar that my retired ATF brought me back from Brazil right before she retired.
    It's made of copper wire and was hand made while she watched by an artisan on the beach in Salvador. The look on her face when she pulled it out of a small bag to surprise me was priceless.
  • Shekitout
    18 years ago
    Voges chocolates, chermoya fruit, bottle of Phillippine beer(still in refrig at my former office), French pastries from a trip she made to France, a carrot cake, lip prints on my forehead, contact with her shaved kitty. Igiveup: Any of this sound familiar to you?
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