

2 dancers who've hated each other since day 1 were buddy buddy today. :)

Unfortunately, although they were nice enough to me neither had any interest in selling me dances.

1 of the 2 dancers always runs hot and cold with everyone it seems so that didn't bother me 1 way or the other. At least she was being nice.

The 2nd dancer is always friendly and eager to give good dances. And, she was again today except for the dances, which she just didn't want to sell me.

Seeing those 2 joking around and being friends just hit me for a loop. I think I'd rather see them be friends and lose the dances if that is what it takes. Dancers are freaking WACKY!!! :) At least I saved some money.


  • Professor906090
    17 years ago
    Sounds like there is more to this story, otherwise, the two dancers would not go into the conspiracy not to sell you dances. They could have offered a double-up to you, or dance with you separately. Assuming you looked you usual self, there must have been a simple enough explanation to this enigma. Care to come clean? :)
  • jablake
    17 years ago

    A conspiracy? I wouldn't jump to that conclusion. As I said the one dancer always runs hot and cold with everyone. That is just the way she is.

    I didn't have any shortage of offers from other dancers so my looks shouldn't of been an issue. Perhaps the shocked look plastered to my face. :) These dancers have always hated each other with an open passion.

    The only thing different was that the very friendly one gave me her phone number about 10 days ago (I didn't ask for it) and promised to call me. In the distant past she always called when she said she would so I thought I would hear from her. When I didn't hear from her I called her and said she was too busy to talk, but that she would call me back. I didn't think she was going to (despite her excellent record in the past) and she didn't. When I saw her at the club she came and was her very friendly self except that anything more than normal friends contact seemed off limits, which was very strange.

  • Professor906090
    17 years ago
    Sounds like the friendly one may be engage in a some sort of relationship that she holds dear. When that happens, I have noticed, dancers would limit their communication to the minimum, may reduce their millage too. I do not know if they would go so far as to stop selling dances, but who cares, right?! :) Great story, Jabalake, thanks!
  • jablake
    17 years ago

    Dancers will stop selling dances, but normally they will be much more direct. I guess they figure the guy is so use to hearing bs or is so dense emotion wise that it needs to be spelled out.

    I care for the friendly one, but definitely want to keep it play for pay. As I told her way back, there is a huge difference between hanging out in a strip club and the real world. There is also some tiny emotional play with the hot and cold one, but she is one tough woman for the most part. Although she is hot and cold she has a stronger work ethic than most of the dancers. Even that slipped which was surprising.

    I'm guessing the friendly one asked for my number because she was having relationship problems. Then she changed her mind for whatever reasons.

  • Professor906090
    17 years ago
    Good luck, Jablake, hope the friendly one will become you AFT soon. Keep us posted.
  • jablake
    17 years ago

    She was at the top for years. I would see her almost every day. She is the dancer who told me that as long as I kept paying her that I wouldn't stand a chance with her.

    She is also the one who has been trying to get a regular job for years. I visited where she worked and the situation was far worse than she described. She really put a good face on the situation. This sad sad man's face just lit up when I mentioned her name. He couldn't stop telling me what a wonderful person she is and that although he didn't have any friends he felt she might be a friend even though she didn't have time to spend with him. One of the nice things she did was the company called both to work and when he arrived eager for work they told him NO she got here first so you have to go home. He says he started crying his eyes out and she stepped forward and said he could take her place. He said that kindness meant more to him than she will ever know. What a beautiful person, etc.

    Boy, did I feel sad after talking to that man. I asked her about it and she shrugged her shoulders and said well at least I have the option to dance. She also said she wishes he wasn't so desperate for the job because she felt that she really fit in very well.

  • Professor906090
    17 years ago
    Jablake, now you are telling the story that I knew was behind the situation described in your initial post!.. YES, for as long as you pay her, you do not stand a chance. She says the truth. Too bad you did not listen, assuming you wanted OTC relationship. You have two options now: either leave her along and move on. The best way would be stop coming to this club, though that may be very difficult, but a real man will find the way. Second option is to give in into emotion, become a PL and take her humiliation just so you can still see her, dances or not. My advise, if I may, is to do not overinvest emotionally, it is not worth it. If you think you are in love with her, use the feeling for something creative and it may be wise to get less involved in her life for a time being. Things do have the way to go around, if they are ment to be...
  • jablake
    17 years ago

    I don't follow where you are coming from. She was honest with me way back and I appreciated that and told her so. I also told her that the relationship needed to remain basically the way it was. I pay money and she provides a service. (That doesn't mean that I don't care about her.) I did see her a few times OTC, but I always made sure money was part of the bargain. One time she just wanted $10 for an emergency, but didn't want to earn it even though she was willing to come pick the money up! I said what difference does it make and besides you can earn more than $10 as long as you're coming over. She said if she had to she would work for the money, but it just didn't seem right to her. She said in the club, it is just her job. Out of the club doesn't feel right even though it is the same thing.

    One time she brought over a sweet hottie that did FS for $25, but I didn't have any interest in FS with a complete stranger even one that was nice and hot. The dancer I like was willing to provide FS, but didn't want to. She has a problem with being a prostitute. So because she said it would make her unhappy I haven't had FS with her.

  • Professor906090
    17 years ago
    Jablake, do you know what is that you want now?
  • jablake
    17 years ago

    Sure, the same as always. I pay her for a GFE and she provides that service. Just like the old days. But, that is up to her and what she needs. It is looking like she isn't going to offer that (just a little more than a friendly touch and she backed away quick--given the number of times I've felt her all over that is absurd), but who knows. Times change. She gets into some money trouble and there is a chance that I may hear from her. Or, at the club she might get into the mood.

    She needs to understand that her only interest is money! GFE=$ The math is so simple. :)

  • ThisOldManPlayed1
    17 years ago
    jablake - You're beginning to sound more and more like RL with these hypothetical situation.
  • jablake
    17 years ago
    Hi Bones,

    Read more carefully. What is hypothetical?
  • shadowcat
    17 years ago
    Bones: Not RL but I have several reasons to suspect that he is Kyle1111 with a changed personality to make him more acceptable on here.
  • jablake
    17 years ago

    RL??? Not RIL? (Regular in Love) So who where is RL? I haven't seen any posts by an RL.
  • ThisOldManPlayed1
    17 years ago
    You as well as most of us won't see posts from RL, because we've all placed him on "ignore", because he was posing as a hopeless romantic, always asking hypothetical questions, and answering to our responses with more questions. Get the picture????
  • jablake
    17 years ago

    Well, I'm definitely interested in paid romance i.e. fake romance. If a customer just wants grind, then that seems like nothing special. Also, the dancers that I've met seem to strongly prefer just doing grind. Generally, the dancer wont have to worry about some pea brained customer falling in love just from her giving lots of contact.

    Anyway, definitely I'm interested in dancers who can fake feelings and make it seem real. I want to spend for that service.

    The dancer in my non-hypothetical has moved on before so there isn't any reason for me to believe she wouldn't move on again. If so, then best wishes to her as I told her the last time.

  • DougS
    17 years ago
    So you want a dancer that will use all of her skills to make you think she is falling in love with you, but you want to pay for it to make sure that it remains just a fantasy?

    I don't get that. I guess by doing so, you don't have to worry about ever having feelings for her and potentially getting hurt... is that your MO?

  • jablake
    17 years ago

    I will have feelings for her, but not nearly as intense. If she says beat it, then I just beat it. No problems. Just business. She is much more like just a regular friend--business or social. A regular friend tells me to beat it and I'm gone. Same with a dancer.

    Also, love is wonderful---------however, that ain't a ballgame. IOWs, you may love someone, but it isn't a good relationship. Perhaps she wants an army of children and you want none. Perhaps she likes religious mumbo jumbo and you like sci fi mumbo jumbo. More likely she wants sex once or twice a week and you need it at least once a day if she is going to be living with you.

    Also, she may want a government marriage. In this society that is totally sick for a man to consider. Here in Florida you have man who were duped by their wives paying for another man's children. The try and stick up for their natural rights and behind prison walls they go.

  • jablake
    17 years ago
    Correction: Here in Florida you have men who were duped by their unfaithful wives into paying for another man's children. The man then tries and stick up for his natural rights and behind prison walls he is very likely to find himself. Oh, and this corrupt system is so corrupt it is all about extortion of attorneys' fees by the lawyer judge for his lawyer buddies.
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