
Comments by ThisOldManPlayed1 (page 16)

  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    This one for Dancers only
    chandler - easy boy easy. Just makin' some fun since we don't have a good share of FEMALE dancers responding to this post. BTW, the Prof didn't specific male or female dancers. LOL Anybody got a Darvocet?
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Do you have a favorite that is hard to recognize?
    Sometimes, I wish I weren't so easily recognized by dancers (that I don't care to see again!)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Turn-on or turn-off?
    I agree with driver01..... in that I believe some dancers verbally inflate their current take, just to impress customers in hopes that their dances are worthwhile. In most cases I have been involved with... THEY'RE NOT!!!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Thought triggers
    I LIKE driver01's answer the most!!! BRAVO!! I must not be into the music field as most of the posters, as I can't or won't recall names of songs, other than Cadillac Pussy! My thought trigger??? When I'm getting 'muff faced' by a dancer and found she used NO feminine hygiene spray! That triggers my nostrils to "close" and hold my breath!!!! :-)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    What annoys ME the most!!!
    From the aforementioned threads, I take it we're all talking about annoying talks with our dancers. Like 'driver01', I can be a great listener, but if dancers don't speak loud or clear enough, I don't catch every word of their conversation. Of course, being 'tone death' and having 'tinnitis' doesn't help me hear either, especially with background music and noise. As far as other annoyances, when I polite turn down a dancer's invitation for a lap dance, it annoys the hell out of me when they keep returning with hope and asking again. There is one particular dancer at Bugsy's Speakeasy that does this. On my next visit there, if that dancer is there again, I'm going to ask my ATF to step-in and explain that when a customer turns her down for a table dance, not to bug them anymore. What else annoys me in a club? Those 'Cosmopolitan' dancers, you know the nines and dimes, that think their 'shit' don't stink and keep asking for high prices lap dances! Sure, a cute face is nice, but a talented and skilled dancer can make ALL the difference in the world.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    An ideal AFT
    My ideal ATF or AFT(?) is already ideal. She's 'spoken' for, beautiful, talented, and intelligent! We've never been OTC together and never discussed it. She turns me on like no other dancer does, in her own special ways. Sometimes, I believe some people will term a dancer their ATF only because she provides extras to them and them only, or to few others. Other times, I think customers award the ATF term to a dancer that they get MOST of their dances from, but not particularly for their skills. The term ATF can be defined many ways by many different people. That's just how acronyms work.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Roles that dancers play
    ellpol - Congratulations on your membership and welcome to TUSCL. Thanks for posting your thread. Hope you become a regular on our discussion board. I believe that it would not matter whether my ATF or her sister dancers role played for me, because I am in their club to spend money and enjoy myself. They are in their club to make money and hopefully enjoy themselves in doing so. At least, I try to get my dancers to enjoy our experience together. As far as role playing from dancers, yes. I enjoy that. Of course I know 'who' they really are and some things about them, but still, a little role playing with each other can make for an interesting session.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Define ATF
    I beg to differ with my good buddy DougS. He is a romantist and I'm not. (at least at this present moment) To me, an ATF is what it means, "All Time Favorite" dancer, as far as strip clubs go. In other words, if I walked into Bugsy's Speakeasy today, I would have about 4 favorite (FAV) dancers, one being my ATF (Cyn). In that I am NOT 'in love' with Cyn, she is my most favorite dancer of ALL 4 dancers in the clubs I go to. I don't look at my ATF as a GFE or an option for OTC. To me, GFE means there is a strong physical and mental attraction that has 'some emotional love' attached to it. An OTC to me is just an opportunity to spend more intimate 'non-love type' time together, enjoying each others physical attributes. I don't believe that an ATF should stay with a customer that has awarded her his coveted title of ATF. She is working in the club to make money, and also may have other regular or favorite customers around. If she were to ignore those regulars because "her ATF" is in the club, she probably would be 'hurting' herslef financially, if not that day, in the future. We may be told by a dancer that we are their ATF, but I wouldn't belief it. I think the ATF term should stay at the customer's disgression. I sincerely believe most dancers don't want an ATF customer, and would be just as happy having 'regular' or 'favorites' as customers. If I were to fall in love with my ATF, she would then become my girl friend, possibly my fiancee, then my wife. Or if married, she would either become my 'affair', 'other woman', or significant other (SO). But, as long as my ATF has a husband or SO, I won't interfer with her life, other than being her 'regular' or one of her 'favorite' customers. DougS - I, of course, mean no harm in disagreeing with you partially, but this is how I personally view ATFs. evilcyn - Your input into this topic would greatly be appreciated, since you were mentioned in this thread. Have I got most dancers' views as far as having 'regular' or 'favorite' customers, rather than an ATF customer?
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Turn-on or turn-off?
    Dittos! I don't care to hear financial status of a dancer, whether it's good or bad. I'm in a club to acquire enjoyment from female companionship at minimal cost.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    "She's going country..."
    FONDL - Not yet. Last Saturday, prior to the Buckeyes game, I took her shopping at Victoria's Secret. She bought some panties, bras, and a teddy outfit. After the game and a movie (Kindom), we went back to her office. She modeled for me everything I bought her. Love those 36Cs~!! I like your idea though. Next 'evening massage', I'll bring some scented candles and a bottle of good German Moselland Riesling quality white wine. I always keep a spare bottle at home. By the way, I'll be bringing a picture of her to Columbia, that she had taken of her in her bikini at the beach a week ago. I'll do her feet and legs next visit. I'm scheduled for a one-hour session tomorrow, but don't have time to return the favor to her. I prefer giving her massages in the evening anyway! :-)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    This one for Dancers only
    I'd be willing to do another GIG at evilcyn's bar/club for my FAVs there, but there are always male customers around by the time I get there. Maybe, if they had me come in 30 minutes before they opened??
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Is there anyone out there like me. Just one favorite club???
    Ironcat - I don't blame you one bit. Keep going to the FAV high mileage club, for sure. When ALL the clubs were open in Memphis, The Tunica Cabaret was my FAV, for the same reason, EXTREMELY high mileage, at least for me. The other clubs hardly ever saw my butt. Although my FAVs were always there waiting for me.... duh, wait.... (re-phrase)... waiting for my $$$$, the club would hire new dancers, which gave me a chance to breaking them in to my style. Most the times, my FAVs had already told the newbies what I enjoy, and either stayed away from me or became part of my harem, so to speak.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Lick that Fat Ass . . . Visually Disgusting . . .
    I know in some of the 'dives' you tend to see a lot of heavy dancers, but hardly or ever in a "glitzy" club. I suppose the clientel who frequests 'dives' don't mind the heavy dancers, with one exception....ME! I can always find one '7' or a skinny homie girl in those clubs, and they usually get all my attention, if I hang around long enough.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Do you have a favorite that is hard to recognize?
    Come to think of it, I did in the past. One was always good at giving head, so whenever she had her head stuck in someone elses lap, I never recognized her.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Some [Ohio] strip clubs dancing around new law
    No FONDL, I don't think your missing anything. Ya' gotta' remember this was a newspaper reporter writing this article for the Dispatch, and probably never had been in a SC before. I suppose if the dancer was at least slamming her tits in his face, we could consider it a "Titty Dance"? LOL
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Is there anyone out there like me. Just one favorite club???
    LOL@ClevelandTom. He's pretty much correct as my FAV club is usually the one I am currently sitting in. If it appears to be slow or dead, I try to liven it up some by acting FREAKISH! Thanks to Saint Ohio's House and Senate, I suppose I'll make Brad's Brass Flamino in Indy my favorite club from here on out. I don't mind spending my money in another state. Two more days, I'll be funneling lots of twenty-dollar bills into South Carolina!!!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Lick that Fat Ass . . . Visually Disgusting . . .
    jablake - I have some questions concerning your 'non-hypotheticals'. If they are actual club visits, how come you haven't written a review since August 7th on these visits? Are you writing your reviews on the Discussion Board now? Not that I care either way. As far as your topic, I just don't like FAT dancers.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Do you have a favorite that is hard to recognize?
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Some [Ohio] strip clubs dancing around new law
    yndy - Already covered this article under old Ohio Law posts.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    A fair trade
    I'm probably around 'chandler's' monetary figure, spending between $30K-40K, maybe slightly more. I'd probably invest the money in my daughter's b/f mortgage title company, since I'm already 85% owner of it. Other than that, instead of wasting it on material things, I'd probably split it between my daughter and son. To hell with the strip club memories. I'll get new ones to replace the ones I forgot!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    How Many of You think strip clubbing is an Addiction?
    You sound really cool MIDancer! Thanks for your posts.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    One week untill the TUSCL meet up in Columbia SC...
    Oh my, you guys that make a show are in for a treat. I'll be bringing a picture of my 27 year old massage therapist to display. (She insisted with clothing, sorry) However, she is in a bikini!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Academy awards nominations for the best lines by a stripper and the winner IS?
    Dancer Quote: You've been blessed, as I find you well endowed! My Response: You've just got tiny hands dear.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Would you hire your ATF to work for you?
    Sorry, I put breast size and jiggle factor above reliability and experience! I wouldn't have hired her to be productive at work, just sit there and look pretty!!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    "She's going country..."
    FONDL - Speak of your massage therapist.... I finally got mine to let me give her 'in return', 'no cost' massages to her. I'm still in training, really. Sad news is she lays on her stomach (topless) and I only get to do her neck, arms, hands, fingers, sides, and back. I'm trying to behave myself in these situations, and have been successful thus far. Reaching my 'breaking point' rather quickly though! :-)