Roles that dancers play

avatar for Professor906090
Someone mentioned that experienced dancers are like actresses. However, unlike real life actresses, our AFTs usually sticks to one image. If you had to describe your ATF role using characters from the movies, what would it be? Kinda difficult when I think about mine but the closest match would be that dancer chick from the movie "Closer". Young, ambitious, screwed-up, incredibly hot, rough, passionate, greedy...


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avatar for jablake
17 years ago

I would say very sweet and kind. It is a role that I haven't seen too often. Dark Angel, but she is a Ms. Rambo which is a turnoff. It is her caring side that is very appealing. Bionic woman another turnoff. GI Jane, major turnoff. Who is that manly chick in Stark Trek? Latasha Yard? Ick.

avatar for DandyDan
North Iowa
17 years ago
Jablake- FYI, it's Tasha Yar.

Not really sure any of my favorites match a character from the movies. One does the Princess Leia hairstyle occasionally, which must be time-consuming to pull off, but there is no match.
avatar for Clubber
17 years ago

Likely "G-String Diva's" is the show you mention. I was once in a club where they were filming the show, although I never saw the finished product.
avatar for jablake
17 years ago
Hi ellpol,

Welcome. I see you just became a member today. Of course, any moron knows that all dancers only want $$$$$$$ just like all Republicans are closet homosexuals or brain dead or both. And, since we are stereotyping all black men *only* lust for fat bloblike white women. It's true I watched on an HBO special or was it a BS special? Whatever, same difference.

avatar for DougS
17 years ago
I "see" my ATF in a LOT of actresses that I see in movies. Not so much for their personalities, but looks-wise. It's probably because I have her on my mind so much, but there are a few that she resembles quite a lot.
avatar for FONDL
17 years ago
I'm not sure why but my ATF used to remind me of Holly Golightly in "Breakfast At Tiffany's" which you younger guys have probably never seen (it's my all-time favorite movie.) They don't look at all alike but there's something about their respective personalities, maybe their strong willed self-confidence coupled with an underlying feeling of vulnerability that makes you want to protect them?
avatar for ThisOldManPlayed1
17 years ago
ellpol - Congratulations on your membership and welcome to TUSCL. Thanks for posting your thread. Hope you become a regular on our discussion board.

I believe that it would not matter whether my ATF or her sister dancers role played for me, because I am in their club to spend money and enjoy myself. They are in their club to make money and hopefully enjoy themselves in doing so. At least, I try to get my dancers to enjoy our experience together.

As far as role playing from dancers, yes. I enjoy that. Of course I know 'who' they really are and some things about them, but still, a little role playing with each other can make for an interesting session.
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