
Lick that Fat Ass . . . Visually Disgusting . . .

Another non-hypothetical for Bones.

I was at The Trap last night. Pretty much nothing but garbage for dancers. (Why no Angels? WAY TOO CROWDED + a high cover $10 or more + parking is extra. It has become the in place from being dead just a couple years earlier.) There is this HUGE beast on stage. Her butt could easily take 2 full chairs and probably 3 or more. The man next to me kept giving her fists full of dollars. He even "forced" me to give her a buck. Thank god she understood I didn't want any of her attention. Her hole wasn't the biggest that I've seen, but it was LARGE. On her last set the man going crazy over her started whimpering that he wanted to kiss her butt. She thought it was crazy, but she gave it up. So he starts licking her like he is a cat and she is a bowl of cream!

Men don't like tubs of lard? I wish that was so because then maybe the strip clubs would be free of these blubber butts.


  • David9999
    17 years ago
    It always amazed me too how certain guys just love fat ass women. Taking a wild guess I would place the number of "Chubby Chasers" somewhere between 2 to 8%. Why they would they need to go to a strip club, when they could go to nearly any WALMART in the country.

    The more interesting question is why most men are attracted to slender yet slightly to moderately curvaceous women. Since most females (without exercise or the easy way by smoking) by their 20's start adding weight, particularly after having children - they too tend to question why men seem to have this relentless attraction.

    My own opinion is that is derives from the simple fact that females for the first few years when they first enter puberty (as a simple matter of human physiology) tend to be on the slender side with the curvaceous features just starting to bloom, and this is precisely the time frame when the dominant Alpha males in the tribe would make their selections. Now of course today those ages are 17 or 18 vs lets say probably 13 or 14 or less from eons ago - however the point is typical males DNA today (carried forward from early man) will be directing them toward duplicating (whereever possible) the norms of the most successful males in evolution. Their genes in effect have a roadmap that if followed will presumptively increase the chances of ultimate genetic survival, and its tells them that mating with slender and slightly to moderately curvaceous females - will increase those genetic odds going forward.
  • jablake
    17 years ago

    In Africa there is a tribe where the women have gigantic butts. It turns out these fat asses are fantastic during periods of severe drought when food is non-existent. Choosing a small butted women is tantamount to choosing death in that particular environment.

    Given a choice between death and mating with a fat assed woman seems like choosing death is a better option.

  • David9999
    17 years ago
    Note that the major media has continually pushed the idea that popular culture itself, along with men in general, supposedly has created man's continued yearning for slender women, and also has blamed men for inducing anorexia.

    Ironically the evidence indicates (among other people in the industry) its gay fashion directors and relaed parties in the industry that seemed to create the (often hips airbrushed out) hipless anorexic look so popular in trade and fashion publications (apparently equating with the gay ideal of the 12 y/o boy) - yet most men are more turned on by the girl who is both slender and curvaceous -more like the B and C cup models in Playboy than the (generally hipless) beanpoles in magazines like Vogue
  • jablake
    17 years ago

    Seems like the powers that be have been pushing Ms. Rambo non-stop. Who knows perhaps some guys are into that. Leaves me cold unless she plans on taking my place on the front lines and even then my interest in a relationship with her would be fairly low. I'm focused on small soft women.

    There is the theory that culture determines beauty . . . well, I can see that to some extent especially with all the males who pretty much are interested in any hole, period.

  • ThisOldManPlayed1
    17 years ago
    jablake - I have some questions concerning your 'non-hypotheticals'. If they are actual club visits, how come you haven't written a review since August 7th on these visits? Are you writing your reviews on the Discussion Board now? Not that I care either way.

    As far as your topic, I just don't like FAT dancers.

  • jablake
    17 years ago
    Hi Bones,

    I could be writing reviews left and right. People don't want to read my reviews so for the most part I won't do reviews. Besides, why tell people about Angels when it has become too popular even when da fat mommas show? Furthermore, the typical TUSCLer would be happier at Tootsies--expensive and lots of fake tits and most importantly white. If there was more freedom, then I'd open another Angels right across the street or even next door! It is a mint and even if it was a loser it would still be a dream come true.

    In the past week I could have written 4 reviews for Angels, a review for The Trap, a review for Coco's, and a review for the RoLexx. Yes, it was a slow week and it will getting even slower because of mounting financial pressures. I might not even go to a single club this week. :(

  • jablake
    17 years ago

    I haven't bothered to check yet AGAIN to see if the club information has been updated. But, I thought that I had some important information regarding club Diamonds (upscale black club). It was either the club wasn't opening at its stated hours based on more than a few attempts to visit during the day or the cover had jumped to $20. Whatever. People can go find out on their own.

    I might do a review of Black Gold if I ever get down there. Or, I may not. Big deal. If something interesting happens like a customer performs oral sex with a crack whore on stage, then I might post about the experience or maybe not.

  • jablake
    17 years ago
    Oh yes, I almost forgot. If you have a coupon for free admission to club Diamonds there is a good chance it wont be honored. I was told some nonsense about that being a different manager who did that promotion. Anyway, if money isn't an issue and you go very late at night then it should be a winner if you like black dancers and an upscale environment.

    Oops, another review. :(

    17 years ago
    Years ago I had a friend who only dated really fat women. He himself wasn't fat, he just found fat womnen to be attractive. I could never figure out why.

    Have you ever noticed how often you see a really well built black guy with a really fat white girlfriend or wife? I find that to be puzzling too. It always makes me wonder if black guys tend to prefer fatter women than most white guys do.
  • jablake
    17 years ago
    Hi FONDL,

    Based on what I see at the clubs the answer is a definite YES!!!

  • David9999
    17 years ago
    I don't think black guys prefer fat women per se, maybe well built women with for example nice asses - yes, but often on the slender side with long legs too. Now actor Jamie Foxx has said repeatedly he actually prefers women on the heavy side, although I doubt he's talking Walmart level
  • David9999
    17 years ago
    I often see black guys with incredibly hot blondes - 10 level, nice asses, long legs, pretty faces - the whole deal
  • jablake
    17 years ago

    I haven't seen black men with hotties in a long time--it was in fashion over here many years ago. I do see fat and more fat being chosen as prime beef by black men and this is in the clubs. Outside the club I see these fat white women who are damn lucky there are men of any color that want them. Sometimes I'm looking and the black man will be chiseled muscle looking good and I look at the white blob next to him and say damn I'm glad he took her off the market. But, why????? She doesn't look wealthy . . . he just wants to look good by comparison . . . whatever at least she is getting some manly attention.

  • ThisOldManPlayed1
    17 years ago
    I know in some of the 'dives' you tend to see a lot of heavy dancers, but hardly or ever in a "glitzy" club. I suppose the clientel who frequests 'dives' don't mind the heavy dancers, with one exception....ME!
    I can always find one '7' or a skinny homie girl in those clubs, and they usually get all my attention, if I hang around long enough.
  • DandyDan
    17 years ago
    I had a college roommate like that. One time, I spent some time on a group project for a class which kept me out well after midnight. I go back to my dorm finally and there are two absolutely fat chicks 69ing on the floor and he's banging one of them in the ass. That was the most bizarre experience in my life to that point.

    Anyway, while I can understand why people think it's disgusting, I think it's mostly just a society thing and don't find it repulsive personally. Most of them seem like pleasant people to be around, even if they are only in the dive bars. For me, it's not whether she turns everyone else on, but whether she turns me on.
  • DougS
    17 years ago
    I will choose a average to below average looking thin girl, over a fat - or even thick - girl with a pretty face EVERY time. If she's too thick, I will not be the least bit interested.

  • snowtime
    17 years ago
    I totally agree with DougS's brief comment. I will avoid any eye contact with heavy dancers and hope that they don't venture my way. I am only interested in viewing and getting dances from thin girls. I too can see all the fatties I want in Walmart and Waffle House for free. I will not tip a heavy dancer as it only encourages them to stay at the club.
  • jablake
    17 years ago

    There was another big dancer there that I knew from Angels. Really a super duper sweet person. She works so hard for practically nothing and I'm trying to discourage her by being cheap in the extreme. And, she really isn't blubber and is in good shape, but she's naturally big and naturally very friendly. Her tits are fine in that their real and feel great. Defy gravity which is amazing given their size. And, a big big dude would probably be lucky to have her. I'm a RUNT. And, worse than that I like women that are even smaller than me!

    I really hurt her feelings at The Trap. :( It felt bad. Real bad. She believes that if she is nice enough and cheap enough and and high mileage enough that surely it can be very positive. She isn't into looks even a little and doesn't understand that. Unfortunately, looks are of supreme importance to me. I'd rather have a nasty bitch that looked hot.

    I actually even like her as long as there is absolutely NO FOOLING around. Yes, playing with her tits was nice, but it didn't feel good in that that was all she was good for and even then I didn't want to cast my gaze anywhere but her tits. If she offered me a cheap bj, then it still wouldn't be a good deal. Bottom line I can definitely see where she has a lot to offer the right man, but it ain't me. Even when a woman is very attractive if she is big it is a total zero for me. I think go find a football player or some other big man and leave me alone.

    I felt really bad about being mean. And, I still feel bad about it. She was in shape--that wasn't the problem. She was just naturally very large.

  • jablake
    17 years ago

    So any ideas on how I could have avoid being a piece shit for that single encounter?

    Maybe I just got started down the wrong path by playing with her tits (at her urging) and paying her a couple dollars for it. Yes, it was worth a couple bucks considering that she wasn't in the slightest rush and they were real and felt good. I just felt guilty taking her time for so little money. Can she really afford to let me play with tits for a long time for just a couple bucks? I mean at Angels the house fees have gone thru the roof and Tootsies was never cheap for the girls.

    I wish she was money focused so that she wouldn't waste any of her time with me.

    And, actually it even gets worse. If I did just go with the flow---spend a little money feel her tits maybe even get a cheap BJ, then there are other big women at The Trap who would suddenly get the wrong impression that big is ok for me. WRONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's a nightmare. :(

    I just wish she wasn't so sweet and didn't get hurt feelings.

  • jablake
    17 years ago
    Correction: Tootsies is very cheap for the girls. It is The Trap that was never (last 10 years) cheap for the girls.

  • DougS
    17 years ago
    JaBlake: She may be super sweet, etc., but if you aren't into her, there's nothing you can do about that. Actually, I don't think her feelings are hurt as much as you think. Looking in from the outside, I would say that she's playing the guilt card by using pity and sympathy in order to get patrons to pay her. I'm a nice guy but even I won't give money out of sympathy.
  • jablake
    17 years ago
    I DougS,

    I'm fairly good at reading strippers. I'm the guy that can easily spend more than 8 hours in a strip club and I can easily go day after day. Only money slows me down.

    Also, even before strip clubs I grew up with women and girls that manipulate men for money. It was normal. Usually, the men were just stupid emotions wise. And, I always thought at some point the brain dead men should wake up and see the real picture. Usually, they just acted even dumber if that was somehow possible.

  • jablake
    17 years ago
    Also, I've seen the guilt card played . . . but, there is a real pay off expected. Not $2. I had figured that type low spending would by necessity shoo her away. I'm not buying dances. Just feeling up her titties for an extended time. And, it seems like she doesn't mind just me doing that. Hadn't even pushed for dances ever--I think once she asked the standard wanna dance, which is fine. She just seemed content with $2 plus the normal $1 I give every dancer for her stage show.

    I wanted to get rid of her because there wasn't a demand for real money and I was taking way too much of her time. Besides with the right customer there is a demand for her. She does have curves and other things going for her.

  • jablake
    17 years ago

    The disgusting one who did rake in the money: I couldn't see her at all. I just wanted her to put on clothing err better yet a large tent. WALMART has more attractive huge size women with gigantic asses. And, I don't think they take work, not that I would want to try.

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