
Is there anyone out there like me. Just one favorite club???

Atlanta suburb
I have been driving 240 miles once a month for 6 years just to be at my favorite club and with my favorite dancers. I have the time, money and free air transportation to take me anywhere in the world. But I have never read a review or personal account from anyone that even comes close to convincing me that there are better clubs out there. I occasionally visit an Atlanta strip club with trogangreg but that is just because I need a strip club fix and I really enjoy my times with Greg. I would probably drive to Ohio just to spend the night with Bones at a strip club. But I am not going to fly 4 hours to Seattle to check out Ricks or 2 hours to Houston to check or Treasures or to Miami to check out Tootsies. Maybe Costa Rice one day. If I can find a suitable companion.


  • jablake
    17 years ago

    If you gave Tootsies the thumbs up, then I'd be very disappointed in you unless the spending part of the experience was unimportant to you. Last price I got was $25 for a very short song and the dancer wouldn't budge on the price----she was special hot, but I have to watch the money. Anyway, with free air transportation it surprises me that you wouldn't want to see why people like Tootsies so much or the Mons. The Mons was a hell of a lot of fun when it was a dive. Tootsies was also more fun as a dive.

  • casualguy
    17 years ago
    I usually prefer one club or another. I currently have two favorite clubs. I believe it's the dancers that make a club. If they are making you happy and the prices they charge you feel are somewhat reasonable, why would you want to change? I actually have a circle I might say of a few extra clubs I like. I think some dancers seem to grow on you. It's either a great acting job or something else but it's nice when a hot dancer who is dancing for you seems to be getting turned on by something you are doing. I think it just means you're horny if you get turned on by the first girl who sits down with you. Those supplements I've been taking must have some side effects. I didn't even think the dancer looked that great. Unless it was just because she was doing a good job warming me up by saying she wanted to molest me.

    As a little question about PP in Columbia, do they let you leave in the evening and come back later without recharging for admission?
  • chandler
    17 years ago
    Shadowcat, I was like that with my home club for about three years. From 1997-2000, I went about twice a week on average, and rarely anywhere else. Not that I ever thought it was better than other clubs - it was just a good thing I had going, getting pretty involved with a constantly rotating cast of hot young things. By the end of that stretch, however, I'd banged every stripper I had any interest in so many times it had become too much like a regular life soap opera, so I "hung it up" for a few years. Since I've returned to clubbing, I have more fun hitting a variety of places, not getting too attached to any of them.
  • ClevelandTom
    17 years ago
    I understand that Bones' favorite club is the one he is currently sitting in. He has thousands of favorites all around the country.

  • ShotDisc
    17 years ago
    my favs have changed over the years. It is down to two now. Bare Assets and Booby Trap.
  • trojangreg
    17 years ago
    Like most I have a few favorites that I frequent on a regular basis. Like the soup du jour they change as dancers come and go, management gets uptight etc. I do enjoy trying out new places and dancers but have yet to find just one place to hang my hat. I think variety is the spice of life.
    shadow-Costa Rica is great just go to the bar at Hotel Del Rey and you have your choice of beautiful young latinas from all over Central & South America. You can take them home for the night or the week it is wonderful.
  • ThisOldManPlayed1
    17 years ago
    LOL@ClevelandTom. He's pretty much correct as my FAV club is usually the one I am currently sitting in. If it appears to be slow or dead, I try to liven it up some by acting FREAKISH!

    Thanks to Saint Ohio's House and Senate, I suppose I'll make Brad's Brass Flamino in Indy my favorite club from here on out. I don't mind spending my money in another state.

    Two more days, I'll be funneling lots of twenty-dollar bills into South Carolina!!!

  • minnow
    17 years ago
    jb; The Monz still is kinda a dive- inadequate parking, a truck stop like restroom, drinks served in plastic cups. True, it doesn't have dive like cover charges, but neither have they gone the luxury skybox, penguin brigade route.
    OTOH, Tootsies have gone through some evolutions in the last 20 yrs or so. I can recall when it was a no cover club in the 80's- evolving into a mid-higher level club in mid 90's - mid 00 with cover, feature acts, VIP room, yet could also happily accomodate folks with a $50-$20 budget.
    Now, it seems from your account & others, Tootsies caters to the pro athletes, drug dealers, or folks that made a $h#^tload of $$ in real estate, stock options, etc, everyone else be da#*ed!!
  • Ironcat
    17 years ago
    My favorite club (Platinum Plus in Greenville) has had such a high rate of turnover in dancers that it is like going to a different club each time I go. As long as the general attitude of high mileage dances continues I will continue to go there. I do like Nepals as a change of scenery but the high mileage at PP has kind of spoiled me
  • jablake
    17 years ago
    Hi minnow,

    When I went to the Mons it was like heaven. I lose track of time. Could have been 20 years ago easy. My budget was meager to be very kind. Yet, I was having a blast with one unbelieveable slut after another. And, they were damn good looking! From what I've read about the Monz and heard from friends, I couldn't afford to shake the damn girls' hands now! I guess when I say dive I mean a place where a guy with a very meager budget could be having a blast--oops, I should say good dive. :)

    Tootsies was also a place where it didn't take gobs of money to be partying like a mad man. Now it seems like it is for lawyers or drug dealers or other upper crust members of society. The other good small clubs came under heavy attack and on W. Dixie Hwy only Angels survives. It is cheap and you can have a blast. But, it is a black club which some people don't like and it is PACKED. I liked it better when it was quite, but was very afraid it would be taken down like all the other small clubs so its choice was start making some real money or die. A sad choice, imo. :(

    FONDL: This another one of your wonderful choices? If the stinking government would keep its paws off, then such a dismal choice wouldn't be necessary. Like I said in another thread I don't consider it a real choice.

  • motorhead
    17 years ago
    I guess we all go through phases. I used to try and visit a lot of places but now I've settled into just one club - I visit it every week or at least every other week. I haven't been to another club since Memorial Day weekend in late May (not counting an OTC meeting with my ATF at another club in Sept.) Right now, I would just rather spend as much time as possible with my ATF - I know I could get extras at other places - the Flight Club for example - but that just doesn't offer much of an appeal to me. I guess I'm either a PL or a RIL - choose your acronym.
  • ThisOldManPlayed1
    17 years ago
    Ironcat - I don't blame you one bit. Keep going to the FAV high mileage club, for sure.

    When ALL the clubs were open in Memphis, The Tunica Cabaret was my FAV, for the same reason, EXTREMELY high mileage, at least for me. The other clubs hardly ever saw my butt. Although my FAVs were always there waiting for me.... duh, wait.... (re-phrase)... waiting for my $$$$, the club would hire new dancers, which gave me a chance to breaking them in to my style. Most the times, my FAVs had already told the newbies what I enjoy, and either stayed away from me or became part of my harem, so to speak.
  • DougS
    17 years ago
    Because of my location, ALL of my SC visits must revolve around a business trip - from a short one day "seminar" to a week-long "class". Before I started up with ATFs and OTCing, it really didn't matter what the destination was of my trips.

    Now, for the last few years, it's been pretty exclusively Indy. Dallas was also a key destination, but thanks to the "do gooders", that is no longer an option.

    So, when I visit an SC, 95% of the time, it's one fav club.
    17 years ago
    I used to favor one club but the club changed from time to time because it wasn't about the club, it was the dancers who worked there. Once you find and get to know a group of dancers who you really enjoy, clubbing becomes more fun. But when the dancers moved on, so did I - it just wasn't ever the same after that.
  • DandyDan
    17 years ago
    I don't think I could ever have only one favorite club. I'd probably be bored if I only went to one club, or else I would be overly involved in the drama. I've yet to see a club that had everything I wanted in one, much less one that was close. It's not like I can go anywhere at the drop of a hat.
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