
Comments by ThisOldManPlayed1 (page 15)

  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Blackmail, can it happen?
    I forgot to add.... that the couple moved on to Texas somewhere a week later and I haven't seen them since, and actually, although she had a G-R-E-A-T mouth, don't care to see either one of them again!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Does you ATF read our discussions?
    casualguy - Don't know if we could have handled one more customer Saturday morning. There were only two dancers (Pebbles & Ashley) for the first hour and only two customers (me and shadowcat). Saturday mornings and 'early' Saturday afternoons are still good at the PP. Then, after that, ya' gotta' wait till Monday, for cheap entertainment.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Who dances for you?
    Other than my afoementioned post, just about any dancer dances for me as long as I have the $$$.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Oh... wait.... uh.... um..... DougS - - - man, I have been looking forward to clubbing with you pal! But, if we're gonna' be setting at the bar performing 'tricks', I might have to back out of any meet! LOL. I'd rather try performing 'tricks' like shadowcat and you discussed in your last post! :-)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    How to have fun on the budget. Your definition.
    I am a faithful contributor to deficit spending, which is good for the economy! Now, when does the economy start paying my charge cards off?? I did have a 'set amount' of cash set aside for the TUSCL convention, to which I didn't necessarily want to exceed. But, guess what? Didn't work! I probably "doubled" that amount. Regrets? Nope! Out of all the lap dances I acquired in three days, I only regret one from a dancer I didn't know. I think you can have "fun" on a budget, but when you're having TOO much fun, can you actually call it quits and say to that one particular very hot dancer.... "Listen baby, I'm on a budget! You mind 'fronting' me a few more dances, til next month?"
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    sales incentive
    If my banks and credit union knew where I spent my money, I'm sure they would send me some type of "incentive", as they love charging me the "interest"!! LOL
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    "I am Bond, James Bond, Junior..."
    driver01 - LOL. Fact is, I am a 'widower' and if the "relationship" talks comes up with the dancer, I'm truthful about my status. But, it sure hasn't helped me get better mileage!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Just where is the cut off point?
    Professor - I'm with you on disclosing intimate dancer details via conventions, meets, emails, etc. driver01 - Good summize, I totally agree with you. Thanks. jimmyblong - great input. I feel the same way as I am looking for good mileage and don't want to waste money/time finding it when I have TUSCL pointing it out to me. TUSCL is a great source of info, that's why when I go on road trips, I usually have a couple hundred sheets of papers listing state's clubs, and first pages of actual reviews on certain clubs. I highly recommend anybody seriously considering doing road trips, acquire a G.P.S. first, will save time and LOTS of gas!! Raincoat - Super! Right to the point! I believe anytime you got Mr Happy exposed in front of the dancer, it goes from mileage to extras. Same with touching inside the trousrs. DougS - Like you, I don't believe LE has any interest in our site. Otherwise, I'm sure founder or somebody would have said something about printouts from TUSCL being submitted into court as evidence. Thanks to the disclaimer, I doubt it will ever happen. In the past, and will continue, I email certain TUSCL buddies about my detailed experiences at certain clubs (usually clubs that interest them also), with names, dance styles, mileage, extras catagories, etc. I trust them to keep the details to themselves or other trusted TUSCLERs. So far it has worked so I don't see a problem exchange nasty filthy degroatory details via email.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    "I am Bond, James Bond, Junior..."
    I once went into a strip club and portrayed myself as a Baptist minister during one of my road trips. Only sat with one dancer and got her to believing it. I actually got her to pray with me at the table before she got up on stage, asking for guidance during her stage performance. She bought it completely and came back and said she thinks the prayer we did helped her confidence on stage. I almost carried this type activity on with the same dancer for a potential lap dance, but almost broke out laughing during the first prayer! No telling what I could have "prayed" her into on the lap dance!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    The First Ever TUSCL Southern Convention
    You guys are a BLAST! I love ya all!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Guess the percentage, dancer over 21, has a kid what percentage do you think?
    50% for my guess. All I care about is that THE KID ain't mine!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Blackmail, can it happen?
    Have I ever been 'blackmailed' for money? NO! Have I ever been 'blackmailed' YES! THE SITUATION: While I was married, I went to the local PP in my town. I got really great mileage from a dancer in their VIP room, but the dancer was hesitant about going any further ITC. She did mention that she would do PRIVATE DANCES for me in her motel room. BTW, her boyfriend was in the club and was OK with that idea. THE MOVE: At a pre-designed time and date, I met the dancer at her motel. Upon entering, she advised me that her boyfriend was in their bedroom and would stay there until she finished the dances. She proceeded with her dances, resulting in a BBBJ with CIM. Money transferred hands, and I left. THE GUILT FACTOR: She called me the next day and told me that she felt guilty about what she had done, and told her boyfriend what had transpired. THE SET-UP: She continues calling to let me know she was sorry for telling him, that he was really pissed at her, as well as me. They both come to my place of employment where my 'then current' wife and I both worked (public place). They don't know my wife's first name nor what she looks like, but he had theatened to spill the beans to my wife. I informed her and him that I would set them up with a free one-night stay in the hotel I was working for, with a free buffet dinner, as an apology. THE RESULTS: After arrangements were made, I called the dancer and told her that her and her boyfriend were staying as free guests at the hotel and that they could pick up the keys and buffee dinner cards when they checked in on a particular evening, at the front desk. LESSON LEARNED: Don't discuss your marital relationship, family, nor work status, while clubbing.
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    17 years ago
    Holiday, FL
    Sorry FONDL, but the furthest south I've been in Florida, strip clubbing-wise, was Daytona Beach........... then I ran outta' money! :-(
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Meeting Dancers' Needs . . . Is it important?
    melina - A big hearty welcome to TUSCL. Thank you for your input to the discussion board. We all welcome you to post reviews, eitehr as a dancer or customer, and hope you keep posting threads on the disucssion board.
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    17 years ago
    Michigan Dancers and Customers
    Disregard 'jablakes' comments and listen to jimmyblong! As far as my comments, well, forget it! I really can't (but want to) help you. I'm a SC junkie myself. Relationships (since becoming a widower) haven't worked out for me. All I can say is that I hope both you can work on the 'trust' and 'communication' of a relationship. Best wishes to you both.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Does you ATF read our discussions?
    casualguy - I believe you are correct and we did miss seeing you, even if it wouldv'e been for a few minutes. One of the PP dancers (no name) did ask that I keep details of her dance routine out of the review (and I think she meant discussion board also). I guaranteed her that I would not mention ANY details of lap dances from ANY PP dancer. However, I did inform this young beauty, that I had to mention getting laps from named dancers, as that it does help, as a source of information, for other members, as well as dancers. All you need is one dancer in a club to have access to this website and I guarantee, ALL those club dancers will know. Printers are cheap. So, keep the details out of reviews (look who's talking), support your local DANCER!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Time to reflect
    Well put Pro! Couldn't have said it any better! The board is a good source of information and even has humor in some cases. I don't care for the arguments or heated discussions, as life is to short to go off on tangents.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Who dances for you?
    I was never picky over which women I wanted to be charmed by.... until my festitation with clubbing began in 2006! Since then, I prefer "au natural", no enhanced boobs (or anything else as far as that goes). The 'au natural' stops at hair though. I like my women completely shaved. Sucking on a clit, swiping my tonge along a beautiful set of vaginal lips, is so exotic, until little hairs start piling up on my tongue!!! YUK!!! No fatties..... I'll go home and jack-off first!!! Nationality doesn't really play into my choices. I am a TRUE believer that God brought ALL women into His world with the SAME attributes!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    TUSCLers gathering in Detroit
    Sounds good to me, as long as the gathering in Detroit next sping doesn't interfere with the Southern Spring Meet in Columbia. Count me in.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    How to have fun on the budget. Your definition.
    LOL@minnow! I love the third one!! Actually, I agree with all of minnows points. Don't be like me though. I'm too old and ugly to be patient (other than in a hospital)! Any dancer with talent nibbles at me, I'M HOOKED! Other recommendation........... don't start doing road trips. The gasoline, lodging, restaurants, and hookers eat it up to quickly. :-)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Does you ATF read our discussions?
    The only dancer I know who reads reviews and discussion topics for sure is our own EVILCYN. And I am so damn thankful she does, because she gives us her and the average dancers's responses to our quesitons, opinions, and thoughts. Thank again hon! Licks
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Something Going On In Kokomo
    Hell, I never stage dived while in the club. Too personal for me to give a free show! LOL I hope everything else remains the same. It's a damn good club with young, pretty, and talented dancers!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    TUSCLers gathering in Detroit
    Detroit isn't that far from me. Besides, I've wanted to hit the Hammond, IN clubs for some time. I might consider it Pro!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Recap of the TUSCL convention.
    Well.... what can I say? Shadowcat, AKA The Candyman (to the dancers) just about covered it all! I thoroughly enjoyed meeting all my TUSCL brothers Thursday & Friday. I know, as a result of TimboAtl, Trojangreg, & myself, them girls really raked in the 'dough' those two days!!! Candyman... remember when you told me that the Good Witch from the South told you that you were "BIGGER" than me? HAH!! You cheated, by popping 'Blue Magic' before going back there with her!!! CHEAT! CHEAT! LOL Funny thing is that, when she accidently kicked my knee during a dance, it almost tore 'his head' off!! LOL All jousting aside, we had a good time. I'll mention this in my upcoming review, but I have to give "Pebbles" my coveted title of "Dancer of Choice" during this visit. Oh, there were some great dancers, but "Pebbles" is so damn cute and teasing! That name fits her to a "T"! I remember Saturday afternoon before The Candyman and I departed, we had Pebbles sitting between us in the main club and we both got up at the same time to take her back to the VIP room. LOL For sake of arguements, I told The Candyman to go ahead, kinda' like.... age before beauty?? LOL Candyman - Thanks for the CD packet. It sure came in handy driving 9 hours back home! Think I'll let Cyn have them to listen to. For all you other horny guys that attended ...... a big hearty thanks for making a show and making this convention/meet a success. As far as the next one, spring sounds good to me! You can pretty well count on me being there! Two trips to the ATM was correct. I even brought a huge stash of cash with me. But, I was paying for everything in cash, gasoline, food, hotels, drinks, and 'da' girls of course. Altogether, I did spend less than IRS would be interested in, but a bit more than I hoped for. LOL Was it worth it? HELL YEAH!! As far as reading that review about some dancers being busted, none of the PP dancers ever mentioned it to me. Tally Ho!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    The First Ever TUSCL Southern Convention
    Sorry guys. Why I typed (and even proof read) Columbia, North Carolina, is way beyond me!!! I guess because I used to be stationed at Ft. Bragg at one time. Normally, Shadowcat would not have planned to be at the club on Thursday, except he knew I was coming in a day early...... to hit on his sweet little TART! LOL *wink* Anyway, he is correct and he will provide a follow-up topic next week on the hot action, while I am (WWWHHHAAATTT???), kissing the SO's ASS? Well, probably other parts too!! snowtime - Thanks for responding. We'll miss ya'! Am sure we'll have other opportunities. Got 3 photographs of my massage tech in her bikini and 1 cellphone photo of her by OUR table!! :-) Come on guys, give me a chance. I'll bring NUDE photos of her next time! Headed for dreamland, as I have an early rise (pun?) for a long long drive in the morning.