A fair trade

avatar for Professor906090
Imagine you got a refund of all the money for all the years you have spent going to SCs up to last 6 months. In return, you had to give up the memories of your experiences. You still have the last six months worth of your memories. While the lump sum will vary your each of you, I would imagine for some of you, it would be in tens of thousands of dollars. Now you have to spend this money all at once in a single transaction, in the next 24 hours or they will dissappear, what would you do? Saving account or CD is NOT an option.


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avatar for biggizzel
17 years ago
take it to vegas and see what happens.
avatar for DougS
17 years ago
I'd probably by that exotic sports car that I've had my eye on...
avatar for ShotDisc
17 years ago
head to my favorite SC and have fun
avatar for chandler
17 years ago
I once estimated the amount I've spent to be somewhere from $30-40K. Not enough to buy much sports car. I'd either get a diamond encrusted cell phone, like at www.goldvish.com, or else give it to United Way.
avatar for ThisOldManPlayed1
17 years ago
I'm probably around 'chandler's' monetary figure, spending between $30K-40K, maybe slightly more. I'd probably invest the money in my daughter's b/f mortgage title company, since I'm already 85% owner of it.

Other than that, instead of wasting it on material things, I'd probably split it between my daughter and son.

To hell with the strip club memories. I'll get new ones to replace the ones I forgot!
avatar for minnow
17 years ago
I'd have enough money to buy a "toy" that would make exotic sports car lame by comparison ( would depositing a portion of my "windfall" into fuel supplier account be countable in this case, Prof?? Lets be fair prof, what good is an exotic toy if you can't afford insurance, or put much gas in it?) OR make a serious deposit on a good condo in a warm climate.
avatar for trojangreg
17 years ago
Head straight to Costa Rica do not pass go. Buy a place on the beach, surf, fish and enjoy the chicas for the rest of my life.
avatar for shadowcat
17 years ago
I would dump a large sum on my mortgage principal and then go visit Greg in Costa Rica. Dude I can speak some Spanish...
avatar for FONDL
17 years ago
I'd pay off debts too, if that were allowed, or get a new boat and/or a Boxster. Nice sports cars (and boats) aren't that expensive if you buy used. But given the coice, I wouldn't trade my memories for money.
avatar for Pete22z
17 years ago
See how far I could get with fav# 3 maybe?
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