I now come to the club to see men....but I'm not gay lol

avatar for Estafador
I one day went to a strip club after a hiatus and as I was sipping my drink, I couldn't help but overhear some gentlemen talking about stocks, bonds and the like. They were stereo-typically looking like wall street investors. Overtly crisp suits, Rolex watches, the like. I was actually very bold and waited until after ladies left them before approaching and hoping to score some advice on the stock market. Turns out they were rather surprised a young person was even interested in investing and happily gave me a bunch of good information. It was a small mix of millenials and Gen X'ers.

I think I'm going to make a habit of hitting the stripper club just to converse with the business folk. Do what the girls should be doing, sans the booty shaking.

But don't worry, I'm still not gay.....right?


last comment
avatar for Muddy
6 years ago
it’s unbelievably gay but your prolly gonna end up rich so fuck it. Get rich>Convert back to our team>Prosper
avatar for SirLapdancealot
6 years ago
so homo
avatar for herbtcat
6 years ago
Your idea may lead to some entertaining discussions, and even new (probably gay) friends.

But anyone who takes free advice in a strip club (or anywhere else) on investing is going to get thier money's worth of value from it.

I've seen strippers ask me for advice on investing many times. My advice is always the same: Go do your own research and only invest in a company you know well, in a market you know well, that you believe in, and that has a track record of good performance.
avatar for Spillthebeans
6 years ago
As long as you don't follow then to the urinal and ask for advice as you are shaking their friend, then you should be cool to seek out advice.
avatar for lopaw
6 years ago
sooooooooo gay

avatar for ATACdawg
6 years ago
The lopaw seal of approval!!! Lol 😉
avatar for JAprufrock
6 years ago
@Eastafador Did they charge you by the song for the advice?
avatar for Mate27
6 years ago
Been doing investing advice for 20 years, and I’ve kesrnrd if you’re looking to other people for investment advice you will end up broker. That’s why they’re called brokers because you’ll leave them broker than you had before meeting. Stuck to index funds to build your wealth, until you have a comfortable amount to live off. Once you cross that threshold of independence then you can afford to talk to broker Wall Street types, as you should only invest Witt what they tell you an amount you can afford to lose. Stock tips are only there for talking points, and Wall Street guys love to hear themselves talk to fulfill their ego. There game generally works on people who are looking for a white knight or have no confidence in investing at all by themselves. Index funds with over 99% accuracy will destroy a stock picker over a lifetime horizon. Go ahead and chase that dream of winning with Wall Street advice, it’s an exercise in futility compare to indexing. Fact.
avatar for twentyfive
6 years ago
^ I find it helpful to discuss investing, and be exposed to educated investors, I don’t usually recommend or accept recommendations from folks, but I do like to learn their strategies and apply them to my own portfolio and see how those things match up.
avatar for crazyjoe
6 years ago
^^^ both the comments 25 and meat are good advice.

Learn to figure out who is full of shit and who is there to help you in the investing world.

This book helped me

MONEY Master the Game https://g.co/kgs/NXxAHW
avatar for Mate27
6 years ago
The OP showing interest in investing has made it clear he has cleared the biggest obstacle in investing, being self aware that a person needs to do it.

Experience is the best teacher so as long as you make some mistakes and learn from it while persevering, you’ll do well.
avatar for Estafador
6 years ago
@JAprufrock can you believe they wanted me to pay through drink currency lol jk.

@Muddy9 welp I'll just make sure to stay standing up lol
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