
Comments by harrydave (page 39)

  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Yes, I have been to Reno, and visited 2 clubs there. We have this fantasy about Nevada; we think it will be over the top. The clubs I went to were top rated in TUSCL but still pretty average. I have had better times in Vegas.
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    17 years ago
    Here are some operational definitions of a Spinner: - A Spinner can jump onto your lap, bounce a few times energetically, and all the while you can sip your drink without spilling a drop. - A Spinner can do a shoulder stand on your thighs, and her crotch will still be well below your chin - While sitting on your lap, a Spinner can put your hands on her waist, and you can lift her, while she reaches under to adjust Mr. Happy - A Spinner will face you, kneel on your thighs, hug your face to her chest, and try to hit your cheeks with her boobs, and fail - A Spinner will get on her knees facing you, press between your legs, rest her chin on your little head, and look up - and you will have unbidden thoughts of an underage girl - When you stand up and give her a hug goodbye, even with her stripper shoes on, you'll have to bend down to nuzzle her face. There's more, but this is torture.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Ohio 3 foot law?
    Well there is hope. Scottsdale AZ is a conservative upscale city in a conservative state. City Council passed a restrictive no touch law, and a petition was circulated to give the citizens a chance to vote on it. It went on the ballot, and the law was repealed. Now, Scottsdale has only 2 clubs, and if you check out the reviews, you'll see quality of girls is high but mileage is low, and there are better clubs a few miles away in Phoenix. So why would the good people of Scottsdale repeal the law? My theory is there are horny guys in all walks of life, from Presidents to evangelical ministers. In public, they walk the straight and narrow, decrying all sins, and vowing to make our streets safe for the little children. In the voting booth, or the booths at the back of club, it's a different story. Little head, get thee behind me!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Miss Teen South Carolina
    Let's see: 1) Beautiful young women 2) Parading on stage 3) In various revealing outfits 4) While a guy with a microphone extols their virtues 5) And other guys sit nearby and rate them as to poise, personality, looks, and brains (or lack thereof) Beauty pageant, or just your usual night at the local tittie bar? What if the Miss America pageant was held at the Flight Club?...hmmmm.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Ohio 3 foot law?
    Hey Bones, I guess I'm just a repressed Lawyer. The petition was certified by the State, even with some bad signatures from shady guys like you, so the initiative will be on the ballot this fall.
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    17 years ago
    Michigan nude dancing and alcohol update
    The question really is, where CAN you drink and watch totally nude women? In CT you can do it in a BYOB club. Not in NY, FL, TX, OH, MI (yet), AZ, OR, or CA that I am aware of. Isn't this wierd? What is the connection between the sight of a pussy and alcohol? I don't recall hearing about those drunken men, unaffected by boobs and backsides, but unable to control their behavior once the dreaded pussy gets exposed. This nation has a long history of being totally confused about nudity, sex, violence, and drinking. Bottoms up! ;-)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Ohio 3 foot law?
    Yes, Sept 4. Here's the link to the judicial website (so the Judges know when to start enforcing yet another strange law) http://www.ohiojudges.org/index.cfm?PageID=0505B9B3-C09F-2715-73E869099C277874
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Totally private rooms
    I don't think I have been to any club with truly private rooms. There is always some way for management to keep an eye on things, either with cameras, a wandering bouncer, or a waitress intent on another drink order. However, I am sure there are clubs where these interruptions rarely happen. These are the places with extras always on the menu. They certainly exist in Canada (See Chez Diane in Quebec) and the border towns in Mexico (see clubs in Nogales). The closest thing in the US I have experienced is Cheetahs in Hallandale FL.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Suffering from Pervertism...
    If you are lucky, your interest in women will disappear at the exact moment that your brain activity ceases. Between now and then, consider it a blessing. Henry Thoreau wrote, Most men lead lives of quiet desperation and go to the grave with the song still in them. A song is a form of reverence. Let it out!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Ohio 3 foot law?
    And here is a link to another source. Note on that web page, you can also access the petition to repeal the new law. http://www.bricker.com/legalservices/practice/govern/2007ballot.asp Disclaimer: I am not a lawyer. I am a middle-aged white guy who likes to go to strip clubs and have nude or semi-nude women definitely make contact.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Ohio 3 foot law?
    There is all kinds of info on this on the web. Here are some (most likely reliable) sources: http://suealtmeyer.typepad.com/cleveland_law_library_web/adult_entertainment/index.html http://www.legislature.state.oh.us/bills.cfm?ID=127_SB_16 The relevant passage is: No employee who regularly appears nude or seminude on the premises of a sexually oriented business, while on the premises of that sexually oriented business and while nude or seminude, shall knowingly touch a patron who is not a member of the employee's immediate family or another employee who is not a member of the employee's immediate family or the clothing of a patron who is not a member of the employee's immediate family or another employee who is not a member of the employee's immediate family or allow a patron who is not a member of the employee's immediate family or another employee who is not a member of the employee's immediate family to touch the employee or the clothing of the employee. I can't make this shit up. However, there is a slight ray of hope. There is a ballot measure that the voters of OH will get to vote on, Read about it here http://www.toledoblade.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20070824/NEWS24/708240364
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    This board needs an edit feature
    ONDL, I otally now whot u meen
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    What's the best club that nobody ever heard of?
    Interesting topic. My "diamonds in the rough" 1) Ruby's II, Bridgeport CT -a biker bar, BYOB, and some brazilian girls (scary and fun at the same time) 2) Bandaids, Phoenix - small, neighborhood bar atmosphere, great place to become a regular and reap the rewards 3) Candy Store, Tucson AZ - just mentioned by a guy in another post - $5 laps, $10 in VIP
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Returning to our regular programming... Bones, I think we share some preferences. Best example I can think of is a girl name Angel who worked for a while in Phoenix. She was 4ft 11, and 85 lbs dripping wet. Her dances were a lot of fun, as she climbed all over me, did a variety of upside-down moves, and let me manhandle her (which is the fun part with these lightweight girls...there's nothing like wrapping your hands around their tiny waists, and moving 'em this way and that.) Are we talkin' the same language here Bones?
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    How old is you vavorite dancer/s?
    I like women. Youngest was about 24 at the time. Also, mid 30's for a couple of them Current ATF and all around sweetie is 25. Old enough to have some life experience and carry on a conversation...young enough to keep going and going... ;-)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Good VIPs are few and far between. A few have been mentioned. Most are designed to separate you from your money by playing on your wishful thinking. BBF - yes, just experienced that, and it is a bargain Candy Store (Tucson) - yep, and the lap dances at your table are pretty nice for $5! Beamers (Stamford CT) - $30 entry and the real fun begins, while guys in front wonder where the girls are However, those are the exceptions. My other VIP experiences, I left feeling ripped off. Better strategy, as reflected in prior posts, is to become a regular, treat the girls well, and work your way to the VIP experience without the VIP prices.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    New Jersey
    Indianapolis - Sun+Mon Night - Advice?
    Hey Snooky, just by coincidence I took your advice. My trip to the VIP room with Eve was very nice. I went there Sun and Mon night as planned. See my review in the club section. Maybe I'll make it Hip Hugger next time. Thanks!
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    17 years ago
    New Jersey
    Indianapolis - Sun+Mon Night - Advice?
    I guess Bones was trying to help out with his blitz of Indy club reviews last night! Thanks again guys. If you're ever travelling to Phoenix, I can return the favor.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Risk of reviews?
    Good question. My theory about law enforcement is they are overloaded, and in many places will occasionally crack down when under political pressure, but not based on reviews in TUSCL. In Phoenix, they passed a new sex business law 2 years ago, and for the first 6 months, plain clothes police lurked in clubs, took notes, and girls were cited for violations. All of a sudden, the enforcement stopped, and I have not heard of any since. Instead, I think the police and the club owners have an informal understanding again, and the owners will regulate the action themselves. By the way, all over the country there are initiatives to more tightly regulate strip clubs, and all of these efforts are propelled by a couple of national, fundamentalist Christian groups, like the Family Reseach Council. For example, they are behind the recent Ohio law that is being challenged. They were behind the Phoenix law, and a law that got passed by council, then rescinded by the voters, in Scottsdale AZ. Has anyone heard of a truly local effort?
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Best current dancer at clubs you go to
    My ATF would probably kill me, and she is in my top 3, but right now it's: Fancy (HiLiter, Phoenix) - mid-20's, slim, petite, small breasted, pixie cut hair. She has a unique lap dance style - slow, close, sneaky with the hands - and every chance she gets, she looks right at you with a sly smile and eyes that say "let's go someplace and get it on". It's all a fantasy, right? But a very good one.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    strippers with kids
    Every once in a while, maybe after a particulalry shocking story from a stripper, I begin to think there are some heroic women in that business. Sure, many of them are f***ed up; but so many of them are also working their asses off, and putting up with a lot of shit (a fair proportion of their customers and bosses are NOT nice guys). So I like them talking about their kids, or anything else about their lives. And then I try to say something helpful, or funny, or kind. This works, in a human way, and it results in some kick-ass dances.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    strip clubs vs whore houses. Witch would be the winner?
    This is like asking, "beer or whiskey, which will win?" I agree with those who say they would coexist.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    New Jersey
    Worst Strip Club Still in Business
    I'm with you, Chandler. Like the Mae West saying, when they're good, they're really good, and when they're bad, they're really bad (and funny). I forgot to mention a club in Barre, VT, Planet Rock. I think there are only a few clubs in all of VT. Now, Barre, VT is just a town in the middle of nowhere, with a deep granite quary next to the highway. The club is in a basement in a downtown building. It has all the charm of a basement rec room from 1965, and it appears to be decorated in the same way; heavy use of cheap paneling and other home handyman stuff; plus a bunch of halloween decorations, although it was January. I made a comment to one of the dancers, and she told me to keep my voice down, since the old lady behind the bar evidently moonlighted as the interior decorator. Everything about the place was hilarious. Last post on TUSCL says it is up for sale. Oh no!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    What Clubs Do You Have On Your ToDo List, and why?
    Great lists! Mine are: 1) BBF, cuz it seems to be a favorite on this board. I'm going there Sun night if the plane doesn't crash. Mightmake Hip Hugger Mon night. That's two off the list. 2) Clubs in Providence, RI, cuz I here they are the best in New England (I'm going there mid September) 3)Treasures in Houston, cuz I've never been to a club in Houston 4) A club in Prague or Bangkok (I know, not strip clubs, but might be fun anyway!) Recently, I had a chance to do the Mexican club thing in Nogales. I would recommend it, but only if you like being upsold for extras. I see MBOT on lists, but my understanding is that the club is not what it used to be, and SF area clubs are kinda lame in general. Also, agree Ricks in Seattle is probably overrated, as would any club be in Oregon. Also believe Industrial Strip is overrated, but understand Chicago area has slim pickings. Have done Vegas and S. Cal clubs many times, and usually felt value for money is not there (although, if you're there, you might try....;-).
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    New Jersey
    Worst Strip Club Still in Business
    Lotsoffun - a clip joint in LV? Outrageous! The sound you here is your money being vacuumed from your wallet. Shadowcat - great imagery, the stuff of nightmares Tom - 10 times? You get my "hope springs eternal" award.