
What Clubs Do You Have On Your ToDo List, and why?

A slight variation to my previous question...

In light of what you've read in the reviews, rankings and discussion topics, and heard from others, what clubs do you most want to visit in the future that you have not yet visited (and why, if you care to add)?

Ybor Strip - Tampa | I've been reading about this club for years, and have heard accounts of visits that definitely make this a "must visit"

Mons Venus - Tampa | see previous reasoning, I was actually going to visit the MV one night while in Tampa, but I couldn't talk my associate into visiting the place (back in my newbie days and we both thought the place would be too expensive)

Mitchel Brother's O'Farrel Theater - San Francisco | from the sounds of it, this place is as near-brothel as there is, with the specialty rooms, everyone should try this place at least once

Rick's - Seattle | I've rarely read a review that ranked this place less than an 8 - usually it's a 10

Flight Club - Inkster, MI | have read a lot of positives, and heard the girls are smokin'

Adelita Bar - Tijuana | you can have FS in a motel room for $60! Say no more!

Platinum Plus - Columbia, SC | having read ravings from ShadowCat, Bones, etc., how can it NOT be great?

Industrial Strip - Hammond, IN | nude dances, fairly close to home... why not? (with Hip Hugger about the same distance away, it makes it tough to think about driving to Hammond, though)

ESL Clubs - East St. Louis | hearing stories from Chitown and Chandler, I'm definitely intrigued


  • shadowcat
    17 years ago
    As long as my favorite club exists, I have no reason to go elsewhere. If that should occur then my choices would be BBF in Indy, Baby Dolls in Dallas, Treasures in Houston and Tootsies in Miami. Ricks is the most over rated club on the list because there are very few to choose from in the NW. MBOT is just a front for a whore house. You can get better in Nevada. Adelita Bar is a Casa de Sietas (SP) in the worst border town of Mexico. The are better clubs in the smaller cities of Mexico.
  • motorhead
    17 years ago
    I would have to agree with shadowcat to some extent.....in my younger days I used to be in search of the ultimate strip club, but now, I'm fairly content to be with my ATF with just an occasional visit to a cheap, comfortable spot like the Hip Hugger.

    If I had to make a list of most wanted clubs, here it is:
    (many are ones already mentioned)

    Rick's - Seattle (doubt if I'll get to the NW in the near future)

    Ybor Strip - I hit the Mons Venus once a year, but never seem to find the time to visit this place. Must happen when I go to Fla. later this year.

    Platium Plus - ditto Doug's comments

    Spearmint Rhino - have been to Vegas several times, but only visited Crazy Horse Too, Olympic Garden, and Deja Vu. This will be on my list for the next visit.

    Omar's in Lansing, Michigan also intrigues me (mostly from what chandler has said - but I may have missed its golden era, but still may be worth a visit.)

    Two other clubs - Brad's Brass Flamingo and the Flight Club - are both 3 hours away, although in opposite directions. I have been to each one exactly one time. Neither visit blew me away and I haven't been tempted to go back. But all the TUSCL reviewers can't be wrong - so I must make a return visit to each one.

  • minnow
    17 years ago
    Here's my list of following cities/clubs in no particular order- either never visited, or haven't been in a while.

    ESL- PT's, Penthouse Club, will get w. chitown for other choices

    IN- Hip Huggers(Kokomo), Dancers(Indy)- Bones picqued my interest

    SF- MBOT- although essentially agree w. shadowcat, gotta try something at least once.

    Vegas- Haven't been to OG or CHT in a while, interested in trying SR or DV club.

    Miami- Haven't been to new Tootsies yet, been 3 yrs since prior location.Might try 1 or 2 new ones for variety.

    LA/Valley Area- A long list- HT-COI, TL-Upland, IT-Anaheim, maybe 1 or 2 of highly reviewed DV clubs. Bare, 4Play, and SRI have been good, but getting restless lately.

    Ohhhummm, and Shadowcats favorite club, I'll bring earplugs.
  • harrydave
    17 years ago
    Great lists! Mine are:

    1) BBF, cuz it seems to be a favorite on this board. I'm going there Sun night if the plane doesn't crash. Mightmake Hip Hugger Mon night. That's two off the list.
    2) Clubs in Providence, RI, cuz I here they are the best in New England (I'm going there mid September)
    3)Treasures in Houston, cuz I've never been to a club in Houston
    4) A club in Prague or Bangkok (I know, not strip clubs, but might be fun anyway!)

    Recently, I had a chance to do the Mexican club thing in Nogales. I would recommend it, but only if you like being upsold for extras.

    I see MBOT on lists, but my understanding is that the club is not what it used to be, and SF area clubs are kinda lame in general. Also, agree Ricks in Seattle is probably overrated, as would any club be in Oregon. Also believe Industrial Strip is overrated, but understand Chicago area has slim pickings. Have done Vegas and S. Cal clubs many times, and usually felt value for money is not there (although, if you're there, you might try....;-).
  • jimmyblong
    17 years ago
    Hip Hugger- just can't seem to figure out what to drive to Kokomo for other than that
    Platinum Plus in SC..again based on reviews here.
    Great Alaskan Bush Co.--why they hell not. I can fill in that state on my map of strip clubs visited
    Mons Venus in Tampa- always been curious about the club everyone always compared other clubs to...
  • DandyDan
    17 years ago
    Considering I always make it to the Chicago area every year, Industrial Strip has to be number 1 on the list. I would have been there once if I knew what I was looking for. Also, the Hip Hugger is #2, although there is no other reason for me to go to Kokomo.

    Considering I've hardly made it out of the Midwest, probably anywhere worthwhile not in the Midwest would be great.
  • DougS
    17 years ago
    JimmyB/DandyD: There IS no other reason to visit Kokomo!

    Just wanted to add an interesting side note... HarryDave might be especially interested in this... I've heard from my sources that there is an outbreak of high mileage at HH. Not sure how long it will last, but as you all know it comes (err, no pun intended) in cycles. Several girls are really pissed because the high mileage girls are taking all the business from them. "The corners are smelling of sex", was a quite my buddy used.
  • DougS
    17 years ago
    I meant to add another club to my ToDo list. It should have been on my original ToDo list, but was interrupted and forgot before I posted the message.

    Bugsy's Speakeasy - Elyria, OH | I HAVE to meet and spend some time with EvilCyn, even if it's not 2-way contact.
    17 years ago
    Other than hoping to visit some of the good Canadian clubs because they are cheaper and high mileage, I don't have such a list. I've found over the years that it isn't the club that causes me to have a great time, it's the girl, and my odds of finding her in a shitty place are almost as good as finding her in a great one. Some of my best times have been in terrible clubs; some of my worst times have been in good ones. So as long as there is some contact allowed and there's an opportunity to sit and talk a bit and it's not too crowded or overpriced, the club itself doesn't make much difference to me.
  • ThisOldManPlayed1
    17 years ago
    Christ almighty! I must have been hatched from the same EGG as Shadowcat, because he has listed ALL of the clubs I wish to visit!!

    But, I will travel 'long distance' more often for repeat visits to Columbia Platinum Plus! I get 'fucking' hard just thinking about my next visit!!!
  • ThisOldManPlayed1
    17 years ago
    Course..... I get hard looking at a Jelly Bean sometimes, so what's my problem?? Thank you and bless you Pfizer for creating such a wonderful recreational drug!!!!
  • motorhead
    17 years ago
    Doug: If what you said about the HH is true, I may have to make another visit soon. I haven't been there since Memorial Day weekend. I made a lot trips there during the winter and early spring, but then got bored. Same girls, same mileage. Might be worth another trip. Thanks.
  • shadowcat
    17 years ago
    Bones: remember the night that J--- gave all 3 of us BBBJ's? One right after the other. I haven't seen her since.
  • ThisOldManPlayed1
    17 years ago
    Shadowcat - I'll always remember that night! Can't get it out of my mind because I was so shocked! It started with 'you know who', then me, then you. I actually fucked her first in the bigger VIP area, then had her suck her juices off my cock! A real class slut! Think she got back with her SO?
  • chandler
    17 years ago
    Montreal and nearby clubs, because the women there are hot looking, very friendly and a little exotic, and Miami and South Florida clubs that are known for lookers. I'm not all that interested in traveling to high mileage clubs anymore. You can find that in a lot of places. I've pretty much seen it all and done most of it by now. My attitude is similar to FONDL's. I'm less interested checking highly rated clubs off my list than in discovering little funky joints that have what I like.
  • shadowcat
    17 years ago
    Bones: I have to correct you. I was 1st and then pointed her out to you. I am amazed that you didn't fall down in your rush to get to her. Her SO? Who knows?
  • ThisOldManPlayed1
    17 years ago
    Yep, you're right! And, I almost did trip over customers to get to her too! Christ, you got a good memory! I can't even remember whether I experienced CIM with her, because I believe I heard she went for that.
    17 years ago
    Chandler, do you ever get east to PA or MD? I know a couple of funky little joints that I bet you'd like.
  • chandler
    17 years ago
    Not really, FONDL, but you never know what might come up.
  • casualguy
    17 years ago
    I don't have a to do list for clubs I haven't been to. If I happen to be near a nice club and have the time, I'll go for it though.
    17 years ago
    Forgot, I do have one on my list: Player's Club (aka Wagon Wheel) in Baltimore. I've driven by it a thousand time and never stopped because (a) they're only open at night and when I'm in that area it's usually daytime, and (b) it's a membership club and I think the annual membership fee is something like $30. But it is THE LD factory in the Baltimore area, it has the reputation for the best looking girls and the most contact in the state. And once you get inside it's fairly reasonably priced. Someday ...
  • ShotDisc
    17 years ago
    The clubs on my to do list are all favs that I want to visit more frequently. Booby Trap in Pompano Beach. Bare Assets in Tarpon Springs. PP in Columbia.

    FYI- for those of you wanting to experience Ybor Strip be warned. It has changed owners and is now part of a corporate operation. No longer independent. From the reviews, it has lost a lot of its luster as a must see club. IMHO, spend the $20 cover and hit Mons instead.
  • minnow
    17 years ago
    SD- Those "corporate operations" sure know how to mess with a good thing, don't they??
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