
strip clubs vs whore houses. Witch would be the winner?

Atlanta suburb
Currently only the state of Nevada has legalized prostitution and that is by local option. The gambling lobby in Las Vegas has kept it illegal but it continues as it continues all across the U.S. Prices are high just like illegal drugs. If it were legal what would it do to prices and what effect would this have on strip clubs? I think that it would put strip clubs out of business and would increase the number of strippers switching over to free lance whores. Most of Europe and all of the 3rd world countries allow prostitution. It is a victim less crime and the only loss is taxes to the government. This tax money could be more than saved by diverting interest to other areas of real crime. If Hillary would OK pussy eating in the oval office, she would get my vote.


  • scott1971
    17 years ago
    If "fornication" is the "original sin," then a "sin tax" on prostitution could be the Original Sin Tax.

    Could be a new staple in the yearly conversation with the accountant--"so how much OST do I owe this year?"
  • chipitin
    17 years ago
    I think the strip clubs would go out of business, but I don't think most of the girls would switch over to prostitution. I also think strip clubs stay in business by the permission of our government just to balance out the prostitution business. If all clubs were banned, I think the prostitution business would be much more lucrative and over half of the men on this site would be hiring prostitutes since they would have no other entertainment outlet. So keeping clubs alive keeps the prostitution business down and keeps families much more stable, ie less men leaving home to run away with a hooker.
  • chandler
    17 years ago
    I think it would have only a minor effect on strip clubs. It wouldn't put very many out of business. Strip clubs and prostitution are related, but they have different appeals. Nevada has legal prostitution and strip clubs. Canada allows limited prostitution and their strip clubs haven't gone under. Far from it.
  • shadowcat
    17 years ago
    chandler; Yes Nevada has both but not in the same location. You will not find a whore house in LAS Vegas, Reno, or Lake Thaoe (sp).Because the gambling interests have been able to keep them out.
  • chandler
    17 years ago
    Shadowcat: I'll grant you that, but do you really think that if Las Vegas itself had legal brothels, all the people who go to strip clubs would stop going?
    17 years ago
    I agree with Chandler, I don't think the two compete with each other, the two appeal to different people. For all practical purposes prostitution is already nearly legal almost everywhere, just look on the Internet where the same girls advertise regularly for years. I don't think it has any impact on strip clubs. And I don't think the price would change if it were in fact legalized.
  • harrydave
    17 years ago
    This is like asking, "beer or whiskey, which will win?" I agree with those who say they would coexist.
  • jimmyblong
    17 years ago
    Some guys beleive that going to a strip club isn't breaking any marital vows but having sex with a prostitute would. Not to say that strip club patrons don't on occasion end up having sex or at least busting a nut or getting wood...however as our last great president said about oral sex..."I did not have sex with that woman." I think we're comparing apples to oranges here, but i do think you'd see dancers that do extras move out of the clubs and into the brothels where they can work easier, and you'll see some migration of patronage as well. Guys tend to travel in packs to strip clubs but alone to brothels. Both would exist just fine except in Ohio where you'd have to maintain a 6 foot distance between yourself and your entertainer!
  • DougS
    17 years ago
    I don't think there would be any change in the SC patronage. Even though prostitution is illegal in most places, it still exists and is pretty easy to find. My reasoning is if that is what a guy wants, he will go out and get it. If he's in a strip club, he must not want the hooker experience. Of course there IS a fine line, there, as most guys in a strip club will pay for takeout, if its offered.
  • lotsoffun201
    17 years ago
    Interesting topic. Prostitution is ILLEGAL in Clark county which is Las Vegas and the surrounding areas. It is, however legal in Nye county and other counties which are considered "rural" hence the brothels being in Parumph (closest to Vegas) and just outside of Reno. There are brothels scattered all over the state in rural areas such as Elko, Ely etc. A strip club did in fact open in Parumph last year which to the best of my knowlege has not done very well. Considering the age to participate at a brothel is 18 (I believe) and given the fact that the strip club has not done too well, I am in agreement that the clubs would probably be hurting for customers.

    Another case in point is Adelita in TJ. Although I have never been there, it appears to me that it is little more than a brothel in disguise. While there are those of us who like to see pretty gals dance and appreciate a good stage show, there are those who seek out clubs for extras and OTC. Nothing wrong with that mind you, but IMHO a brothel with a stage show might put all others out of business.

    Also, I realize that most members of the board have never been to one of the Vegas brothels, and have seen Cathouse on HBO so they assume all of the girls there are perfect 9's or 10's. Well I have been to that place a few times as I used to have regular business in Reno and went there to kill some time (yeah I know) prior to the HBO show. Trust me when I tell you that most of the girls there were nothing like you see, and considering the girls can charge whatever they want, the fuglies did most of the business since they were dirt cheap. The hot girls sat around most of the time drinking and socializing. Since the girls live there there were no dayshift or nightshift issues.

    Right now the infamous Heidi Fleiss is lobbying Nye county for a Male brothel. I think she is pretty close, but I have to ask myself how in the hell are these guys going to maintain performance???? In addition to jars of condoms, are these guys going to be mainlining Viagra or Cialis.
    17 years ago
    Lotsoffun, I disagree with your reasoning. Strip clubs don't do well in NV rural counties for the same reason that they don't do well in rural areas in many other rural areas - there aren't enough people living nearby to support them, it has nothing to do with the presence of whore houses. Tourists will travel from LV to the rural areas for the novelty of vising a legal whorehouse, but they won't to visit a strip club because there are lots of decent ones in LV. The only way a rural club can do well is to be better than the clubs in the closest metro area.
  • chitownlawyer
    17 years ago
    lotsoffun201: I think that the secret for Ms Fleiss' male employees will be to avoid reaching climax. Given how easy it is for most women to get sex, I would think that it would also be easy to avoid having an orgasm during intercourse with any woman who has to pay for it.

    I don't think the "Studs" will have as much trouble getting it up repeatedly as getting it up at all. Can you imagine if you had to have sex with any woman who approached you with the money...regardless of how fat, old, or ugly she was? And they will be old, fat, or ugly, because any woman who is not one of those three can easily get sex from any of the perpetually horny male members of the population (about 90% of the male members of the population).
  • shadowcat
    17 years ago
    I have fond memories of a visit to the infamous Mustang Ranch outside of Reno, some 30+ years ago. There were 3 of us. I was still single. Jerry was cheating on his 2nd wife and Mario was a 30+ YO virgin. We flew from LAX to Reno and rented a car. We spent the day at the Tahoe casinos but that night we went to the ranch. You did not need directions. There were red arrows on the road showing you the way. The compound of mobile homes was surrowned by a chain link fence. You had to push a buzzer at the gate to get in.Once inside the Madam had all of the girls line up. About 20 of them. All 8's or above. We made our difficult choices and went off to the rooms. 1st was the upfront $25. Next was the dick washing and VD checkup.No need for condoms in those days. I was already rock hard after the cleansing. I did my thing and then returned to the main room. Mario was already out. He was drinking a scotch on the rocks and smoking a cigarette (he was a non smoker). He said "I came so fast that she made me do it again." We took Mario back to the hotel and bed. he was done for the night and then Jerry and I went out for some serious drinking. I have an ash tray from the Bunny Ranch outside of Vegas that my ATF gave me.
  • lotsoffun201
    17 years ago
    Chitown....I don't know about you, but I don't think I could ever be horny enough to service a 300+ pound woman. really, if Heidi is able to make it work, I am wondering what in the world these guys will do.

    Fondl....In retrospect, I think I will have to agree with your reasoning. The rural areas most likely don't have the population to support a club, and frankly to the best of my knowlege the brothels are supported by Las Vegas tourists willing to make the hour or so drive. Actually, the brothels have been prohibited from advertising other than the internet and a few small discreet street signs. I think Nye county recently recinded this, and the next time I am in Parumph, I will be sure to look for the billboards.
  • ThisOldManPlayed1
    17 years ago
    Hell! I know of a lot of strip clubs that are whore houses! I won't list them here, but you can find them in my club visit reviews!

    I don't like "handing over dough" in a whore house situation. Too impersonal. I'd rather be "teased" in the strip club fashion, then "pleased" in a whore house fashion - IN THE SAME CLUB! Call me weird or whatever.
  • casualguy
    17 years ago
    I think in most cases, strip clubs wouldn't be affected very much if at all. I remember at one time, I was sleeping with a dancer and she wanted to have sex more often than I did. A real nymphomaniac. I liked that about her. She even wanted me to leave the strip club earlier than I wanted to but I wanted to stay and party, drink beer and enjoy all the other scantily clad dancers. I still got dances since I enjoyed that. I knew I could just leave and screw her if I wanted to but if you can do that anytime, it doesn't seem like any big deal. I doubt too many couples and strip club female customers would be going to whore houses. I believe the prettier females would be working in strip clubs rather than whore houses so there would still be the same attraction. More than likely, there would be objections from the religious right and housewives that suspect their husbands would go for it. Maybe strip clubs should push for it. Might take the heat and attention off of strip clubs.
    17 years ago
    Shadowcat, I just reread the title to this thread and realized that we weren't addressing the main issue. And I think you are right, whether you are talking about strip clubs or whore houses, the witch usually is going to be the winner.
  • lotsoffun201
    17 years ago
    Casual guy.

    I have to disagree with you about couples and single females going to brothels. If you have watched the CatHouse series there are some couples who do indeed go there. I have been to a brothel with my wife on a couple of occasions not so much for a goof, but she wanted to see what they were like. I believe, but am not sure, that single unescorted females are not permitted in brothels as customers. You can look at some of the brothel websites where they advertise their weekly lineup as well as each girls "menu's". There is also a brothel review site which I think is nvbrothels.net. Here in Las Vegas, Sheri's ranch seems to have the nicest looking women although prices are much higher. The Chicken Ranch is more famous and if you go a bit further to Beatty, there are a few more but the further away from Vegas you get the lower the quality of women.

    In fact, if you look at the reviews of clubs in Las Vegas on this board, you will see one for Seamless and one for Sheri's Cabaret. BOTH of those clubs are owned by the same people who own Sheri's Ranch. I guess they decided that based on market perspective they should have strip clubs as well. I know a girl who used to dance at Sheri's and she told me that a lot of the girls from the ranch used to come to the club to dance and then go back to the ranch with prospective customers since OTC would be legal at the ranch. Pretty good marketing if you ask me. Unfortunately, Sheri's Cabaret has gotten pretty poor marks recently on this board, and while Seamless used to be okay with regards to reviews, I think it has gone downhill. They are catering more to the afterhours crowd which from what I have been told is a pretty good time and mostly couples. At my advancing age I can't stay up that late, but when I have to work on the weekends the crowd leaving that place at 11 am is pretty intense.
  • shadowcat
    17 years ago
    FONDL: I have been spending too much time talking to strippers. I will never win a spelling Bee.
  • scott1971
    17 years ago
    I've been thinking about this thread. I think clubbing is different from going to a brothel. There is an element of fun and uncertainty in clubbing the brothel cannot reproduce. The stuff we've all been discussing here about this "hobby" involves a whole element of flirting, "getting lucky," a sort of seduction to try to get a girl who might do extras to actually do extras, a game of skill to get alone time with the right girl and all that. If what we were looking for was to go to the counter, place an order and get what was requested, we'd go, I think, to a brothel in the first place. But we're looking to get with stippers, not whores. No question, once we're talking about "extras," we're talking about prostitution, but just the same, the fantasy of the stripper who gives an "extra" is different from going to a prostitute--there is no "extra" to score with the prostitute. She's supposed to do it pure and simple. It's different I think--if the stip clubs disappeared I, for one, would have no temptation in the slightest to hit a brothel. The clubs appeal to me strongly--brothels don't appeal to me even a tiny little bit.
    17 years ago
    Shadowcat, sorry about that, but as I'm sure you've noticed before, sometimes I can't resist being silly - you're slip just tickled my funny bone.
  • Yoda
    17 years ago
    I don't think that things would change much. Prostitution may be illegal but it's relatively easy to engage in without getting caught. Most strippers don't want to be escorts and not all strip club customers want to get laid. I enjoy both for different reasons.
  • shadowcat
    17 years ago
    FONDL: I accept that. Answer your email!
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