
Totally private rooms

avatar for FONDL

What clubss have you been to where you and your dancer can spend time in a private room, just the two of you together? I can think of 5 -

(1) Partners Tavern, Erie, PA

(2) Pleasure Dome, White Haven, PA (but with a TV camera watching)

(3) Show-n-Tell Showbar, Philly

(4) Industrial Strip (I think?)

(5) Pirates Cove, Key West (no longer exists and the fun private booths may be why.)

Of course there are lots of little clubs where if you go during the day there's a 99% chance you'll be alone in the VIP or LD room, but that doesn't count. I'm talking totally private rooms or booths.


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avatar for chitownlawyer
17 yrs ago

I may be missing something here, because about half of the clubs I go to have such spaces.

avatar for shadowcat
17 yrs ago

Me too. Of the 40+ clubs in the Atlanta area, I think that almost all of them have such rooms. It will cost you though. $200-500/hr.

avatar for ThisOldManPlayed1
17 yrs ago

The only clubs I can think of that I have been too that has a "totally private room(s)" are:

Penthouse Key Club in Wellford, SC. - Individually enclosed rooms (with a closed door). They are similar to adult bookstore arcade peep booths, but without glory holes. Each room as a coin operated musci box inside for the dancer to select her music. Very classy club so the booths are small but clean. Skill level left up to the dancer.

Nikita's Playroom in Wellford, SC. - Individually enclosed rooms (with a closed door). Small 6'X 4' wooden cubicles with one cushioned easy chair. Extras available, but high priced.

Club 2K in Newark, OH. - Individual 'champaigne room', (with a closed door). Spacious, clean, has a small stage and pole, a TV, and a long comfortable couch. Downside? The door has a window in it where club employee passing by can view inside.

chitownlawyer - When FONDL uses the term "totally prive rooms" I took that as completely enclosed with a door, unlike rooms with curtains, etc.

avatar for casualguy
17 yrs ago

I was thinking I didn't know of any, until I read Bones post. How about private rooms with no camera? I think Penthouse Key Club has a camera in the rooms or so I've heard. I don't consider a room to be really private if it has a camera in it.

avatar for DougS
17 yrs ago

Casualguy: I'd be very surprised if there were such a VIP area anywhere. If nothing else, they'd have a camera for the protection of the dancer.

avatar for Clubber
17 yrs ago


Perhaps i is jus me, bu mos clubs I visi have a privae area. No all, of course, bu mos. Now if you mean doors, I do no know of any, ha I recall.

avatar for ThisOldManPlayed1
17 yrs ago

casualguy - Yu ar corect abot Penthouse Key Club, ass thay du ave camras in der pri-vat rooms.

avatar for large
17 yrs ago

Playhouse Lounge in Burlington NJ has private rooms but I'm told there are cameras there.

avatar for treetopsman
17 yrs ago

Fantasia in Huntsville, AL. Totally private rooms - no cameras - the dancers even lock the door prior to the "dances"

avatar for FONDL
17 yrs ago

Large, I forgot about Playhouse Lounge, I've been there and they do indeed have little private rooms. Don't know about the cameras though. That's pretty rare in the Northeast, I guess it must be a regional thing.

avatar for harrydave
17 yrs ago

I don't think I have been to any club with truly private rooms. There is always some way for management to keep an eye on things, either with cameras, a wandering bouncer, or a waitress intent on another drink order. However, I am sure there are clubs where these interruptions rarely happen. These are the places with extras always on the menu. They certainly exist in Canada (See Chez Diane in Quebec) and the border towns in Mexico (see clubs in Nogales). The closest thing in the US I have experienced is Cheetahs in Hallandale FL.

avatar for enquiz2001
17 yrs ago

Does curtains count? If you know Playhouse you know about Cheeks and their tents. Very private - at least from viewing. Noise reduction is another matter.

Go-Go Rama in Old Bridge, N.J., has their "private room." They are five booths in a side room. Unfortunately, two of the five are easily viewed by patrons. However, they are putting in, or have put in (not sure if they are opened yet), two private "cubes" that are totally enclosed - doors and curtains - so no outside viewing. The "cubes" sit out in the club, but there's no viewing inside.

The down side to all of this at the Go-Go Rama is that there are cameras in the "private room" booths, but I don't know if there are cameras in the "cubes." But I wouldn't be surprised if there are - they are everywhere else.

avatar for shadowcat
17 yrs ago

Here we go with cameras in the private rooms again. I have been going to my favorite club for 6 years. I have been assured by 20 of my favorite dancers that there are none in the private dance rooms. There are 5 cameras. One in the parking lot. (To watch for LE?) The rest trained on the main room. Management does not want to see empty stages. My previous ATF has pointed out all 5 locations of the cameras. The monitors for these cameras are in the managers office. Every dancer there has to check in with the manager when coming in or leaving. They know what they are seeing on the monitors. And they are not worried. Several have told me that cameras in the private rooms could work against the club. If Le were to bust the club and catch dancers doing what they are not supposed to do and the cameras prove this, the the club is also at risk for knowing what was going on and did not do anything about it. The club is smart enough to know why the guys come and they are smart enough to know that they make most of their money on over priced drinks. They do not want to lose their liquor license by being caught at providing a safe haven for illegal acts by dancers. So why video tape them? Protect the club by not using cameras.

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