
Suffering from Pervertism...

Is it just me? Am I the only one that is getting more girl (and sex) crazed as I get older? Or should I be trying to find a good therapist and making an appointment?

I don't know if it's because of all of the sexual images that I see all day on TV, in magazines, on the internet, etc., but whatever the cause, I find myself scoping out pretty girls all of the time, and my mind is always preoccupied with women (especially my ATF), strip clubs, etc. When I'm at the mall, I'm looking to spot hot chicks... when I'm driving, I'm paying more attention to the hot drivers in cars nearby... geesh!

What is wrong with me?! I must be a sick dawg.


  • scott1971
    17 years ago
    Beats the alternatives--would you rather find youself disinterested in sex? I guess if it's obsessive and intrusive and disruptive to your life or addictive in the form of a pattern of repeatedly doing flat out reckless things (high STD risk, unaffordable expenditures, unacceptable risk to primary relationship) it could qualify as a legitimate problem but short of that I like to think it's just fun.
  • ThisOldManPlayed1
    17 years ago
    Doug my friend. LOL. First off, it is definately not perverted to be interested in girls, women, sex, at any specific time, even if it runs 24 hours a day. As a non-professional psychologist, you are just going through that stage of life (male menopause) where we question our stamina, physical atttractiveness, and medibolically speaking, our testosterone levels.

    Now, with that bullshit aside, can you just imagine adding "Blue Magic" to all that, for recreational purposes??? You'd feel like a 'firecracker' ready to explode at any moment!

    At my age, women & sex enter my mind...... um, lets see.... mmm..
    about 16 hours a day (based on allowing 8 hours sleep, at which time they may still be on my mind). NOPE! Ya' ain't got no problem son!

    This being said by a 60 year old sick dawg!
  • AbbieNormal
    17 years ago
    DougS, at least you aren't getting more guy crazy as you get older. I'd also contend that in today's world of congressmen cruising mens rooms it is rather refreshing to be considered a pervert for the traditional reasons, wanting to look at and have sex with naked girls half your age.
  • casualguy
    17 years ago
    I just heard about the congressman on the radio the other day and something that is known as the international gay symbol. I tapped my foot a couple of times at my desk and was thinking, gee whiz, you can get arrested for this if you do this in a mens restroom where they are doing a police sting. I wonder what's next, automatic jail time for spitting in the sink? Someone might make it an international symbol for something else.

    I also heard the other day about an ad slogan for Virginia. Their slogan is Virginia is for lovers. However when someone made what they thought was a harmless heart symbol, they found out that was a symbol of a dangerous gang. I don't know though, somewhere it seems like a pretty girl giving a blowjob should be a greeting as if Hi,nice to meet you but instead of shaking your hand, they kiss you a little lower.

    Yeah, Doug, join the crowd. We're all perverted. I'd be feeling a little bit disappointed if I was losing interest. That actually happens in some strip clubs.
  • scott1971
    17 years ago
    In all fairness there's a bit of a line one crosses when one moves from "tapping the foot on the floor" to reaching said foot under the stall wall to caress the ankle of the guy in the next stall.
  • harrydave
    17 years ago
    If you are lucky, your interest in women will disappear at the exact moment that your brain activity ceases. Between now and then, consider it a blessing.

    Henry Thoreau wrote,
    Most men lead lives of quiet desperation and go to the grave with the song still in them.

    A song is a form of reverence. Let it out!

  • nj_pete
    17 years ago
    Pervertism?? I donl think so, normal behavior sound smore like it, I at age 50 find myself just as interested in woman/girls as ever, maybe even more so.
  • lopaw
    17 years ago
    Don't worry, Doug...you've got plenty of us to keep you company under that "umbrella of perversion"!

    I find myself feeling the same way that you guys do, although I'm not quite as old as some, or even male for that matter. I think it's a wonderful, healthy feeling to be embraced and celebrated, rather than hidden or denied.

    Now if only the young ladies would go along with it!
  • ThisOldManPlayed1
    17 years ago
    Well put lopaw!

    Alright young ladies, listen up! Is it at all possible to inject 'testosterone' into young ladies..... so we can keep our lopaw happy???
    17 years ago
    Let's face it guys (and girls) - strip clubs are for perverts. If we weren't perverts we wouldn't go there. Wear the label proudly, and someday you too can be a dirty old man.

    But it's funny how the meaning of "pervert" has changed over the years. It used to apply only to those whose tastes were then considered to be abnormal, now it applies to everyone. It's become an equal-opportunity term. Aren't we lucky to be living in such an enlightened age?
  • DougS
    17 years ago
    Uhh... I think I'd gladly inject some err... "testosterone" into our Miss Lopaw. Sorry, Lopaw, but being a pervert, THAT is where MY mind went. Sure you don't want to play on the other side of the fence for awhile?! [wink]
  • ThisOldManPlayed1
    17 years ago
    Any of the airlines employed TUSCLERs want to send 'lopaw' a "buddy pass" to get from LA to Columbia, SC for the TUSCL Chapter Meeting in October?
  • lopaw
    17 years ago
    Heh heh heh - you guys are fun! I'd love one day to meet some of you characters.....one day, perhaps! I was hoping to meet up with minnow today @ Bare Elegance here in L.A., but I'm stuck here at work and probably won't make it (raincheck, minnow?)

    Doug- it's been a while since I "jumped" the fence - but get enough tequila into me & I'm capable of just about anything! ;)
  • shadowcat
    17 years ago
    The last person to call me a pervert was my ex wife.
  • ThisOldManPlayed1
    17 years ago
    Let me be the last person now shadowcat....... YOU PERVERT!!!! LOL

    Let's all donate a dollar for a Tequila Bath with lopaw!!! :-) LOL
  • DougS
    17 years ago
    Lopaw: I have a bottle of Patron with your name on it. [wink]
  • AbbieNormal
    17 years ago
    Hey guys chill with all the make Lopaw switch sides jokes, Lopaw is MY imaginary lesbian girlfriend... Jeeze.
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