

Avatar for ThisOldManPlayed1

I know this topic has been up before, but for some of our newer registered ladies and gentlemen here, I thought it was time for a repeat.

My definition of a 'spinner' type dancer is short petite, weighing in at 90 pounds or less.

Why is the term 'spinner' used to describe these dancers? They're so small, you can virtually pick them up, set them on your 'dick' and "SPIN" them around! ummm, that's for male patrons only. I'm not sure what our lady clubbers do with them.

I've described one dancer at the Columbia PP as a spinner, named Toni. Is this correct 'shadowcat'?

Tell us about 'spinner' type dancers you've run into while clubbing.


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Avatar for shadowcat

Yeah, you got the name right. I wish that you had kept that between us but the damage has been done. I don't think that this will ever get back to her. She is computer illterate. She told Vanessa that I was going to be her next husband. Thats never going to happen but the honeymoon will. I still love you bro.

Avatar for FONDL

I like smaller dancers but 90 pounds is a little too small, I'd feel like I was with a 12 year old. I only ever recall one time with a dancer who was about that size - she curled up on my lap in BBF's VIP and fell asleep - it was kinda fun. I'd describe my perfect dancer as 5 foot 3 inches, 120 pounds, although my ATF is slightly bigger than that in both dimensions. So I guess she wouldn't qualify even though she's pretty small.

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Shadowcat - I don't believe any damage was done to her name or identity. No details were ever exposed other than being a dancer.

I don't think I could compete with you, even for the honeymoon, but can you take a video of it??? :-)

Avatar for shadowcat

Bones: Which one of us is the one you want to see naked? lol...On Oct 26th I will offer you M.H. as a consolation prize. She is better than J--- and she is available. Where else can you get a BBJ for $20?

Avatar for ThisOldManPlayed1

OK OK, I'll take you up on that offer my friend! Especially if she is better than J---! Does M.H. play with it before she swallows? LOL

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I've asked MsChick06, who posted her own topic, to join us during the meeting, either as a dancer or customer.

Avatar for shadowcat

Well last month she did. This month it was over so quick that I didn't even get any kitty play. 1 and 1/2 songs and I was done for the night. Larger than T. but still a spinner. Better looking and feeling than J---. No tats or piercings. Small B's but solid. great body. I would call her an 8. And boy is she fun just to talk to. J---- had no personality. She is giving T. a real run for the money. OTC? I don't know. I have only known her for 2 months whearas I have known T--- for over a year and have already had a great OTC expierence with her. Even met her loser younger brother from Tampa. My problem is what to do with the other 20 favorites of mine that will do 2 for $20 with you if I introduce you. If on Oct 26th, T. says lets get out of here and go fuck. Do I ditch my buddies that have been waiting for this day for 5 months or do I go with her? Life didn't used to be this complicated.

Avatar for DougS

Shadowcat: I think you'd be suffering from a dumbass attack if you didn't leave with T and go fuck. I'm pretty sure the rest of your entourage would agree.

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Returning to our regular programming...

Bones, I think we share some preferences. Best example I can think of is a girl name Angel who worked for a while in Phoenix. She was 4ft 11, and 85 lbs dripping wet. Her dances were a lot of fun, as she climbed all over me, did a variety of upside-down moves, and let me manhandle her (which is the fun part with these lightweight girls...there's nothing like wrapping your hands around their tiny waists, and moving 'em this way and that.) Are we talkin' the same language here Bones?

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harrydave - You hit the nail right on the head my good friend. Those petite little tarts are so light & (usually) tight and like you, love shifting them which way I want.

shadowcat - For Christ's sake! Take that tart out and have fun! We can fend for ourselves, just leave a tab open for us! :-)

Avatar for arbeeguy

So spinner = petite & attractive. That's fine. However disagree with the "90 pounds or less". Maybe 99 pounds or less is more realistic, and at that weight, if body shape is good, the term still seems to fit. I had seen the word used several times in reviews, and never knew what it meant. I thought maybe it was a girl who is really expert on the pole. But apparently I was wrong on that. I have a question about this Discussion Forum -- how is it that other posters refer to "shadowcat" but I do not see any postings by "shadowcat". The other nicknames mentioned in messages in this and other threads appear on the "Posted by" line. How come not "shadowcat". BTW I have never experimented with the [ignore] button

Now that we all know what "spinner" means, is there a way to get it added to the glossary?

Avatar for ThisOldManPlayed1

arbeeguy - check to see if you have "shadowcat" accidently ingnored. I think you have to be on your homepage of this site to ignore or remove names from ignore.

Founder: Can we get "spinner" added to our glossary of terms?

Avatar for FONDL

Arbeeguy, one easy way to tell if you have someone on "ignore" - look at the discussion board without loggin in, which I occasionally do accidently, and if you see topics that aren't there when you are logged in, then you have the person who started that topic on "ignore."

Avatar for AbbieNormal

A spinner is 5'3" or less, 110 lbs or less and should be on the lean/athletic side. Some say fake boobs are not spinnerish, I'm agnostic on that point.

Avatar for shadowcat

Arbeeguy You can Put a person on your ignore list by clicking the ignore button next to his name. To remove him from your list you have to go the very bottom of your home page. Now why did I just post this? He can't see me. Would someone please relay this to him.

Avatar for shadowcat

AN: I have to disagree on your definition of a spinner. first of all they can be and inch or two above 5'"3" but she can never weigh more than 90 lbs or have tits larger than "A's". I know dancers that are 5'5" or more that only weigh 110 lbs and they have natural 34B's. They are not spinners. They are just trim (skinny, if you like).

Avatar for chandler

Here's a blast from the past where I learned all about spinners. Some posts from deleted user accounts are missing (I'm looking at you, Shadowcat), leaving odd gaps in the thread. It's still pretty funny:


Avatar for AbbieNormal

Spinners: Eva Longoria, Kelly Monaco

Not Spinners: Elle McPhearson, Heidi Klum, (Most models are way too tall)

Feel free to help define by example.

Chandler, ahhh for the good old days. Thanks for the blast from the past.

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Kate Beckinsale? Looks like a spinner, but at 5'8", not a spinner.

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As far as movies stars go, I would say that Dominique Swain that starred with jeremy Irons in "Lolita" is a spinner in my definition.

Avatar for chandler

I think of spinners as younger and having shorter hair. After age 25 or 30, don't they get tired of spinning? And long hair doesn't look right on a short girl. Makes her look like a dwarf. Better to go with the pixie look.

The original spinner was probably Debbie Reynolds, soon followed by Sandra Dee.

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No, I'm not quite that old. Turner Classic Movies is my default TV channel.

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chandler: I am referring to the the remake in 1997. Take a look and then give me another opinion.

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Shadowcat: I wasn't responding to your post. My mistake for letting it look that way. Dominique Swain was plenty young enough.

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Remember Twiggy? 'Nuff said.

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Was Twiggy perky enough or more of a waif? Maybe the original modern waif.

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Definately a waif, but a spinner too, as I understand the term. Seems to me that all short waifs (or are waifs always short?) are sinners, but not all spinners are waifs? Or maybe they mean the same thing?

Avatar for chandler

I say they're different. Waifs are skinny but not necessarily short, and not at all perky or athletic, more malnourished and bookish looking. Spinners at least appear healthy and energetic.

Avatar for harrydave

Here are some operational definitions of a Spinner:

  • A Spinner can jump onto your lap, bounce a few times energetically, and all the while you can sip your drink without spilling a drop.

  • A Spinner can do a shoulder stand on your thighs, and her crotch will still be well below your chin

  • While sitting on your lap, a Spinner can put your hands on her waist, and you can lift her, while she reaches under to adjust Mr. Happy

  • A Spinner will face you, kneel on your thighs, hug your face to her chest, and try to hit your cheeks with her boobs, and fail

  • A Spinner will get on her knees facing you, press between your legs, rest her chin on your little head, and look up - and you will have unbidden thoughts of an underage girl

  • When you stand up and give her a hug goodbye, even with her stripper shoes on, you'll have to bend down to nuzzle her face.

There's more, but this is torture.

Avatar for FONDL

Or maybe it's more a question of attitude - both are tiny but a spinner has a positive attitude while a waif has a negative one. The spinner is happy, the waif is sad. The spinner is bubbly and energetic, the waif acts like she's on death's doorstep. But I'm just guessing, I have no idea what these terms mean, they both seem pretty vague to me.

Avatar for chandler

It's a question of both body and spirit. I think they're pretty descriptive and easy to distinguish. Perhaps "spinner" seems vague because it's derived from an impossible fantasy, if you buy the story. I suspect the "so small you could spin her on your dick" part was made up after the term had already been in circulation. Also, "spinner" seems to be used mainly in adult entertainment, while "waif" is used everywhere.

Avatar for AbbieNormal

I agree with a lot of the comments here that spinners also have an energetic attitude and a more athletic body. It's not just about being small. Oddly I don't consider blondes spinners, but that's just a personal quirk. I was never a fan of the waif look. Malnourished, sunken eyes, por posture... That's supposed to turn me on? They look like they'd break if you tried some energetic sex. Definitely not spinners.

Shadowcat, Dominique Swain is 5'9" tall (according to IMDB). Sorry, WAAAYYYY to tall to be a spinner. I could see stretching to 5'4", but 5'9"? That makes most women spinners since the average height of women is well under 5'9".

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Funny how definite some of us are n ow about what it means, when we we'd barely heard of it in that thread I dug up from a year and a half ago.

Avatar for FONDL

Chandler, I've heard the term "spinner" used for many years but freely admit that I don't know what it means. But then it seems like no one else here does either since there's a lot of disagreement. From which I conclude that it must be a pretty vague term, that there is no generally-accepted definition.

Avatar for shadowcat

I remember the original discussion. I was convinced that it was a DJ because he spins records or at least used to. AN, I think that a lot of the celeb info is misleading. At what age were these facts measured? How old was Dominique when she starred in Lolita? I wanted to classify Jodie Foster as a spinner because she always impressed me as such. I spent an hour on the internet researching her and decided to not mention her because there were too many conflicting reports. One said that she was 5'31/2", 34B-24-331/2, weighed 127lbs. I couldn't buy the 127lbs. Another report said that she was 5'9". That was just plain stupid. One report that she had to lose 13lbs to get a certain movie part. About the only thing that was consistant is the she is getting close to 40. In my book she is a 40 yo spinner, mother of 2 and can still get my dick hard.

Avatar for AbbieNormal

Chandler. It is fascinating mostly because spinners are exactly my prefered type and have been for years, and I never knew there was a name for the type. I've also conducted extensive research on spinners since discovering the term ;)

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An awful lot of slang terms have somewhat different meanings depending on how old you are. This may be one of them.

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