
Worst Strip Club Still in Business

New Jersey
Thanks, DougS for the previous "best of" thread. Here's the obvious opposite...What is the worst club you have ever been in (for more than 5 minutes) that is still in business, defying all rules of business logic and sensibility. And why?

My worst, by far:

Blue Moon, an all nude club in Phoenix. Let me count the ways:
1) Bad part of town, old sign, no exterior maintenance
2) Run by a couple of old geezers, so old that even Vitamin V can't get them interested in girls again
3) Dirty, decrepit interior, the plainest furniture
4) No DJ, no juke box, just a boom box near the stage
5) Girls you turn away from and feel sorry for
6) Cheapskate customers sitting at the rail, sipping water and doling out dollars at the rate of one every 15 minutes, all for some views of a little pink
7) No private dances, a couple of chairs in the corner
8) $41 to get first lap dance, including $20 for the house
9) Poor dance mileage, 'cuz it's an all nude club in Phoenix, and you can't expect much

The horror...the horror!


  • casualguy
    17 years ago
    I try to avoid clubs I think are no good so my choices are limited.

    I'll rate Lady Godiva's I as the worst club I have been in. I visited one time and never had a desire to return even though I've driven past it many times.

    Here are some quotes from reviews:

    Quotes from stillworks
    There was no dancer I could rate higher than 4.
    Three dancers, fat, saggy or dirty.

    Quotes from Polarman
    If you like them (dancers) a little overweight and kinda sleazy you'd be in heaven here.
    If this is the crowd during the day I would advise anyone to come with friends at night.

    Quote from Bones7599
    the club appeared somewhat dirty and in need of repairs or renovation.

    Reason it stays in business- I think some guys must like it sleazy.

    I wondered if I visited at a bad time. Then I found TUSCL and read other reviews.

  • chandler
    17 years ago
    Has to be Kenny May's in Hammond, Ind. I went once or twice in the mid 90s, and it wasn't very good, but not beyond all hope. I tried it again in about 2000 to see if it had improved, and it was ghastly. Two smelly old drug addicts taking turns onstage while a redneck with a microphone sat not five feet away yelling at me and the other customer to tip them. When the waitress told me after 10 minutes that I had to order another beer, I left. Funny thing is, I still see reviews saying that those were the good old days, and it has gone downhill since.
  • DandyDan
    17 years ago
    The Town and Country bar in Topeka, KS has to qualify, simply because in order to be a strip club, you have to have strippers. Town and Country, at least the one time I went there, had a grand total of three ladies who ever danced there, and the one who was there that day was old and had a repulsive personality. I was told once, well after I had been there, it was the first bar to get a license in Shawnee County after Prohibition was repealed, and it didn't look like much had changed since the end of Prohibition, other than a stage for women to strip on.
  • jimmyblong
    17 years ago
    I agree with Chandler. Kenny Mays is by far the worst. As bad as he says it was, it has gotten worse. How it stays open I couldn't even guess. The dancers are pathetic ugly and try to charge you $25 per dance or 5 for $100. The bartender and 'bouncer' just hang out with each other stuffing their faces with take out food which would probably stink up the joint if it wasn't for the eye-watering stench coming from the mens room. If there was a strip club sewer, this would be it.
  • lotsoffun201
    17 years ago
    IMHO being from Las Vegas, it has to be the Can Can Room. Not that it's dirty, smelly or any of the above, but I take issues with what they do. They "prey" upon tourists with unscrupulous cab drivers who lure them there to get their kickback. You are given a tour, and the private room upsell begins. "This is what you get for $$$$$ with the girl of your choice, yada yada yada." Once you go in ther the girls begin the upsell for more money, now you the tourist are out a few hundred and when you begin to protest, a goon ushers you out to the street where the chances of hailing a cab are nearly zero, and points out a notice that prostitution is illegal. Now you the poor tourist who took a cab there have to walk in 110 degree vegas heat about half a mile down the road to have any chance of getting back to your hotel.

    Nothing more than a clip joint aimed to part horny tourists with their money, AND they don't serve alcohol.
  • DougS
    17 years ago
    It's tough to narrow the list to THE worst club, but unless I'm overlooking a club that's not coming to mind, I think MY worst club is...

    Little Daddy's - Kokomo, IN I've given it three chances, and each time there are very few dancers and they are nothing that I'd want to touch, even if I was totally blitzed. A lot of tats, snagly / missing teeth, heavy, old... eeeesh, no thanks!
  • chandler
    17 years ago
    Another club near Chicago where I had a terrible experience many years ago was called Dancers in Palatine. Not so much a dump as a ripoff joint with overpriced dancer drinks and heavy pressure to pay big bucks for a VIP where I'm sure nothing happens. I just checked the reviews to confirm that it still gets the same complaints I've always seen, but it's been closed. Too bad it was due to a county anti-club ordinance, not customers wising up.
  • chandler
    17 years ago
    Doug, I've had the same impression from giving Little Daddy's (or is it Big Daddy's?) a look or two, but I've never stayed as long as five minutes.
  • DougS
    17 years ago
    Chandler: in my experiences at Little Daddy's, I only stayed long enough to have a partial beer on two occasions. During the last visit, I never even ordered a beer. Of course the fact that Hip Hugger was soo close made the decision to leave that much easier. Crazy to waste even 10 min at a place like that!

    Another club comes to mind, but I don't even remember the name. It was near the corner of Manheim and Lake St. in Chicago, near what is now Scores (at that time it was called Diamond's, if I remember right). Anyhow, the club that I can't remember the name of was within a block of Diamond's, and was a real dive (inside and out). A bevy of old, ugly women were dancing. Dances were just $5, which I had no interest in partaking of. Nasty, nasty nasty!
  • shadowcat
    17 years ago
    Pleasures, Columbia SC. Black club. Terrible part of town. So bad that they take the booze and music home each night. All drinks served in plastic glasses. You are asked to register upon entering. You then get the best part of your experience. You get patted down (felt up) by the "6" door girl. She is the best you will see. once inside you will notice that the decor is lacking. My garage has more sex appeal. There were 5 or 6 dancers working. Nothing higher that a "4". I took my drink to a stool with my back to the wall and tried to watch the show on stage. There was this huge hippo on stage. complete with tats and missing teeth. 300 lbs of love. Two guys were having fun shoving dollar bills up her pussy. As I was leaving I heard a voice telling me "Whats your rush.We know that you are here for the ladies?" I felt much better when I was safely out of the parking lot.
  • ClevelandTom
    17 years ago
    My entry onto this prestigious list is The Touch of Gold in Brookpark (Cleveland), Ohio. You can read my reviews on the site but it is located on a street with at least a half dozen clubs within two miles and it is barely functional.

    At no point in the last two years have I seen more than three cars in the lot at one time (the lot looks like a parking lot in Bosnia would, with craters that could do some serious damage to your car if you hit them going at any speed).

    I've been in the club no less than 10 times. . . mostly to see if it really is as bad as it has been. There are usually two dancers working, the one is maybe a 6, but she also doubles as the bartender. The other is maybe a 5. The only phrase the girls know is, "do you want to buy me a drink?" which, at $8, is a tad high for the area. One might figure that the act of buying somebody a drink would come with a little conversation, which is not the case. The girl will pound the drink (or shot) and then walk away, coming back moments later to ask the only question she knows.

    The dancers perform on top a small, round stage that has a pole in the middle of it. The stage can't be more than five feet across and it doesn't have stairs (which makes it awkward for the girls to get up and down from).

    I have never seen a private dance done in the club (there usually is no more than one other person whenever I've gone in) and one night, I went into it intent on getting one just for the experience. I asked both dancers about dances and never got any kind of understandable response. I guess they don't do them.

    If you are in the Cleveland area, stop in (no cover). It is pretty funny.
  • motorhead
    17 years ago
    Kokomo has Big Daddy's, Big Daddy's 2, and Little Daddy's. I assume all owned by the same guy. With the Hugger in town, I see no reason to visit anywhere else - although after one slow night at the Hugger, I was stupid and stopped at Big Daddy's. Pretty bad - ugly girls and a sparse, yet unruly crowd. I was out of there is less than 10 minutes. Never have been to the others.

    If Big Daddy's wasn't the worst, there was a place in Southington, CT (outside of Hartford) that probably was just as bad. It was down the street from my hotel so I stopped in for a few minutes. Rough biker bar with ugly girls - I think at the time (7 or 8 years ago) it was a bikini bar. They now call themselves "Club Lazelle" although I don't think it was called that at that time. TUSCL now says it is topless and one reviewer says it has been re-modeled.
  • minnow
    17 years ago
    I couldn't say, because most crummy clubs I've been to are either out of business, or have been bought out & improved.

    lof201- It sounds as though reason for CanCan being lousy has changed over the years. A fellow hotel van rider in the mid90's told me that CCR had a bunch of fuglies and lame shows. Now it sounds like they are going down same path as 90's Tabu( located ard. Paradise&Flamingo)- eg the clip joint route. I think Tabu has gone out of business- maybe shopping center was rebuilt??
  • harrydave
    17 years ago
    Lotsoffun - a clip joint in LV? Outrageous! The sound you here is your money being vacuumed from your wallet.

    Shadowcat - great imagery, the stuff of nightmares

    Tom - 10 times? You get my "hope springs eternal" award.
    17 years ago
    I can't answer this question because I never remember the name of a truly terrible club, nor do I ever return so I have no way of knowing whether or not they're still in business. But if you go to the thread where I described a truly bad war story, that place would certainly qualify.

    One other place that comes to mind was a tiny rural club (if you can call it that) in western PA that resembled a small barn, and after finally finding the unmarked entrance I went in and there was an empty room with nothing but a crude stage - no food, no bar, no people, nothing. A fat girl came out to dance and I almost left then and there but I persevered. She was followed by one of the best looking strippers I've ever seen who turned out to be a really nice girl and a great dancer in private and I had a wonderful time. Who woulda thunk it?
  • chandler
    17 years ago
    I love telling about bad clubs and reading others' accounts of bad clubs. I usually know when they're still in business because I spot other people's reviews and their 1 or 2 ratings, which I gleefully click on in order to savor all the bad details.
  • harrydave
    17 years ago
    I'm with you, Chandler. Like the Mae West saying, when they're good, they're really good, and when they're bad, they're really bad (and funny).

    I forgot to mention a club in Barre, VT, Planet Rock. I think there are only a few clubs in all of VT. Now, Barre, VT is just a town in the middle of nowhere, with a deep granite quary next to the highway. The club is in a basement in a downtown building. It has all the charm of a basement rec room from 1965, and it appears to be decorated in the same way; heavy use of cheap paneling and other home handyman stuff; plus a bunch of halloween decorations, although it was January. I made a comment to one of the dancers, and she told me to keep my voice down, since the old lady behind the bar evidently moonlighted as the interior decorator. Everything about the place was hilarious. Last post on TUSCL says it is up for sale. Oh no!
  • DandyDan
    17 years ago
    I remember Dancers. I would have said Dancers, but I knew they were closed. My one experience there was awful. I got stuck with some Eastern European chick there. It was the biggest ripoff of my life.

    Another awful place, especially in recent years, that I have visited is the Foxy Lady on O Street in Lincoln, NE. They always had the worst dancers of any place in Lincoln, and they don't have any type of private dancing and it would probably be air dances, anyway. But what really sucks is after Lincoln passed their anti-smoking law, they came up with the brilliant idea of having a "beer garden", which is the loop hole in the law. Only it's a covered beer garden which shouldn't meet the definition in the law, but does, somehow, the details of which escape me at the moment. Anyway, all the girls, once they are done dancing their set, go immediately to the beer garden area, which sucks if you don't smoke, and only come out to dance onstage again.
    17 years ago
    I would also add Sherry's Showbar in Baltimore to the list. It was so bad I haven't been to a strip club since and that was 2 years ago.
  • ThisOldManPlayed1
    17 years ago
    Got to agree with DougS - Little Daddy's in Kokomo. I suggest wearing "blinders" upon entering. I had one dancer there that almost bit one of my nipples off. It was sore for 2 days!

    Another club in Kokomo is Diva's, only because you rarely see the "hookers"... uh um, I mean "dancers" dancing on their stage! I visit this club 'not to party or get laps', just to get a quick Tune-Up like Jiffy Lube! But, I usually get teased at Hip Hugger first.
  • chandler
    17 years ago
    Doesn't anybody have any gentlemen's clubs to nominate? A rundown facility and a stinky restroom don't really define a bad club for me. Some of my favorite places are dumps. And I view the absence of a DJ as a definite plus.

    I'd post about a gentleman's club, except I never go to them unless I've heard that they're good.
  • ThisOldManPlayed1
    17 years ago
    I with you chandler. I don't frequent gentlemen's clubs, as they are too classy for me. I pretty much go for the neighborhood bar/strip club or an occassional dump like Diva's.
  • DandyDan
    17 years ago
    I myself don't go to gentlemen's clubs, either. I always feel out of place in them. But the thing is, they often have the best looking ladies, and that has to count for something. When I think of gentlemen's clubs, I think of somewhere like the Admiral Theater in Chicago. That particular place might be too expensive and you only get air dances but there also isn't an ugly dog there, either. Of course, the probability of me going back there is slim to none, but I don't think anyone really needs to go closing it up soon.
  • chandler
    17 years ago
    Bones, I don't mind classy (whatever that means). My problem is that the dances are typically lame, and the strippers often aren't any better looking behind all the slick presentation. And I'm not inclined to give a gentleman's club a try on impulse because of the cover charges, etc. you need to pay just to get a seat. As a result, the only gentleman's clubs I go to are the really good ones like several that Detroit has, and the only bad clubs I see first hand are among all be dives I take a chance on. I was just asking if anybody had been to a gentleman's club where the BS was so obnoxious it deserved mention here as much as all the dumps.
    17 years ago
    Chandler, the only gentlemen's club I've been to in the past 20 years is Gentlemen's Gold Club in Baltimore, and while it isn't too bad it isn't one of my favorite clubs. I avoid GCs because they're usually way overpriced, there's too much attitude, and they're usually located in downtown areas of big cities, which I also avoid. Like you and Bones, I prefer the smaller neighborhood places, they're a lot more fun and usually much better value.
  • shadowcat
    17 years ago
    The Atlanta Cheetah. The most reviewed and highest rated club of the 40+ clubs in the Atlanta area. This is a GC of the highest order. I had to check it out. Went there on halloween night 2005. Now remember this is Hotlanta home of the air dance. I went there for the eye candy. They had beautiful dancers working. The most beautiful that I have ever seen at one time in a club. But the atmosphere sucked. The dancers were all stuck up and the customers were snobs. This is where all the cool people go to show everybody else how cool they are. I sat at the bar. In the hour+ that I was there I saw very few customers buying table side air dances. I heard the bar tender chew out a Japanese businessman for not tipping him enough. I have had more fun with trogangreg at smaller clubs. I would not call them neighborhood clubs but a lot more fun. I don't know how to classify my favorite club. I wouldn't call it a GC but some might. It for sure is not a neighborhood hang out. Is there some kind of in the middle classification?
  • chandler
    17 years ago
    I wouldn't call any of my favorite clubs a neighborhood club. Every one I can think of is located in a commercial or industrial district and draws clientele from all over. They're no more "hood" than an Applebee's.

    Also, most gentlemen's clubs I know of are located near airports or somewhere on the outskirts, not downtown (which, BTW, is my favorite place to go). It may be different on the east coast.
    17 years ago
    Shadowcat and Chandler, it sounds like the clubs you are describing are what I would call either GC-wannabes or neighborhood bar-LD factory hybrids, both are quite common. The GC-wannabes are those places that pretend to be GCs but haven't made the big investment necessary to really fit into that category, nor are they usually able to hire the top quality dancers in their area that the GCs can typically attract. But they often do try to charge GC prices. I'd put many of the chain clubs in that category.

    The hybrids, on the other hand, usually have the friendly atmosphere and reasonable prices of a neighborhod bar but are often bigger and feature LDs much more so than do most neighborhood bars. I'd but Brad's in that category. But those are my classificatins, others probably classify clubs differently (or not at all.)

    And Chandler, I don't know of any true GCs that are located near airports, although your area may be different. Or more likely your definition of a GC may be different than mine; by my definition, there aren't very many GCs anywhere, they're not very common. Although that's what everyone thinks of when they hear "strip club." Except us of course. We know better.
  • chandler
    17 years ago
    FONDL, I think I use a fairly common definition of gentlemen's club, which includes an upscale, glitzy facility and a lot of extra flunkies and amenities. There's a broad range of so-called luxury within them. If you only include the few most upscale clubs in the country, you're going to exclude many that everyone else understands as gentlemen's clubs. A lot of them are near airports all around the country.
  • shadowcat
    17 years ago
    I don't want to bust anybodys bubble but after 40+ years in the air line industry I know that there are not that many clubs close to airports. TUSCL has rated Atlanta as one of the top strip clubs cities in the country. I don't know what criteria they are using. I can see that it is in alphabetical order. The Chettah is right in the middle of downtown. There are only 5 clubs that are in a radius of 10 miles from the airport. 3 you never step foot in. My point is that location does not tell it all.
  • chandler
    17 years ago
    Shadowcat, I'm sorry you had to burst my bubble, and that of Detroit, Toronto, Los Angeles, Indianapolis, Chicago and Tampa, for starters. Here, I had thought clubs often locate near airports because.... *drum roll* .... travelers stay near airports and travelers go to strip clubs, and they tend to be more upscale to appeal to business travelers. My lack of any experience in the airline industry is showing.
    17 years ago
    The airports I'm most familiar with -
    Philadelphia has a couple strip clubs nearby but none of them would meet anyone's definition of a Gentlemen's Club, they're small and pretty downscale (but not bad).
    BWI (Baltimore) - no strip clubs nearby.
    Dulles (Washington) - the closest strip club is an hour away.
    Reagan (Washington) - only one club nearby and it's a small neighborhood bar-type place.
    New York - 3 major airports, no strip clubs near any of them that I know of.
    Tampa - several strip clubs nearby but primarily because the airport is downtown and so are the clubs, and I wouldn't call any of them GCs, not even close.
    Boston - no strip clubs nearby, no GCs anywhere in the city, or state for that matter.
    Providence - no strip clubs nearby, they're mostly downtown, a good half hour away.
    I guess I'd have to agree with Shadowcat.

    Chandler, let me describe Gentlemn's Gold Club in Baltimore, which is the GC I'm most familiar with. From the outside it looks like an ultra-fancy restaurant and is brightly lit, you can see it from a mile away. You pull under the protico at the entrance and a parking attendant takes your car and the doorman opens the door for you. Or if you're in a downtown hotel, they will send a limo for you if you call (unlike most GCs, GGC isn't downtown.) You walk into the large reception area and there's a counter where you can purchase souvenirs (glasswear, T-shirts, photos) and expensive cigars. You then pay an admission fee and enter the club through a turnstile and metal detector. And you can go into the main club to the left or the private party room to the right. If you go into the main room, there are two large plush full bars connected by a long large stage, the entrance to the stage is a long fancy staircase leading down from the upstairs dressing room. The area between the two bars and on either side of the stage (which is more like a runway) is full of plush easy chairs and little cocktail tables, including several more private elevated areas along the walls and in the corners. There will be about 20-40 dancers there, depending on the time of day, most of whom are pretty attractive including several knockouts, and except when onstage, the dancers are all in long gowns. There's a private walled in LD area in one corner, plus 3 different large VIP rooms with different decor, different degrees of privacy and different price levels, and a fourth room for private shower shows. There's a full kitchen that's always open. There's a dj booth elevated above the larger bar. There are about 40 dancers and maybe half a dozen well-dressed bouncers, all of whom look like ex-college football players. And there are attendants in the mens' room, which is probably the cleanest and fanciest men's room I've ever seen. The whole place, inside and out, is extremely fancy and it's huge. And it's also expensive - the girl I used to hang with had a customer who gave her $1,000 every time he came in. It's the kind of place where you expect to see professional athletes hanging out. And they have regular features including the annual Miss Nude Baltimore contest, first prize $5,000. They also have a fancy van that they use to take some of the dancers to special outside events like Ravens games. And they have a fancy web site that includes lots of photos, an active message board, girls' schedules and more (http://www.gentlemensgoldclubgirls.com). That's my idea of a true gentlemen's club. And I don't know of many other places that are remotely like it.
    17 years ago
    OMG how did I ever Adult World in Harrisburg? The only place worse was the place right next door, which isn't on the list and hopefully no longer exists.
  • minnow
    17 years ago
    FONDL- Although Tampa airport isn't all that far from downtown Tampa, it could hardly be considered a downtown airport- certainly not in the manner of San Diego, Chicago Midway, Detroit City(not Metro), etc.

    Chandler- I'll restore some of your bubble by naming some Gentlemen Club type places near airports:
    Phoenix- Christies Cabaret
    Tampa- Penthouse Club, Thee Dollhouse(plus Monz & 2001, but they're not GC's
    Vegas- Club Paradise, across from Hard Rock probably closest to airport, though its hard to tell where things begin & end there, with all the building they've been doing.
    San Antonio- PT's- maybe not quite a true GC, but close enough.

    Airports with seedy/subpar clubs(some can be seedy in a good way): San Diego, New York(JFK), Miami, Seattle. Honorable mention includes LAX, and maybe Toronto or Montreal. Also, many general aviation/secondary airports have clubs fairly close (East St. Louis).
  • ShotDisc
    17 years ago
    Any club named Cafe Erotica sitting next to an interstate, any club named Deja Vu. Any club in Birmingham AL not named Sammy's. Any club in Orlando FL. Any club in Knoxville TN. Any club in Augusta, Columbus or South GA. As for The Cheetah in Atlanta. I agree with Shadowcat. It is the quintisential GC. The place to go after a game. Drop dead gorgeous model dancers. All style no substance.
  • chandler
    17 years ago
    I knew you'd come to my rescue eventually, Minnow. Yeah, if all the clubs around the Tampa airport are considered downtown clubs, then I don't know what to say. A quick look at the maps for Memphis, Dallas and Phoenix shows that they also follow the common pattern of clubs clustered around their airports. (Common, not universal.) I can't tell for sure what type they all are, but some of the names sound like GCs.

    FONDL, I find your designation of a "true gentleman's club" a little illusory. They're all wannabes as far as I'm concerned. I don't believe the Atheneum or Lyceum ever had strippers. And isn't a garish name like Gold Club considered just a bit declassé?
    17 years ago
    Chandler, I didn't say that I liked Gentlemen's Gold Club, I just said that it's my idea of a true gentlemen's club. I don't like the place very much because it's too expensive, although it's not a bad place to stop by for a drink. In addition GGC has the same problem that all Baltimore clubs have - there are too many clubs in the area for the size of the city, and as a result none of them can draw enough attractive dancers, so dancer quality is always uneven.

    My idea of a GC is a place that has the atmosphere of an exclusive private club. That includes a high level of amenities (eg. a choice of different fancy VIP rooms and a full bar with good brands and a bartender who knows what she's doing - GCs sell mostly mixed drinks not beer), a very nice physical plant, and customers are treated with the utmost courtesy (I've never seen bouncers anywhere who are as courteous as those at GGC. Or dancers and bartenders either for that matter.) A GC doesn't have to be large (eg. I consider Nepals to be a GC) although most of them are. And it doesn't have to be expensive athough again most of them are - they generally need to be to pay for the plush surroundings.

    I don't know of many such places anywhere, and I don't know of any that are near an airport although there probably are a few. Most of the places that consider themselves to be GCs may have fancy decor but lack the courteous private-club atmosphere. I consider such places to be GC-wannabes. And there are loads of those around. They're the places I avoid - places with GC prices but not the GC environment.
  • chandler
    17 years ago
    FONDL: All I was asking when I started this whole thread detour was whether anybody had been to a gentlemen's club that deserved mention here. I plead guilty to using a broader definition of GC, including what you might term wannabes. More than a few are near airports and offer free limo shuttle service to and from, etc. I guess you'll just have to trust me that they exist and I'm not making them up. Anyway, my point was that a dumpy joint with fuglies isn't the only kind of place that could be the worst.
    17 years ago
    OK, I'm with you. I think a really fancy overpriced high-hustle joint could easily qualify for the worst club list. I don't happen to know of any because I don't frequent places like that, but I'm sure there are some. But I wouldn't call such a place a gc, the absence of high hustle is a major characteristic of a true gentlemen's club by my definition. At GGC there's virtually no hustle whatever - girls will circulate and ask if you want company but they're very polite about it and will immediately move on if you say no.
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