Feb. 14th, Valentines Day. A good day for strip clubbing or not?

Atlanta suburb
I am planning my next trip to my favorite club on Feb. 14 thru 16th. I really don't know what to expect on Valentines Day. Will the dancers be out in force or will they be spending the time with their SO,s?
last commentGood day to milk suckers is my guess: Got bombarded with texts last year. Think they will be looking for dopes to take them out to dinner, buy them flowers and gifts and all that crap... Maybe you can play it to your advantage but my guess is there will be an overabundance of PL/RILs for them to choose from.
Pink site hustle tips will probably have threads like: "Valentines Day -tips on sucking RIL types dry"
Out in force is my guess. Their TIGHT-ASS cheap lousy no-job working mother fuckers ain't buying them SHIT on VD! Ooops VD=Valentines Day in this case! LOL
The clubs will be FULL of dancers waiting for us pathetic no-good lousy dick-swinging horny bastards to come in and shower them with gifts!
But, NOT ME!!!!
I can't believe I just wrote that!!!
Senile moment? Just kidding Bones. Unless you agree. :) I remember my very first ATF talked me into sending some roses to her house. I think that was the only time I gave a gift like that to a dancer. Well another dancer once talked me into buying her something but she was recripocating with the gifts. I'm not giving any gifts to dancers and rarely do. Except cash for dancing or a drink if I'm in a good mood and willing to spend. In fact I'm thinking about staying home more often so they won't be getting as much cash from me if I do that. I'm just waiting for a monster snow storm and then I'll decide to stay home.
On the other hand, I might just go with my Bro to his club on VD and give Lady Rolex watches to all my favorite dancers!
Very good. Specials abound. No guilt.
It might vary a lot from club to club. And I bet day shifts are less affected than nights. I've never gone because I've always heard that not many dancers worked Valentine's Day and it wasn't a good night for those who did. Sounds kind of pathetic to me.
Stay away from clubs on Valentine's Day. The hinting and begging for gifts gets on my nerves. And what do we get?
I call it "VD" too there Bones...so you're not alone. Screw the SCs on VD!
The only time I ever went on Valentine's Day, I got busted with a speeding ticket on the way home, so I never went again.
If you must go to a club, better to wear a disguise of some type to avoid any problems
VD has a special place in my heart.
My soon-to-be-ex "educated" me on that day. We were married in November. The first VD comes around and I buy her a dozen roses, arrive home and present them with a big hug and kiss. This gesture was way above the norm for the family I grew up in, which was not big on celebration or effusive gift giving. So, one hour later (from the ex) I get feedback..."Did you get me a card?", "Well, no, I don't think I've given VD cards since the grade school class thing.", "Well, that's just not right; a card shows that you care about someone." And on, and on, and on. Intimacy reduced down to quantitative score keeping. It was that way on Mother's day, birthday and Christmas, too. Ok, enough bile from my marriage.
I would avoid strip clubs on VD. Can't imagine what is going on in the girls' minds, but it can't be friendly. I would rather walk through an old mine field. Less chance of being injured.