
Comments by mike710 (page 7)

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    2 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Is an expensive college worth it?
    How many of the people that attend these schools start out with the proverbial "Golden Spoon" in their mouth. I'm sure many who get into these schools are legacy admissions following in their rich parents' footsteps. So many probably inherit a large some as well. I'm sure it's not all but it's probably at least more than a few.
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    2 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Racial and Sexual Inequality in Sports
    Pro sports is a business and there is no Title IX rules that apply. While the USWNT soccer team is a lot more successful than their male counterparts, the skill level isn't even close. It's comparing apples and oranges. The USWNT lost a scrimmage to a boys 15 year old team in 2017. Were the women trying? Hard to say but they still lost. Fair or not, men's sport teams are a bigger draw at the professional level for the major sports. That means more revenues for team owners and more pay. It's all about business. That being said, I would rather watch a lot of the women's olympic sports than men's olympic sports. There are some very talented women in many of those sports and they are a bigger draw, Unfortunately, those sports don't lead to big pay days.
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    2 years ago
    Icee Loco (asshole)
    I'm a fucking loser
    If you are talking about New Orleans, Mardi Gras is a shit show and you can have as much fun on the streets as you can in a club. It is a lot better to go to a club in New Orleans when it's not Mardi Gras. I took a lady friend for her birthday and we ended up meeting with a couple that worked at a strip club as a bartender and dancer. We went out with the bartender on a couple of his nights out and our money was no good with him. We just had to tip and drink for free. Probably one of the wildest times I can remember hanging with a Bourbon Street bartender those couple of times.
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    2 years ago
    How much cash do you carry?
    I use the Wallanon method. Depending on the day, I will have more than enough for 3 VIP sessions.
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    2 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Conversations that you will only have in a strip club
    So she like protein drinks?
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    2 years ago
    Icee Loco (asshole)
    I'm a fucking loser
    Genuinely helping a hoe...
    I've helped out a couple that were friends as well. One was a girl that had a condition that wouldn't allow her to work. Another mutual friend told me about her situation. She was a neighbor so I went by and gave her some money without expecting anything in return. However, she paid me back when she got well and took me to dinner and post dinner sex. Another, had to evacuate her home due to a wildfire. I just offered her a place to stay since I had an extra room. We dated for a couple years after and I'm still friends with her. Both cases were because they were friends that happened to make money as ho's. Because they were friends, I seemed to end getting more in return.
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    2 years ago
    Any place that interests me.
    Tag Teams- Yea or Nay ?
    A hell no for me. It's just a gimmick upsell for rookies to me.
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    2 years ago
    OTC Post Nut Clarity
    @Rick. Sounds like a date with AOC would be.
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    2 years ago
    not the real drew carey, but I play him at strip clubs...
    OTC Costs: Seattle Prices
    I'm not a super big OTC guy but have done it numerous times over the years. Based on my experience, one part of your premise may not be right. That is looking for pricing on an hourly basis rather than a session premise. The girls I spent time with OTC never watched the clock like an escort would, so it was anywhere from a couple of hours to many hours for a set price. I guess it just depends on the connection like others have stated.
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    2 years ago
    San Francisco considering sanctioning a red-light district
    Only silly stuff is illegal like menthol cigarettes and throwing away food scraps without putting them in the proper recycling bin.
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    2 years ago
    Learning Vegas and chasing Casino Girls
    For her. Premature post.
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    2 years ago
    Learning Vegas and chasing Casino Girls
    ^ I see you brought up the subject of why the girls are tolerated. In a couple of my encounters at different casino bars, it was implied that the girls paid off the staff. I brought up reviews and TER to one and she told the bartender, "tell him I'm good". I still didn't go up with her but the bartender vouched
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    2 years ago
    Best strip club city if you like white girls
    Phoenix is still mostly white. If there are Latina girls, their first language is english so there's not a language issue. Went to a club in Rock Springs Wyoming a little over a year ago. It was all local white girls.
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    2 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Guide to 13 Phoenix strip clubs.
    I was surprised that they linked to this site in the write-up on Bourbon Street. Maybe this is an ad by Founder.
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    2 years ago
    Learning Vegas and chasing Casino Girls
    I think some of the tendencies that stripper follow are followed by working girls. That is, they will readily approach men 40+ before approaching younger men. At least, in my personal experience, that is what I saw. I have worked numerous times a year in Vegas since my late 20's and early 30's. At one point, I was like you thinking that hookers in the bar were only a myth. Once I hit 40, I was approached all the time while playing video poker at a bar or walking back to my room. They do hang at a bar and will play a machine randomly but pay attention to everyone in the crowd. They will work in groups or by themselves. As said before, they will find you so you don't really have to look for them.
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    2 years ago
    Somewhere in the Carolinas
    I've done both but more of each at different times over the years. I found TER at it's beginning and used that successfully for years. I have stopped the escort thing in recent years mainly because I've had decent luck in clubs and personal life as I've aged. I find both fill a need and would go back to either at any time. Escorts have gone up over the years and are more transactional most times. However, I've had luck with both that made either less transactional. OTC can be a less for more time but you can end up spending a lot of time and money to find a fun girl.
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    2 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    OT: LaGuardia Airport
    TSA Pre is worth the money, about $20 per year, if you fly more than once or twice a year. I have status on a couple of airlines but the TSA Pre line is always a better option as you don't have to take stuff off or out of your bag. In large airports with many TSA check areas, I'll make sure I walk to the area for Precheck.
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    2 years ago
    FUCK IT!
    The Chicom Balloon?
    It was just delivering Eric Swalwell's mail order bride from China. Nothing to worry about.
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    2 years ago
    Mongering now vs. Yesteryear
    I guess "old days" would need a time and location qualifier. When I first started going to clubs in the 80's, there wasn't much in the way of VIP dance areas and dances were done in an open area in Phoenix and California. I didn't have the knowledge or money for a lot more than a $5 private dance where no contact was offered. In the 90's, I started to get dances with a bit more contact but they were also in an open area but still $5 or $10. In the early 2000's I found Tampa and got some very high mileage dances but they had gone up in price to $20 in most places. I got my first OTC around 2010 for $300 for a several hour date. Now, dances are $20-$40 each and VIP areas for time are more prevalent. The VIP in many places have negotiated deals for whatever you want at various prices depending on the girl. Most of all, I have a lot more free cash flow and go in to many places knowing that there is a good chance at about anything I want. Not everywhere but in many places. So, I've always enjoyed it but now I've been through enough that I know how to play the game better and have more cash to play with. So, living in the moment it has always been the glory days.
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    2 years ago
    Strip Club Playlist Devoted to Blah
    Rage against the Machine "Killing in the Name" is a complete Blah ending https://youtu.be/bWXazVhlyxQ
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    2 years ago
    Road Trip Mega Thread : South
    I had fun in Birmingham at Furnace and a club in Mobile on Airport Blvd that was across the street from the Marriott I was staying at. However, I preface the word "fun" that I was with colleagues in both of those nights mainly to enjoy a night of drinking with them.
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    2 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Prohibited items in clubs
    There's an urban legend that Visine will give you the runs. That is the only reason I could think the eye drops are banned.
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    2 years ago
    Daytimers - ever been the first and only PL in the club?
    I've known at least a few clubs that incentivized dancers to be in the club and ready to go within 30 minutes of opening by giving a reduced house fee for this. If a girl that likes to save on house fee is one of your favorites, you both get a deal.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Daytimers - ever been the first and only PL in the club?
    I have been the only one a couple of times. The last time I remember was on New Year's Day a year ago. There weren't any dancers either, so I didn't stay too long.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    R/Phoenix community votes on best strip club to take a girlfriend
    Never been to Jaguars but it's not in the best neighborhood. Doesn't mean it's a bad place though. Bourbon seems to have the highest hiring standards so don't know why that would be considered rough. Haven't been to a Scottsdale club in a while but there's a good reason for that. Scottsdale has always had the strictest rules for dancers in the Phoenix Metro area but it might be a good tame place to take a woman. Dream Palace is in the shadow of ASU and Tempe is not as strict as Scottsdale but have never had a desire to try it since I was in college a long time ago.