These are the facts of the case and they are undisputed.
Brittney Griner, a black female pleaded guilty to drug possession and served prison time. She signed a contract today with the Phoenix Mercury of WNBA.
Trevor Bauer, a white male baseball player who is a former All-Star and Cy Young winner, was suspended for 2 years and investigated by the LA District Attorney’s for domestic abuse. After a 5 month investigation, no charges were filed due to lack of credible evidence. And an arbitrator overturned the suspension.
Spring training games begin next week and he remains unsigned. Not coincidentally, he’s a Trump supporter and Obama critic.
That's more about regional discrepancies in prosecuting crimes. Also being a woman beater carries more social stigma than drug charges. Griner should have sat in a Russian prison.
I don't have anything agains Griner. What they arrested her for was pretty lame. I just hate what we had to give up to free her. Whoever negotiated that should be shot !
Griner broke the law. We have people in our prisons who broke the same law, they're no problem because they aren't gay black women. There's a war on straight white men (who aren't leftists).
Losers! I'm a straight white man and I don't feel like anyone is out to get me. I much prefer to hang with all different types of people rather than small thinking loser white males who are threatened by anyone that isn't a white man.
How many mlb players have been busted for pot with no major impact to his career? The issue here is that domestic violence is a lot more serious crime than smoking pot. MLB teams don't need the same "beyond a reasonable doubt" level of proof as a court would. They don't want the PR hit of signing a guy with a public image of a possible domestic violence abuser.
To me Griner should still be serving her sentence in Russia since she was convicted of a crime there. However I have no problem with her, or any other athlete, signing a contract to play after they serve whatever punishment they got for possession of pot. I do hate it when a team signs somebody that beats up a woman. I still hate that the Bengals signed Joe Mixon after he beat his girlfriend.
If Griner wasn't a black dyke who is part of the anti American , anti police, sanctify the black criminals WNBA, uncle Joe, heels up Harris, and the rest wouldn't have fallen over themselves to get her out. Too bad she (I think?) is back but she checks three boxes of privilege (black. Gay, woman). Bauer doesn't. The vilification of the white Male is a key factor in this country going down the toilet.
Pro sports is a business and there is no Title IX rules that apply. While the USWNT soccer team is a lot more successful than their male counterparts, the skill level isn't even close. It's comparing apples and oranges. The USWNT lost a scrimmage to a boys 15 year old team in 2017. Were the women trying? Hard to say but they still lost.
Fair or not, men's sport teams are a bigger draw at the professional level for the major sports. That means more revenues for team owners and more pay. It's all about business.
That being said, I would rather watch a lot of the women's olympic sports than men's olympic sports. There are some very talented women in many of those sports and they are a bigger draw, Unfortunately, those sports don't lead to big pay days.
I recall when I started watching/understanding football back in the early-80s as a kid (not long after immigrating from Cuba) that I would often see signs in the crowd (often behind the endzone) that said "3:16"; but I never really paid much attention to it and didn't know what it meant - it wasn't till I was older that I learned 3:16 was the "John 3:16" bible-verse which is probably the most popular/important Bible-verse for many Christians.
I was thinking the other-day that it's been a long-time since I've seen that sign on a televised football-game. Or maybe I just don't notice it?
Come to think of it I actually don't notice many signs in the crowd when I watch a football game these days. Perhaps I don't notice them like I used to or perhaps they purposely don't put the cameras on them?
For the record, I despise violence against women as much as anyone.
Assuming The LA DA did their due diligence they spent 5 months investigating Bauer and found criminal - all consensual - which should resonate with us TUSCLers
Mike710 said it. Pro sports is entertainment. Public relations and perception is tantamount. If someone tarnishes the brand they’re less valuable and may lose their job. Boo hoo for Trevor Bauer. He’ll get picked up by someone.
So let Trevor Bauer sign with the Phoenix Mercury for $162,000 like Brittany, instead of his reported 32 million, then we’ll have the conversation about equality, instead of the conversation you’ve selected that it’s because he’s a Trump Supporter and she’s a black lesbian.
The girl Mixon hit wasn’t his girlfriend. He didn’t know her. Bauer was accused of domestic violence. There is an important distinction between domestic violence and assaulting a woman with whom you don’t have a relationship. Both are wrong, obviously, but they are very different.
Britney Griner is an entitled cunt. DUSTYJ is a useless cunt. Violence is violence. There is no constitutional difference, just political differences from the garbage known as the left. Griner being a black carpet muncher got special treatment simply because liberals are so racist they feel they have to hold black people to a lower standard. Bauer got what he deserved. Griner should have been left to rot with her filthy Russian paymasters.
DustyJ has dusty bottoms from dragging his ass in homosexual cock and keeping his ass bare in order to get some! This is what you get when you’re fed a liberal agenda 24/7 from loca media. He probably led the riots during the BLMovement in the summer of ‘20!
From what I recall of the story, Bauer and this chick were engaged in consensual rough sex. Though it's been a while. And Bauer is an asshat regardless.
If all the dumb wokes bought WNBA tickets and merchandise at the same rate as they bought NBA merchandise, then Brittney Griner would get paid like LeBron James. But because the woke brain equates any difference to "-ist" or "-phobic," it has to be sexism. Really, some of these dumbasses were saying it's the fault of racism, sexism, and homophobia that Griner had to play ball in Russia in the first place.
Don't fucking whine about inequality in sports pay until you're putting your own money where your mouth is.
Sorry I'm not racist enough for you losers. What I find amusing is that guys like you only talk tough on some anonymous site like this. I'm picturing a bunch of fat, wimpy, unathletic vaginas who would never have the balls to challenge me face to face in real life. I actually lift weights and play basketball myself which I'm sure you wimpy vaginas do not so keep talking tough on here with no actual balls in real life.
What’s funny is you played the race card as fast as CNN on a Sunday morning! Nobody replied to your comments with any racist overtones. You brought that upon yourself, cracker! Lol! We’re all pretty sure the only ball handling you’re good it is when your hands are down your pants! In fact you do more dribbling of your balls than Lebron has in his career! Lmfaorotfl!!
"I actually lift weights and play basketball myself which I'm sure you wimpy vaginas do not so keep talking tough on here with no actual balls in real life."
I'm drowning in the irony.
(By the way, this is the internet. I'm former Delta Force turned Goldman Sachs partner, 6'6", 280 pounds, 6% body fat, 10.5 inch pecker. You can't prove otherwise.)
Rather than act like the clown class and hate on Brittany how about being a decent citizen and show some support to an American citizen the only label that should matter when it comes to Vladimir Putin and his criminal agenda SMH
The issue with that thesis is that the US endangers thousands (if not millions) of US citizens in order to appease Griner due to the release of a proven dangerous Russian criminal who wants to do harm to the US and its Allies. Let’s make sure we paint the complete picture for accurate context.
^ That’s not a thesis that’s basic citizenship, which sadly is lacking in this country. We’re supposed to support our own citizens. We’ve lost the concept of American Exceptionalism, Ronald Reagan would be so disappointed.
True, society is losing basic citizenship. Most people don’t give two shits about others unless it affects them. In this case however, the release of the Russian prisoner affects thousands of us(if not millions) by creating a real and constant danger for US citizens and our Allies. #truth
At the risk of sounding like CJKunt, the only response I’m going to offer is that old saw about those who would sacrifice liberty for safety, will end up with neither.
Putin jailed Griner as a flex, and becauae he knew he could whatever he wanted in exchange from the Biden administration. Whatever happened to no negotiations with terrorists? Giving up a piece of celery in exchange for her was wasted opportunity for ants on a log. Had she been a Trump-loving lesbian, she'd still be rotting in the gulag. That's what equity is to liberals.
It’s not the same people making decisions and frankly I’d prefer keeping off the field stuff separate. I don’t like sports leagues being expected to make seaparate investigations and judgements. Plus there is no equivalency at all between how a California DA handles things and what happened to an American in Putin’s Russia.
We need to stop putting athletes on pedestals. Someone without the fame or money would be viewed as and treated very differently by society as well as the legal system.
Funny how the same people always ranting about being tough on crime are defending a rapist just coz he's a famous right winger
“Bauer was charged with sexual assault not domestic violence.“
Icee - that is incorrect. He was never arrested or charged with sexual assault.
He was suspended by MLB for violating the league’s policy on domestic abuse.
I can’t stand the guy. But he admitted he made poor choices and the authorities determined what happened was during consensual sex. And no female ever has made up a story about a multi millionaire athlete, right?
last commentTo me Griner should still be serving her sentence in Russia since she was convicted of a crime there. However I have no problem with her, or any other athlete, signing a contract to play after they serve whatever punishment they got for possession of pot. I do hate it when a team signs somebody that beats up a woman. I still hate that the Bengals signed Joe Mixon after he beat his girlfriend.
i remember seeing this video years ago. i had no idea that was mixon. could this be considered a 2AMer?
some team that has an owner with some balls and is in playoff contention will sign bauer.
Fair or not, men's sport teams are a bigger draw at the professional level for the major sports. That means more revenues for team owners and more pay. It's all about business.
That being said, I would rather watch a lot of the women's olympic sports than men's olympic sports. There are some very talented women in many of those sports and they are a bigger draw, Unfortunately, those sports don't lead to big pay days.
I was thinking the other-day that it's been a long-time since I've seen that sign on a televised football-game.
Or maybe I just don't notice it?
Come to think of it I actually don't notice many signs in the crowd when I watch a football game these days. Perhaps I don't notice them like I used to or perhaps they purposely don't put the cameras on them?
Assuming The LA DA did their due diligence they spent 5 months investigating Bauer and found criminal - all consensual - which should resonate with us TUSCLers
False equivalency. The Dodgers. (Bauer’s last team) has a TV contract worth over $8 billion and draw almost 4 million fans per season.
The Phoenix Mercury has no TV contract and draw less than 8000 per game. The league would not exist without subsidies from the NBA.
If all the dumb wokes bought WNBA tickets and merchandise at the same rate as they bought NBA merchandise, then Brittney Griner would get paid like LeBron James. But because the woke brain equates any difference to "-ist" or "-phobic," it has to be sexism. Really, some of these dumbasses were saying it's the fault of racism, sexism, and homophobia that Griner had to play ball in Russia in the first place.
Don't fucking whine about inequality in sports pay until you're putting your own money where your mouth is.
I'm drowning in the irony.
(By the way, this is the internet. I'm former Delta Force turned Goldman Sachs partner, 6'6", 280 pounds, 6% body fat, 10.5 inch pecker. You can't prove otherwise.)
Bauer was charged with sexual assault not domestic violence.
Funny how the same people always ranting about being tough on crime are defending a rapist just coz he's a famous right winger
Icee - that is incorrect. He was never arrested or charged with sexual assault.
He was suspended by MLB for violating the league’s policy on domestic abuse.
I can’t stand the guy. But he admitted he made poor choices and the authorities determined what happened was during consensual sex. And no female ever has made up a story about a multi millionaire athlete, right?