San Francisco considering sanctioning a red-light district

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avatar for Muddy
2 years ago
Any ideas coming out of San Francisco I would be very wary of at this point. Really the last few years has been a comprehensive how to guide on how not to run a city. You never go full woke.
avatar for misterorange
2 years ago
^^ You never go full retard either, and San Fran has done both!
avatar for rickdugan
2 years ago
I have mixed feelings on this.

I generally support less government involvement when it comes to personal choices. For this reason, I am in favor of widespread legalization of prostitution between consenting adults.

The problem though is that street walkers present unique concerns. Not only do neighborhoods where they sell become much less safe, with pimps, drug dealers and deranged customers all part of the mix, but it's where we are most likely to see minors try to set up shop. After all, there's no online account, hotel room or anything else requiring an adult ID. The girl just shows her ass out there and gets picked up.

So I guess I'm against this. I would prefer a solution that makes private direct sales legal, but does not allow sales on public streets. Sure there will still be pimping, some issues with minors, etc., but they will be much harder to do. I don't generally see the same reports re: minors with stings of online provider that I do with streetwalker roundups, which I think further supports this thesis.

The added problem in CA though is that the state recently passed a law prohibiting LE from detaining targets for loitering with the intent of engaging in prostitution. So even if they open a red light district in one place, I'm not sure how motivated girls will be to use it when they can continue to use their preferred venues without consequences.
avatar for nicespice
2 years ago
Fun stuff. The only strip club I know of that was recently opened, from scratch, and not just simply a bought out new-ownership space from an existing titty bar is around Lubbock. They started up in late 2020.

I remember expressing amazement with my friend (who grew up around there) about it. Lubbock is a town that has a bunch of Christian churches of every flavor all over the place. Planned Parenthood was chased out of town around 2013 and then they started up again (they had to sue for that right I think?) in either 2020 or 2021. But unlike almost other locations around the nation where one can just simply walk into the building and sit in a lobby, that location requires making an appointment ahead of time, having to be buzzed into the building, presenting ID to a security guard who is behind glass, and then buzzed into the next room for the actual appointment. It’s a town that has that much of an evangelical grip on its people.

She explained to me that the most likely reason that club could get away with existing is the fact that it was built in an area that’s the established “red light” area that was just outside Lubbock county. That area used to have a lot of business activity because alcohol sales used to be banned until 2009. There were vineyards that would grow wine for grapes, but they would ship their grapes off to central Texas (especially Fredericksburg), where the wine would actually get made because Lubbock wouldn’t tolerate that. When alcohol sales finally became legal, that red light area became a lot more quiet, and it’s only the two titty bars there that are the main source of activity now.

That to me indicated how much a municipality tolerates “sin” can easily change depending on who is in power. But a designated red light district can slow down the impact of individual leadership whims. Whether that is a good thing or a bad thing depends on one’s point of view.
avatar for Cashman1234
2 years ago
In my view, SF has some major clean up to do before they go and make a red light district. The homeless situation and drug addiction situation should be dealt with first. Those are large issues plaguing areas of the city. By adding prostitutes, pimps, trafficking, and johns to the already filthy streets, it’s going to make a bad situation even worse.

I agree with RickDugan regarding less government oversight/involvement. I think it’s imperative they deal with a few other problems issues first.

Let’s say I want to get a prostitute and save on the cost of a hotel room - and I don’t want the prostitute in my car. Can I bring a tent and set it up on the sidewalk - fuck her on a sleeping bag - then toss the used condoms in the street? I’m guessing nobody would look twice in certain parts of SF.
avatar for Muddy
2 years ago
Well isn’t it kinda redundant though. Is ANYTHING illegal in California at this point? You got people just waltzing in to Walgreen with 3 garbage bags full worth of shit. Remember that game show where you would fill up your cart and get to keep whatever you could fit in 2 minutes, it’s kind of like that but every day and anyone willing are invited.
avatar for Nixur68
2 years ago
Absolutely not. This kind of stuff is terrible.
avatar for mike710
2 years ago
Only silly stuff is illegal like menthol cigarettes and throwing away food scraps without putting them in the proper recycling bin.
avatar for twentyfive
2 years ago
And this is relevant to my life exactly how?
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
2 years ago
20fag it's relevant to you coz you're a whore monger.

Muddy you went to Cali as a sex tourist. A broke bum sleeping in your car trolling for bargain pussy.

Rick you're the type of predator girls need protection from

I oppose it. Before anything like this is implemented there has to be a health care and safety infrastructure that can handle it. As is it won't be sustainable.
avatar for rickdugan
2 years ago
Icee, if by "predator" you mean someone who treats everyone with kindness and gives a grown woman what some people earn in a week for a couple of hours of entertainment, then by all means keep using that label. Just because you have sexual PTSD issues doesn't mean that everybody is carrying your baggage.

You are free to believe that any woman who has a financial need is utterly incapable of making her own informed decision, but I do not. We all work for money, whatever the job. Don't belittle others who are willing to make different choices than you by treating them as helpless victims. It's absurdly condescending and more than a little misogynistic, or at least it would be if you were actually a guy. Shame on you.

Btw this whole conversation is ludicrous given that you first came on here pretending to be a pimp who was selling his crack ho GF's ass out the back door. Seriously now honey. But I digress.
avatar for misterorange
2 years ago
"Can I bring a tent and set it up on the sidewalk - fuck her on a sleeping bag - then toss the used condoms in the street?"

Yes and feel free to take a dump on the sidewalk before you leave.
avatar for drewcareypnw
2 years ago
This is a bad idea. This happened in sf in the 70s or 60s and the murder rate jumped in the red light district until they shut it down. Sf sucks at policing so I wouldn’t trust them with something this delicate. It’s very likely to be a 100% shit show. Plus, the real red light district is online anyway.

I am in favor of the buying and selling of Pussy, but not like this.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
2 years ago
Rick by predator I mean you. A man living a double life. Getting off on Berating exploiting and coercing desperate women into p4p while pretending to be a great family man.
avatar for SirLapdancealot
2 years ago
^^^so says the drug dealer that trolls strip clubs looking for GFE from desperate junkie stripper whores.

But of course you won't see this as predatory. 🤭🤡😂😂😂
avatar for gammanu95
2 years ago
That's a great idea! Let's combine homelessness, IV drugs, no law enforcement, and sex. How could that possibly go wrong?
avatar for rickdugan
2 years ago
Icee, if by "predator" you mean someone who treats everyone with kindness and gives a grown woman what some people earn in a week for a couple of hours of entertainment, then by all means keep using that label. Just because you have sexual PTSD issues doesn't mean that everybody is carrying your baggage.

You are free to believe that any woman who has a financial need is utterly incapable of making her own informed decision, but I do not. We all work for money, whatever the job. Don't belittle others who are willing to make different choices than you by treating them as helpless victims. It's absurdly condescending and more than a little misogynistic, or at least it would be if you were actually a guy. Shame on you.

Btw this whole conversation is ludicrous given that you first came on here pretending to be a pimp who was selling his crack ho GF's ass out the back door. Seriously now honey. But I digress.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
2 years ago
Babydickdugan. Reposting the same inane bs just makes you look like a butthurt troll. Everyone knows most of your posts on here are misogynistic diatribes Berating the hookers you hire and wallowing in coercing them into fucking you. Which begs the question of what kind of loser you have to be to get off on cheating by having to pressure desperate women and getting off on it
avatar for rickdugan
2 years ago
Icee, if by "berating" you mean treating everyone with kindness and offering to give a grown woman what some people earn in a week for a couple of hours of entertainment, then by all means keep using that word. Just because you have sexual PTSD issues doesn't mean that everybody is carrying your baggage.

You are free to believe that any woman who has a financial need is utterly incapable of making her own informed decision, but I do not. We all work for money, whatever the job. Don't belittle or denigrate others (such as by calling them hookers) who are willing to make different choices than you by treating them as helpless victims. It's absurdly condescending and more than a little misogynistic, or at least it would be if you were actually a guy. Shame on you.

Btw this whole conversation is ludicrous given that you first came on here pretending to be a pimp who was selling his crack ho GF's ass out the back door. Seriously now honey. But I digress.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
2 years ago
Babydickdugan. Reposting the same inane bs just makes you look like a butthurt troll. Everyone knows most of your posts on here are misogynistic diatribes Berating the hookers you hire and wallowing in coercing them into fucking you. Which begs the question of what kind of loser you have to be to get off on cheating by having to pressure desperate women and getting off on it

Now hurry up and post your troll post
avatar for rickdugan
2 years ago
Icee, if by "berating" you mean treating everyone with kindness and offering to give a grown woman what some people earn in a week for a couple of hours of entertainment, then by all means keep using that word. Just because you have sexual PTSD issues doesn't mean that everybody is carrying your baggage.

You are free to believe that any woman who has a financial need is utterly incapable of making her own informed decision, but I do not. We all work for money, whatever the job. Don't belittle or denigrate others (such as by calling them hookers) who are willing to make different choices than you by treating them as helpless victims. It's absurdly condescending and more than a little misogynistic, or at least it would be if you were actually a guy. Shame on you.

Btw this whole conversation is ludicrous given that you first came on here pretending to be a pimp who was selling his crack ho GF's ass out the back door. Seriously now honey. But I digress.
avatar for drewcareypnw
2 years ago
Icey. You really need a break from Rick. You're losing your mind. You keep accusing him of berating hookers, and he doesn't. He pays them, and by all accounts he is nice to them. Now you're accusing him of repeating himself AS YOU LITERALLY REPEAT YOURSELF.

Sometimes it's worth it to take a break. Smoke some week. Fuck some stripper hoes. Think thoughts. Become a more chill version of you.
avatar for drewcareypnw
2 years ago
week = weed

smoke some week too if it helps.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
2 years ago
Drew. His threads are mostly him looking down on hookers.
avatar for SirLapdancealot
2 years ago
Iceydodo so what you're saying is that you're the butthurt one about his threads. LMAO you just admitted to being triggered by him.

rickdugan is simply sharing stories about his escapades with stripper hoes. At least he's not getting them strung out and addicted like you've posted about in your threads.

Also it's funny that you call them hookers when he pays them. But when you pay them they are stripper hoes.
avatar for Electronman
2 years ago
I think it is a great idea and every city should have a zone where brothels are legal. Take a look at Hong Kong or at the FKK clubs, including the Globe Club which was just reviewed, for a model that would work. If done right, it is safer for the girls as wall as safer for the customers. Notice that I did not endorse unregulated legalized street prostitution.

In general, making a highly coveted activity (sex) or substance (e.g., alcohol, cannabis, etc.) illegal, drives the price up, brings in organized crime and increases the safety risks for all parties. For examples, go back and take a look at the history of Prohibition. Or take a look at the states that have legalized cannabis for examples. I've never been to a FKK club but I'd love to see that model available in a regulated manner in the US.
avatar for rickmacrodong
2 years ago
Rick how do you and libertarians decide what an adult is? You can make arguments for raising or lowering it. Biological argumentators argue that its just about the physical aspects, so they tie it to puberty. Mental argumentators argue that the brain doesnt stop developing until 25 or 26 so everyone below is not an adult. Maybe the 18 number was made as a compromise of sorts but even then arent there some states where its lower like 16?

And why should streetwalking or drugs ir anything else be regulated? The concern of underage people getting involved exists in every industry, not just the sex industry, and it should be dealt with the same as anywhere else. Alcohol beint legalized carries risks that underage people can access it.
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