OTC Post Nut Clarity

avatar for Lone_Wolf
Any of you comrades experience this type of post nut clarity?

Scenario: After running the System. OTC hotel time with new quality talent. $400 as p4p gift. $200 for the room at La Quinta. $150 for quality sex toy and lotions. $30 for snacks and cheap White Zinfandel. Hours spent arranging the logistics of the meet up and rearranging meeting schedules.

Main event is as good as can be expected with a beautiful young woman that would rather be anywhere else besides doing nakey time with my fugly ass.

Post Nut clarity: It's good... really good..but was it really worth all that cash and effort? Maybe.. maybe not.

Often this clarity caused me to not do repeat OTC until the next time I became enamored with new talent.


last comment
avatar for wallanon
2 years ago
You spent $200 for a room at a La Quinta? No judging because I've done many a good thing at an LQ, but not for $200 lol.
avatar for Lone_Wolf
2 years ago
Okay La Quinta - 150 plus tax plus tip closing in on 200 winter rates.
avatar for wallanon
2 years ago
Sure, but still..."Main event is as good as can be expected with a beautiful young woman that would rather be anywhere else besides doing nakey time with my fugly ass."

As someone who also wouldn't be mistaken for a model, chemistry is a thing. My body has vetoed a girl my brain decided was fuckable more than once. I think what you're really getting at is if it's worth the hassle to hook up with chicks who aren't that into you. I just lie to myself and say that all these chicks I hook up with are into me, but if you're not getting enough intrinsic value out of it then why do it? If it's just about getting my nut I have porn for that.
avatar for Specialj
2 years ago
At the end of the day all that matters is if you enjoyed the experience. Depending on who you ask, some may say that is a reasonable price others might say it’s not in their budget. I have times where I spend money at a club and leave with a smile on my face, and the next time I go I spend the same amount and leave disappointed. Only you can decide if it was worth it or it’s something you would want to do again.
avatar for CJKent_band
2 years ago

I will play along and comment on your discussion.

To answer your question:

Q: Any of you comrades experience this type of post nut clarity? (OTC Post Nut Clarity)

A: Who hasn’t? “buyer’s remorse” is familiar to most of us, regarding the pay-for-sex hobby in the adult industry.

Buyer’s remorse is a form of what’s called cognitive dissonance in our society and it is a feeling of discomfort caused by conflicting beliefs, was it a good deal? or it was not worth the effort, money, time.

However it is more common to regret missing out on an OTC opportunity/experience than to regret spending money on one.

You have to approach OTC as gambling, you will win some times and you will lose sometimes. That is why it important to use money, time and effort that you are comfortable “loosing”.

The “problem” you have with the buyers remorse is because our Over-Sexualized and at the same time Sexually-Repressed American culture/society men and women receive mixed messages about their sexuality.

We want women (and men) to be objects of sexual desire, yet we expect them to be pure, monogamous etc etc. to behave against their own natural instincts and desires.

These mixed contradictory messages are part of your problem in my opinion.

Just relax enjoy your adult hobby and you will be happier from the benefits of a healthy hobby experience, without guilt and remorse.

Let’s be careful out there.

And remember Pics and Vids or it didn’t happen.

avatar for Warrior15
2 years ago
This is NOT a cheap hobby. Although what is the purpose of the sex toy if you have the girl ?
avatar for SirLapdancealot
2 years ago
@Lone_Wolf FWIW I've done the same thing with paying $125 for 3 lapdances w/LDK. 🤷
avatar for rickdugan
2 years ago
For starters, stop spending $150 for sex toys and lotion and $200 for a room at a LQ. 😆

But putting that aside, the money obviously means different things to different people. In each area, the market is what it is. If you have a solid handle on the local market, which I assume you do, then either you can afford to play in it routinely or you can't.

Personally, after the bills are paid and contributions to certain accounts are made, if I have the money to play then I do. If I don't then I don't. But I also have a max % of my income I'm willing to spend on this thing, so I'll up my contributions to certain accounts before I burn it on strippers.

If the money means enough to you that you regret spending it, then don't. Maybe find cheaper outlets so that you don't kick yourself when it's over.

Anyway, I say all of this with nothing but the best intentions LW. I don't know your situation, but I would hate to be in a position where I feel regret over good p4p with a hot girl. Honestly I'd find other avenues, maybe including a serviceable civilian piece of ass to keep my going in between p4p events, before I let that happen.

Good luck with this.
avatar for doctorevil
2 years ago
The only thing I don’t get is $200 at La Quinta. With just a little bit of bargain hunting, you can get a room at a Hilton or Marriott for that amount.
avatar for Lone_Wolf
2 years ago
Holy shit! $150 for La Quinta! This is about post nut clarity people not LQ. Focus people!
avatar for rickdugan
2 years ago
^ It was part of the total cost for the night, though you said $200, along with $150 on accessories - so it matters. :)
avatar for drewcareypnw
2 years ago
Post nut, I am clear that I like nutting. And food. And my own company, i.e. AMSCRAY honey.
avatar for shailynn
2 years ago
I hear ya, and post nut where-ever it is (inside the club, outside the club) I get this strange feel of guilt afterwards, like "am I really that much of a PL?" "Yes I am, yes I am." Then at the end of the night when I am alone, I say "man that was awesome can't wait to do it again."

I've found that regardless of the costs if you do this less "often" then it feels more like a "special event." I've found that if you do it too often then it becomes routine and less special. It's up to you to find out what your sweet spot it. Once a month, twice a year, every other week, we all are different regardless of how often we can afford it.
avatar for Tetradon
2 years ago
@shailynn, I've noticed after enough ITC (I've never done OTC), even the best experiences I've had there (FKKs) get routine.

Once it starts feeling edgy and subversive again, I'll start doing it again.
avatar for Subraman
2 years ago
I think if you have a so-so time on an OTC, post-nut clarity is definitely a risk! I spend a lot more than you do on OTCs -- a little more on the stripper, I use dayuse.com if it's not an overnight so actually get a better hotel room for less than you, but typically spend much much more lavishly on dinner, drinks, and optional trip to the SC. If each OTC doesn't blow me away and hit the reset button on my life pressures and attitude, I don't repeat. Another reason I find one CF who is mindblowing and stick with her for as long as she'll put up with me
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
2 years ago
If I experience this, it's because of the money I've spent on an experience that wasn't that great for whatever reason. If the experience was really good, then my post-nut clarity translates to post-nut contentment (not regret). Fortunately, I've had more of the latter than the former. If you're always second-guessing the money you spend on OTC, then maybe OTC isn't for you. Which is fine.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
2 years ago
Well – in general – a man’s “state of mind” when his balls are full of cum, vs when they’ve been drained, is often gonna be different – when I’m at a club and I see a dancer I really-want, getting-her is all I think about – once I’ve had her (gotten dances from her); she often seems a bit less hot and I’m ready to move on to the next-one (although this is in large-part due to me being a big variety guy) – similarly when one is hard-up and needing/wanting to get some; vs after one has gotten it.

I guess all one can do w.r.t. OTC is to “Subra it”; i.e. refine one’s game (whether ITC or OTC) to where one is getting the best bang-for-the-buck/experience possible and try not to burn money/time on subpar experiences.
avatar for knight_errant
2 years ago
Papi: Well – in general – a man’s “state of mind” when his balls are full of cum, vs when they’ve been drained, is often gonna be different – when I’m at a club and I see a dancer I really-want, getting-her is all I think about – once I’ve had her (gotten dances from her); she often seems a bit less hot and I’m ready to move on to the next-one

It's the Pon Farr: https://youtu.be/r-LvMTdDR4k
And: https://youtu.be/itXRtEJUOPI?t…
And lastly: https://youtu.be/lWfvBT4Uh3M?t…
avatar for shailynn
2 years ago
Subraman is a little foggy post but - not sure if it’s from the euphoria he just experienced or all the steam from the mens bathhouse!
avatar for rickdugan
2 years ago
Not too long ago I had a p4p date with a hot PR girl which included dinner and drinks before the finale. The problem was, 1/2 hour into the date, I was starting to question whether the finish would be worth it. She spent almost the entire time ranting about political and sociological topics. And, as you can imagine, her views were diametrically opposed to my own.

I felt like I was sitting in some meetup with one of the angry young woman in NYC rather than a pub in J'ville FL. Seriously. She also has the misfortune of living in a county that skews overwhelmingly Republican, which was one of the many topics she covered. Apparently white male Republicans are a source of many ills, notwithstanding that she was knowingly out on a date with one of the accused.

If I was not already invested in seeing it through I would have bailed. But I had already paid for the hotel room and was footing the bill for dinner/drinks, so I rode it out. The fact that I was horny and she looked great may have also played a role.😉 Anyway the finale went quite well actually, which salvaged the night. But I definitely had a moment of post nut clarity once the event was over and steered clear of her thereafter. 😬
avatar for 623
2 years ago
I don’t think OP was lamenting just the dollar amount but rather the entire effort involved when the OTC is just not that into you and she’s a piss poor actor. @rickdugen was saying pretty much the same thing I think. Boning a chick just cause she has a great body can feel kinda not worth it if she is making a grocery list while she’s doing it. I have often said, better a 7 with the right attitude than a 9.5 with GPS.
avatar for mike710
2 years ago
@Rick. Sounds like a date with AOC would be.
avatar for Mate27
2 years ago
Lone Wolf, how often would you say you partake in this activity? If it’s a few times a year then you can easily justify it as entertainment. It’s more tolerated the less frequently done.
avatar for rickthelion
2 years ago
This rick deals with any post nut clarity that he may have by drinking. Takes the edges off and makes drivin’ more enjoyable.

But lemme tell you something my bud…you need something more powerful than El Cheapo White Zin. Zounds…what kind of male drinks frickin’ white zin? Even to share with a sexy female? I mean really, if she wants pink champagne on ice or some fruity shit like that you’re being cool for providing it, but you should imbibe that wonderful elixir invented by a certain Mr. Jack Daniels.

And maybe follow it with Jack’s good bud Jim. And then the Mr. Walker: Blackie and Red. Just have the female tape a bottle to each of your front paws and pound away until it feels like somebody hit you in the head with a brick. But hit you in the head with a brick in a good way.

Take a page from the big book of rickvice and you will have no regrets. ROAR!!!
avatar for shailynn
2 years ago
^ don’t get any nut juice in your fur.
avatar for drewcareypnw
2 years ago
@rick: "She spent almost the entire time ranting about political and sociological topics."

I tend to skew left, and probably even agree with some of what your AOCtype was saying, but anybody's rant is undesirable in a dinner / drinks / sex situation. That would have annoyed me too.

@mike: I would definitely want to fuck the real AOC. https://www.babepedia.com/user… She can even rant. But I want anal.

avatar for Tetradon
2 years ago
I had a civvie date who wouldn't stop talking about how the "world's indigenous" (whom she could never define) were going to save the planet. She loved James Cameron's "Avatar" and actually thought it was an accurate depiction of native cultures.
Yes, a 28 year old woman believed that.
Good lord that was one painful hour. All the vodka in Russia couldn't numb that away.

@drew, I lean right, yet I cringed at a dating profile whose every picture had an article of Trump or MAGA clothing, and all her prompts referenced a love for Trump. Wish I'd have saved pictures.

I'd want only head from AOC. Any minute with my dick in her mouth is a minute she can't spew nonsense.
avatar for rickthelion
2 years ago
Really Tetra Ape? Do you have any idea what the native culture is on Alpha Centauri or Tatooine or wherever the fuck Avatar is set?

I was thinking of tryin’ to find Elon Ape and convince him to fly me there. Some of those big blue chicks were frickin’ hot. I bet they’d dig the BSLC up the ass. Assuming they like getting fucked in the ass.

But I worry my lion claws would picture my spacesuit and I think that would be a bad time. Anyhoo… Imma keep my rickventures here on this planet. ROAR!!!
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
2 years ago
I like girls who are political. The further left the better. Or apolitical ones open to guidance. I also like girls who can talk about aliens and space
avatar for wallanon
2 years ago
How many times can I say I'd be in AOC all day any day? Here's one more. After decades of stripper fun crazy is not an obstacle.
avatar for wallanon
2 years ago
How exactly did the thread turn into this?
avatar for rickdugan
2 years ago
===> @Rick. Sounds like a date with AOC would be.

Actually I suspect that it was even worse, lol. AOC used to sling drinks for a living, so she undoubtedly knows that there is a time and place for it. This girl had no such awareness. At one point I even got up and sang karaoke to get some relief and to remind her of where we were (and also because I enjoy it), but she picked back up the second I sat back down.

If I wasn't so horny and if she wasn't so hot, I'd have bailed. The only upside is that she miraculously transformed into a kitten in bed. The only thing that was worse than listening to that shit for 2 solid hours would have been listening to that shit for 2 hours and then getting no payoff on the back-end. 😆
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
2 years ago
Rick why do you berate the women you pay to fuck you? It's to pretend like you're better than them. Coz you know they'd never give you the time of daybif they weren't desperate
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
2 years ago
Bragging about paying hookers he had to coerce 🤡🤡🤡
avatar for rickdugan
2 years ago
Icee, if by "berate" you mean treat everyone with kindness and offer to give a grown woman what some people earn in a week for a couple of hours of entertainment, then by all means keep using that word. Just because you have sexual PTSD issues doesn't mean that everybody is carrying your baggage.

You are free to believe that any woman who has a financial need is utterly incapable of making her own informed decision, but I do not. We all work for money, whatever the job. Don't belittle or denigrate others (such as by calling them hookers) who are willing to make different choices than you by treating them as helpless victims. It's absurdly condescending and more than a little misogynistic, or at least it would be if you were actually a guy. Shame on you.

Btw this whole conversation is ludicrous given that you first came on here pretending to be a pimp who was selling his crack ho GF's ass out the back door. Seriously now honey. But I digress.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
2 years ago
Copying and pasting inane bs that doesn't say anything just makes you look even more pathetic
avatar for rickdugan
2 years ago
^ It's no less pathetic when you troll thread after thread after thread with slightly rephrased versions of the same points over and over and over [and over, and over, and over, and over...]. I'm just being more efficient about it. 😉
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
2 years ago
Calling your bitch ass out isn't trolling. You're a sick weirdo
avatar for rickdugan
2 years ago
^ This coming from someone who first came on here pretending to be a pimp who was selling his crack ho GF's ass out the back door. Seriously now honey.
avatar for georgmicrodong
2 years ago
Post nut "clarity"? Is that another word for "nap"?
avatar for rickmacrodong
2 years ago
Gmd what was the other thread titled gotgeous women high mileage. What were you replying to? Why reply now to a comment many weeks old?
avatar for rickmacrodong
2 years ago
Icee you only learned that inane term from CMI, just hilarious you didnt even know of the term till you saw him using it now you go around sayin it everywhere just like bloviating, tedious, etc.

Papi, hard-up is a good way to describe it

Rick, PR girl means puerto rican?
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
2 years ago
Rick you can lie about me but I say the truth about you. You're repulsive in wvery way. Fucking hookers then Berating them while pretending to be a great family man is serial killer shit
avatar for rickdugan
2 years ago
Icee, if by "berating" you mean treating everyone with kindness and offering to give a grown woman what some people earn in a week for a couple of hours of entertainment, then by all means keep using that word. Just because you have sexual PTSD issues doesn't mean that everybody is carrying your baggage.

You are free to believe that any woman who has a financial need is utterly incapable of making her own informed decision, but I do not. We all work for money, whatever the job. Don't belittle or denigrate others (such as by calling them hookers) who are willing to make different choices than you by treating them as helpless victims. It's absurdly condescending and more than a little misogynistic, or at least it would be if you were actually a guy. Shame on you.

Btw this whole conversation is ludicrous given that you first came on here pretending to be a pimp who was selling his crack ho GF's ass out the back door. Seriously now honey. But I digress.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
2 years ago
Rick by Berating I mean most of your threads being about demeaning the hookers you pay to fuck so you feel better about yourself
avatar for rickdugan
2 years ago
Icee, if by "berating" you mean treating everyone with kindness and offering to give a grown woman what some people earn in a week for a couple of hours of entertainment, then by all means keep using that word. Just because you have sexual PTSD issues doesn't mean that everybody is carrying your baggage.

You are free to believe that any woman who has a financial need is utterly incapable of making her own informed decision, but I do not. We all work for money, whatever the job. Don't belittle or denigrate others (such as by calling them hookers) who are willing to make different choices than you by treating them as helpless victims. It's absurdly condescending and more than a little misogynistic, or at least it would be if you were actually a guy. Shame on you.

Btw this whole conversation is ludicrous given that you first came on here pretending to be a pimp who was selling his crack ho GF's ass out the back door. Seriously now honey. But I digress.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
2 years ago
Rick by Berating I mean most of your threads being about demeaning the hookers you pay to fuck so you feel better about yourself

avatar for rickdugan
2 years ago
Icee, if by "berating" you mean treating everyone with kindness and offering to give a grown woman what some people earn in a week for a couple of hours of entertainment, then by all means keep using that word. Just because you have sexual PTSD issues doesn't mean that everybody is carrying your baggage.

You are free to believe that any woman who has a financial need is utterly incapable of making her own informed decision, but I do not. We all work for money, whatever the job. Don't belittle or denigrate others (such as by calling them hookers) who are willing to make different choices than you by treating them as helpless victims. It's absurdly condescending and more than a little misogynistic, or at least it would be if you were actually a guy. Shame on you.

Btw this whole conversation is ludicrous given that you first came on here pretending to be a pimp who was selling his crack ho GF's ass out the back door. Seriously now honey. But I digress.
avatar for Mate27
2 years ago
Icee, if those so called “hookers” weren’t employed by Dugan, they would easily find someone else for a cash infusion. That someone could be a wanna be pimp that hangs out at clubs pitching pharmaceuticals to dancers, so you could easily say Dugan is saving these girls from an unfortunate meeting with said pharmaceutical sales rep, who will try to change them into one of his stripper hoes.
avatar for drewcareypnw
2 years ago
I’d just like to go on the record that in 2023 I am coming out on a very strong pro-hooker platform.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
2 years ago
Rick go brag about your exploits to your wife. And your daughters. Tell them it's okay coz they're just filthy where's you only pay to fuck. And you don't waste much of the family's money coz you wait til they're really desperate. If you were really so proud you'd do that
avatar for rickdugan
2 years ago
Icee, time and again you pull my family into the discussion when you know nothing about my home situation. You're an angry child and you're out of line. Your personal baggage and overall emotional anger do not justify abhorrent behavior like pulling children into adult discussions.

Shame on you.
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