Best strip club city if you like white girls

avatar for Muddy
What is the white girl Mecca for strip clubs would you say? A lot of the great strip club cities we talk about are majority black or majority latina places.


last comment
avatar for shailynn
2 years ago
Any Pilot or T/A Travel Center truck stop.
avatar for misterorange
2 years ago
C'mon Muddy. Nobody wants dose white bitches.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
2 years ago
I'd assume it's the Pacific Northwest (Portland; Seattle) - but I don't have firsthand-experience nor do I really follow those clubs to know their ins and outs
avatar for Warrior15
2 years ago
I had several nice white girls when I went to Detroit. Well, the clubs in the suburbs did.
avatar for whodey
2 years ago
Lexington Kentucky has a nice selection of white girls. Probably more than 75% white overall between the clubs in the city.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
2 years ago
Evanston Wyoming
Salt Lake City Utah
Boise Idaho
avatar for doctorevil
2 years ago
I don’t think it’s a city thing. it’s more of a club by club thing. Like Warrior suggested , Flight Club and environs are a white girl candy store. Closer to home, Cheetah, Pink Piny, or Tattletale in ATL are the same. The other two dozen clubs in ATL are black.
avatar for CJKent_band
2 years ago

I will play along and con your discussion.

Q: (Best strip club city if you like white girls)
What is the white girl Mecca for strip clubs would you say?

A: in my humble opinion and limited experience these are:

1. Club Kino, Stockholm, Sweden

2. Angels Lap Dancing Club, Dublin, Ireland

3. Angels Berlin Germany

avatar for gammanu95
2 years ago
Where da white wimmins at? I don't know for sure, but it's not Florida.
avatar for motorhead
2 years ago

changing demographics?

Because late 90’s I would have said Tampa in a heartbeat. In its heyday the Joe Redner clubs attracted every hot, white blonde girl coming to Florida to seek fame and fortune.

I was at the club after a Bucs football game and it was a sight to behold. Looking at the far wall with a mirror, every couch was filled with tanned blonde babes. That was a dream visit for me just for the optics
avatar for Cashman1234
2 years ago
I’ve found some white girls in NJ strip clubs. They can be largely Eastern European, but they are white.
avatar for Mistamonkey69
2 years ago
Which ones on nj?

Polekatz in Chicago suburbs

Vegas clubs typically have enough
avatar for docsavage
2 years ago
Here in Indiana the white girls club is Brad's Brass Flamingo. I've had some favorite black regulars unable to get on there and have been told by them they think there is a quota system in place. Runner up is the Hip Hugger in Kokomo. They also have no hip hop music in the club. James Brown, Otis Redding and Stevie Wonder got played last time I was there.

There are a lot more black girls wanting to be strippers in Indianapolis than there is demand for them in the strip clubs. I just now am starting see a big influx of Cubans. There are pretty but are at a disadvantage because they can't speak English. People this far north are usually not bilingual.
avatar for drewcareypnw
2 years ago
@papi is right... lots of white girls in PDX and SEA, though other types are here in lower volumes as well. My question is: where is the capitol for white TRASH girls? Class tourism is one of my kinks. Is that bad? Am I in trouble with the woke-police now?
avatar for Longball300
2 years ago
Well I agree it's a club Detroit I would say:

Mostly white: FC and TLS
Mix: BT's, Dreamgirls and Criket
WOC: Pantheon

Those being just the clubs I would actually recommend or visit.
avatar for Cashman1234
2 years ago
Drew Carey just hit on a type of stripper I enjoy - but I can’t find much of in my area. White trash strippers sound like a perfect mix of filth and fun! I’m no classy guy, so dipping down into the trailer park milf population sounds like a great time!
avatar for Cashman1234
2 years ago
Mistamonkey - try Lace in Wayne. There were several Eastern European dancers working there. I used to spend time with one Russian dancer who I would meet in Brighton Beach for OTC.

There were a few Eastern European dancers working at Tittilations in Bloomfield too. But that club sucks in terms of extra offerings.
avatar for SirLapdancealot
2 years ago
I'll say Boise, ID and Portland, OR.
avatar for ArtCollege
2 years ago
Seattle has plenty of white girls and a few joints with ultra high mileage.
Portland has white girls (except for the tatoos) but hard for a visitor to find ultra high mileage
Boise has white girls, but mileage like a 53 Chevy up on blocks, engine rusted, trannie missing, and out of gas.
avatar for Muddy
2 years ago
You know nobody ever Boise on here. Maybe because it's not really near anybody, it's hard to get out that way.
avatar for chiefwiggum
2 years ago
All Chicago clubs are largely white, mileage sucks donkeys so I wouldn't call it a mecca. Most of the black clubs in the Chicagoland area have closed down or are way two ghetto/gang-banging for me to go to. As you head out towards the suburbs and Indiana/St.Louis and Wisconsin, they are all largely white as well (though low mileage towards Wisconsin as well). Pre-covid, I would've added Tampa and Houston, but now it's like 1/2 white. San Antonio? San Francisco? Oh, on my last trip to Phoenix, I thought it was largely white as well. From what I read, isn't COI largely white as well? It was for me, Pre-Covid, but it wasn't as extras heavy as it is now, it seems...

So, Detroit, COI and to some extent Phoenix?
avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
2 years ago
It was unclear to me if the question was ‘where are the best all white or predominantly white clubs’ or ‘where are the hottest white women in clubs that have some white women.’ Here in Bmore, top is phc, followed by the usual suspects in no particular order of Millstream, McDoogals and Fabtasies, which are all mixed. You’ll find the occasional looker at other clubs like fka Hustler or Gold Club, but it’s less likely.
avatar for mike710
2 years ago
Phoenix is still mostly white. If there are Latina girls, their first language is english so there's not a language issue. Went to a club in Rock Springs Wyoming a little over a year ago. It was all local white girls.
avatar for Jascoi
2 years ago
in my trucking job I used to get sent up to Eugene, Oregon occasionally and de nile seemed to have a lot of white girls.
avatar for Specialj
2 years ago
I remember in my twenties when I would occasionally go to a strip club maybe once every couple years in Florida. From what I remember back then it was predominantly white dancers. Now of course it’s about 75% Latina and maybe 10% White from what I’ve seen. Never gone to any out of state so I can’t comment on them.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
2 years ago
The only hot white strippers I've seen were east European or Cuban. American ones look beat real fast
avatar for blahblahblah23
2 years ago
I would say Portland is your best "major" city with a fuckton of mainly white girls lol. But I wouldn't call the white girls here even halfway attractive on average. THat is just me though. I am Eastern European to the core, and I just do not find western European girls' facial features or body shape remotely attractive like 90-95% of the time.
avatar for Cashman1234
2 years ago
Blah you make a good point as there can be different facial features of white Eastern European women. Some can be striking in their beauty (just my filthy old guy opinion).

From afar, I might not realize a dancer is Eastern European. Up close, it can be much more obvious.
avatar for Sgrayeff
2 years ago
Small town clubs far from the coasts or major metro areas reflect the local demographic. Of course, they also reflect the local talent.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
2 years ago
East Europeans as a whole have very striking features. The eyes and high cheekbones make them look more attractive. They also tend to have nicer bodies. Plus the cultures place a higher emphasis on women looking good. Taking care of themselves. Even the old women who lost their looks are very independent and physically strong. The main thing I admire about them is tye blunt honesty. If they care you don't have to doubt that its genuine.

Women of west European origin can look good when they're young but get dumpy looking in their mid to late 20s. They lack curves. Have bad skin. Thin hair. Their facial features look kinda like pigs...and most have zero personality.
avatar for Jascoi
2 years ago
2icee... You're harsh on some of these girls.
avatar for Specialj
2 years ago
Beauty is in the eye of the beer holder lol. But seriously, beautiful is subjective. I have taken a real liking to Latinas in recent years. Don’t ask me why, it may be the fact that there is a bit of a language barrier and I’m often forced rely more on body language. And if I were to avoid Latinas at the club I’d probably be going home disappointed 95% of the time
avatar for 3131
2 years ago
SR COI is mostly white. SYNN COI is pretty diverse.

I'd go with Flight Club as the #1 white girl club.... but you might be surprised several of the white girls there are mixed.
avatar for DandyDan
2 years ago
It's probably more a club by club thing than a city thing, but the 4 nude clubs in the Des Moines area, at least as I remember it, were largely white girls.
avatar for Jdo11
2 years ago
Was in Nashville for a few years this past decade. Seem to recall the grand majority of dancers being white there.
Being a non white in the city pretty much excluded me from OTC but ymmv.
avatar for PredragDr
2 years ago
Dancers may be better at answering this than customers. I remember some popular clubs have unwritten limits on the number of girls that are not the classic definition of beauty in the US (thin young white girls). Of course hiring practices may change over time and vary by shift manager. 4Play (Los Angeles), Bourbon Street (Phoenix) and Mons Venus (Tampa) are examples I can think of.
avatar for whodey
2 years ago
Jdo11 Nashville is majority white both in and out of the clubs but the mileage is so terrible I couldn't consider it a Mecca of any type for strip clubs.
avatar for Jdo11
2 years ago
^ fair. Good to know my shitty experience wasn't unique to me.
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