Do we tend to look back in the past with rose colored glasses. I mean maybe there’s some ITC stuff going on that was crazy I get that, Times Square, the combat zone, or wherever BUT I just could never monger at the level I do today without…
1. The MOST important and that’s GPS. I just could not get around with anywhere near the level I do without that, especially in a lot these new cities I’m now familiar with. We overlook that one, remember having to look at maps! Fuck that. You really got to know where your going otherwise.
2. Mobile mongering. Whether it be texting, social media stuff, seeking, what have you, it just way easier to connect with girls today and make things happen. There’s some drawbacks to that but overall it’d be much harder to orchestrate things using a landline who misses that.
3. Maybe the info that’s available to us now. It’s before my time you guys what would look at magazine and newspaper ads. Might not be the best way to find the best spot in town. Between stuff like this site and ability share information helps not only where to go but probably more importantly where to not go.
4. I think there’s a nostalgia bias a little bit. When we say strippers are ugly as hell now back in the day they were all 9’s and 10’s. I mean talent might be down due to some circumstances I get that, but I think that’s a little overhyping the past and I’m not buying that premise outright.
What about you guys, mongering better now overall or na back in the day, if we are being completely honest about it.
I don’t know what you’re talkin’ ‘bout Muddy Ape. This rick gets plenty of top shelf pussy usin’ my patented rick system(TM). Just listen to us and you’ll have the same experience.
That said, my positive experiences might have something to do with my alcohol consumption. Last week I had a bit of a cough so I took some robitussin DM. Turns out that shit interacts with my drivin’ whiskey. I broke into some old couples’ house and humped their couch. Thought that thing was the hottest female hairless ape ever. Also destroyed their coffee table. Went all wildebeest on it because I thought it was the hot strippers husband being a pain the ass.
Anyhoo, I sobered up and made amends. I am a civilized rick after all. Told ‘em I’d make them nice wildebeest omelettes. Alas, I could not find local wildebeest so I decided to make ‘em a raccoon-squirrel delight. So delicious it made me ROAR!!! Also went to the furniture store and fetched them a nice coffee table and a couch that was not drenched in lion jizz. They are now my friends and I promised to keep in touch. So all is forgiven.
I think you nailed it that technology has been a game-changer
Men of certain age will know what I’m talking about. You’re in a new town - maybe you buy a newspaper and get lucky with ads buried in the sports section. But usually you find a jack shack where they typically have a stand with free hobbyists newspapers filled with ads for escorts, massage parlors and strip clubs - but the challenge is being able to find the club. Who wants to stop in a gas station and ask directions to the Pussycat Lounge?
Yeah I didn’t think about the prevalence of cameras. You could make the point that ITC was better then but OTC is way easier logistacally now. But for ITC you’d have to know where to go. How would know Follies is this awesome strip club, I mean I would probably run into Cheetah Downtown Atlanta regardless, or elsewhere Eleven in Miami, La Boheime in Denver, Knockouts in Albuquerque, Gold Club in San Francisco, the Mineapolis clubs and other downtown spots etc that every tourist would see but there would be a lot of shit you’d miss. Another one is just bringing up google maps to see what’s near you.
In the old days, a club could be hidden away and the general public would be unaware. Now, the internet reveals all to public do gooders and politicians wanting to virtue signal.
I truly miss the heydays of the Houston clubs in the 90's. The ITC action was just wild. But could not have existed back then. I'm not sure which time I enjoy more though. Back then, it was all ITC. Now, I hardly go inside a club.
In the old days, there was a publication Mentertainment - that had strip club information. It was far from the level of intel we can get from this site, but it had club names and phone numbers.
One other aspect of old time clubbing was the chance you might encounter a bush once you got a dancer in the back room. In my view, that was a good thing - but I know lots of guys like a smooth pussy. You could always ask before going for dances, and some dancers would be happy to show you.
I don’t miss the old time strip clubs at all, most of the clubs in my area back in the day were controlled by a few motorcycle gangs and most of the women were trafficked by those gangs, the environment was very different and the clubs were very different from what we know today.
If you knew which clubs to go to in specific cities you had it made.
In a lot of smaller cities, if you went to one club, when exiting there was usually a regional strip club newspaper which would list all the clubs in the general area. Those were very valuable to a non-local like me at the time.
Other than that it was word of mouth. That’s how I discovered a lot of clubs all over the country back in the day.
Back in the “old days” I couldn’t afford this hobby, and I would go to a strip club and nurse one beer all night long. Paying for anything other than an occasional $1 stage tip was never a possibility for me.
For starters, I agree with other who said that technology changed everything. Being able to easily find these places is huge. When traveling in particular, having to rely upon yellow pages, seedy publications if you could find them, hotel concierges and cabbies really sucked.
I also don't miss the elaborate stage show formats that most clubs used back then, with the costumes, laser lights, smoke machines, etc., etc. I also don't miss the myriad other gimmicks, like shower shows, sex toys, jello wrestling or any of the other things that places used to do to get guys to cough up stage money. Back then I could only sit in a club so long before I was bored out of my mind. A lot of the clubs were just too gimmicky.
Back then clubs in my region came in two basic flavors, either gimmicky stage show events or seedy brothel clubs with low quality gals. Neither was especially ideal from my perspective.
I think that one of the other benefits of technology, besides making the clubs easier to find, was to force clubs to move to more interactive formats. Before high speed Internet was widely available, if you wanted to see a variety of T&A on demand, the local clubs were the only games in town. Once guys could get that courtesy of online porn and cam girls, clubs had to evolve in order to keep guys coming in.
When I first started this in the mid 90s, there were still a number of clubs that did not have LD/VIP rooms. Also, even in places that were selling LDs, a lot of the girls still made most of their money from stage shows. Fast forward 10 years later and they all had LD areas (or booths or whatever) and a lot of the elaborate stage shows disappeared, replaced by girls trying to sell one-on-one experiences to make their money. Very awesome changes in my book, though many of the old school strippers might disagree.
The old days in seattle (90s) were great bc there were some brothel style clubs that were a sure thing, and they were loaded with girls. The downside was they were all owned by the same mafia-lite family and there was little competition or diversity… their clubs were pretty much the same deal in each case.
As with every other aspect of life, tech is a big change… I can find out where to go, who is dancing, what the caliber is, what the extras level is, get directions, or even get an Uber all from my phone. Insane. My recent maiden voyage in the otc dept benefited from this as well. On the Flipside: everything is trackable via these damn phones and there are cameras everywhere. Your plausible deniability is way down these days.
For me the good old days were 15 years ago when I became a strip club regular. Detroit and its suburbs had many strip clubs that provided extras. The upscale clubs like Penthouse and Flight Club had tons of beautiful dancers. I became friends with many dancers and would often party with them. I found my ATF and had OTC relationships with her and with other dancers. I somehow avoided being beaten or shot by drug dealers and jealous boyfriends.
Now the City of Detroit has cracked down on its clubs. The Penthouse is closed. In the suburbs extras are easy but cost more. The dancers, it seems to me, are not as good looking and are more concerned with maximizing profits through high turnover.
I guess "old days" would need a time and location qualifier. When I first started going to clubs in the 80's, there wasn't much in the way of VIP dance areas and dances were done in an open area in Phoenix and California. I didn't have the knowledge or money for a lot more than a $5 private dance where no contact was offered.
In the 90's, I started to get dances with a bit more contact but they were also in an open area but still $5 or $10.
In the early 2000's I found Tampa and got some very high mileage dances but they had gone up in price to $20 in most places. I got my first OTC around 2010 for $300 for a several hour date.
Now, dances are $20-$40 each and VIP areas for time are more prevalent. The VIP in many places have negotiated deals for whatever you want at various prices depending on the girl. Most of all, I have a lot more free cash flow and go in to many places knowing that there is a good chance at about anything I want. Not everywhere but in many places.
So, I've always enjoyed it but now I've been through enough that I know how to play the game better and have more cash to play with. So, living in the moment it has always been the glory days.
Currently, in South Florida we have highway billboards advertising the higher end clubs. And it seems like many of the remaining taxicabs have roof adverts for the strip clubs too.
It used to be, strippers were very clandestine about their profession. They were people who made bad choices in life. It was not something to be discussed in polite company.
Now, strippers are open about what they do for a living. Well, many are. And, they represent, at least among the young, an acceptable career choice. there is little stigma about the profession.
The change in rules with Detroit clubs really curtailed my club visits. Players had a rocking day shift back in the day and extras were flowing and pretty cheap compared to now. I honestly don't know how so many of the clubs stay open now you can tell just from the parking lot how slow day shifts are.
I did a little-bit of clubbing in the 90s – became a semi-regular SCer in the 2000s – then became a hardcore SCer in the 2010s.
Whether it was location; or lack of knowledge on-my-part; my best clubbing was in the 2010s – in my particular case; I was often frustrated w/ the lack of mileage in my pre-2012 clubbing-experience – a big-part of my good 2010s-experience was due to becoming a TUSCLer in early-2012 and becoming “educated in the SC-game”; but overall it feels as if mileage, in the areas I clubbed in; def became higher in the 2010s.
Imagine exchanging phone numbers when dealing with landlines vs cell phone while living with others.
Or, dealing with flakes without the ability to follow up on status of her arrival when she's inevitably late.
Or; as was stated, finding a new club without GPS. I was searched and searched in a town looking for a club that had gotten some publicity on news outlets.. was a bit frustrating.
@icey: it was pretty grim. This was the first era of implants, and the harder and higher the better. Sort of like the Bing Girls in sopranos. Also, with the rural contingent there was plenty of claw bangs and big hair as well. Finding low natural girls was a challenge here in grunge city.
Drew that's really interesting. I always pictured them like a young Sarah Michelle Gellar back then. Or Rae dawn Chong. Did the grunge scene eventually influence beauty standards there?
Icey It did eventually. But seattle was way more hayseed and butt rock than grunge for the first 1/2 of the 90s. By the early 2000s you started to get alty and indie looking girls. So I guess it was a 10 years following thing.
Grunge or at least soft grunge was one of t&e biggest things growing up in la. It influenced hip hop everything. And it looks like it's making a comeback. One of my best friends moved to Seattle right before the prices became so high. And my first online love was a persian girl in Seattle that I met.
The grunge fashion is def making a comeback, there are high school and middle scool kids all over dressing like we did back in the 90s. I guess its like how in high school in the 80s, we dressed like it was the 60s.
The 90s and 2000s are coming back. I like it. Ita more minimal. And girls look cuter than previous trends i think. What I want to go away is flex culture.
But it looks like the 90s were influenced by the 1970s too
Flex culture is when people dress Ilin whatever designer is trendy whether fake or real just to show off the brand. Gold chains. Hyped up sneakers. No originality. People like this weed dealer/wannabe pimp are an example of everything wrong with it
The best strip club period for me was about five years ago. There was a club called Harem House. It was by no means great but one of the dancers told me one time it was like Cheers where everyone knows your name and that was pretty much true. Unlike some clubs with girls always coming and leaving, it had a pretty stable group of dancers who stayed around for a while. I knew half a dozen girls there by name and they all knew me.
The owner of the club had passed away and his widow had someone running the club who didn't know what he was doing. The dancers I knew there left one by one for other strip clubs. One day I went into one of those other strip clubs, Brad's Brass Flamingo. I saw a former Harem House dancer and took her to the back for some lap dances. When we got to the back three other former Harem House dancers were in the back doing lap dances. I said, "I wondered where you all went" and they all laughed.
If I could use a time machine like driving a car, yes strip clubs were more exciting in the past. I knew a club where I could get away with a lot more and the girls encouraged it. The clubs were a lot more smokier. I don’t smoke but probably inhaled a lot of second hand smoke in some clubs.
Trying to remember land line phone numbers was a crap shot while drinking and not writing it down on a napkin but most clubs had napkins and a pen. I don’t have any dancers trying to see me outside the club like several years ago. That’s probably because I’m older and not visiting small clubs.
last commentThat said, my positive experiences might have something to do with my alcohol consumption. Last week I had a bit of a cough so I took some robitussin DM. Turns out that shit interacts with my drivin’ whiskey. I broke into some old couples’ house and humped their couch. Thought that thing was the hottest female hairless ape ever. Also destroyed their coffee table. Went all wildebeest on it because I thought it was the hot strippers husband being a pain the ass.
Anyhoo, I sobered up and made amends. I am a civilized rick after all. Told ‘em I’d make them nice wildebeest omelettes. Alas, I could not find local wildebeest so I decided to make ‘em a raccoon-squirrel delight. So delicious it made me ROAR!!! Also went to the furniture store and fetched them a nice coffee table and a couch that was not drenched in lion jizz. They are now my friends and I promised to keep in touch. So all is forgiven.
Men of certain age will know what I’m talking about. You’re in a new town - maybe you buy a newspaper and get lucky with ads buried in the sports section. But usually you find a jack shack where they typically have a stand with free hobbyists newspapers filled with ads for escorts, massage parlors and strip clubs - but the challenge is being able to find the club. Who wants to stop in a gas station and ask directions to the Pussycat Lounge?
The Yellow Pages were never a substitute for the kind of info available in our pockets today.
One other aspect of old time clubbing was the chance you might encounter a bush once you got a dancer in the back room. In my view, that was a good thing - but I know lots of guys like a smooth pussy. You could always ask before going for dances, and some dancers would be happy to show you.
In a lot of smaller cities, if you went to one club, when exiting there was usually a regional strip club newspaper which would list all the clubs in the general area. Those were very valuable to a non-local like me at the time.
Other than that it was word of mouth. That’s how I discovered a lot of clubs all over the country back in the day.
For starters, I agree with other who said that technology changed everything. Being able to easily find these places is huge. When traveling in particular, having to rely upon yellow pages, seedy publications if you could find them, hotel concierges and cabbies really sucked.
I also don't miss the elaborate stage show formats that most clubs used back then, with the costumes, laser lights, smoke machines, etc., etc. I also don't miss the myriad other gimmicks, like shower shows, sex toys, jello wrestling or any of the other things that places used to do to get guys to cough up stage money. Back then I could only sit in a club so long before I was bored out of my mind. A lot of the clubs were just too gimmicky.
Back then clubs in my region came in two basic flavors, either gimmicky stage show events or seedy brothel clubs with low quality gals. Neither was especially ideal from my perspective.
I think that one of the other benefits of technology, besides making the clubs easier to find, was to force clubs to move to more interactive formats. Before high speed Internet was widely available, if you wanted to see a variety of T&A on demand, the local clubs were the only games in town. Once guys could get that courtesy of online porn and cam girls, clubs had to evolve in order to keep guys coming in.
When I first started this in the mid 90s, there were still a number of clubs that did not have LD/VIP rooms. Also, even in places that were selling LDs, a lot of the girls still made most of their money from stage shows. Fast forward 10 years later and they all had LD areas (or booths or whatever) and a lot of the elaborate stage shows disappeared, replaced by girls trying to sell one-on-one experiences to make their money. Very awesome changes in my book, though many of the old school strippers might disagree.
As with every other aspect of life, tech is a big change… I can find out where to go, who is dancing, what the caliber is, what the extras level is, get directions, or even get an Uber all from my phone. Insane. My recent maiden voyage in the otc dept benefited from this as well. On the Flipside: everything is trackable via these damn phones and there are cameras everywhere. Your plausible deniability is way down these days.
Now the City of Detroit has cracked down on its clubs. The Penthouse is closed. In the suburbs extras are easy but cost more. The dancers, it seems to me, are not as good looking and are more concerned with maximizing profits through high turnover.
I think the biggest change is stripping being so mainstream now and social media. Also the shift from gentleman's clubs to urban clubs.
That $10 used be a tank of gas. Now it is 3 gallons.
In the 90's, I started to get dances with a bit more contact but they were also in an open area but still $5 or $10.
In the early 2000's I found Tampa and got some very high mileage dances but they had gone up in price to $20 in most places. I got my first OTC around 2010 for $300 for a several hour date.
Now, dances are $20-$40 each and VIP areas for time are more prevalent. The VIP in many places have negotiated deals for whatever you want at various prices depending on the girl. Most of all, I have a lot more free cash flow and go in to many places knowing that there is a good chance at about anything I want. Not everywhere but in many places.
So, I've always enjoyed it but now I've been through enough that I know how to play the game better and have more cash to play with. So, living in the moment it has always been the glory days.
Now, strippers are open about what they do for a living. Well, many are. And, they represent, at least among the young, an acceptable career choice. there is little stigma about the profession.
Whether it was location; or lack of knowledge on-my-part; my best clubbing was in the 2010s – in my particular case; I was often frustrated w/ the lack of mileage in my pre-2012 clubbing-experience – a big-part of my good 2010s-experience was due to becoming a TUSCLer in early-2012 and becoming “educated in the SC-game”; but overall it feels as if mileage, in the areas I clubbed in; def became higher in the 2010s.
Or, dealing with flakes without the ability to follow up on status of her arrival when she's inevitably late.
Or; as was stated, finding a new club without GPS. I was searched and searched in a town looking for a club that had gotten some publicity on news outlets.. was a bit frustrating.
But it looks like the 90s were influenced by the 1970s too…
The owner of the club had passed away and his widow had someone running the club who didn't know what he was doing. The dancers I knew there left one by one for other strip clubs. One day I went into one of those other strip clubs, Brad's Brass Flamingo. I saw a former Harem House dancer and took her to the back for some lap dances. When we got to the back three other former Harem House dancers were in the back doing lap dances. I said, "I wondered where you all went" and they all laughed.
Trying to remember land line phone numbers was a crap shot while drinking and not writing it down on a napkin but most clubs had napkins and a pen. I don’t have any dancers trying to see me outside the club like several years ago. That’s probably because I’m older and not visiting small clubs.