Tag Teams- Yea or Nay ?

avatar for minnow
No, I'm not a pro wrestling fan who accidentally wandered here. I'm talking about strippers who approach you as a "tag team", usually with the aim to have you buy a 2 dancer VIP package for whatever reason.

Myself, I haven't bought any double dances in over 2 decades, which speaks loudly of my "nay" answer for double dances. When I did, the selection was INITIATED BY ME. (That was on a few visits to Olympic Gardens in Vegas shortly after I got a big raise at work). The one exception was in a FL club when a dancer barged in uninvited on dances I was getting with her "friend". Subsequent tag team encounters in several other clubs involved either a less attractive/experienced dancer teaming with a veteran attractive dancer hoping to co-opt into more dances, or 2 dancers selling a 2 girl fantasy. I wasn't buying in any case.The first for a obvious reasons. The second, I'd rather have 100% attention from 1 dancer, than paying double to get 50% or less attention from 2 dancers.

Lately in my club visits, I've noticed more guys falling for the tag team. The dancers involved aren't slouches, either, being in the top third of club attractiveness. Is this a thing for some in the high disposable income crowd ? I don't harbor any 2 girl show fantasies. One yea reason I've heard for 2 girl VIP is to have one act as a lookout for bouncer intrusion while the other dancer does the nasty deed. To each their own, I guess. I'd rather go to club where I don't feel the need to pay for a lookout, or go with a single dancer who doesn't peddle this.

Your thoughts/experiences ?


last comment
avatar for boomer79
2 years ago
Only if they give me a deal. For instance if the girls usually get 200 each I might think about 150 each if I really like them but generally not. I never buy 2 girl dances on the floor. The lookout thing can be true depending on the club.
avatar for mike710
2 years ago
A hell no for me. It's just a gimmick upsell for rookies to me.
avatar for shailynn
2 years ago
Nope. A gimmick just like said above
avatar for shadowcat
2 years ago
I occasionally see two girls working the club together but they are usually looking for 2 or more guys sitting together. I have only once done a 2 girl VIP but it was not due to a tag team. It was my 70th birthday and it was set up a month in advance. The 2 were best friends, each received $100, and the club comped the VIP room. It was great once but have never had the urge to do it again.
avatar for drewcareypnw
2 years ago
An actual 3way with 2 civvies many years ago was one of the sexual high points of my life. Chef's kiss. But I have a hard time imagining how a double dance will be anywhere near as stimulating. I always pass.
avatar for Mike Rotch
Mike Rotch
2 years ago
^I agree. Double dances are pretty much useless. I had one once and each girl just straddled my left and right leg and ignored the one in between. Now, a tag team in the bed... whole nother story.
avatar for Jascoi
2 years ago
I've done it a few times. with the right girls can be a lot of fun. but I've also made some bad choices of the girls... like the three i took up a couple of months ago.
avatar for Cashman1234
2 years ago
Tag teams are a big no for me. The increased cost doesn’t correlate with increased pleasure. They generally want twice the price of a one on one dance, but it doesn’t double my pleasure.
avatar for captainfun
2 years ago
Hard no on tag team.

have never bitten and likely never will however I do appreciate the human psychology of the tag team - as in, who’s doing the sales pitch - the fugly one, the hot one, etc.

Like most strip club things it’s a numbers game for the girls. Offer to enough guys and someone is bound to bite.
avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
2 years ago
I only have one dick and only need one dancer.
avatar for wallanon
2 years ago
If I'm paying for two dancers at the same time it's for one of three reasons. Reason 1 is I want to see how they are together in case I want a threesome later. Reason 2 is sometimes I do like a double dance. The most dancers I've ever had at once was an entire dayshift in a club in San Francisco because I was the only customer and the girls were bored. If only camera phones were common back then. The most dancers I've ever paid for at once just for me was four. Reason 3 is the dancer I'm with is into another dancer and it's a dance for her. On the floor it's just paying for a regular dance, but for somewhere else in the club if both girls are dressed then it's paying for two dancers to be there.
avatar for Cashman1234
2 years ago
I don’t need any competition in the VIP room. It seems very easy for two dancers, who are friends, to enjoy each other rather than an old horny pervert.
avatar for twentyfive
2 years ago
I’ve never done it with a tag team, but occasionally when I’ve been in the club for a while, slamming drinks with a couple of the girls, I have done a two girl room, it was fun only because we were soused and being silly, but I don’t think I really want to have a twosome for real, it’s too complicated.
avatar for georgmicrodong
2 years ago
I don't remember ever getting a two girl dance in the club. Doesn't mean I didn't just that I don't remember it. It's been proposed a time or two, but as I tend to tell them, "I only have one lap to dance on.

OTC is a different question, of course.
avatar for Longball300
2 years ago
Of the ~ 15 or so I have experienced in mostly Detroit or Windsor I would say about 10? I would deem "worth it". Key was in several of those cases the ladies already had history with each other and / or I had already VIP'ed with them individually in the past. All told those 10 are some of the most memorable experiences of my monger career.
avatar for Longball300
2 years ago
BTW it's a totally different question IMO when you are talkin an extras club versus just lappers.
avatar for Dolfan
2 years ago
I usually shut down pairs of girls pretty quick. I won't say I've never bit, but it's very rare. Occasionally I'll try to split them up if one is particularly hot, but usually I just send em both on their way. It's very rare both of them are hot, and I'm not interested in fucking with the ugly one.
avatar for Tetradon
2 years ago
I answered it here in the extras context.

Short answer: No. Would not repeat.

avatar for Jascoi
2 years ago
if opportunity, we're with particular girls again as a threesome or maybe as a foursome I would consider these possibilities...

I'm such a whore.
avatar for loper
2 years ago
Nay. In my experience it's often a charity mission -- one of the girls is attractive and the other not.
avatar for Muddy
2 years ago
Nay. I actually split one up at the lodge in Dallas and it worked out for me but except for that usually nay.
avatar for DandyDan
2 years ago
At a long-closed club I used to be a regular at, there was a tag team which used to routinely go around and try to sell 2 girl dances, but I always turned them down when together. I would take them individually and the one basically shouldn't have been dancing, especially in the extras club she was in. That said, I had some remarkable 2 girl dances there. Some of the fun was watching them go down on each other.
avatar for Warrior15
2 years ago
I normally say No. But this led to the absolute best 3-some I ever had in my life a couple of years ago. So I can't totally rule them out.
avatar for gammanu95
2 years ago
Only if both girls are hot. The first time I accepted a duo, the hotter girl did very little while the chubby and less attractive one was much more into it. I'm not goint to repeat that mistake. If one girl is ugly or otherwise not attractive to me, I'll plainly say which one I would like and they can take it or leave it. I think, with those qualifications, I have only accepted a dancer duo once.
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
2 years ago
Three times.

The first was not great; it wasn't horrible but it felt like a waste of money. The second was better. The dancers were a bit more proactive with me and each other, but I still felt like this wasn't something that would ever be worth the money.

The third (because I'd fail as Pavlov's dog...) was *AMAZING*. The dancers were smoking hot and very enthusiastic with me and each other. It was expensive but worth it.

Will I ever do it again?... probably but not often. Because when I think about it, all I think about is the third time.
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