“Have you ever offered genuine help to a hooker without expecting anything in return???”
Have you ever offered genuine help to a person without expecting anything in return???”
Yes. Call me a white knight or a gullible sap, but I’ve helped a couple of former favorites after they left dancing and went back to school. Upon graduation, I’ve given them a gift - as you would to anyone - without expecting anything in return
Yes. I have offered financial advice,,,which was appreciated but then ignored. A puta was ripped for $700, all the money she had, so I offered her $100 so she could eat and get a cheap room for the night. It was declined and a friend took her in.
Turned a hoe down when she asked for $1000 to bury her brother, who had been killed in an auto accident. I verified that it was true, but I didn’t want to give her the idea that I was more than a client who pays for services rendered.
OTOH, I have gotten freebies. I have had hoes spend the night with me for free, because they didn’t want to go home for various reasons. Got anal for nothing extra multiple times.
I know someone who deals with victims of human trafficking in his job. He has gone above and beyond to help them on his own time and dime. But he says the failures get to him. Like they'll be clean snd show progress then end up in the same position again.
Wow guy comes on as a pimp having problems with the his and now a post like this, if this isn’t pure trolling nothing is 😺😺😺😺😺😺😺😺 What a phony poseur 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡
I've helped out a couple that were friends as well. One was a girl that had a condition that wouldn't allow her to work. Another mutual friend told me about her situation. She was a neighbor so I went by and gave her some money without expecting anything in return. However, she paid me back when she got well and took me to dinner and post dinner sex.
Another, had to evacuate her home due to a wildfire. I just offered her a place to stay since I had an extra room. We dated for a couple years after and I'm still friends with her.
Both cases were because they were friends that happened to make money as ho's. Because they were friends, I seemed to end getting more in return.
I made this thread when I was just thinking how vulnerable these girls really are. There were girls I tried to help. I could have done anything but I didn't.
There are a few ill never forget
Cinnamon. I helped her get settled and out of a very abusive relationship. Was going to get her back to her mom's. But she went back to him after he begged her. And he held her caprive. Gave her drugs and she died of an overdose.
Miranda. She cried and begged me for money for diapers and food. I was always there. She ended up fat and with 5 kids. Single mom.
Nicki. Got her clean for a while. But she died of an overdose.
Malibu. I helped her get away from an abusive partner. But she's strung out now
Hazel. She was my best friend. Ended up bouncing from pimp to pimp
"Wow guy comes on as a pimp having problems with the his and now a post like this, if this isn’t pure trolling nothing is"
^^^Exactly. Pimps are the worst at taking advantage of desperate women. They prey upon the most vulnerable women so they can control them and take advantage of their situation in life. And that's exactly what Iceydodo does.
last commentNo.
Have you ever offered genuine help to a person without expecting anything in return???”
Yes. Call me a white knight or a gullible sap, but I’ve helped a couple of former favorites after they left dancing and went back to school. Upon graduation, I’ve given them a gift - as you would to anyone - without expecting anything in return
Turned a hoe down when she asked for $1000 to bury her brother, who had been killed in an auto accident. I verified that it was true, but I didn’t want to give her the idea that I was more than a client who pays for services rendered.
OTOH, I have gotten freebies. I have had hoes spend the night with me for free, because they didn’t want to go home for various reasons. Got anal for nothing extra multiple times.
It can be a two way street.
What a phony poseur 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡
Another, had to evacuate her home due to a wildfire. I just offered her a place to stay since I had an extra room. We dated for a couple years after and I'm still friends with her.
Both cases were because they were friends that happened to make money as ho's. Because they were friends, I seemed to end getting more in return.
There are a few ill never forget
Cinnamon. I helped her get settled and out of a very abusive relationship. Was going to get her back to her mom's. But she went back to him after he begged her. And he held her caprive. Gave her drugs and she died of an overdose.
Miranda. She cried and begged me for money for diapers and food. I was always there. She ended up fat and with 5 kids. Single mom.
Nicki. Got her clean for a while. But she died of an overdose.
Malibu. I helped her get away from an abusive partner. But she's strung out now
Hazel. She was my best friend. Ended up bouncing from pimp to pimp
^^^Exactly. Pimps are the worst at taking advantage of desperate women. They prey upon the most vulnerable women so they can control them and take advantage of their situation in life. And that's exactly what Iceydodo does.