OTC Costs: Seattle Prices

avatar for drewcareypnw
I am considering expanding my OTC game. I want to know what is roughly reasonable cost wise. I know that OTC varies by PL and SW. I know that it's "what you feel is enough". I know that it must be related to escort prices, somehow. That all being said... what do you guys think is a reasonable rate to pay for 1 hour of OTC in Seattle?

I looked up some general price comparisons:

Consumer Prices in New York, NY are 7.3% higher than in Seattle, WA (without rent)
Consumer Prices Including Rent in New York, NY are 21.6% higher than in Seattle, WA

Consumer Prices in Miami, FL are 12.6% lower than in Seattle, WA (without rent)
Consumer Prices Including Rent in Miami, FL are 6.8% lower than in Seattle, WA

Consumer Prices in Chicago, IL are 13.9% lower than in Seattle, WA (without rent)
Consumer Prices Including Rent in Chicago, IL are 15.4% lower than in Seattle, WA

Consumer Prices in San Francisco, CA are 6.7% higher than in Seattle, WA (without rent)
Consumer Prices Including Rent in San Francisco, CA are 16.6% higher than in Seattle, WA


There is a PPP (Pussy Purchasing Power) joke in here somewhere...


last comment
avatar for wallanon
2 years ago
"I know that it must be related to escort prices, somehow."

It depends. If a girl likes you (including and especially strippers) it's sometimes surprising what you'll get. That's reason #1 if I'm looking for a no strings fling that strippers will be my first choice so long as clubs are around.
avatar for CJKent_band
2 years ago
Reasonable range $300 to $800, depending on how much “chemistry” you fell for each other, how hot she know she is, how infatuated you are with her, and a few thousand more variables.

OTC usually is not necessary negotiated for an hour, it is just understood that it is a Girlfriend Experience type of thing, of course again depending on how much “chemistry” you have been developed.

It is best to let her suggest the price, and you get the best price when it is communicated that it is possible to make it a ”regular thing” if the price and the performance are right.

Good luck and remember Pics and Vids or. It didn’t happen.

avatar for rattdog
2 years ago
out of the four cities you used as examples i would choose miami. more options and better selections.

if curious about the seattle walking scenery: aurora avenue in seattle


avatar for mike710
2 years ago
I'm not a super big OTC guy but have done it numerous times over the years. Based on my experience, one part of your premise may not be right. That is looking for pricing on an hourly basis rather than a session premise. The girls I spent time with OTC never watched the clock like an escort would, so it was anywhere from a couple of hours to many hours for a set price.

I guess it just depends on the connection like others have stated.
avatar for drewcareypnw
2 years ago
I think I fucked up the initial premise with the OTC I am working with now… I said I’d like to see her for an hour, and suggested a price. Now I guess that I have set us up for a time boxed escort style arrangement and would have to talk my way out of that.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
2 years ago
Do hookers even go by time increments? It's generally til you cum within a set time.
avatar for gammanu95
2 years ago
Some idiots just love paying $650 for a CBJ. Keep that shit in Seattle, we don't need your inflationary stupidity spreading across more markets.
avatar for motorhead
2 years ago
Finding your true love. Only in Seattle

avatar for blahblahblah23
2 years ago
huh? I'm gonna say if you want extras in your otc and the cost of living in seattle $1000 and up your welcome. A good way to talk your way out of something without bad blood is to still give her some money, but perhaps less than you would for otc. Say thank you for your time, but this just won't work out and compensate for the bullshittery.
avatar for rickdugan
2 years ago
Drew, none of us can know the answer to that. We aren't in the Seattle market. This isn't an academic exercise. You just need to wade around enough in it until you have a handle on the local ranges.

When I travel, I personally find tryst.link to be a good starting point to get range data. In smaller markets at least, OTC strippers are competing in that space whether they know it or not.

But IME the larger and/or more affluent the local market is, the less reliable comparisons to local escort ranges become. Instead it depends almost entirely on how much money s chasing these girls ITC. Now to be clear that's not the same as pegging it to an hour club VIP price - in some clubs selling one of those is like hitting the lottery. But instead it's about how the girls are actually doing ITC and what they would find enticing for an OTC outing. You only get that from experience, which may include overpaying a few times until you figure it out.
avatar for CJKent_band
2 years ago

Since you already started the deal/date where you said; and I quote:

“I’d like to see her for an hour, and suggested a price”

If she said yes to it, you should be a man of your word and proceed with the deal.

I think you are having “buyers remorse”, because you might think now that you are overpaying, you should not overthink the situation, every OTC transaction is worth it’s own price.

What you can do, if you want to change the parameters of the deal, ask her what she thinks of Seeking Arrangements (Sugar Baby Sugar Daddy) relationships and listen to her ideas.

The average sugar baby gets from $1500, to $3000 a month for an average of Girlfriend Experience type of sex once a week, a couple of hours at her place.

Make sure to tel her that sugar relationship you would be interested is focused on creating mutually beneficial relationships and that you would be mentoring/advising/helping her achieve her goals.

If you can afford sugaring is a great way to go about it.
avatar for Subraman
2 years ago
My personal experience in a very high COL area, with OTC prices.

1. I appreciate you doing advance research, but the advice you've been given of "you'll need to start giving offers in person" is right on. None of us know; don't be too set by what anyone says here.

2. I divide strippers who do OTC into two camps: escort-like model, and date-type model. Escort types are usually high volume, with a set escort-like menu: "$500 for 1 hour; add $200 if you want greek; add $250 if you want to take me to dinner first". Date-type model is more like an SB date: you set a price (e.g., that $500 from above) and that's for the date, however it lasts -- which could include dinner, SCing together, hell they sometimes crash with you in the hotel room overnight. I have no use for escort-like OTCs, and feel they are worst of all worlds: escort-like "professional" pricing, with stripper-like flakiness. I do the date-type model, and never discuss time limits, and if she brings up time or menu, I'm out. It sounds like you're the opposite and are just looking for an hour of sex, so the more escorty and professional girls are open to you.

3. OTC prices have nothing to do with ITC pricing (price of VIP rooms, etc)

4. If you were to twist my arm and force me to give you some kind of vague guideline, I'd say for dayshift girls (vs girls working Saturday nightshift and bringing down $$$$$), OTCs are generally vaguely in the range of a MID-TIER escort... even though those strippers are more attractive than mid-tier escorts.

5. Believe the guys who said that if the stripper likes you (or perhaps it's less about "like" than feel safe and respected), you may be *shocked* at how little she charges you. So if you're the kind of guy who spends some time ITC building trust, you may get decent deals.
avatar for drewcareypnw
2 years ago
Gamma you're so fucking stupid. Is that the best insult you've got? Have some coffee, try harder..
avatar for drewcareypnw
2 years ago
Subra, cj, rick, thank you for the thoughtful answers. Your experience is much appreciated.
avatar for drewcareypnw
2 years ago
Bla: to be clear, I've already seen her once and had a great time at a price we agreed on. I'm wondering if I'm doing it right, hence the questions. In the end, the price I paid (read the article https://tuscl.net/article.php?… for details) is something I am more or less comfortable with financially, but I am not 100% clear on the correctness of the pricing. Since gamma seems triggered by the cost, I must be doing something right. Just kidding, he's butthurt that I called him a white supremacist and now takes potshots at anything I post. It's entertaining for me because he's so dumb that each new weak insult confirms my bias that racists are also morons.

Your point about $1000 is interesting even if you are throwing out what you think is a wild number. It's a round number, well above typical ITC costs, probably above most dancers' receipts for an entire shift, and is the same figure that my advanced level whoremongering buddy threw out when discussing how to close on otc with non-obvious otc dancers during a recent club outing. https://tuscl.net/review.php?i… I wonder if this is the price point at which many hesitant dancers say "ok I am willing to compromise my principles here"? It seems like a lot to me, and wasteful of precious resources, but at the same time it's not really that much in the grand scheme of things. Probably not a method I would resort to often, but interesting to consider.

avatar for twentyfive
2 years ago
It’s been a while since I negotiated with a new to me girl for OTC, but my style is a lot like subra’s, I too have no use for the escort types, it’s always multi level fun nights out ending at her place or a motel.
I usually just ask what she needs and if the number isn’t too exorbitant I just agree to it or if it’s too high I usually say to her that’s over my limit how about this much instead. Generally speaking I give her $3-400, and we usually spend quite a bit on drinks and dinner, for one of my regular gals I’ll take her shopping and give her no cash and usually it’ll be 3-5 dates in between shopping trips, and evenings at her place.
avatar for Subraman
2 years ago
$1000 was what the hottest Vegas nightshift strippers were asking, and those are basically the hottest girls (very high-end escort level beauty), making the most money during their shifts. Not that other girls don't ask that too, but generally that's way high. Way more than needed for a hot dayshift girl in SF, back when we had dayshifts.
avatar for rickdugan
2 years ago
A couple of things I'll just add:

First, I wouldn't get so caught up in trying to put them in one category or another ("escort type" vs. "date type"). I've dealt with plenty of low volume girls who met me directly at a hotel coming either form the club or home, many of whom I sat with for many hours ITC over a period of time before we breached the OTC barrier. Rapport building doesn't need to happen in some multi-hour OTC event if you are seeing her regularly ITC.

In fact, a lot of these girls have life circumstances which make going out for elaborate dinner dates difficult, like kids, watchful SOs, transportation challenges, etc., etc. For a fair % these girls their club nights are the only nights they can get out alone. IMHO you'll miss out on a lot of great OTC opportunities if you limit yourself only to those girls who can do elaborate outings. At the very least, many of them would need to use work as a cover and skip their shifts, at which point they'll be expecting you to pay them accordingly.

One of my favorite types of outings is spending a few hours with a girl ITC before taking her out for an OTC finish. For me it's the best of all worlds, drinking at the club while socializing with her and others, all the while knowing that she's coming out with me after to be my night topper. 😁

Finally, on a completely separate note, one last piece of advice fwiw: The best way to know whether you're being reasonable is to get a handle on how she's likely doing at the club. If you keep your eyes open over several visits, you'll start to learn the ebbs and flows of the place. If she's stacking room sales regularly then you're probably SOL at almost any reasonable price, but during slower periods you might find your negotiations more productive.

In any event, good luck!
avatar for drewcareypnw
2 years ago
Thanks guys. Rick: you mentioned “ many of whom I sat with for many hours ITC over a period of time”. Is this in a single evening? Even spread out over several visits, I wonder how to do this. Normally, I’m chatting with a girl for 5 minutes, then heading to the lda or vip. Are you feeding them money every 10 minutes for the sitting and chatting? Buying them drinks? Please elaborate.
avatar for rickdugan
2 years ago
Tends to be over several visits. When I enjoy dealing with someone, I tend to be generous tipping barside and during her stage sets. LDs just don't do anything for me anymore, so I have to find other ways to pay these girls if I want to spend time with them. I don't really track the time that carefully, but tip as the feeling comes upon me that I should. And yes, anyone who sits with me for any length of time has an open bar tab as long as she doesn't start ordering crazy ass drinks.

All of this of course works much better during slow shifts when she won't otherwise be stacking dances. Though you'd also be surprised at just how many girls would rather sit with me for an hour or two making a little something than work the floor. A lot of these dudes can be difficult to deal with, so being relaxed and easy to deal with ITC definitely doesn't hurt.

But I'm not sure how that kind of thing would play out in nude juice bars like those in Seattle. It's just not the same kind of social atmosphere that you find in places where the drinks are flowing. I visit nude juice clubs every so often and I find them to be quiet and a little intense. But the point is that when you get to know a girl ITC over time, it can be as good for building rapport as a multi-hour dinner date.
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
2 years ago
I've done the "date style" OTC, but usually with dancers that I've spend a significant amount of time with ITC, which has allowed me to get a sense of their personality, tastes, etc. This, in turn, gives me an idea of how they'd like to spend an evening or afternoon (or if they have the ability to do a longer "date"). It also gives me an idea of whether or not I want to spend a bunch of non sexy-time with a particular dancer. On a lark, I took one dancer for a night out and we just didn't click; it was a very long night (but the end was still fun...).

If I've had fun with a dancer ITC and I'd like OTC, then I'll just ask "Would you consider seeing me outside the club?" That conversation will go in any number of directions, so it's hard to provide a road map. If she's on board, sometimes it makes sense for me to offer a price, and other times it feels smarter to let her give out a number. If she asks me to put a number out there, I'll lead with a number that's somewhat more than ITC costs (or my best estimate). On occasion, dancers have asked for more and sometimes I've paid that amount (or close to it). Other times, they accept my offer.

Honestly, it feels like you're being far, far to analytical about this. If this were sinclair's thread about trading options, then it would be appropriate. But for OTC, it's more about instinct and getting a general read on the dancer. Also, I think you're going to have more fun if you treat it more casually, and less like booking an appointment with an escort.
avatar for drewcareypnw
2 years ago
Thanks guys, appreciate the insight.

Cmi: I am a bit analytical by nature, it’s sort of fun for me, but fair point!

Rick: I like this approach: top generous at stage, tip at bar, chat, get comfortable conversation wise, then after a few visits suggest otc. It’s a bit longer game, but very interesting. And you’re right: the seattle style juice bar clubs are a bit quiet and intense.
avatar for blahblahblah23
2 years ago
Ok, I didn't realize this is someone you've already seen and paid before. Then yeah, I don't think you need to give her a smaller amount as a "sorry". Just say something to the effect of, "sorry, but I don't think this arrangement is going to keep working", but use whatever words you want just be polite about it.

I almost say try and ask for what you want instead, but politely? If it is a no, you will know lol.

But like don't be telling her you will give her whatever money$ on Tuesday then flake out last minute? Cuz that is annoying/fucked up/ girls talk amongst each other.

I really don't know all the details, but yeah just throwing out my thoughts.
avatar for nicespice
2 years ago
When it comes to how much men are willing to give, cost of living in an area isn’t the only thing. It’s a lot easier for a man to find cheap options from a very conventionally attractive stripper/sugar baby/escort/whatever in Los Angeles versus anywhere South Dakota, just to give one example. I’ve seen dancers in that state stack so much dances who would have been laughed out of the club if they tried to audition at a club in some other places.
avatar for wallanon
2 years ago
"But like don't be telling her you will give her whatever money$ on Tuesday then flake out last minute? Cuz that is annoying/fucked up/ girls talk amongst each other."

TUSCLers who post all those questions about how to this and that ITC should read this over and over. I'd say half of you have the problems you do in the clubs because of basic coworker gossip. You can't do much about lies other than show the girls it's bs, but you can do yourself a favor and not bring it on yourself.
avatar for rickdugan
2 years ago
===> "But like don't be telling her you will give her whatever money$ on Tuesday then flake out last minute? Cuz that is annoying/fucked up/ girls talk amongst each other."

Weirdly enough I'm dealing with something exactly like this at the moment, where the girl assumed that I did exactly that. She has a small but tight crew of girls she hangs with at the club, so I have no doubt that I wasn't the only person who heard her complain about it.

We made plans on Tuesday for a Saturday night adventure. But then on Friday she sends me a text telling me that she needs to reschedule because of a horrible personal issue. Then a few minutes later she sends me a text saying she still wants to go, but I assumed she meant that she wanted to do it another time because of the pressing personal issue, so I went ahead and released the restaurant reservation and let my sitter off the hook.

Then, when I woke up Saturday morning, I had two texts from her which made it seem like she changed her mind. I still wasn't positive if she meant that night because they were vague, but even if she did there was nothing I could do about it at that point. I couldn't get the sitter or the reservation back. Then in the early evening she sent me a text saying "So you're canceling on me?" WTF?

The disappointing thing here is that she's a really sweet girl who I've been trying to see OTC for months. It also didn't help that I had to eat a not-so-cheap hotel charge because it was too late to cancel, but that was really secondary. I haven't enjoyed dealing with a girl ITC this much in some time, so I really think that she could be a long-term friend if things went well OTC. We shall see how it all shakes out.

Anyway, sorry for derailing the thread, lol.
avatar for Subraman
2 years ago
"If I've had fun with a dancer ITC and I'd like OTC, then I'll just ask "Would you consider seeing me outside the club?" "

Same with me, right down to the phrasing. And like you (and Rick), I prefer seeing her ITC a few times for a number of reasons -- I do think it builds the type of trust and de-risks things from her perspective (that is, she doesn't have to wonder if I have the $ to pay her) so might increase the chances of a choosier stripper saying yes to me, but just as importantly, since I'm only interested in date-style and not escort-style OTCs, it gives gives ME certainty that I want to spend 5 hours with her. If I enjoyed the hour-long sex encounter type OTCs, that wouldn't be a question. I do think these are fundamentally different experiences -- totally subjective of course, valid to like one or the other or both. I just don't enjoy the escort-like OTCs.
avatar for CJKent_band
2 years ago

I will play along and comment on your derailing comment.

You wrote and I quote:

“We made plans on Tuesday for a Saturday night adventure. But then on Friday she sends me a text telling me that she needs to reschedule because of a horrible personal issue. Then a few minutes later she sends me a text saying she still wants to go, but I assumed she meant that she wanted to do it another time because of the pressing personal issue, so I went ahead and released the restaurant reservation and let my sitter off the hook”

You know that making assumptions derails communication and this is the perfect example.

You should immediately call/text her and apologize and explain your mistake/misunderstanding.

Tell me that in all communication, although we both have an equal responsibility to make sure we understand and are understood, you made the mistake of assuming she was unable to meet.

Tell her that you will be more proactive next time and will not assume anything, and will be more careful and clear and communicate better.

Do not place any amount of blame on her, say it was your own fault.

I am sure she will be magnanimous and would forgive you “faux pas”.
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