
Comments by mike710 (page 33)

  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    The truth hurts, but if you accept it, it will set you free
    The President ought not to have the power of pardoning, because he may frequentl
    Better to quote Dave Mason. "There aint no good guy, there aint no bad guy, there's only you and me and we just disagree". Followed by some woo woo woo's.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Is there a distance traveled for OTC where it starts to become pathetic?
    If you have time, you could always get a room and plan some other activities over a 2 day period if that will ease your mind. You only live once so do what feels good as long as it doesn't hurt somebody else. We tend to regret things we don't do more than things we do. I know guys who fly to Thailand and the Dominican Republic to hit up whore houses for a couple of weeks. At least you aren't in that league.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    I'll sleep when I'm Dead...😈
    We can all breathe a sigh of relief now.....
    I don't know if this is happening with primary care givers but, as someone who works in medical facilities, I am required to get vaccines if I want to work at most medical facilities. I suppose I could fight it but that would be more hassle than it's worth to me. Because this is in initial roll-out, I'm not required to have the vaccination yet but I'm sure that day will come sometime next year.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    I'll sleep when I'm Dead...😈
    We can all breathe a sigh of relief now.....
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Dwayne Haskins released by Washington
    This must be what Skibum was talking about. https://youtu.be/rrN2Fsmz9tQ
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    Strip Clubbing On House Money
    Maybe the guy who tipped the $200 didn't realize what he had done either? I just remembered where I got to club on house money in New Orleans. My girlfriend and I were on Bourbon Street having fun one night when we ran across a guy dressed as Captain Morgan. Since she was a Captain drinker, she approached him and we made friends with him and his girlfriend. We all found a hole in the wall bar in the Quarter called Mary's that was empty short of us, the bartender and the 80 something year old owner Mary. We found out that our Captain friend was a bartender at Ricks on Bourbon Street and his girl was a dancer. Over drinks we made plans to meet up at Ricks the next night. Before we left that night, however, we had a bunch of shots with Mary and listened to her stories of the old times. She drank with us relative youngsters shot for shot and was quite entertaining. The next night, my girl's bday, we found our way to Ricks. We dropped our bartenders name and got in without cover and the bartender comped our tab because it was her bday. He introduced us to the manager and he comped me a couple of dances. We had a good time and probably tipped a bunch but our time there was comped. I learned that a Bourbon Street bartender is good to have as a friend as we met up with him the next year and proceeded to a lot of bars where he was known and had everything comped. Of course, we may have ended up tipping as much as our tab but it was a fun night. Finished the night just before the sun came up at Cafe Du Monde. At 4am, there is no line of tourists there.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    How much time do you spend before picking a girl to do lap dances with?
    I don't go into a club with a planned strategy because every club can be different by the day. Since girls are independent contractors, usually, they come and go at various times during what might be a normal shift time. Usually, if I go in during the day, it might require more patience to find a girl to get a dance from. I'll give it 90 minutes or a couple hours and either meet a girl I want a dance from or move on. At night, the later the time you go in will bring in a greater selection. At one of my favorite clubs in AZ, there are a couple of girls I've met over the years that didn't even bother coming in before 11pm or Midnight. In general, I just play it by the day and how much time I have. If I go home with the money I was going to spend, that just leaves me more money to play next time I'm out.
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    4 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    What do you do on Christmas when your sex doll is broken?
    Maybe he Borat is home for Christmas and Yuri can hang out with him.
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    4 years ago
    Vegas status Xmas/NYE 2020
    I haven't been to Vegas since July but, in cities like Vegas and New Orleans, I always walk with my head on a swivel to watch my back. These cities always have predators looking for an easy mark so you have to do what you can to not look like one. Prices for girls are going to be on a one on one basis but you should be cautious that there isn't a pimp around. Observe your surroundings and stay safe. People are a bit more desperate now.
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    4 years ago
    immigrant strippers
    I like accents so that does play at least a small part in my attraction. It doesn't have to be a foreign accent as I like Southern accents as well. Some of the descriptions by other posters about Cuban girls in Florida are what I've experienced. They do tend to pack together, probably because of a language barrier. They do tend to push hard, that annoys me but, again, it's probably because they are not comfortable having a conversation in English. I usually tend to not seek out Cuban girls and I'm Hispanic. Despite this, I observed a Cuban girl over several trips to a club and she was a bit older and didn't run in the pack. On my last trip to Tampa, I struck up a conversation and it was this that led me to go to VIP. She is one I would seek out again as much because of her attitude and personality as her looks. So, I've learned to not stereotype. All guys have girls that attract us strictly from looks. I'm a sucker for redheads and smaller girls. In Covid times, the selection of women in the clubs is down and I've found some diamonds in women that don't necessarily meet the immediate attraction type for me. I can become attracted to a woman based on her attitude and personality even if she is not the physical type I seek out. It doesn't have to be an hour long conversation but I usually say no to any woman that just walks up to me and asks me if I want a dance before we even say hello.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    OT Illegal Prostitution seems to be doing fine still
    Believe me, most guys would have a hard time getting hard from her looks. I don't even think going in blind folded would help me because I've known her for a long time.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Fat bastard that can afford to fuck hot strippers
    NFL QB caught on camera going maskless at Strip Club
    I was in 5 clubs in the Tampa area this past weekend, 3 in Tampa proper, and only one required masks be worn by the staff and dancers. That was Scores. The others didn't care much. One in Tampa wanted you to have one on you and the other didn't even ask. In Pasco and Pinellas, I didn't see many masks. Think one of the DJ's wore one but nobody else did.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    How are strip clubs going to be changed by Covid?
    Your feminist friend won't admit it but a lot of women enjoy sex, even if it's from gat ugly guys. The feminist won't ruin sexual encounters for everyone. Just those that think of it as a chore rather than a mutual pleasure thing.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Strippers being more direct
    I just got one of the best dances I've ever had in Florida for the price of the dance and nothing more. I went to a club that has been very slow in my weekend here and a new you brunette was dancing. She got off stage and ordered a drink next to me so I bought it to break the ice. In small talk she was from the Midwest and just moved to Florida. She sounds like she might be a trainwreck in her life but also mentioned that she was a former ballerina. So I went back for 30 minutes. As soon as the monitor left, I got a kiss and knew this was going to be fun. I've done this for over 40 years but never had a girl do the standing splits in a couple of positions so comfortably while I had full access to her. Empty clubs can lead to more fun I guess. Got her number and would love to play more but not sure it's worth it. As it was, I was happy with playing with a young 20 something that I said to myself that I can't believe what I did with her for the cost of a VIP. It does seem to be a season of giving. Going back out later to see if I can have one last round of fun before I head back to locked down CA.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Best cities to dance in Florida right now??
    The holiday slowdown may have started at the clubs. Bare Assets was a little slow on day shift with only 3 dancers. Diamond Dolls was very slow as well during the day with about 5 Cuban girls working the day shift. I walked by Mons Venus last night on my way to Scores and it was 2 cars in the lot at 9PM and still plenty of parking at midnight on my way home. Spent the evening at Scores. While there were at least 20 girls working, the club was slower than when I was here last month. There seemed to be a bunch of younger large groups of guys overpaying for a bottle of Don Julio 1942 in the club. Almost seemed disrespectful to the Tequila when they brought mixers to the table.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Are breastaurants dead?
    Just had lunch at the original Hooters in Clearwater. Wasn't packed but not dead either. People were starting to come in to watch college football. Not little stop on the way to Bare Assets in Pasco.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Best cities to dance in Florida right now??
    I think the VIP area was full but I wasn't paying attention too much. I did go to VIP and the prices went up a bit since my last visit I think. They must have had special prices in the first week of opening back up. I had not had a good time at Thee Dollhouse in recent years but that was fun on a Sunday last time I was here in November. Plan to hit it again tomorrow night.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Best cities to dance in Florida right now??
    Don't live here but just got to Tampa yesterday and everything was wide open. A little hit and miss early but Penthouse was packed after 10pm last night.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    Stil closed in NOLa
    Met a couple NOLA girls at a club in Tampa last night. Got a fun dance from one with a nice clit piercing. Thanks for sharing.
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    4 years ago
    Harsh thing I found today...
    Sounds like it hit you a bit Nicespice. Sorry for your loss. We could all be there if things turn out bad. I don't like most Greatful Dead music but there is one song that fits for me, "I may be going to hell in a bucket but at least I'm enjoying the ride." None of us know when our time is up so the only thing we can do is enjoy the ride as best as we can. If you let others tell you how to live, you don't even get that so if you are making your own decisions you are picking your own path. Good or bad.
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    4 years ago
    Evil Lair
    Judge: strip clubs can remain open, set own coronavirus rules
    Restaurants are planning to reopen because the county has said that they will not enforce the state mandates based on the court order. However, even an established restaurant can't open like turning on a light switch. They need to get staff, food and booze lined up. When this last shutdown came, they were not caught off guard like the first time and made sure they were whittling down their food and booze so they didn't have to throw a lot out again.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
    Curfews returning to Florida
    Forgot the link for the stats. https://covid.cdc.gov/covid-data-tracker/#cases_casesper100klast7days
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
    Curfews returning to Florida
    I'm starting to wonder if the scientist and politicians are pulling restrictions to "flatten the curve" out of their ass. California has been shut down for a couple of weeks but the 7 day rate of infection per 100,000 people has risen to 82.1 and seems to still be rising. Florida, which has been mask free for a while sits at about 56% of California at 46.1. Georgia has been wide open as well and is lower as well. I'm not one who thinks that most of the infections start in public places like bars and restaurants. Been a couple weeks since you could go to a bar or restaurant in CA. With the rate still rising in CA, it has to be other sources that have caused these infections to continue to rise. I'm going to Florida for the weekend to practice a form of capitalism that I can't have out West for a while now.
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    4 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Do you intend to get a COVID vaccine?
    I will have to get it in some of the earlier rounds because of my job. I have to get the flu vaccine every year so this is just another added to it.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Are breastaurants dead?
    I'm on the road over 100 nights a year and will mix in one of these restaurants every once in a while, especially during a Monday or Thursday night football game. I'm usually by myself and don't necessarily know the lay of the land in the area so a lot of times it's just easier to go to a chain. The Twin Peaks in Vegas, on the strip, is kind of cool because it has a climbing wall where you can watch the little waitresses scale it like it's nothing to get the big drunk guys to get up the courage to say "I can do that". It's another form of entertainment besides the game and the girls.