Stil closed in NOLa
Book Guy
I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
I'm looking 'round TUSCL for the first time in a long while and I see that, surprise to me, many areas of the country (USA ... this is the internet after all) are actually garnering strip-club reviews. Wow, who knew? Detroit seems to have just closed again; Florida is wide open (and with extras, too).
Not here. As with all of Louisiana, AFAIK, New Orleans clubs are all still closed. I don't think they even got a reprieve for a brief time in the middle of the summer when quasi-re-open was going around for a while. I'm glad our governor is more of a stickler than most, requiring greater closures than (f.e.) the morons in Mississippi and Texas. Here though, this means no strip-clubs. I guess I could post some reviews -- "Penthouse NOLa, still closed, thank you"; "Visions, NOLa East, still closed, drove by yesterday to confirm, very large empty parking lot, sign in window says closed" -- but that seems a bit pointless. Though, my VIP credit is going to run out in April and I don't really have any other manner of maintaining it.
( An aside about idiots. Evidently, as TX and MS demonstrate, either you can (a) tell people that if they don't wear a mask and if they do go out in public then they're going to die and kill others, and then let those people decide what to do, then those people will actually choose to die and kill others; or you can (b) tell people that if they don't wear a mask and if they do go out in public then they're going to die and kill others and then not let those people decide what to do and instead mandate mask-wearing and limit public gatherings, then fewer people will actually die because fewer can actually choose to die and kill others. This still blows my mind enough that I feel it bears repeating. Given the choice to die and kill others or not, in which the balance hangs on a mere hankie, many people choose against the hankie and in favor of dying and killing others. Amazing. )
OK, so, I'm just posting here to say that I'm still alive and the strip-club scene in New Orleans is entirely closed down due to Covid and the Louisiana governor's restrictions.
Not here. As with all of Louisiana, AFAIK, New Orleans clubs are all still closed. I don't think they even got a reprieve for a brief time in the middle of the summer when quasi-re-open was going around for a while. I'm glad our governor is more of a stickler than most, requiring greater closures than (f.e.) the morons in Mississippi and Texas. Here though, this means no strip-clubs. I guess I could post some reviews -- "Penthouse NOLa, still closed, thank you"; "Visions, NOLa East, still closed, drove by yesterday to confirm, very large empty parking lot, sign in window says closed" -- but that seems a bit pointless. Though, my VIP credit is going to run out in April and I don't really have any other manner of maintaining it.
( An aside about idiots. Evidently, as TX and MS demonstrate, either you can (a) tell people that if they don't wear a mask and if they do go out in public then they're going to die and kill others, and then let those people decide what to do, then those people will actually choose to die and kill others; or you can (b) tell people that if they don't wear a mask and if they do go out in public then they're going to die and kill others and then not let those people decide what to do and instead mandate mask-wearing and limit public gatherings, then fewer people will actually die because fewer can actually choose to die and kill others. This still blows my mind enough that I feel it bears repeating. Given the choice to die and kill others or not, in which the balance hangs on a mere hankie, many people choose against the hankie and in favor of dying and killing others. Amazing. )
OK, so, I'm just posting here to say that I'm still alive and the strip-club scene in New Orleans is entirely closed down due to Covid and the Louisiana governor's restrictions.
The reason for the lockdown in Louisiana is that you idiots elected a democrat machine governor, and he is dutifully following orders from Pelosi and Schumer to reduce your freedoms and make you more dependent on a cradle-to-grave nanny state. Continue to reap what you have sown, but do not attack others for electing leadership which allows them to choose.
Most of that was very melodramatic. Anyone should know by now how to protect himself. Here in FL, which has neither a mask mandate nor a public gathering limit, the overwhelming majority of new cases are among the young because old people know to wear PPE and avoid crowded places. It's not rocket science. Anyone who gets it now has made a choice to get up close and personal with others and almost every one of them can probably pinpoint exactly where they caught it. I got mine in a club for sure.
And any old person who is too stupid by now to keep themselves safe from this virus is probably very lucky to have lived this long. At a certain point businesses have to be allowed to open (including venues where people congregate) and people have to be allowed to make their own informed decisions regarding risk.
Sorry if it sounded melodramatic, didn't mean to bark up that mellow dram tree. All of y'all who are competing for annual Darwin Awards, y'all just keep yer competition amongst yerselves over there on the other side of the room OK? I was just sharing some info, still closed here, that's all, just being discuss-and-talk orientated, so to speakify. Didn't mean to try to be celebrating or defending anything (except, can't get out of this one, the notion that during a pandemic it's good to cooperate with disease-reduction measures and it's dumb not to cooperate, that much seems reasonable, though, maybe you like increasing the risk of killing yourself and other people, in which case, go right ahead, just don't involve me personally, we're all theoretically Libertarians here right?). I do like the comment, "too stupid by now ... probably very lucky ..." yeah that's about the size of it. :)
Yeesh tough crowd ...
I'm probably going to be a total hypocrite (of course ... but then, who isn't?) about wanting to be one among the first customers inside the clubs when they open, while also saying people should be more careful about observing the lockdown. Not