Strip Clubbing On House Money

avatar for sinclair
Have you ever walked out of a strip club with more money than you came in with?

Over the past two years, this has happened at least four times that I can remember, once in each of the following states: Montana, South Dakota, North Dakota, Wyoming. I like to gamble on occasion, so many times when a club is a little slow and there are video slots/poker, I will jump on a machine and play for a while. I ended up hitting jackpots that more that more than covered the alcohol, stage tips, and private dances I bought on those visits. It is a good feeling leaving a club with more cash than you had before you came in versus feeling broke with an empty wallet. From what I have seen, the video slots seem to be looser in the western states than in other parts of the United States. Hint, hint.


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avatar for rl27
4 years ago
The clubs I have been into that have done this have all paid out in club cash, so there was no chance of leaving with more money than I came in with. The few times I did ever win anything I ended up spending a few dozen worth of my cash for hundreds of dollars worth of dances.
avatar for shadowcat
4 years ago
I found a guy's wallet once at Follies. I guess I could have just walked out of the club with it but without even checking the contents, I turned it over to the bouncers. They already knew who the owner was. So I got my boy scout merit badge.
avatar for nicespice
4 years ago
Nice! I know video slots are definitely a thing all over Oregon, and almost all the clubs that offer liquor also offer that. (There’s very, very few clubs that don’t) Didn’t know about those other states having that too.
avatar for Muddy
4 years ago
I don’t really gamble like that or even notice slots in the club but when girls tell me no to some offers in a lot of ways that is spent money that I found and I do find a way to still blow it
avatar for TheeOSU
4 years ago
Similar to Shadow's situation I was sitting on a stool behind a guy at the bar talking to a dancer.
The club was dead and the only other person within 30 feet was the doorman.
I happened to glance at the floor under the guy at the bar and there was a wad of cash laying there. Honestly I didn't know if it was his or was dropped by someone previously but I tapped him on the shoulder and pointed at the cash. He picked it up and put it in his pocket, the asshole didn't even say thanks or anything. In hindsight I should have picked it up and pocketed it.
avatar for JamesSD
4 years ago
Cover was $10. Talent was thin with long breaks between girls. Ended up tipping a total of $7-8.

Found a $20 on the ground with no one around. Pocketed it and left $2 Richer!
avatar for gammanu95
4 years ago
Twice, I found money. One was a rubberbanded roll of large bills and a small bag of powder in the chair. Took the cash, left the drugs, and moved chairs. No one came looking to claim anything in the three hours I was there. The other time was about $140 in 20s and 10s, just laying on the ground underneath the table we were standing at. My friends said drinks were on me, but it was really on an anonymous donor.

I've never enjoyed gambling - not poker, casinos, or slots. Once though, when I was young and before I decided it wasn't for me, my buddy and I each hit jackpots of about $300 and $500 each at the Elgin Riverboat casino, which we promptly blew at Blackjack's Gentlemens Club.
avatar for goldmongerATL
4 years ago
I did not leave with more money, but once spent lots of someone else's money.

I had tipped a girl on stage $3. I would have tipped more but I was out of singles and told her so. She asked where I was sitting and I pointed it out. She came by my table to organize what had been stuffed in her garter. She asked if I wanted to buy 20 singles. I did and she quickly counted out singles from her garter stack. She handed me $218. I could tell she was a bit drunk (and wearing an under 21 wristband, go figure). Yes, someone had tipped her two Benjamin's while she was on stage and she did not notice. I did not want to take advantage and pointed out her error. She was silent for about 30 seconds but glanced around a little trying to figure out where they came from. Then she shot her hand up my shorts and grabbed hold. She asked if I was going to spend them on her! I started to protest, but she said she did not even know she had them.

It was one of the rare times I bought an hour VIP. I paid $84 for the room from my own funds (yes this was at Follies a good 12-15 years ago) and paid her some stranger's $200. My younger self managed two rounds and almost a third.

Somewhere out in the main room was a guy trying to figure out what the hell he had to do to get that girl's attention.
avatar for SerenitySinn
4 years ago
Usually always blow a couple thousand.
Only way to make more, is to pick up a customer or so!!!
avatar for mike710
4 years ago
Maybe the guy who tipped the $200 didn't realize what he had done either?

I just remembered where I got to club on house money in New Orleans. My girlfriend and I were on Bourbon Street having fun one night when we ran across a guy dressed as Captain Morgan. Since she was a Captain drinker, she approached him and we made friends with him and his girlfriend. We all found a hole in the wall bar in the Quarter called Mary's that was empty short of us, the bartender and the 80 something year old owner Mary.

We found out that our Captain friend was a bartender at Ricks on Bourbon Street and his girl was a dancer. Over drinks we made plans to meet up at Ricks the next night. Before we left that night, however, we had a bunch of shots with Mary and listened to her stories of the old times. She drank with us relative youngsters shot for shot and was quite entertaining.

The next night, my girl's bday, we found our way to Ricks. We dropped our bartenders name and got in without cover and the bartender comped our tab because it was her bday. He introduced us to the manager and he comped me a couple of dances. We had a good time and probably tipped a bunch but our time there was comped.

I learned that a Bourbon Street bartender is good to have as a friend as we met up with him the next year and proceeded to a lot of bars where he was known and had everything comped. Of course, we may have ended up tipping as much as our tab but it was a fun night. Finished the night just before the sun came up at Cafe Du Monde. At 4am, there is no line of tourists there.
avatar for SerenitySinn
4 years ago
Cafe Du Monde🤗😋 beignets!!!!
Used to be at 423 bourbon st ALWAYS(at Scarletts) til we sold to Hustler
avatar for rl27
4 years ago
The least I have spent for the most fun time in a club was about 10 years ago, and ended up lasting through two nights. The club was doing it's monthly $50,000 club cash Friday and Saturday giveaway.

Quick summary over two nights I got 10 two for ones, and 3 half hour dances, a fifteen minute dance from the feature, and only the first one actually cost me any of my cash, other than tips. The two for ones all had 6 dancers with lucky stickers on the back of the free pass. During the two nights of two for ones I hit one Bronze Star for $50, 3 silver starts for $100, and one gold star for $250 for a total of $600 club cash, $500 of which I won on the first night. Left the first night at closing with $100 in club cash, and since I was from out of town and likely wouldn't be back, went the next day. Next night won the last of three silver stars, another $500 from the entrance raffle, and a 3 song lap dance from the feature. So two nights I spent nearly $1250 worth of dances, drinks and tips and was only out $150 in my money for nearly 6 hours club time over two days.
avatar for Jascoi
4 years ago
fuck. you guys hit it right.
avatar for elmer
4 years ago
"Have you ever walked out of a strip club with more money than you came in with?"

No, not even close

Have hit the jackpot on occasion does that count😊
avatar for Cashman1234
4 years ago
I have never had the good fortune to enjoy this type of experience.

To be honest, it would feel a bit odd to leave a club with more cash. It would be a good feeling, but not one I have experienced.
avatar for rickdugan
4 years ago
If video slots weren't a sucker's game then they wouldn't be in those places. The fact that a certain percentage of guys get lucky from time to time doesn't negate the fact that more times than not you'll lose money. In fact, a lot of guys who brag about their winnings conveniently forget about all the money they lost in other outings.

Otherwise I've never walked out of a club with more money than I entered with. I consider it a very good night when I walk out with a wonderful experience for far less $$$ than I expected to spend.
avatar for BBBC
4 years ago
^ HELL YEAH! My boyfriend watches his money so he can spend more on me! 😉 Now we just got to work on his drinking 😒
avatar for lotsoffun201
4 years ago
The old Olympic Gardens in Las Vegas had machines there. There were a number of times I hit big, got a VIP and left with more than I came with. I miss that place 😢
avatar for goldmongerATL
4 years ago
That sad thing about those video poker machines is that some dancers got addicted to them. I remember getting a couple of dances from a nice looking girl. She had no money in her garter other than mine (it was early in the day). From me she went to the bar, and fed all my money into the poker machine. She may have had to change it for singles with the bartender. That I don't remember. She played for about 20 minutes, then went back to the floor and sold a few dances. She went back to the poker machine and fed all the money into it once more. She repeated this cycle the whole time I was there, maybe 2 and a 1/2 hours.
avatar for rickdugan
4 years ago
===> "That sad thing about those video poker machines is that some dancers got addicted to them."

+1. I saw something similar once in a club that had video poker machines. And this phenomenon is of course not limited to dancers. I used to visit family in Vegas often and learned over time that many people who work in the casinos ultimately give back large parts of their paychecks to their employers via slot machines and other games. Almost every Vegas local I got to know claimed to be there because the job opportunities were better than where they were from, but the reality is that they were gambling junkies who wanted access to a never ending fix.
avatar for mjx01
4 years ago
Once. Many years ago my local club was doing a 50/50 charity raffle. Of all the people in the club I won the raffle. Spent some extra on my then favs.. but still walked out with more than I entered with. (Ah, the good old days when my local club wasn't a dumpster fire and I had reliable ATF/CF established.)
avatar for magicrat
4 years ago
I don't understand the attraction either. I had a fav that would play just regular video machines. I gave her the money to play and she showed her appreciation in VIP. She didn't drink so I figured I came out pretty even. I know this is OT but still....
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