
Comments by mike710 (page 34)

  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    I'll act nicer if you'll act smarter.
    I still don't get OnlyFans, but this explains a lot.
    I think anytime you try to generalize something, you are wrong about many aspects of the situation. I got invited to join by a dancer that had no income. It was a very low subscription price and she priced content at about $5. I did it just as I would have tipped her at the club. I kept my membership ID a secret and I don't know if she ever knew if I bought any content. She did know that I subscribed though. I never messaged her there because I could just text her if I wanted to talk. So, I didn't fit into this acceptance profile. I just saw it as a way to tip her she flashed her goodies, just as in the club.
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    4 years ago
    Too much of a good thing is never enough
    Favorite sexual innuendo phrases.
    Isn't "Innuendo" Italian for suppository?
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    What is the best type of customer for strip clubs to target?
    Everyone is different but my current financial situation makes me a hell of a lot better customer in my 50's than I was in my younger life. I would spend before but I was more selective about where I spent and would leave a club with whatever money I was going to spend if I didn't find what I wanted. Now, I have "don't give a fuck" money every month that makes me more open to explore with a girl that might not be my exact type. This freedom has opened me up to new opportunities because I have found a few girls that were fun and I wouldn't have given them a second look before. As far as the music, I have my preferences but don't expect to hear them in a strip club. If I'm engaged with a girl, I would have a hard time even noticing what song is playing. I have noticed that, in a lot of clubs, the older crowd will come in earlier. After 10, the younger crowd starts to come in and by midnight it's usually crazy. It tends to bring the energy level up in the club but I just pay attention to the dancer in front of me most of the time. The only time I notice what's going on in the club is if I don't find a girl that interests me or between girls.
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    4 years ago
    Ba da ba ba ba I'm Lofn' it: Dancer Q&A with Lofn
    It's been 5 years since I was in Guam but business looked very slow for the ladies. On the main street in Tumon Bay, you can't walk 100' without hitting a massage parlor. The girls were bored calling out any guy that walked by. The strip clubs also had empty lots. This might be a result of the Marines and Navy frowning on coming back to base drunk and random checks including alcohol. Used to be reporting for duty was enough. Now you actually have to be sober.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Hearsay Celebrity Strip Club Stories
    Forgot, I used to see Leslie O'Neal as a regular at a few clubs in SD. He didn't try to bring attention to himself but all the girls loved him for his generosity. He even paid for the funeral for a dancer that took her own life. He is a genuine good dude who was a bad ass defensive lineman.
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    4 years ago
    Hearsay Celebrity Strip Club Stories
    It's a good thing Roger had another career to fall back on besides acting.
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    4 years ago
    Hearsay Celebrity Strip Club Stories
    I love that movie Kingpins. I will stop and watch it every time it's on. I don't understand why Roger Clemens would be there. Don't remember him in the movie but maybe he was an extra and I didn't notice.
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    4 years ago
    Hearsay Celebrity Strip Club Stories
    Forgot to add, that injury to the no-name Majkowski, led to the rise of Brett Favre.
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    4 years ago
    Hearsay Celebrity Strip Club Stories
    Saw Darryl Strawberry at the club where a current SD Padre was recently stabbed during the height of his baseball/partying career while he was with the Dodgers. He was hardly being a fly on the wall since he was trading in hundred dollar bills for singles and making it rain like crazy. Around the same time a quarterback for Green Bay got injured I saw a guy that looked like him at a club in San Diego and asked him are you "Don Majkowski"? Of course he said No. I had just seen a report on the TV near the bar that said he was in town to be evaluated at Scripps Clinic and it included his picture. An acquaintance of mine was working security on the night the current Padre got stabbed at Pacers but didn't get any details from him last time I saw him. I guess it's good he's keeping mum since the club is now being sued.
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    4 years ago
    He/Him - He’s a filthy pig. That’s him in VIP with another whore.
    Rent day - a customer’s perspective
    Nope. Thankfully, the days of living paycheck to paycheck are more than 25 years behind me.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Fat bastard that can afford to fuck hot strippers
    Major League Baseball player suing strip club
    Altercations happen in bars across the US numerous times every night. Most get handled by security at the bar without police involvement. I think it's not an unreasonable way to handle things. Unfortunately, things can escalate and need the police to get involved but security doesn't have a crystal ball to see this happen. From a business owner's perspective, you hire security to take care of things and not have your business end up on a police blotter. Pham pushed the issue around his car rather than wait for the dust to settle. I can see his point as well but it did add an element to the disturbance that couldn't be predicted by the bar security. If I were on the jury for this lawsuit, I would probably say to myself that shit happens and the bar was not responsible for what happened outside of the business. Security is primarily there to make sure things don't happen in the business.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
    Shutdown opportunities
    If they use their phone numbers to sign up for Instagram, it has a big brother way of saying they are in your contact list and have an Instagram account. I learned this within 5 minutes of using a phone number to create an Instagram account when a girl started following me because I was in her phone.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Fat bastard that can afford to fuck hot strippers
    Major League Baseball player suing strip club
    It wasn't all the player's fault. From the original story, a fight broke out around his vehicle when he was leaving. He asked them to take it somewhere else and got into the middle of it when the arguing parties disagreed with his suggestion. As far as going to another club, there are only two topless places with alcohol in SD and this was the only one open. They have Valet there but I maybe he didn't use it? The parking lot is tiny and, unless you valet, you have to find parking nearby on the street or in someone else's parking lot. I actually got a ticket for parking in a handicap spot near there that used to be a handicap spot but was no longer. The paint on the ground was well worn. It was a $300 ticket so I had to take pictures and fight it. I won but it was a hassle. I think the ballplayer is trying to save face for an embarrassing situation. He has a contract for next year but, if his performance lags, the Padres can probably use this situation to get out of paying him $8 million.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Guesses when Arizona SC will open up again?
    Just read a story about medical advisors recommending a 3 week shutdown and stay at home order. I guess Covid is the Grinch that stole Christmas.
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    4 years ago
    Anyone want to host a pro football team?
    Yes there is. However, if it is like the empty stadium in San Diego, the government entity that was responsible for maintenance has stopped allocating funds for upkeep. So, it would take some time and funding to get it ready to use again. On the bright side, maybe some of the rats that have taken over residence are large enough to throw some pads and a helmet on and start them at linebacker.
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    4 years ago
    Border crossing
    Another way to get the passport card is to just request it when you renew your passport. That's how I got mine at least. I got it to have an ID that would allow me to skip the CA DMV line to get the new TSA approved DL. I don't remember how much extra the passport card was but it was around $30 extra off the top of my head.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    How has your view of strippers changed over time?
    @Docsavage. The first time I went to a club was when I was 18 going to school in AZ when the drinking age was 19. They didn't card much if you didn't have a baby face back then. I can't recall what I thought of the girls other than they were unattainable for a college student with no money. Once I had a post-college job, I never went to clubs enough to have money be an issue. I never did see the women as anything other than I would a normal woman though. Sure there are some that will treat you as an ATM and I can treat them as strippers only. I consider every encounter is between two individuals without consideration as to where it's happening now and probably as long as I can remember. I ran into the CEO of my division of a major company once as I walked through the office. I just said "Hi John". We all have our faults and differences regardless of position in life so we are all human. Now I have money to spend and get a lot more opportunities based off of that. But, it's still two individuals reacting to each other at a moment in time. To me, it's the same for any new interaction. I travel and meet different people all the time. Strip clubs are just another opportunity to meet new people to me.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    How has your view of strippers changed over time?
    I try not to generalize how I feel about person based on what they do for a living. I have had a long friendship with a sex worker/former sex worker. The friendship has ranged from lovers who saw each other several times a week, went on vacations together to now just texting once in a while. We've known each other almost 20 years now. Just this morning, I had a message on my phone that said "I hope you have a wonderful day". Simple, but it was from a stripper I have met just once last month. Didn't ask for anything or ask when she will see me again in a couple of follow up messages after I thanked her for her message. You do have to shield yourself with 99% of the people you meet in any situation as a true, good friendship develops slowly.
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    4 years ago
    New York
    Have to agree with you on that one doctorevil.
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    4 years ago
    Have you noticed black people are in pretty much every commercial now
    To be honest, if I watch a commercial, I don't notice if they are green, purple or other colors. I usually walk out of the room to do something else if I don't skip the commercial with fast forward or a pause and then fast forward. The only thing that caught my eye on a commercial in the past year was two men kissing. I only caught it in passing and didn't really want to see it. my opinion is do it at home all you want but I don't care to see it.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    ▪️Wild is my favorite color▪️
    Couples at HK
    If you plan to spend any time in SD, know that indoor dining is currently prohibited in SD. The numbers have gone up a lot since Halloween so I don't see the situation getting better through December. You still have options to eat outside but they are limited in space. We still have public transportation running and the trolley stops right at the border if you don't want to drive across. However, I don't know if it's possible to walk across with the current border situation.
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    4 years ago
    Evil Lair
    Democrats Push For More Censorship
    Here's the problem. There is a vast majority of the news media that will promote stories that may never be proven but never retracted when they are found out to be incorrect. If the story doesn't fit the message they want to convey it won't be reported. That is just fucked up to me.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Guesses when Arizona SC will open up again?
    I guess the "Dark Winter" is pretty much here or on it's way. I don't know how much a president, or elect, calling it this changes what a virus that won't go away before it runs it's course changes anything. I will probably be required, as part of employment, to take the vaccine as soon as it's available to me. I think getting on with my life as normal as possible is worth it. I've had minor complications from other vaccines but I just want to move on with my life at this point.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    ▪️Wild is my favorite color▪️
    Couples at HK
    You sound like a very cool woman! However, this is almost like asking if you take sand to the beach. It's been a while since I went to TJ but have gone many times over the years. I never noticed couples there but I wasn't looking out for it. I think the cultural difference might make it a bit awkward for the average Latina woman. I'm sure there would be some OK with it but it is probably not prevalent.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Guesses when Arizona SC will open up again?
    MLB is playing it by ear. I received my spring training season ticket renewal notice a couple of weeks ago and payment is due December 18th. The email didn't guarantee the games will happen but they are planning on it for now, even with limited audiences if necessary. My renewal is about half of what I paid because I have credit from cancelled games last year. It seems teams are looking to get some type of revenue in 2020 even if ticket holders end up with a credit when things open up. At least AZ has indoor dining for now. CA is shutting it down in a lot of places. Even talks of a mandatory stay at home order in LA.