
Comments by mike710 (page 4)

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    a year ago
    The R.O.B.
    Quitters have to go to meetings and drink a lot of coffee and smoke cigarettes. Then you have to stand up and say "I'm Skibum and I'm a pussyholic." Sounds more fun to chalk that one up as a loss and get back on that horse.
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    a year ago
    Could you ever have a long term CF that works completely clean
    I guess it depends on the circumstance of the place the girl works at. In Phoenix, there are clubs where pretty much anything goes and other clubs where the girls are super hot but the mileage is a lot lower. I will continue to just to the non-extras club just because of the super hot girls. In one case, I have one I get dances from that allows me a lot more mileage than the place is know for but still nothing compared to other clubs. Tampa is another place like that. In Tampa proper, mileage is very low but the girls are hot at some of the clubs. Go across the bay to Pasco and Pinellas and you can get a lot more but the girls are usually not as hot.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    >:( 🧚🏼‍♀️💃🏼 busy being a "psycho bitch" 🤣
    I like to stir the pot on here
    Even with Science degrees, you have to select a major that is marketable when you get out of school. After all, Jacques Cousteau had only so many jobs on his ship so a degree in Marine Biology isn't too marketable. Same would apply with Meteorology. I do know someone who got a Marine Biology degree and became a buyer for Costco.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    >:( 🧚🏼‍♀️💃🏼 busy being a "psycho bitch" 🤣
    I like to stir the pot on here
    Some regions have been doing a good job of exporting their poor people to us.
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    a year ago
    Hurricane Hilary
    At least so far, this storm has been like it's political namesake, Overblown. SD has had less than an inch of rain and I haven't seen any high winds yet. I think the center of the storm has passed to the north but will be residual rain to come. We've had stronger winter storms than this in the past year or two.
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    a year ago
    Using dogs to connect with strippers
    Maybe add a sign that say "will work for Alpo" or "one of us needs their anal glands expressed taking donations"
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    a year ago
    New York
    Holding one down at the bar
    There are so many different scenarios where you can end up talking to a dancer at the bar that all I can say is it depends on the situation. There are bars where you grab one of the few empty seats at the bar because you walk in solo but there are more dancers at the bar than customers. In this case, If I happen to talk to one for a short time, I won't necessarily tip. It depends on the time spent and the individual girl. There are others where I party the night with a girl, and I will probably just get dances. In many cases, the girl will do a little chair dance at the bar and earn a tip along with more party time with more dances before I leave. I also have times where, I've run into a girl that I've seen months before but have no interest in getting lame dances from again. In that case, if she wants to talk and catch up, I will buy a drink but say that I'm probably good on dances early on. If she stays after that, I don't feel obligated to tip unless it's a rare circumstance with this girl. A lot of times, it takes several times of running into this girl you danced with once but have no further interest, to get them to move on from you.
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    a year ago
    Famous Quotes
    It's been a long time but I think the blowjob quote was from Jack Nicholson.
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    a year ago
    Extras Vs Cuddling and Company
    Brevity oh brevity
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    a year ago
    New York
    This video needs some Ray Charles at the end. https://youtu.be/uSiHqxgE2d0
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    a year ago
    Scottsdale vs Houston
    I was in Bourbon Street a couple of weeks ago and it's still as Heellover described. They don't hire ugly girls and the dances are still $20. Get decent contact as well. How much depends on the individual girl. Old Town Scottsdale has a walking restaurant and bar area that's about 2 square miles. If you stay in Old Town, Bourbon Street is about 5 or 6 miles down Thomas Road so it's not far. Haven't spent a lot of time in Houston clubs but they were decent when I wa there. The problem with Houston is that it's very spread out and driving can be a pain going from area to area. When I was going to Houston a lot in the early 2000's, I spent my adult entertainment budget at some massage parlors called Escape. It was basically a brothel back then and had a lot of hot young Texas girls to choose from. Now I just go to Houston every other year or so.
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    a year ago
    Chasing Casino Girls in Las Vegas
    I've been going to work in Vegas several times a year since I was in my 20's. From my personal experience, they didn't approach me to let themselves known as casino girls until I was in my late 40's or early 50's. So, I went many years wondering what everyone was talking about in regard to casino girls. Now, I see them regularly. Maybe it's the perception of disposable income and the thought that you are no longer a young jack-ass. The most I saw was at the Cosmopolitan where a girl even asked the bartender to vouch that she wasn't a ripoff after I showed her the website I relied on, TER. On another occasion, I was hit up by a bar girl at the Tropicana when a bartender I knew well was working. I mentioned the proposal to her after she walked away. She knew about her the whole time. So, I think if the girl tips the bartenders, they don't mind them there. At the Cosmopolitan, around the time I was speaking of, I would see numerous working girls at the bars every time I went. You could tell them apart as they would occasionally play a quarter in the machine but spent the most of their time watching the crowd.
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    a year ago
    What would you do?
    I would have stayed for a beer or two to see how things progressed. I wouldn't have been chasing someone down to pay the cover charge. I would have gone with the don't ask don't tell method on the cover charge.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Club closed due to termites.
    Oh well. You still have Mons and Scores across the street.
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    a year ago
    best way to get $1-5K in small bills
    When I'm going on a trip where I plan to spend a lot of time at various clubs, I usually plan ahead and make several trips to the ATM to get a good base of cash to bring with me. If I need more in the middle of the trip, I just go back to the ATM or inside if I need more than I can get on one day at the ATM.
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    a year ago
    Worst States to live in
    The source of the poll tells you everything you need to know about the results that they will have.
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    a year ago
    White American Strippers
    I just got a dance from a pawg in Phoenix a couple of days ago. Phoenix has Hispanic girls but it's relatively untouched by the Cuban invasion. I have also run across a few in the Tampa area but they have definitely been hit by the Cuban invasion and pawgs have become slightly less prevalent.
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    a year ago
    Will Joe Biden be the Democratic nominee in '24? Does Trump take GOP?
    Aren't elections funded by state and local governments? So the long lines in dense urban areas would be the fault of the local government. In many states and localities, these areas have been run by Democrats for years.
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    a year ago
    Hit the gas and for the love of God stay in the FUCKING CAR
    I bet the only person arrested was the drunk driver.
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    a year ago
    Movie Fame?
    That area of San Diego is still seedy but different now. I remember when I moved to SD in the late 80's that there were obvious hookers on the prowl right across the street from another club in that area, Pacers. Now, it's still not the best area in town but all the obvious hookers are gone.
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    a year ago
    Seeing Kids or Other Family at the Club
    Took my nephew to a club recently. He was trying to do OTC right away. I introduced him to a dancer I knew there and she said "wow, I can't imagine going to a club with my Aunt. You're a cool uncle. Also been to a club with my manager and numerous colleagues over the years.
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    a year ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Dead man found in strip club parking lot.
    That place must have some killer pussy.
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    a year ago
    Best Clubs in Chicagoland/South Wisconsin for extras?
    I know a dancer that danced at On the Border near Kenosha. She has danced in several cities and nice things to say about her time working there. Granted, this was from a dancer perspective but, based on the dances I've had from her, I would personally check it out. As with any club, mileage is a variable thing based on the interactions between dancer and customer.
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    a year ago
    Aspiring Global Hound
    You could compare it to driving 90 down the freeway when somebody passes you going 100. You think to yourself, look at that crazy driver.
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    a year ago
    Club Staff
    Several years ago I made friends with a bartender at the Penthouse Club in Tampa. He would send girls to me that he thought I might like while steering me away from some. He later moved to another bar and I started going there too. For a bit, after he left bartending to be a stable dad, I kept in touch with him but it's been a while since I spoke to him now. I didn't always agree to dances from girls he would send over but most of the time I did.