Famous Quotes

avatar for skibum609
Everyone has heard "famous quotes". Some have an impact, some do not, but some quotes, some of the shortest, have an amazing impact and we always remember them. Example - "I don't know what weapons World War 3 will be fought with, but World War 4 will be fought with sticks and stones." War in Ukraine; Wagner Group on Nato border; Russian and Chinese flotilla off the Alaskan Coast; American troops protecting merchant ships against Iran ..... Remember Einstein's quote and spend all your money in strip clubs; I know I am.


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avatar for motorhead
2 years ago
These days I find myself de-stressing by getting absorbed in a good TV series rather than a strip club.

I think this season’s “Your Honor” is in someways better then the outstanding first season. I love the direction they’ve taken with Hope Davis as the mobster Jimmy Baxter’s wife.

I know this is out of context but so far this is one of the most dramatic scenes I’ve seen in any show in awhile.

avatar for twentyfive
2 years ago
The planet is fine. The people are fucked.
— George Carlin
avatar for crosscheck
2 years ago
Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it - George Santayana
avatar for TheeOSU
2 years ago
'pics and vids or it didn't happen'

Not famous at all, just an online dick pic collecting commie homo troll.
avatar for gammanu95
2 years ago
Are we really closer to Doomsday now than at any other point previously?

The Cuban Missile Crisis
Reagan's hot mic joke
The Berlin Airlift
Able Archer 83
NORAD computer error of 1979: 9 November 1979
Soviet radar malfunction: 26 September 1983
Norwegian rocket incident: 25 January 1995
And others.

Nah, it's just another Wednesday on planet Earth in the 21st century. I'm more concerned with this endless fucking heat wave.
avatar for CJKent_band
2 years ago
“I'm going to show you kids the time of your life.

Get ready for two weeks at the happiest place on Earth... Tijuana!”

~ Krusty the Clown
~ The Simpsons Season 4 “Kamp Krusty”


avatar for CJKent_band
2 years ago
“The governor of Louisiana gave me this; (business card)

Madame Tinkertoy's House of Blue Lights, corner of Bourbon and Toulouse, New Orleans, Louisiana.

Now, this is supposed to be the finest whorehouse in the south.

These ain't no pork chops! These are U.S. PRIME!”

~ George Hanson (Jack Nicholson)
~ Movie: Easy Rider (1969)

avatar for minnow
2 years ago
"I'm not concerned about being led into temptation, I have no trouble finding it on my own." Some poster on stripperweb.com.
avatar for CJKent_band
2 years ago
“In this country, you gotta make the money first.

Then when you get the money, you get the power.

Then when you get the power, then you get the women.”

~ Cuban refugee Tony Montana (Al Pacino) in the movie Scarface (1983)
avatar for CJKent_band
2 years ago
“It is the sufferings of the many which pay for the luxuries of the few...”

~ Greta Tintin Eleonora Ernman Thunberg
~ Born: 3rd January 2003 , Sweden
~ Occupation: Student, environmental activist
avatar for Jascoi
2 years ago
"you can trust what you read on the internet." . . quote from Abraham Lincoln.
avatar for shadowcat
2 years ago
Confucius say "Man who go to bed with sex problem wake up with solution in hand".
avatar for Flash4
2 years ago
“Life should not be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well-preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside in a cloud of smoke, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming “Wow! What a Ride!” - HST
avatar for londonguy
2 years ago
“When the power of love is greater than the love of power there will be peace.” Jimi Hendix
avatar for rickthelion
2 years ago
“Please officer…I’ll come along peacefully…just don’t tase me in the balls again. ARGH…I asked you nicely not to tase my balls again. ARGH!!!! My balls are on FIRE!!!”

Muddy ape, when he is caught jackin’ off in the bushes outside of a strippers house after texting said stripper 82 times in the past hour.

Maybe it isn’t famous, but you know it has been said by Muddy ape. ROAR!!!
avatar for CJKent_band
2 years ago
“There's only one hell, Princess…

The one we live in now.”

~ Melisandre aka The Red Woman
~ Priestess of the Lord of Light or Red God
~ Game of Thrones HBO April 17, 2011 - May 19, 2019
avatar for shanny72
2 years ago
"I am the Assman, Jerry!"

- Kramer
- Seinfeld
avatar for RonJax2
2 years ago
“The policy of being too cautious is the greatest risk of all.”

I’m pointing that quote at every monger here on TUSCL who wants to go to Tijuana but is afraid of the cartels.
avatar for skibum609
2 years ago
^ The post reminds me of an incredibly underrated quote - "The only things I regret and the only things I will ever regret, are the things I didn't do. In the end, that's what we mourn. The paths we didn't take. The people we didn't touch." Scott Spencer. Listen to the man. Take the path to Tijuana and touch the women.
avatar for misterorange
2 years ago
"He’s had the clap so many times it’s more like applause."

Slater, describing Archer to a would-be lover.
avatar for rickthelion
2 years ago
As usual Skifredo is wrong. It is easy to say that you should throw caution to the wind until you do something stupid that gets you tased in the nads.

On the other hand, we ricks don’t regret the thing we didn’t do because we always choose to do the coolest possible thing at any time. Also, we don’t have to worry about bein’ tased in the nuts because any cop would look at a real rick and say “y’all are clearly so awesome that you should keep doin’ whatever you doin’!” Plus, the constant intoxication dulls the pain of tasers if the cop doesn’t recognize our rickness.

Anyhoo, I have digressed. Blame it on the Jack. My point is that somebody needs to tase Skifredo in the nuts because that would be funny as shit. ROAR!!!
avatar for Dolfan
2 years ago
We can't forget our own. And I'm sorry if I butcher it, but it went something like "I'll beg for pussy & I'll pay for pussy, but I won't beg to pay for pussy" and if I'm not mistaken is attributed to Lopaw.
avatar for Specialj
2 years ago
Lead not with an example of power but by the power of example
avatar for CJKent_band
2 years ago
“I'm going to show you kids the time of your life.

Get ready for two weeks at the happiest place on Earth... Tijuana!”

~ Krusty the Clown
~ The Simpsons Season 4 “Kamp Krusty”


avatar for mark94
2 years ago
“So, I guess a blow job is out of the question “
avatar for Jascoi
2 years ago
Mark94... who said that quote?
specialj. ditto.
avatar for mike710
2 years ago
It's been a long time but I think the blowjob quote was from Jack Nicholson.
avatar for mark94
2 years ago
I think it’s just a punchline from an old joke. There is a similar quote in the movie Cadillac Man
avatar for mark94
2 years ago
"Sex at age ninety is like trying to shoot pool with a rope." ~ George Burns
avatar for mark94
2 years ago
There are a number of mechanical devices which increase sexual arousal, particularly in women. Chief among these is the Mercedes-Benz 380SL convertible.

P. J. O'Rourke
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