Yall ever notice that some regions/nationalities hardly ever produce anything of value?
Like ok there's some nations that maybe aren't a big player in the world, but they export their best and brightest to places like the US and others. I call that productivity. Like the average Americans are too fucking retarded to do math and science to become an engineer or code monkey. So we import a lot of those.
A lot of shit is exported all over from places like China/other Asian countries/Central america/Europe too. Ok that's productive.
Then we got regions where I am scratching my head on what the fuck is the value they provide other than maybe vacation spot and literally nothing else....
I think almost everyone is good at something. According to the theory of comparative advantage in economics, people end up where their talents can be put to the best use. For example, a doctor might be a very good typist but he is better off hiring a mediocre typist to do his typing for him and focusing on his medical career.
As long as the US Dollar is in demand globally, and we produce the most efficient/best weapons systems to maintain a core alliance, we would be stupid to not print/generate Dollars to hire cheap third world labor to produce the shit that Walmart and Best Buy sells.
IF this brilliant scheme were to fall apart, Americans would have to get off their fat, lazy, tattooed and drug addicted asses if we wanted any prayer of maintaining our standard of living.
The Dept Of Ed a few years back posted that 58% of US college STEM grads don't find work in their field. Companies are more than happy to ship STEM work off-shore and bring in H1-Bs that will work for massively lower wages and you get what you pay for. I see this all the time in tech work. The H1-B program has been totally perverted, and laws regulating how it works are not enforced - follow the money.
What China did to global manufacturing India is doing to IT.
Even with Science degrees, you have to select a major that is marketable when you get out of school. After all, Jacques Cousteau had only so many jobs on his ship so a degree in Marine Biology isn't too marketable. Same would apply with Meteorology.
I do know someone who got a Marine Biology degree and became a buyer for Costco.
I can't name a single region of the world (except probably Antarctica) that hasn't produced at least a few great strippers. That means they have produced something very valuable in my opinion.
I donât know Cubaâs manufacturing base or highest grossing products but people on tuscl from Florida can confirm Cuba has been a key and valuable contributor to a certain local workforce
Lol only one of the most controversial topics. I gotta say though we donât need year long classes on countries/cultures who really had nothing significant historically going on. Do we need to learn about a guy playing a lute out in the hinterlands? Hunter gatherer types running around with spears? Do we need a year long college class on that stuff? (Happening in plenty of places. No we learn history through the eyes of the advanced world because they were doing big things.
Tom Sowell goes off on this a lot but too much of education is making kids feel good. No you learn the facts and reality of the world no matter how awful it may be, and it really is awful. But knowing all that means you know how great it is today and not get punked by one of these SJWâs into thinking America is a horrible country.
America is only horrible because of the elitist and spoiled attitudes many have here. Like Svetlana from the Sopranos said, âyou Americans have everything and expect nothing bad to ever happen while the rest of the world expects only bad things to happen.â
Sometimes I get frustrated with the whole âimmigrationâ talk because as I always say - we were all immigrants at some point. Some by choice, others by force. Anyone should be able to relocate and become a productive citizen with basic human rights and necessities. So many parts of the world have humanitarian needs that are off the charts. Read up on Somalia, Sudan, Venezuela, Libya, etc and see how ppl are being affected by corruption and greed from the central government.
Members of Trinity College, part of Cambridge University, have been awarded 34 Nobel Prizes out of the 121 received by members of Cambridge University. A college within Cambridge is comparable to a dormitory within an American university.
I guarantee no college dorm in America has had 34 Nobel Prize winners live there.
One of Trinityâs alum who lived before the Nobel Prize is Sir Isaac Newton. His college dorm room is still used by students.
Once a college ( or city, or state ) gets a reputation for excellence, people in that field compete to be there. NY for finance. LA for entertainment. Cambridge for Physics.
@Muddy you say that SJW's (aka the left) are tricking people into thinking America is a horrible country, and yet it's conservatives/Trump supporters who want to "Make America Great Again" and return to some former glory, suggesting that the current America is subpar. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black.
There really are shithole countries which should have very low visa caps and stringent immigration requirements. Our nation cannot continue to receive all of these unskilled bums and freeloaders.
Every immigrant that Iâve talked with who came to the US as an adult has told me how much better it is than where they came from. Now I donât speak with the ones who returned to their country because they said it was shitty in the USA, but generally they return due to wanting to stay connected with their family/roots.
I do keep in touch periodically with some whom I went to school w/in college. Basically they complain a lot about being taxed on 50% of their income, and the overly burdensome red tape to start anything related to land/permits/business. This is in Northern Europe, and compared to the US at 30% (or less)taxes on income and a less burdensome beauracracy on business Projects, it makes it doable in America if youâre willing to put in the effort it takes to succeed, where as overseas no matter how hard you try youâre not getting anywhere. Problem lies with those whoâve been coddled with how good they got it growing up and not knowing how to fight through the struggles of overcoming obstacles to achieve success. When you go through tye beatings it takes to create success, youâre grateful for what you have. A lot of us worked for what we got and are grateful for it, but there is an ubiquitous media that allows a platform for a bunch of whiny complainers loving to play the victim card for whatever challenge is put in front of them. Thatâs the biggest difference in todayâs society, and when misery lives company thatâs all theyâre looking for, sympathizers. Iâve got news for you, everybody born in this world will have injustices served to them and it is up to the individual to overcome those unjust opportunities in order to thrive.
The U.S. (mainly the US Navy) is the sole âexporterâ/ provider of WORLD ORDER that allows the global economy to function. If we stop doing that, most the economies of the world will collapse, including China, who can suck my balls.
Q: Yall ever notice that some regions/nationalities hardly ever produce anything of value?
A: Value to whom?
âColonization is characterized by centuries of tyranny and the genocide of indigenous people, augured by white supremacy, greed, hegemony, racism, and capitalism.â
The resulting âcountriesâ from this process of Colonialism-Imperialism- Globalization has terrible consequences; lack of infrastructure, weak economies, political turmoil and hundreds of other issues impoverish these âcountriesâ beyond imagination.
A: What are your guy's thoughts on all this?
âI don't want to go to the future and find out what happens to white people because we're gonna pay hard for this shit, you got to know that.
We're not going to just fall from number one to two.
They're gonna hold us down and fuck us in the ass forever.
And we totally deserve it. But for now, wheeeeeeee!
Now, if you're white and you don't admit that it's great, you're an asshole.
It is great. And I'm a man.
How many advantages could one person have? I'm a white man.
You can't even hurt my feelings! What can you really call a white man that really digs deep?
"Hey, cracker."
"Uh. Ruined my day. Boy shouldn't have called me a cracker. Bringing me back to owning land and people, what a drag."
~ Louis SzĂŠkely ~ White Privileged stand-up comedian ~ Born Sep 12, 1967 Washington, D.C., U.S.
What is this colonialism shit? Dude I'm russian/ukrainian we don't give a flying fuck about former African colonies or African American slavery. We didn't contribute to this so zero guilt on my end lmao.
last commentAnyway I'm obviously no expert so don't get ur boy panties in a twist.
IF this brilliant scheme were to fall apart, Americans would have to get off their fat, lazy, tattooed and drug addicted asses if we wanted any prayer of maintaining our standard of living.
What China did to global manufacturing India is doing to IT.
I do know someone who got a Marine Biology degree and became a buyer for Costco.
Tom Sowell goes off on this a lot but too much of education is making kids feel good. No you learn the facts and reality of the world no matter how awful it may be, and it really is awful. But knowing all that means you know how great it is today and not get punked by one of these SJWâs into thinking America is a horrible country.
Sometimes I get frustrated with the whole âimmigrationâ talk because as I always say - we were all immigrants at some point. Some by choice, others by force. Anyone should be able to relocate and become a productive citizen with basic human rights and necessities. So many parts of the world have humanitarian needs that are off the charts. Read up on Somalia, Sudan, Venezuela, Libya, etc and see how ppl are being affected by corruption and greed from the central government.
I guarantee no college dorm in America has had 34 Nobel Prize winners live there.
One of Trinityâs alum who lived before the Nobel Prize is Sir Isaac Newton. His college dorm room is still used by students.
Once a college ( or city, or state ) gets a reputation for excellence, people in that field compete to be there. NY for finance. LA for entertainment. Cambridge for Physics.
I do keep in touch periodically with some whom I went to school w/in college. Basically they complain a lot about being taxed on 50% of their income, and the overly burdensome red tape to start anything related to land/permits/business. This is in Northern Europe, and compared to the US at 30% (or less)taxes on income and a less burdensome beauracracy on business
Projects, it makes it doable in America if youâre willing to put in the effort it takes to succeed, where as overseas no matter how hard you try youâre not getting anywhere. Problem lies with those whoâve been coddled with how good they got it growing up and not knowing how to fight through the struggles of overcoming obstacles to achieve success. When you go through tye beatings it takes to create success, youâre grateful for what you have. A lot of us worked for what we got and are grateful for it, but there is an ubiquitous media that allows a platform for a bunch of whiny complainers loving to play the victim card for whatever challenge is put in front of them. Thatâs the biggest difference in todayâs society, and when misery lives company thatâs all theyâre looking for, sympathizers. Iâve got news for you, everybody born in this world will have injustices served to them and it is up to the individual to overcome those unjust opportunities in order to thrive.
I will play along and comment on your discussion.
Q: Yall ever notice that some regions/nationalities hardly ever produce anything of value?
A: Value to whom?
âColonization is characterized by centuries of tyranny and the genocide of indigenous people, augured by white supremacy, greed, hegemony, racism, and capitalism.â
The resulting âcountriesâ from this process of Colonialism-Imperialism- Globalization has terrible consequences; lack of infrastructure, weak economies, political turmoil and hundreds of other issues impoverish these âcountriesâ beyond imagination.
A: What are your guy's thoughts on all this?
âI don't want to go to the future and find out what happens to white people because we're gonna pay hard for this shit, you got to know that.
We're not going to just fall from number one to two.
They're gonna hold us down and fuck us in the ass forever.
And we totally deserve it. But for now, wheeeeeeee!
Now, if you're white and you don't admit that it's great, you're an asshole.
It is great. And I'm a man.
How many advantages could one person have? I'm a white man.
You can't even hurt my feelings! What can you really call a white man that really digs deep?
"Hey, cracker."
"Uh. Ruined my day. Boy shouldn't have called me a cracker. Bringing me back to owning land and people, what a drag."
~ Louis SzĂŠkely
~ White Privileged stand-up comedian
~ Born Sep 12, 1967 Washington, D.C., U.S.
First off you're a fucking God damn loser sick pervert that has to pay to get what he wants so shut the fuck up. 2nd I don't strip these days lmfao.