Club Staff

avatar for skibum609
The staff in clubs usually get bashed but here's a shout out to one of the gentlemen who runs the rooms at Desires. Despite being an experienced weed smoker of 54 years, on occasion I do too much and end up too high to function in my normal outgoing manner. Sitting at Desires I am seeing lot of hot women and yet I am glued to my chair marveling at how stoned I am. Also a bit pissed off at myself because there are so few customers this is one of the rare times at Desires where you can have anyone from the cream of the crop because there are so few customers, and I am not even making eye contact.
I see a dancer whom I have never once seen on stage and is with a customer no less than 100% of the time I have seen her before. Do I go ask her? Nope, too stoned so I sit. Now the bouncer on at this time is someone I know well, and I could ask him to point out someone fun, or hell, even go get her for me, but I don't. Too stoned. Then I see my first choice (walks right by me) go chat with him. They chat for a few minutes, look in my direction, they chat a few more minutes and then, she walks right over.
A nice no pressure chat; a trip to the back; a good tip for the CR guy; a great CR (after negotiation) and I am still too high when I leave, but a whole lot happier. Without the bouncer dude helping out I'd have done nothing.

Has a bouncer ever helped you? Tell us how.....


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avatar for whodey
2 years ago
Not a bouncer, but I have had a few bartenders help me out like that. The one that comes to mind was at the old Green Light Lounge in Louisville. I went to pay to take a hot blonde that I had never seen back to the VIP while the dancer went to the dressing room to freshen up after being on stage. The bartender flat out said "are you sure? You'll probably be disappointed since she doesn't do what you normally want" and suggested a different dancer. I went ahead and took the other dancer to vip before the girl I was planning to go with came back out and had a great time. The 1st girl was giving me a death stare when I came out of vip as I tipped the bartender and left. I never ended up going to vip with the 1st girl but I did see her there a few times after that and none of the customers who went to vip with her seemed very happy coming out so I guess I got lucky.
avatar for rockie
2 years ago
I've never found someone in a club whose advice wasn't tainted by their relationship with their co-workers. The closest to assisting me the best in any club would be Patti at Club Fantasies, but there still remains her friendship bias depending on who is working.
avatar for skibum609
2 years ago
^ Patti is awesome and a great person to have a baseball chat with.
avatar for Tetradon
2 years ago
Are you talking about Chris, there? He's a prince.

Every time I get there, I get a friendly "T, how are ya, man?" and the rundown about the club and who's working there.
avatar for skibum609
2 years ago
avatar for mike710
2 years ago
Several years ago I made friends with a bartender at the Penthouse Club in Tampa. He would send girls to me that he thought I might like while steering me away from some. He later moved to another bar and I started going there too. For a bit, after he left bartending to be a stable dad, I kept in touch with him but it's been a while since I spoke to him now.

I didn't always agree to dances from girls he would send over but most of the time I did.
avatar for WiseToo
2 years ago
I once had a club calendar that featured a different dancer each month. I complimented the house mother on the selection of girls and told her I was interested in getting a dance from "Miss March" and learning when she works. She said usually at night, but couldn't or wouldn't tell me the days and I would have to come in to find out if she's working.

A club manager was circulating among the tables asking each of the guys there were they having a good time. I was having a great time and mentioned I have to come back and get a dance from "Miss March." He said something like she's worth it and dropped a stack of free passes on the table which I could use to get in without paying the cover. I was pleasantly surprised.
avatar for Muddy
2 years ago
See not being regular I do like changing it up but this is the kind of cool stuff you miss out on when you don't have a strip club home.
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