Look, I'm a pretty easy going guy. Stop creating alias accounts just to leave dumb-mother-fucking comments. It's just pathetic. This site is here PRIMARILY to help guys find strip clubs and help strippers find a place to work.
For the last 5 years, there's been a lot of hateful and spite filled comments. I get it. Trump was an asshole and COVID lockdowns suck. Get over it. We're moving on.
Let's get back to having fun with the strippers. Is that too much to ask for on a site that literally has Strip Club in its title?
I generally love how ignore works on this site, it largely solves the problem from my perspective as a user. But I could see maybe how a huge infestation of sock puppets could be a drain on site resources. Might be interesting to block discussions post for accounts that have zero reviews.
Part of the appeal to users who do this is to see how long they can go before they get deleted. They nitwit who creates the sera/cedrick, lesco/slaveboss accounts is a prime example. I see that you just deleted his two most-recent accounts, but I'm guessing that he'll have another account created within moments because this is what he lives for (sadly enough). I mean, he's probably going to look at this thread and get an endorphin rush...
Is there a way to get these accounts deleted faster or called to your attention faster so that you can delete them? It's not the perfect solution, but it's better than letting them build up a troll persona over a couple of hundred posts before they get deleted.
Just as bad as CMI's named dumbass, you get guys like SJG whose sheer volume of posting clogs shit up for everyone. His graphic threats against people certainly violate some rule.
And you can't just click "ignore" because then half the discussions he's in don't make sense.
And, if we're going to be completely fair, then the accounts that exist solely to antagonize another users should also be deleted. I say this knowing that some of those spoof profiles target users that I also don't like.
We'll stop being assholes once these strippers start let us fuck their assholes. It's tough to find girls into it. We're all just getting cranky. That's all it is.
It would be easier to ignore SJG if you would just lock down threads at some point, the other's are easy to ignore because they generally are ignored anyway. I'm not sure where you're coming from founder, I like the site, but sometimes I wonder if you are interested in making a profit. Reason I make that statement, I ran a business for many years and I was careful not to allow things to get out of hand, maybe my age is showing, but back in the day the flame wars were not this severe nor were they as vitriolic.
Kudos to Founder for bringing back the tag lines. I always likes that, they are really funny.
I don't think people should be mean or vindictive. That really does destroy the forum. And trying to attack people's privacy just makes it unworkable.
And Founder is very easy going. We don't want to force this to be like Stripper Web.
As far as Off Topic threads, from my point of view there does not have to be a huge number of such threads. The threads can be used for a long time, and people will know what they are about. And then their is thread ignore if someone really does not want to see it. People should self moderate in the creation new threads just to draw attention by getting a new discussions listing.
And then national politics, are still just as contentious as they were during Trump's Presidency, and COVID has brought us to the hairy edge of a police state. It still is not over, and there still has not been accountability for this, and the truth has still not been surfaced.
Founder has given us separate forums, including one for Politics. If you wish, you can just browse in the Front Room Forum, and that stuff will not be there.
This is just how I am seeing it, I am willing to listen to other views.
There might be nobody more anit mod then me. I've been banned from reddit so many times by humorless totalitarian mods with something up their asses.
BUT in certain cases where it's repeated nonsense strictly to degrade the quality the board over a long period of time along with tons of spamming, for sometimes even years from dedicated assholes with no life (SJG) what can be done to stop that? There's nothing to stop them. I could hit ignore but then new users who might join the site just see typed diarrhea for miles and miles, they say fuck that and who could blame them? I understand Founder doesn't spend a ton of time on the board but maybe a jedi PL council of Papi, Shadow, Subra, Jackslash, Shailynn, 25 or something could make recommendations that founder could hear out.
It takes two to tango - I've mentioned it many times - those that continuously complain about SJG are just adding to the problem - just hitting the Ignore button should make SJG disappear w/o having to get Founder to kick him off b/c you don't like his posts - but yet many on here complain as much about SJG as SJG posts.
I agree about the aliases - but I guess there isn't the technology to auto-detect and thus auto-delete their alias accounts?
The old threads are how you get a place for topical breadth and depth. They don't do any harm to anyone or anything. It's better than starting too many new threads.
Tetradon, you always have the thread ignore feature available to you.
balicky 9 Minutes Ago you complete vile evil whore mooching 10k a month off that poor old man that's so disgusting how you hope he dies just so you can get more money off him how sad
^^ooh first, skibumsuxcox then skibumsuxcox2525 and now this. I’m assuming those other accounts had the same message as this, never actually got to read whatever was said.
@founder if one person is the only one realistically posting to their own thread, I say lock it (if not delete it).
There's one person on this board that's using TUSCL as a personal library and he continues to bump his own threads and, barring others trolling them, he's the only one that's posting in them.
boobieso boobieso 3 Minutes Ago not one bit of remorse, or apology from you eh slave? was it because your whore mother didnt raise you any better?
you're stealing 10k a month from an old man with cancer bragging about it how pathetic that's called elder abuse btw. you can't fool and steal money from someone just cause theyre dumb and old even if theyre pissworthy slaveworthy scum like your 'regular'
i would suck that elders cock if he wanted me to, and it suck it for free. youd never do that, too damn greedy.
boobieso 6 Minutes Ago yes you dumbfuck its called balicky balicky it means lick my damn balls you dirty little man how longs it been since you shaved that dirty little asscrack and ballsack of yours ya dirty old man get a fuckin shaver slave whats wrong your owners dont get you a damn shaver nasty man
You’re welcome. And I too should thank you, boonieso/slaveboss/lesco/…possiblytrucidos? The Hulu account I was mooching off of has lapsed, so it’s nice to have some entertainment.
SLD, Icey is by far our most interesting new member. Though I don't always agree with him, he is always someone you can have a reasonable conversation with, which is not so with you.
And no one is barring anyone from posting to their threads. There is no way of doing that, and no one wants it.
Old threads are how we can have topical depth and breadth, and not be creating too many new threads. Too many new threads makes it harder to find things, and impossible to have continuing repositories.
If you want some threads about other subjects, just start them; and maybe you can think of things which can be kept going for a long time.
TUSCL has worked well because it is very open and because their is topical depth and breadth. It gets a huge amount of traffic. SLD, not everyone who likes strip clubs is actually a PL Circle Jerker like you. And you are the one who seems to want to control who can post and what they can post about.
SLD, I really suggest to you PaulDrake's forum. He does enforce topical narrowness, and to do this I believe he has to approve every single post. Or maybe you would just like Stripper Web better.
We have a banished former member. He fully earned what he got, and many times over.
I had been hoping that he would have by now mended his ways. I don't think in his F2F life that he is a bad guy.
But I now learn in PM's what happened over the weekend with a couple of his handles, and so no, he has not mended his ways, not at all.
SLD, you seem to want this to be a place of people who are like minded, who see things the same way.
This forum has done well because it is not like this. There is a wide diversity of view points on most issues.
It is only important that people are able to keep it civil.
Because of this diversity, this forum attracts a huge amount of traffic and is very high ranked by the search engines. For many people it is their go to site. It was like this form me for many years before I ever registered.
Ignore is simply a way of protecting yourself from people you don't want to hear from. It was never intended as a dis-approval rating or a popularity contest.
SLD, I am sure that you would like PaulDrake's Forum and Stripper Web better.
Right now all you seem to want is the chemical high you get from alcohol, marijuana, and the endorphin rush of LDKing.
If you want to make a constructive contribution to this forum, then think of some kind of an open ended continuable topic and post it.
@san_jose_creep I'm just saying you're opinion of me and what you think is an issue pales in comparison to what a lot of folks think of icee and you.
The only reasons both of you trolls have issue with me is because I troll those that troll me. So of course you feel that way.
But you can only speak for yourselves, and you can't deny there are a lot of folks that don't want to read your posts, as evidenced by the # of ignores you have.
So when we want to make a popularity contest SLD, or a college fraternity or sorority, we will come looking to you.
In the mean time, this site draws lots of curious types. And generally strip club customers do fit with that description.
And though many disagree with you and think that you are conducting yourself in a manner which would be destructive to any forum, this does not mean they are trolling you or trying to run you off.
Thank you founder for that needed guidance, and for this thread. I feel that it is constructive.
I do not try to beat up on people and run the off of the board. Unless I think I can say something constructive on a thread, I do not post.
Okay, maybe a long time ago I did a bit with Dougster. But I knew that he could take it, and he was beating up on some other people. Some of what he did I found to be excessive, and some of it quite cruel. I posted very off topic stuff to try and intercede. And I did parody him a couple of times, parody the ways in which he was making fun of other people.
I posted a thread, "The System, How To Pay Hookers For Sex". It really was not about hookers or about paying them, it was about making fun of Dougster as he was making fun of Dugan. And it was about what underlied Dougsters views.
He seemed to like it. But other than that all I did was offer a counter view when he was posting his financial speculation advice. Some people were getting down on their knees and sucking his cock. I on the other hand presented an alternate view.
Maybe in the beginning with Mr. LDK82, I was excessive. But I have since backed way off. He said that he wants to keep it respectful. And I do value his posts and his membership.
Otherwise I am not hard on anyone. And I do not try to get beyond what people have posted. I am respectful of the four corners of their posts. I do not try to attack their f2f lives.
As I see it, the two most controversial things ever talked about on this board or LDKing and DFKing. These tend to divide the people, and I have always been a partisan of the second.
With most facets of life, I do not take things at face value. I don't come to life from the vantage point of being a consumer of recreational services. And I don't use chemicals, sex, or women, as addictive mood alterants.
I say that LDKing is just spending your hard earned money to increase your sexual frustration. I also say that guys should not cheat on SOs. At a minimum I would say that such cheating is not a solution to their real problem. What they need is either a Marriage Councilor or a Divorce Lawyer.
I say that if you want to engage with the girl, you select the one you want to be waking up in the mornings with, and then you demonstrate generosity. Show that you respect her and understand that she needs to pay her bills. And then you also get her DFKing at the earliest juncture. And then you claim her by getting your cock into her. Probably it will work out. It certainly did for Countryman.
Some people they seem to take the way things are offered in strip clubs at face value. I have been involved in this for a long time and seen lots of changes. I look at it from a broader perspective.
I say this, but I am not trying to troll you are to run you off.
So what I like is constructive conversation. And keeping threads open contributes to that. Ignore gives people a way to block what they do not want, but it is not intended as a dis-approval ranking.
No, it is used when someone does not want to see the posts from a member. It does not necessarily mean that that member is annoying, disruptive, or not constructive. It does not mean that that member is an asshole.
SLD, you are being somewhat more reasonable in your posts, so I have also backed way down and have shown a greater willingness to talk to you on the level.
You have no idea. For what it's worth, that guy has been trolling/spamming the stripclublist[dot]com boards in PA and RI (and perhaps others) continuously for well over 5 years. And, when I say 'continuously,' I mean all day long every single day, including weekends and holidays. His bizarre life's mission is effectively shutting down strip club discussion forums. I'm pretty sure that he moved over here because he has made those other boards completely non-functional.
Honestly, his relentlessness would be admirable if applied to something constructive...
So, it's very likely that he'll pop up again sooner rather than later with a new profile and a new "strategy" to sabotage the discussions here, because that really is apparently all he's got going on.
"[ignore] is used when someone does not want to see the posts from a member. It does not necessarily mean that that member is annoying, disruptive, or not constructive. It does not mean that that member is an asshole."
Question, is there a reason that so many women have disappeared from the site other than they've lost interest or taken a new road? Are they being harassed? If so, is there any way to prevent this? I miss Eve, Hunnybunnyfuntime, Poledancer, many others.
"It does not necessarily mean that that member is annoying, disruptive, or not constructive. It does not mean that that member is an asshole."
Let me fix that for you ======> It does not necessarily mean that member isn't annoying, disruptive, or constructive either, and it doesn't mean that member isn't an asshole
"No, it is used when someone does not want to see the posts from a member. It does not necessarily mean that that member is annoying, disruptive, or not constructive. It does not mean that that member is an asshole."
I completely understand the internet of the ignore, but I said it was my opinion and I disagree.
If you look at the TUSCL members that are the most ignored, they roughly indicate the board's biggest trolls and thus the biggest assholes.
Again, IMHO only.
"SLD, you are being somewhat more reasonable in your posts, so I have also backed way down and have shown a greater willingness to talk to you on the level."
@san_jose_creep only time will tell here. In my observation you only changed your behavior because founder called it out.
You've done this before where you show elements of not being a troll, but in my experience you are quick to go back to being one.
Again, IMHO only. I hope you're being sincere here but time will tell and you don't have a good track record.
SJG said "[ignore] is used when someone does not want to see the posts from a member. It does not necessarily mean that that member is annoying, disruptive, or not constructive. It does not mean that that member is an asshole."
Yeah ... I'm not sure that's 100% true. If a few people ignore a user, that does not necessarily mean that the member is annoying, disruptive, or not constructive. But, if a user starts accumulating *a lot* of ignored, then I think it's a pretty strong indicator that the person is question is, in fact, being some version of annoying, disruptive, or not constructive.
Who has racked up 79 ignores even though he has posted nothing. No reviews. No comments. No discussions. No article. But, via other threads, it appears that he has racked up all those ignores because he messages a dancer constantly, annoyingly, and creepily. I'm pretty sure those dancers aren't ignoring him because they don't like his profile name. They think he's an asshole.
And then there's desertscrub, who has accumulated 115 ignored. And I'm pretty sure that's not the result of a nationwide smear campaign by the Federated Strip Club Ad Writers of America. That's probably because 115 people are tired of him being a dick.
So, if your behavior racks up a lot of ignores, then that should have consequences which discourage that user (and others) from engaging in dickish behavior.
@founder I'm telling you, if you really want to stop asshole behavior on the boards, then a complete delete of folks on the most ignored list will help your cause much more than this thread.
And I don't care if you delete my account in the process. I know I've been an asshole to anyone that's been a troll to me. It's why both icee and san_jose_creep just bitched about me in this thread. They are/were trolls to me and the board in general, hence I relentlessly trolled them back.
Furthermore, by not doing much moderation of the boards yourself, it seems that you were fine with asshole behavior and trolling. It's all part of hosting an unmoderated forum. And it's honestly why I like this site.
So, these threads are great and all, but I don't see them changing things. Over time, with the board being unmoderated, the trolling back and forth will come back until you create another cease and desist request. Lather. Rinse. Repeat.
I lurked the boards for around a year before I started posting here and I'll say the trolling hasn't changed much from my observations. There's just newer trolls and some older ones move on. And again it's ultimately because you don't really moderate anything here.
So again, I say start taking more control here and take bigger measures to stop the assholes. And deleting accounts of the most ignored members is going to help. Even if they just come back and create new accounts, some will come back with better behavior. They'll get the message and start behaving better.
@founder another suggestion would be to limit the number of posts that non-VIP members can make in a day. You are already doing this with PMs. Why not do this with posts? Say 10 per day max.
This would limit the board spammers significantly.
"This site is here PRIMARILY to help guys find strip clubs and help strippers find a place to work."
^^^ @san_jose_creep I sincerely hope that you take this post by founder to heart.
What it means is that you should PRIMARILY post and create threads with this intent in mind. Ask yourself...
When was the last time that you posted to recommend a strip club to another remember? Can you name the club or the member?
From what I see in your posts are numerous OT topics. And furthermore you often are the only one making posts in your own thread. There's no dialogue you are having with another member. No constructive discussion. It's just you rambling in the thread to yourself.
Remember that, after a prompting, Founder specified that he was referring to true trolling assholes; not our usual collection of assholes. We all know who those assholes are, and out female posters seen to meet more than the rest of us.
We are not all going to agree at any point on this board, but it does not make you an asshole to have voted for Joe Biden and refusing to accept that this nation would have been better off under a second Trump term. It does not make me an asshole to have voted for Trump a second time, failing to understand how damaging his antics were for this nation. Those divisions unite us. It does make you an asshole for failing to use rational, critical thoughts for your disagreement.
Honestly, if we didn't have all of the trolls with their provocative spoof names, old thread bumping, thread hijacking, etc., I believe the energy on this board would be different and regular users would have fewer arguments.
Lastly, anyone who hijacks a thread for a childish back and forth, tit-for-tat, gotcha last flame war is also being an asshole. Seriously, grow the fuck up.
Thank you Founder for those words of encouragement. I would greatly appreciate TUSCL getting back to the basics as it was when I signed on several years ago. I think we have gotten away from your original purpose for starting "the List" and gone a different direction.
US is over post-Trump. He was the last "too little, too late" attempt to save some remnant of the USA. Anyone continuing to say even the slightest negative crap about him will be condemned to hell for all eternity.
GOD BLESS PRESIDENT TRUMP. SHAME ON YOU FOR SAYING DISRESPECTFUL THINGS ABOUT THIS GREAT MAN. The "post-Trump" "remnant America" should be treated with utter never ending contempt.
So you got rid of Predident Trump and now its "back to normal"? Sorry, "normal" will never come back. The globalists you love so much won't allow it. Time to wake up? Another Greek letter, put your mask back on fools.
After the globalists deliberately launched Covid to stop Trump's re-election, locked us in our homes off and on for over a year, stole an election, launched race wars over a false narrative that police kill people simply because they are black, subjected our kids to critical anti-white bullshit in school, forced us to be raped by a syringe to keep our job, banned millions of people from major social media sites simply for political opinions, dumped so much money to stabilize the economy that we have the highest inflation since the 1920's, continually gaslight us on TV and "news"media, opened the borders to endless floods of newcomers, we are suposed to "go back to "normal"" like nothing happened. Sorry, no.
As a Republican since the day I registered to vote I can state without a doubt that Donald Trump was, is and always will be among the worst three Presidents in history. You need counselling Dave. Donald Trump is a lying, cheating, stupid, pompous, self-important piece of shit. I'd rather have the foreign traitors called democrats tale over and destroy the country than have him be President again.
...in general, these guidelines focus around two strategies:
1. establish guidelines, hold users accountable to the guidelines
2. delegate moderation to a subset of users, moderate consistently
I was thinking about this group and some of the other online groups I'm involved with, and the problems around constant bickering, off topic posts, trolling, etc. are common to every group I've been on: music genre groups, old seattle picture groups, guitar groups, local music groups, musical equipment buy/sell groups, bbq groups, etc. as well as TUSCL. The difference is that in many of those groups over time have established guidelines + moderators and the turmoil slowly reduces as time goes on.
This community is one of the oldest ones on the web... 1993, if I am correct? It has some features of the early internet, in particular I notice that the design relies on goodwill and responsible community members holding themselves to high standards. As the internet has grown, we can observe that this somewhat utopian approach (while generous) has seen online communities devolve into bickering, trolling, fake accounts, etc. Think of twitter, facebook, reddit, etc. All of those services have struggled with this, and today spend an increasing amount of time moderating that barely keeps ahead of the bad behavior.
Founder, it seems like a lot to ask of one person to use bans to moderate a board with 1000's of users where everyone is anonymous, anyone can create a troll account at anytime, and there is little consequence for bad behavior. I suppose you're holding down a day job at the same time, so that task seems even harder. Maybe it's time to up-level the standards + moderation game on tuscl?
It's hard to achieve good moderation. The people who want to moderate generally seem to be the worst ones to do it.
One simple question about any proposed moderation: What problems does it solve that are not solved by the ignore button? I think this thread was originally about fast-breeding sock puppets (it does get tiresome to ignore all the new ones). I assume we see that cause founder wants to minimize client IP logging and requiring a verified e-mail, both of which have significant downsides.
@ilb: I agree that good moderation is difficult, but I don't think it's impossible. It's also not a 100% immediate fix, it's more of a slow influence and tone setter over time. You're right that someone who volunteers to moderate is almost certainly the wrong person! A better approach is to have Founder set the tone of moderation by asking for help from members whose behavior already exemplifies the tone he is seeking.
@Rick I agree with regard to ignore. The ignore button could solve the problem, but obviously isn't.
I have a modest proposal that we merge VIP and Verified Members. As is, those two forums don't have a lot of activity on their own, but could weed out most of the riff-raff.
The real problem is when shitlords like Cacaplop can create new usernames as quickly as Founder can delete them.
rickdugan, no Ignore does not stop trolling. Those who want to troll are still going to do it. But it does mean that you don't have to read it. And I think even more, it stops them from sending you PMS.
drewcareypnw, Most message boards are more closely moderated than this one is. But that takes time and energy, and most of the time, moderators just side with the herd. I think we should respect Founder for not doing this. So this board is more open and more interesting than most other places on the net.
Well it's clear that Founder was talking about this Cacaplop dumbfuck when he said stop being assholes. Because we've had multi account using folks here for a LONG time and Founder never cared to make a post about it. But like Tetradon said, Founder can't delete this Cacaplop's profiles fast enough before he just makes another one and resumes posting. ^^^^Case in point.
It's like a less malicious version of Trucidos. Just a reminder that we have some truly fucked up people out here and that ain't ever gonna change.
@drew, see above. Cacaplop is a prolific strip club board troll who wrecked the StripClubList Club Desire board. See the link above. He has an obsession with human feces and probably a sexual fetish for it too.
Skibumsuxbawls is his latest username here, after being blocked as sera, cedrick, Lesco Brandon, SlaveBoy and others. Founder has blocked him at least twice today but he keeps coming back, as he has no life.
We're a fractious bunch here, but we all agree he's a little shit who detracts from TUSCL.
You guys are new here, so FWIW, I will tell you, "Skibumsuxbawls" is the latest in a series of Kamikaze Trolls created by Dougster.
Dougster was a member who got booted a few years back, for intense trolling.
He is one of the most intelligent people we have ever had. But he fully earned what he got.
I am hoping that he will mend his ways and be allowed back. But so far no.
I find Dougster hilarious, but that might be influenced by the fact that he is not going after me.
I parodied him shortly after I joined, him going after Rick Dugan. This parody has developed over time and he is still following along the basic script that I gave him, someone committed to an apocalypse and dividing humanity into masters and slaves, and serving the interests of the Nazi Party and ETs. He used to object to being portrayed as a fascist, but now he seems to be comfortable with it.
I like him, but i also know that as he trolls it encourages other people to troll. And our newer members don't recognize him or know the history of it.
I don't know who this Cacaplot is, but it is unlikely that Dougster is Cacaplot, and he is not Lesco Brandon. SlaveBoss was his Kamikaze from yesterday.
@SJG and Tetradon... thanks for the info. When attempting to have a substantive discussion about the options for improving the tone of tuscl (per founders "Stop Being Assholes" request), I'll just ignore Skibumsuxbawls.
Sorry Dougster/Skibumsuxbawls/Cacaplot/whoever you are
@SJG, Dougster was before my time. I saw elsewhere you think he has an IQ of 160. On a good day, I think Cacaplop comes in at half that. Obviously, he has nothing better to do with his day, so I doubt he's trading bonds or removing brain tumors. My guess is he works at a gas station.
He's not particularly creative or entertaining, just spouts off the dumbest cliche insults and a good bit of racism and anti-Semitism on top of it.
I know we have our differences, but all of us need to treat Cacaplop with the appropriate hostility.
You can see his shit here. He has a lot of conversations with himself, occasionally referencing Ishmael or ThatXGuy, as if they have nothing better to do than fuck with him on two SC message boards.
"So, how can it be determined if any two accounts actually belong to the same person?"
^^^ @ilbb it's not for sure but you can tell sometimes by writing style. Some people will spell out slang words the exact same way. Also they way they phrase things is the same. Again it's not for sure they are the same people.
Also I won't say who they are but I've seen some people literally forget what account they are using and their troll alias posts something completely out of character.
To me it's all weak sauce trolling. As founder stated, it's too easy to do. If you wanna be a troll, at least own it from your normal account!
Don't concern yourself with your intellectual superiors' lives. Anyone can claim to be anything on here, yet I disclose little of my personal life because there's nothing to gain from it. I make enough to strip club as much as I want to.
Read this: https://tuscl.net/top40.php?id… If you're so concerned it's a made up title, why do you need to throw shade at it? Make up your little mind. If you submitted a review you might understand that you can't choose your reviewers.
^ I disagree tetra for him to wait hoping his IQ will rise to 80 makes no sense he should take the 11 cents he’s been offered if it’s still available cause he’s never going to get any smarter
LOL, I said I don't divulge because anyone can lie here, dumbass. Read more closely.
Obviously you have never heard of internet access through this thing called a "smartphone" that most of us carry in our pockets. Take enough extra shifts and someday you can afford one. It's the American Dream! LOL.
I pointed out my top reviewer status. You say it's a fake title and I clearly demonstrate otherwise. You think I go and spam the board saying "hey everyone, please approve my reviews!" No, they stand on their own merits. I can troll and still be less obnoxious than you!
Meanwhile you get deleted every few hours. You add nothing here. You're a walking argument for post-birth abortion.
"what kind of a nutjob uses someone's income level as an insult?" I didn't insult your income level, I insulted your miserable low-end job and life. Clearly the American education system has failed you on multiple levels. I have also insulted your intelligence, temperament, unoriginality, and delusions about how this website works. All of them fit you, since you have no redeeming value. If you brought something here, you wouldn't get deleted every few hours. No one has expressed any affection for you; you manage to get deleted on one of the least-moderated sites out there. You are truly a load that should have been swallowed.
^ All I need to know about you is you act like a troll, pal around with trolls, and contribute nothing of value. If you get frustrated that no one here sees your value to the universe, get lost. You won't be missed.
My gang is called "people who actually contribute to the site."
@founder dumbassscrub is setting the example for why I'm saying you should just flat out delete the accounts of all (or part...your call) members with ignores. It would certainly clear out a lot of disruptive posts by assholes.
what we should do is call out all the GUYS that are on the NICESPICE FOLLOW train - and call them out for liking/following a fucking tranny from portland!!!"
^^^ So says unverified dumbassscrub, TUSCL's #1 most ignored, the only member with > 100 ignores. 🤭🤡
@SirLap...I like you. You've always seemed to be a pretty genuine guy and anyone who's a fan of nicespice is all right in my book. So, I cannot for the life of me figure out why you waste so much energy on one of the most disruptive members here. I just put him on ignore and all I see are way too many disruptive posts by you... I think you're better than this and I don't want to have to ignore you too! What do you have against ignoring him? He wants attention and you keep giving it to him...🤷🏼♀️🤔
@Endless I've always liked you too! And thanks for the kind words. You're a role model for online forum decorum.
And with trolls on TUSCL I take a different approach. It's a game with me. I'm just toying with them. It's what they get for trolling me. Instead of ignoring them, I'll overfeed them and troll them back. Sometimes I'll eventually get bored, but at this point I'm just allowing dumbassscrub to show the entire board why he's who he is. The #1 most ignored.
Again it's my own entertainment, but honestly I'd much rather exchange laughs with members like you and of course nicespice.
So if you must ignore me, I completely understand. But note that I ignore the fact that I'm ignored, so there will be times that I'll respond to you if you make a post that I want to talk about.
Also on the topic of ignores in general, I just don't do it. At least not in the sense of using a software button. If I don't like a post, I ignore it in real life and never found the need to have a button.
Desertscrub the title of this thread is STOP BEING AN ASSHOLE
Do you ever read what you write? Better than 90% of what you post is negativity followed by as many personal insults and vulgar name calling as you can come up with.
I'm certain if a pole were taken you would be voted # 1 asshole hands down.
Desert, despite what you think you possess no special abilities or insight of knowing who uses multiple accounts or if a reviewer is legit. Absolutely no one has appointed you in either one of those positions.
Try lightning up some. If this board is not at least fun for you why do you still post
Christ even Ebenezer Scrooge changed and so could you
^@Endless this is very reasonable advice presented in a tone that could only be taken as collegial and supportive. It's exactly the tone I would like to see in any of the online communities I participate in.
What I think is interesting about the idea of the tuscl ignore feature is that it not only could it indeed solve this problem, but that it is repeatedly cited as a solution for the problem. Which implies to me that it's not working.
By way of example: if people were cold, and we had to say "if you're cold, why don't you turn on the heat" over and over again, you might start to wonder why folks don't turn on the heat and is there something keeping them from turning it on. It's easy to do, and would solve the problem, but they don't do it, and thus it doesn't solve the problem. In the end, a good solution that isn't used doesn't end up being useful, in spite of it's potential.
This thread is a good example of the tuscl ignore feature not solving the problem. I wish I had a better suggestion than "let's do moderation" bc folks don't seem to be too interested in it, which is fair enough.
^SirLap while I try to look at solutions as long term, gradual journeys from bad to mostly better (pareto principle etc.), I must agree with you. Though I just can't wrap my head around the joy of Trolling. I don't like gambling or football either, so maybe I'm just weird.
@san_jose_creep you need to keep reading more into my posts than what I stated. I never implied anything in what you just said. You can't even quote where I implied that.
It's ironic too, actually a bit rich, because you just tried to control what I just posted yourself. Seems like it didn't sit well with you. 😂😂😂
Post-by-post, this thread is by accumulation the best example that the discussion forums need a little more moderation, and the users need more control over their user experience here.
@san_jose_creep it starts with you controlling your own behavior and recognizing when others are highlighting that it's out of line.
This is where your ignorance is. You fail to recognize that you're one of the assholes. Instead you criticize others for calling you out for being an asshole.
@san_jose_creep it starts with you controlling your own behavior and recognizing when others are highlighting that it's out of line.
This is where your ignorance is. You fail to recognize that you're one of the assholes. Instead you criticize others for calling you out for being an asshole, or you make an excuse for yourself.
^^^ This is where your ignorance is. You fail to recognize that you're one of the assholes. Instead you criticize others for calling you out for being an asshole, or you make an excuse for yourself.
"Seem some ppl forgot it's about strippers, clubs and T&A"
^^^ Amen @elmer. First you have the board's most prolific poster using it as a personal diary for his PTSD, posting ad nauseam about anything BUT an actual strip club experience. 6 days a week, year after year, he posts during San Jose public library hours and clogs the board with OT threads. Then you have nut jobs running around here posting about troll accounts. Then there are political posts that spill over into the front room. Also there's always a flame war somewhere. Furthermore there are the asshole spammers that founder created this thread about. Only after all these types of posts do you get actual strip club type content.
Sure, I have my personal fun with all this garbage, but you're absolutely right that the boards have very little contribution towards founder's own words...
"This site is here PRIMARILY to help guys find strip clubs and help strippers find a place to work."
...if someone outside of all this were to lurk the boards on any give day (especially during the hours that the San Jose public library is open) towards this purpose, it would be of little value.
But it's founder's sandbox and maybe he likes it that way. 🤷. I'm good with it too, but just saying.
This does not happen often, I am in 100% agreement with gammanu95
"Moderators would kill this board. Members need to use common sense and the ignore button."
SirLapDance we are all ordinary people living full lives. Strip club interactions are a small part of that. And not everyone responds to beautiful young women by seeking LDKs.
If we post freely, our posts will cover all sorts of territory, and there will be much disparity of views.
People are sending abusive messages using their own account, alias not needed. They are posting hate speech using their own account. Because own account itself a fake one. This site is full of fakes unless verified. Why can’t you do this? Member using their credit card just pay onetime 10$ to get verified member. Then only can read and post in discussions, This should not be part of vip membership. no more free stuff and also they know that founder has everyone’s identity, so do not mess up here.
@Vicfl, Cacaplop was a not-very-imaginative troll who came back despite being banned several times. One of his accounts made unimaginative poop jokes. Think the kind that are cool among third graders. The other one just insulted everyone, while playing Stolen Valor (claimed to be a disabled Marine from Vietnam) and being the most annoying sort of MAGA conservative.
He's gone now, but left a bad enough taste in everyone's mouth that even Icee hates him.
No accusations it’s basically fact. I didnt say you changed your name, you just made another account to discuss topics you dont want to post from the main. You also sent me all kinds of stuff in indian from vicfl Your other alt is deepblueskvip or something
last commentIs there a way to get these accounts deleted faster or called to your attention faster so that you can delete them? It's not the perfect solution, but it's better than letting them build up a troll persona over a couple of hundred posts before they get deleted.
And you can't just click "ignore" because then half the discussions he's in don't make sense.
But, if we're being fair...
I'm not sure where you're coming from founder, I like the site, but sometimes I wonder if you are interested in making a profit. Reason I make that statement, I ran a business for many years and I was careful not to allow things to get out of hand, maybe my age is showing, but back in the day the flame wars were not this severe nor were they as vitriolic.
Kudos to Founder for bringing back the tag lines. I always likes that, they are really funny.
I don't think people should be mean or vindictive. That really does destroy the forum. And trying to attack people's privacy just makes it unworkable.
And Founder is very easy going. We don't want to force this to be like Stripper Web.
As far as Off Topic threads, from my point of view there does not have to be a huge number of such threads. The threads can be used for a long time, and people will know what they are about. And then their is thread ignore if someone really does not want to see it. People should self moderate in the creation new threads just to draw attention by getting a new discussions listing.
And then national politics, are still just as contentious as they were during Trump's Presidency, and COVID has brought us to the hairy edge of a police state. It still is not over, and there still has not been accountability for this, and the truth has still not been surfaced.
Founder has given us separate forums, including one for Politics. If you wish, you can just browse in the Front Room Forum, and that stuff will not be there.
This is just how I am seeing it, I am willing to listen to other views.
After 3 months, the topic of discussion has changed to the point that it merits a new thread.
BUT in certain cases where it's repeated nonsense strictly to degrade the quality the board over a long period of time along with tons of spamming, for sometimes even years from dedicated assholes with no life (SJG) what can be done to stop that? There's nothing to stop them. I could hit ignore but then new users who might join the site just see typed diarrhea for miles and miles, they say fuck that and who could blame them? I understand Founder doesn't spend a ton of time on the board but maybe a jedi PL council of Papi, Shadow, Subra, Jackslash, Shailynn, 25 or something could make recommendations that founder could hear out.
I agree about the aliases - but I guess there isn't the technology to auto-detect and thus auto-delete their alias accounts?
Tetradon, you always have the thread ignore feature available to you.
Duke Ellington, "Take the A Train"
Dave Brubeck Quartet
10 Minutes Ago
you complete fucking subhuman dumbass youve got no idea whats going on where are your chains slave
@founder this is the third or fourth PM I have received in less than 2 months
this is what I mean by allowing things to get out of hand
9 Minutes Ago
you complete vile evil whore mooching 10k a month off that poor old man that's so disgusting how you hope he dies just so you can get more money off him how sad
^^ooh first, skibumsuxcox then skibumsuxcox2525 and now this.
I’m assuming those other accounts had the same message as this, never actually got to read whatever was said.
Somebody is on a rampage today 🤣
There's one person on this board that's using TUSCL as a personal library and he continues to bump his own threads and, barring others trolling them, he's the only one that's posting in them.
6 days a week.
Year after year.
3 Minutes Ago
not one bit of remorse, or apology from you eh slave?
was it because your whore mother didnt raise you any better?
you're stealing 10k a month from an old man with cancer bragging about it how pathetic
that's called elder abuse btw. you can't fool and steal money from someone just cause theyre dumb and old even if theyre pissworthy slaveworthy scum like your 'regular'
i would suck that elders cock if he wanted me to, and it suck it for free. youd never do that, too damn greedy.
Lmk if you don’t want me copy/pasting
6 Minutes Ago
yes you dumbfuck its called balicky balicky it means lick my damn balls you dirty little man how longs it been since you shaved that dirty little asscrack and ballsack of yours ya dirty old man get a fuckin shaver slave whats wrong your owners dont get you a damn shaver nasty man
@founder here's another just a few minutes ago
All the new neonazi profilea...boobza et al
25 being a lonely drunk wanting attention
Sld having autistic episodes reposting the same trash ad nauseum
Tetradon et al turning every thread into q anon bs
Muddy hiding his misogyny and anti social tendencies behind poor attempts at humor
Paranoid dumbfucks talking about low balling hookers
Rick's posts are sick but he's more honest than most on here
@founder how about deleting some of the most ignored accounts here?
I don't mind if I'm included!
Yup, along with which off topic asshole trolls you were referring to. There's a plethora around here. 😂
And no one is barring anyone from posting to their threads. There is no way of doing that, and no one wants it.
Old threads are how we can have topical depth and breadth, and not be creating too many new threads. Too many new threads makes it harder to find things, and impossible to have continuing repositories.
If you want some threads about other subjects, just start them; and maybe you can think of things which can be kept going for a long time.
TUSCL has worked well because it is very open and because their is topical depth and breadth. It gets a huge amount of traffic. SLD, not everyone who likes strip clubs is actually a PL Circle Jerker like you. And you are the one who seems to want to control who can post and what they can post about.
SLD, I really suggest to you PaulDrake's forum. He does enforce topical narrowness, and to do this I believe he has to approve every single post. Or maybe you would just like Stripper Web better.
We have a banished former member. He fully earned what he got, and many times over.
I had been hoping that he would have by now mended his ways. I don't think in his F2F life that he is a bad guy.
But I now learn in PM's what happened over the weekend with a couple of his handles, and so no, he has not mended his ways, not at all.
That Moment Ariana Grande Danced Like This
John Coltrane
@founder if you delete the top 10 most ignored accounts, this would help a lot!
This forum has done well because it is not like this. There is a wide diversity of view points on most issues.
It is only important that people are able to keep it civil.
Because of this diversity, this forum attracts a huge amount of traffic and is very high ranked by the search engines. For many people it is their go to site. It was like this form me for many years before I ever registered.
Ignore is simply a way of protecting yourself from people you don't want to hear from. It was never intended as a dis-approval rating or a popularity contest.
SLD, I am sure that you would like PaulDrake's Forum and Stripper Web better.
Right now all you seem to want is the chemical high you get from alcohol, marijuana, and the endorphin rush of LDKing.
If you want to make a constructive contribution to this forum, then think of some kind of an open ended continuable topic and post it.
Maybe I'll have to try Stripper Web.
The only reasons both of you trolls have issue with me is because I troll those that troll me. So of course you feel that way.
But you can only speak for yourselves, and you can't deny there are a lot of folks that don't want to read your posts, as evidenced by the # of ignores you have.
In the mean time, this site draws lots of curious types. And generally strip club customers do fit with that description.
And though many disagree with you and think that you are conducting yourself in a manner which would be destructive to any forum, this does not mean they are trolling you or trying to run you off.
That Moment Ariana Grande Danced Like This
You've conducted yourself the same way that you're accusing me of right now.
You just can't see it or admit it.
I do not try to beat up on people and run the off of the board. Unless I think I can say something constructive on a thread, I do not post.
Okay, maybe a long time ago I did a bit with Dougster. But I knew that he could take it, and he was beating up on some other people. Some of what he did I found to be excessive, and some of it quite cruel. I posted very off topic stuff to try and intercede. And I did parody him a couple of times, parody the ways in which he was making fun of other people.
I posted a thread, "The System, How To Pay Hookers For Sex". It really was not about hookers or about paying them, it was about making fun of Dougster as he was making fun of Dugan. And it was about what underlied Dougsters views.
He seemed to like it. But other than that all I did was offer a counter view when he was posting his financial speculation advice. Some people were getting down on their knees and sucking his cock. I on the other hand presented an alternate view.
Maybe in the beginning with Mr. LDK82, I was excessive. But I have since backed way off. He said that he wants to keep it respectful. And I do value his posts and his membership.
Otherwise I am not hard on anyone. And I do not try to get beyond what people have posted. I am respectful of the four corners of their posts. I do not try to attack their f2f lives.
As I see it, the two most controversial things ever talked about on this board or LDKing and DFKing. These tend to divide the people, and I have always been a partisan of the second.
With most facets of life, I do not take things at face value. I don't come to life from the vantage point of being a consumer of recreational services. And I don't use chemicals, sex, or women, as addictive mood alterants.
I say that LDKing is just spending your hard earned money to increase your sexual frustration. I also say that guys should not cheat on SOs. At a minimum I would say that such cheating is not a solution to their real problem. What they need is either a Marriage Councilor or a Divorce Lawyer.
I say that if you want to engage with the girl, you select the one you want to be waking up in the mornings with, and then you demonstrate generosity. Show that you respect her and understand that she needs to pay her bills. And then you also get her DFKing at the earliest juncture. And then you claim her by getting your cock into her. Probably it will work out. It certainly did for Countryman.
Some people they seem to take the way things are offered in strip clubs at face value. I have been involved in this for a long time and seen lots of changes. I look at it from a broader perspective.
I say this, but I am not trying to troll you are to run you off.
So what I like is constructive conversation. And keeping threads open contributes to that. Ignore gives people a way to block what they do not want, but it is not intended as a dis-approval ranking.
It's not perfect but in my experience it does reflect this. It's an indication of the board's biggest assholes.
And now @san_jose_creep you just changed your behavior because founder called it out.
Go reread a few posts earlier where you were accusing me of being a circle jerker and making all kinds of accusations about me.
SLD, you are being somewhat more reasonable in your posts, so I have also backed way down and have shown a greater willingness to talk to you on the level.
You have no idea. For what it's worth, that guy has been trolling/spamming the stripclublist[dot]com boards in PA and RI (and perhaps others) continuously for well over 5 years. And, when I say 'continuously,' I mean all day long every single day, including weekends and holidays. His bizarre life's mission is effectively shutting down strip club discussion forums. I'm pretty sure that he moved over here because he has made those other boards completely non-functional.
Honestly, his relentlessness would be admirable if applied to something constructive...
So, it's very likely that he'll pop up again sooner rather than later with a new profile and a new "strategy" to sabotage the discussions here, because that really is apparently all he's got going on.
Yes, it means exactly that. It means that people think the ignored detracts from the TUSCL experience.
Looking at the top 10, we have trolls, people who attack others unprovoked, people who post irrelevant shit all over the board, and joke usernames.
"[ignore] is used when someone does not want to see the posts from a member. It does not necessarily mean that that member is annoying, disruptive, or not constructive. It does not mean that that member is an asshole."
this is 100% correct.
And thank you again founder for making such a wonderful forum. I know that the software revisions and the administration take a great deal of work.
Let me fix that for you ======>
It does not necessarily mean that member isn't annoying, disruptive, or constructive either, and it doesn't mean that member isn't an asshole
@san_jose_creep and @founder
I completely understand the internet of the ignore, but I said it was my opinion and I disagree.
If you look at the TUSCL members that are the most ignored, they roughly indicate the board's biggest trolls and thus the biggest assholes.
Again, IMHO only.
"SLD, you are being somewhat more reasonable in your posts, so I have also backed way down and have shown a greater willingness to talk to you on the level."
@san_jose_creep only time will tell here. In my observation you only changed your behavior because founder called it out.
You've done this before where you show elements of not being a troll, but in my experience you are quick to go back to being one.
Again, IMHO only. I hope you're being sincere here but time will tell and you don't have a good track record.
Yeah ... I'm not sure that's 100% true. If a few people ignore a user, that does not necessarily mean that the member is annoying, disruptive, or not constructive. But, if a user starts accumulating *a lot* of ignored, then I think it's a pretty strong indicator that the person is question is, in fact, being some version of annoying, disruptive, or not constructive.
For example, there's SnazzyNazz:
Who has racked up 79 ignores even though he has posted nothing. No reviews. No comments. No discussions. No article. But, via other threads, it appears that he has racked up all those ignores because he messages a dancer constantly, annoyingly, and creepily. I'm pretty sure those dancers aren't ignoring him because they don't like his profile name. They think he's an asshole.
And then there's desertscrub, who has accumulated 115 ignored. And I'm pretty sure that's not the result of a nationwide smear campaign by the Federated Strip Club Ad Writers of America. That's probably because 115 people are tired of him being a dick.
So, if your behavior racks up a lot of ignores, then that should have consequences which discourage that user (and others) from engaging in dickish behavior.
@founder I'm telling you, if you really want to stop asshole behavior on the boards, then a complete delete of folks on the most ignored list will help your cause much more than this thread.
And I don't care if you delete my account in the process. I know I've been an asshole to anyone that's been a troll to me. It's why both icee and san_jose_creep just bitched about me in this thread. They are/were trolls to me and the board in general, hence I relentlessly trolled them back.
Furthermore, by not doing much moderation of the boards yourself, it seems that you were fine with asshole behavior and trolling. It's all part of hosting an unmoderated forum. And it's honestly why I like this site.
So, these threads are great and all, but I don't see them changing things. Over time, with the board being unmoderated, the trolling back and forth will come back until you create another cease and desist request. Lather. Rinse. Repeat.
I lurked the boards for around a year before I started posting here and I'll say the trolling hasn't changed much from my observations. There's just newer trolls and some older ones move on. And again it's ultimately because you don't really moderate anything here.
So again, I say start taking more control here and take bigger measures to stop the assholes. And deleting accounts of the most ignored members is going to help. Even if they just come back and create new accounts, some will come back with better behavior. They'll get the message and start behaving better.
IMHO only.
This would limit the board spammers significantly.
^^^ @san_jose_creep I sincerely hope that you take this post by founder to heart.
What it means is that you should PRIMARILY post and create threads with this intent in mind. Ask yourself...
When was the last time that you posted to recommend a strip club to another remember? Can you name the club or the member?
From what I see in your posts are numerous OT topics. And furthermore you often are the only one making posts in your own thread. There's no dialogue you are having with another member. No constructive discussion. It's just you rambling in the thread to yourself.
6 days a week.
Year after year.
Based on how things are going here - I think the answer is still a maybe?
We are not all going to agree at any point on this board, but it does not make you an asshole to have voted for Joe Biden and refusing to accept that this nation would have been better off under a second Trump term. It does not make me an asshole to have voted for Trump a second time, failing to understand how damaging his antics were for this nation. Those divisions unite us. It does make you an asshole for failing to use rational, critical thoughts for your disagreement.
Honestly, if we didn't have all of the trolls with their provocative spoof names, old thread bumping, thread hijacking, etc., I believe the energy on this board would be different and regular users would have fewer arguments.
Lastly, anyone who hijacks a thread for a childish back and forth, tit-for-tat, gotcha last flame war is also being an asshole. Seriously, grow the fuck up.
It’s going to be difficult to stop my SJGsAMPGirlfriend account - but I will have to TOFTT!
Sorry Founder! I’ve been a bad boy!
I believe the correct term is 'flavors'.
It really doesn't matter who wins, and in the end you're both still retarded.
...in general, these guidelines focus around two strategies:
1. establish guidelines, hold users accountable to the guidelines
2. delegate moderation to a subset of users, moderate consistently
I was thinking about this group and some of the other online groups I'm involved with, and the problems around constant bickering, off topic posts, trolling, etc. are common to every group I've been on: music genre groups, old seattle picture groups, guitar groups, local music groups, musical equipment buy/sell groups, bbq groups, etc. as well as TUSCL. The difference is that in many of those groups over time have established guidelines + moderators and the turmoil slowly reduces as time goes on.
This community is one of the oldest ones on the web... 1993, if I am correct? It has some features of the early internet, in particular I notice that the design relies on goodwill and responsible community members holding themselves to high standards. As the internet has grown, we can observe that this somewhat utopian approach (while generous) has seen online communities devolve into bickering, trolling, fake accounts, etc. Think of twitter, facebook, reddit, etc. All of those services have struggled with this, and today spend an increasing amount of time moderating that barely keeps ahead of the bad behavior.
Founder, it seems like a lot to ask of one person to use bans to moderate a board with 1000's of users where everyone is anonymous, anyone can create a troll account at anytime, and there is little consequence for bad behavior. I suppose you're holding down a day job at the same time, so that task seems even harder. Maybe it's time to up-level the standards + moderation game on tuscl?
Just a thought...
One simple question about any proposed moderation: What problems does it solve that are not solved by the ignore button? I think this thread was originally about fast-breeding sock puppets (it does get tiresome to ignore all the new ones). I assume we see that cause founder wants to minimize client IP logging and requiring a verified e-mail, both of which have significant downsides.
@Rick I agree with regard to ignore. The ignore button could solve the problem, but obviously isn't.
The real problem is when shitlords like Cacaplop can create new usernames as quickly as Founder can delete them.
This is what Cacaplop-infested threads look like: https://www.stripclublist.com/…
drewcareypnw, Most message boards are more closely moderated than this one is. But that takes time and energy, and most of the time, moderators just side with the herd. I think we should respect Founder for not doing this. So this board is more open and more interesting than most other places on the net.
It's like a less malicious version of Trucidos. Just a reminder that we have some truly fucked up people out here and that ain't ever gonna change.
Skibumsuxbawls is his latest username here, after being blocked as sera, cedrick, Lesco Brandon, SlaveBoy and others. Founder has blocked him at least twice today but he keeps coming back, as he has no life.
We're a fractious bunch here, but we all agree he's a little shit who detracts from TUSCL.
Dougster was a member who got booted a few years back, for intense trolling.
He is one of the most intelligent people we have ever had. But he fully earned what he got.
I am hoping that he will mend his ways and be allowed back. But so far no.
I find Dougster hilarious, but that might be influenced by the fact that he is not going after me.
I parodied him shortly after I joined, him going after Rick Dugan. This parody has developed over time and he is still following along the basic script that I gave him, someone committed to an apocalypse and dividing humanity into masters and slaves, and serving the interests of the Nazi Party and ETs. He used to object to being portrayed as a fascist, but now he seems to be comfortable with it.
I like him, but i also know that as he trolls it encourages other people to troll. And our newer members don't recognize him or know the history of it.
I don't know who this Cacaplot is, but it is unlikely that Dougster is Cacaplot, and he is not Lesco Brandon. SlaveBoss was his Kamikaze from yesterday.
Sorry Dougster/Skibumsuxbawls/Cacaplot/whoever you are
Dougster has lot of handles, but most of them are not considered expendable.
He's not particularly creative or entertaining, just spouts off the dumbest cliche insults and a good bit of racism and anti-Semitism on top of it.
I know we have our differences, but all of us need to treat Cacaplop with the appropriate hostility.
You can see his shit here. He has a lot of conversations with himself, occasionally referencing Ishmael or ThatXGuy, as if they have nothing better to do than fuck with him on two SC message boards.
Dude obviously needs some pussy.
^^^ @ilbb it's not for sure but you can tell sometimes by writing style. Some people will spell out slang words the exact same way. Also they way they phrase things is the same. Again it's not for sure they are the same people.
Also I won't say who they are but I've seen some people literally forget what account they are using and their troll alias posts something completely out of character.
To me it's all weak sauce trolling. As founder stated, it's too easy to do. If you wanna be a troll, at least own it from your normal account!
I thought I could impress girls with my HTML coding skills
We don't agree on much here, but we all agree that you're a piece of shit.
He just doesn't think you're Cacaplop, Cacaplop.
I'm still a top reviewer and you can't keep a username longer than a few hours.
You clearly can't scroll down on the other website, either.
You've brought nothing but annoyance here, and you're not even good at that.
Read this: https://tuscl.net/top40.php?id…
If you're so concerned it's a made up title, why do you need to throw shade at it? Make up your little mind.
If you submitted a review you might understand that you can't choose your reviewers.
When your IQ reaches 80, sell.
Obviously you have never heard of internet access through this thing called a "smartphone" that most of us carry in our pockets. Take enough extra shifts and someday you can afford one. It's the American Dream! LOL.
I pointed out my top reviewer status. You say it's a fake title and I clearly demonstrate otherwise. You think I go and spam the board saying "hey everyone, please approve my reviews!" No, they stand on their own merits. I can troll and still be less obnoxious than you!
Meanwhile you get deleted every few hours. You add nothing here. You're a walking argument for post-birth abortion.
I didn't insult your income level, I insulted your miserable low-end job and life. Clearly the American education system has failed you on multiple levels.
I have also insulted your intelligence, temperament, unoriginality, and delusions about how this website works. All of them fit you, since you have no redeeming value. If you brought something here, you wouldn't get deleted every few hours.
No one has expressed any affection for you; you manage to get deleted on one of the least-moderated sites out there.
You are truly a load that should have been swallowed.
You’re really bothered somebody couldn’t remember a handle like kakarot, but really for you it would have been more appropriate if you were Oolong.
This should be your avatar. 😃
You have been engaging and pretty sure you will keep engaging 😬
My gang is called "people who actually contribute to the site."
I don't judge, suck all the cock you want. You're on the wrong board for that, though.
Just saying...🤷
what we should do is call out all the GUYS that are on the NICESPICE FOLLOW train - and call them out for liking/following a fucking tranny from portland!!!"
^^^ So says unverified dumbassscrub, TUSCL's #1 most ignored, the only member with > 100 ignores. 🤭🤡
I think you're better than this and I don't want to have to ignore you too! What do you have against ignoring him? He wants attention and you keep giving it to him...🤷🏼♀️🤔
And with trolls on TUSCL I take a different approach. It's a game with me. I'm just toying with them. It's what they get for trolling me. Instead of ignoring them, I'll overfeed them and troll them back. Sometimes I'll eventually get bored, but at this point I'm just allowing dumbassscrub to show the entire board why he's who he is. The #1 most ignored.
Again it's my own entertainment, but honestly I'd much rather exchange laughs with members like you and of course nicespice.
So if you must ignore me, I completely understand. But note that I ignore the fact that I'm ignored, so there will be times that I'll respond to you if you make a post that I want to talk about.
Also on the topic of ignores in general, I just don't do it. At least not in the sense of using a software button. If I don't like a post, I ignore it in real life and never found the need to have a button.
I know I'm odd this way, but I can't help it. 🤷
Do you ever read what you write? Better than 90% of what you post is negativity followed by as many personal insults and vulgar name calling as you can come up with.
I'm certain if a pole were taken you would be voted # 1 asshole hands down.
Desert, despite what you think you possess no special abilities or insight of knowing who uses multiple accounts or if a reviewer is legit.
Absolutely no one has appointed you in either one of those positions.
Try lightning up some. If this board is not at least fun for you why do you still post
Christ even Ebenezer Scrooge changed and so could you
What I think is interesting about the idea of the tuscl ignore feature is that it not only could it indeed solve this problem, but that it is repeatedly cited as a solution for the problem. Which implies to me that it's not working.
By way of example: if people were cold, and we had to say "if you're cold, why don't you turn on the heat" over and over again, you might start to wonder why folks don't turn on the heat and is there something keeping them from turning it on. It's easy to do, and would solve the problem, but they don't do it, and thus it doesn't solve the problem. In the end, a good solution that isn't used doesn't end up being useful, in spite of it's potential.
This thread is a good example of the tuscl ignore feature not solving the problem. I wish I had a better suggestion than "let's do moderation" bc folks don't seem to be too interested in it, which is fair enough.
@axe77 that poll has been taken. It's the Top 40 most ignored list. dumbassscrub is far and away the most ignored. Not surprisingly. 🤭🤡
But SirLap, you need to get over the notion that people should only be allowed to post that which sits well with you.
It's ironic too, actually a bit rich, because you just tried to control what I just posted yourself. Seems like it didn't sit well with you. 😂😂😂
The power of your keyboard just went down a notch.
I am sorry your life is so full of pain.
IF you want you can follow PaulDrake and make your own forum:
And quit trying to control where and when I want to post, hypocrite! 🤭😂🤣
We will get you this because you need it.
^^^ @san_jose_creep while we are at it telling everyone what they need, we need to get you a real stripper interaction. Because you need it.
Also can you recommend a club in the Bay Area for me to go visit? A club that you've actually been to in the last year?
And SLD, you do need to learn that it does not matter whether or not you approve of other members, or of what they post.
Casino Royale '67
We are all waiting with baited breath.
That way you don't have to keep trolling other members.
That way you don't have to keep trolling other members.
After all it was a great big world
@san_jose_creep it starts with you controlling your own behavior and recognizing when others are highlighting that it's out of line.
This is where your ignorance is. You fail to recognize that you're one of the assholes. Instead you criticize others for calling you out for being an asshole.
That way you don't have to keep trolling other members.
This is where your ignorance is. You fail to recognize that you're one of the assholes. Instead you criticize others for calling you out for being an asshole, or you make an excuse for yourself.
Chill out, post your own stuff and leave other people and their posts alone.
Seem some ppl forgot it's about strippers, clubs and T&A
^^^ Amen @elmer. First you have the board's most prolific poster using it as a personal diary for his PTSD, posting ad nauseam about anything BUT an actual strip club experience. 6 days a week, year after year, he posts during San Jose public library hours and clogs the board with OT threads. Then you have nut jobs running around here posting about troll accounts. Then there are political posts that spill over into the front room. Also there's always a flame war somewhere. Furthermore there are the asshole spammers that founder created this thread about. Only after all these types of posts do you get actual strip club type content.
Sure, I have my personal fun with all this garbage, but you're absolutely right that the boards have very little contribution towards founder's own words...
"This site is here PRIMARILY to help guys find strip clubs and help strippers find a place to work."
...if someone outside of all this were to lurk the boards on any give day (especially during the hours that the San Jose public library is open) towards this purpose, it would be of little value.
But it's founder's sandbox and maybe he likes it that way. 🤷. I'm good with it too, but just saying.
"Moderators would kill this board. Members need to use common sense and the ignore button."
SirLapDance we are all ordinary people living full lives. Strip club interactions are a small part of that. And not everyone responds to beautiful young women by seeking LDKs.
If we post freely, our posts will cover all sorts of territory, and there will be much disparity of views.
Block all the members who posted responses to this thread for 90 days and watch the improvement in quality reviews and discussions.
Aka: Drain The Swamp
One of his accounts made unimaginative poop jokes. Think the kind that are cool among third graders.
The other one just insulted everyone, while playing Stolen Valor (claimed to be a disabled Marine from Vietnam) and being the most annoying sort of MAGA conservative.
He's gone now, but left a bad enough taste in everyone's mouth that even Icee hates him.
Your other alt is deepblueskvip or something