
Ending '21, Clubs that didn't make it

Avatar for Muddy

To me if a strip club didn't re open yet by now it's probably not gonna happen I'm guessing. Taking stock around you were there any casualties in your neck of the woods?

I could think of a few around me, at least 7 or 8 still listed closed down be it for COVID or not. I held off during COVID about changing listings just in case but how long are we going to wait here? If I had to guess, if everybody updated the site of what went down, I'd bet money at least 10% of the strip clubs on this site are toast and that might even be conservative.


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Avatar for docsavage

No Indianapolis clubs closed as far as I'm aware. However, three were sold to new owners. I noticed something like that with local restaurants too. Whoever was unfortunate enough to own them when the Covid lockdowns came couldn't survive the loss of income. I've also noticed the five worst strip clubs In Indianapolis haven't had a review here since 2019 so that indicates business for them may have permanently dropped and that could lead to them closing in the near future.

Avatar for mark94

Similar with Phoenix. Ten clubs reviewed in last month. Ten more clubs reviewed in last 1-6 months. Seven clubs with no reviews in last 6 months. Relegated to a lesser league.

Avatar for deepthinker

The Spot Lite in West Allis, WI has closed for good.

Avatar for mike710

I have to do some more investigating on a club a mile or two away from me, Pure Platinum. I drove by after work one Friday and saw a sign that said doors open at 4pm. I pulled in and found the doors still locked at around 5pm.

Social media for the bar says it's still open but they are posting some self-reviews about how wonderful the new management is. It was closed since July 1st 2020.

Avatar for whodey

Louisville has lost a few clubs since Covid started. Body Shop Lounge and Fantasy Island both seem to be Covid casualties but neither is much of a loss in my opinion. Green Light Lounge was a decent dive bar that could be a lot of fun but it closed due to a shooting that claimed the life of the manager and the shooter. I have heard that it reopened under a nee name with new owners in the last month or two but I haven't been in Louisville since early October so I can't be sure. I haven't been down Dixie Highway in the past year but I doubt any of the clubs along that stretch because they have been on their last leg for a while.

The only club I know of that closed in the last 2 years in Lexington was Fox Club but I think it actually closed a month or two before the first Covid shutdowns last March.

Columbus Ohio lost a decent club called Kahoots and what I considered the best club in town Sirens. Although I have heard Sirens is supposed to reopen as Bucks but I have been hearing that for almost a year but it still hasn't reopened.

I thought Indianapolis had lost Babes, Harem House and Classy Chasis because they were all closed last time I was there but I guess those are the 3 clubs docsavage mentioned that changed owners.

I don't believe Dayton lost any clubs but that is mainly because they had lost so many in the few years leading up to Covid. In fact they gained a new club called Cheetah that opened where Pazzazz was until 2019. New York New York that was about halfway between Dayton and Cincinnati did close in 2020 and I don't believe it ever reopened.

I don't believe Cleveland or Akron lost any clubs and if they did they must not have been good enough for me to check on when I was in that area in November.

Avatar for IfIGottaBeDamned

In the last couple of years, Maryland lost Players Club and Adore/El Dorado, but gained Body Shop and a re-opened Nightshift. So MD might have broken even. Although I am worried about Tony’s. It had only been open Thursdays thur Sundays, but it’s been closed those days for the past couple of weeks. I don’t know if it is just a seasonal thing or something more permanent. No signs on the door. I stopped in a couple times in November and it seemed to be busy enough.

Avatar for docsavage

Whodey, Babes and Harem House and Classy Chassy here in Indianapolis were closed for a really long time. They were closed for so long I was starting to think they would never reopen. All three were owned by the same guy and he managed to find buyers for them eventually. Harem House is now Jaguars, Babes is now Jiggles and Classy Chassy is now Club Onyx. Rather than completely closing, a number of local clubs here seem to have just cut back on their hours. They open later, reducing their day shifts, or stay closed on slow nights like Sunday or Monday.

Avatar for JamesSD

I don't think San Diego lost any clubs but honestly we only have three that actually matter, and really only one decent club for dances.

Avatar for gSteph

One of Springfield, OR's 3 clubs folded some months ago. Wasn't the worst one.

Thank goodness, it wasn't the best one.

Now there's just 4 left in the Eugene/Springfield area.

Avatar for nicespice

Club X Denver

XTC San Antonio 😢 (though they fought the good fight with generators and water tanks)

Avatar for san_jose_guy

We have a lot of clubs in CA. But half of them still list as closed.


Now some of these are name changes, or places that closed before COVID and had their buildings demolished.

But of those open, drawing a line in the sand of say August 2021, many have not had any review since.

Some of these places don't draw many reviews. I would only consider places which do get regular TUSCL reviews.

Only about 25% of those listed have had a review since Aug 2021



Peter Frampton - Do You Feel Like We Do - Live 2016 (and still with Bob Mayo, no playing a NORD Keyboard, an impressive solo)


Avatar for rentenn

Dollies in Washington Park has closed in 2021.

Avatar for Dave_Anderson

Club Fantasy, the LA hostess club, appears to be gone for good. The sign is gone. That leaves just LA Grand and Starlight for non-Asian hostess clubs, both of which have their flaws. These aren't technically strip clubs though.

Avatar for Dave_Anderson

Bump. This seems like a fairy important thread to get buried.

Avatar for san_jose_guy

I certainly hope that none of the LA hostess dancing clubs are gone. There weren't but a few anyway.

Says it is closed, Feb 2020 last review. This would be a horrible loss.


We still can't tell from reviews which CA clubs are reopening.

Thank you for that info Dave.

We need to promote the Private Party / Membership Club model.


Avatar for misterorange

RIP: Bottoms Up, Irvington NJ. There are other NJ clubs that either closed for good, or re-opened so different that it's not even the same club anymore, but Bottoms Up was a true loss and the only one I really miss.

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