
Still waiting to return to clubs?

Avatar for TimJo

I'm likely in the minority on this, but I still haven't been back in a club since March of last year.

Have you returned to this world in full? Less than in past? Still waiting?

Pre-2020, I would visit local clubs maybe once every month or two. And when on business trips to other markets I'd find time.

Now, I'm just concerned at the thought of bringing COVID home to family. But I really look forward to a time when I feel better about the benefits vs risk.


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Avatar for rickdugan

Does your family not go out to other places, like restaurants and amusement facilities? Kids in school? Wife work? Are you not vaccinated? Honestly this doesn't really make much sense anymore, but to each his own.

Avatar for mike710

Everyone has to decide what risk tolerance they have and make the decision for themselves. I stopped last year from mid-March until May because everything was closed. Otherwise, I've been going to support the single moms.

In my case, I'm around Covid in my professional life so why would I let it stop my personal life. In that time, I've also probably been on at least 150 flight segments. I know that it's real from seeing sick patients. At the same time, I think there has been some media hype to scare everyone to stop their lives and comply with some of the shit that gets pulled out of the "experts" ass.

Avatar for whodey

I'm going less than before but it is only tangentially related to covid. The clubs near me here in the Cincinnati suck so I do 99% of my clubbing while out of town. Prior to covid 90% of my travel was work related and I got to club every 2-3 weeks. Now my employer has replaced more than half of the traveling I did with video conferencing. That means I am only traveling about ever 2 months for work. I have started taking a few weekend trips to get my fix in. I have even been desperate enough to hit up a local club a couple of times.

Avatar for SneakyClubster

I'm a young fully vaccinated + boosted guy, so the risk of COVID hasn't really scared me away. First went back to the club back in August of last year.

If you're high risk and/or unvaccinated, stay the hell home. You've got better things to do than risk it.

Get vaccinated if you want naked women grinding on you. Protect them and yourself.

Avatar for ilbbaicnl

Me personally, I don't think I should assume I can just do my clubbing at some future time. My health isn't great. The endorphin rush from sexual arousal declines with age, so at some point I probably won't be interested. Our current political situation has similarities to Germany in the early 30s. Elites fear loss of power. Utilizing the animalistically impulsive, violence prone segment of the population, and those who fear the loss of their relative privilege, these elites seek to impose some level of more overt authoritarian rule. So I may soon be in a camp, or summarily stripped to my income and assets. Guys like Trump would be fine with, to get evangelicals on board, criminalizing sex work to the degree it was in the 50s. Such rules don't apply to them anyway. They already have increased the legal sanctions on escorting and sugaring. But I would likely feel like you do, if I were living with family.

Avatar for Papi_Chulo

I restarted SCing in May 2021 after getting my 2nd vax - I'm 51 and don't have any serious pre-existing conditions nor am I significantly overweight so I don't consider myself in the high-risk category per se although higher-risk than a 20-something.

I think most people have decided to live with Covid vs stop-living with Covid; and it's starting to look like this may not be eradicated via vaccines but only lessen it's effects similar to the flu-vax - I'm not well informed on the new "Covid pill" and it's ability to stop/eradicate Covid.

Pre-Covid I had already significantly reduced my SCing (had gotten bored with it) - post-Vax I visited a decent # of local SCs mostly out of curiosity to see how they were after being away for 14-months; and also visited out-of-boredom to be out-of-the-house - but after a couple of months I started getting bored with it again and haven't clubbed much in the last 2-months.

Avatar for Tetradon

The limiting factor for me wasn't fear of getting COVID, but COVID-induced lame ass club rules.

When Desire was only half open, I asked one girl about dances, when she said "cabaret dances only" (i.e. no contact), I told her my cat might be lonely and left.

Been all systems go for the last 9 months.

Avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael

Based on numerous posts here, you are in the minority. I'm clubbing a bit less than pre-COVID, but that has more to do with my schedule than COVID concerns. I'm middle aged, but healthy and fully vaccinated/boostered. But, so what if you're in the minority? You should calibrate your tolerance for risk (including that of your family) however you see fit. We have no idea about at-risk individuals in your family or any other factors that make you less risk tolerant.

And if you can't tell from the posts above. This will probably become a thread that involves some degree of political grandstanding, partisan talking points, and quite possibly some degree of finger wagging over your choices.

You do you.

Avatar for TimJo

Thanks for the comments. And I definitely don't want to take this to a political place.

I'm fully vaxxed, including booster recently. I've only been on one business trip during the pandemic, so that's part of it.

And I am slowly getting to where you are, living with this in our society. Still, at this point, clubbing is just an additional variable I haven't introduced. I do miss it though!

Here's to everyone getting back into it when they are comfortable. Looking forward to my next lapdance haha.

Avatar for ilbbaicnl

Even when we'd rather stay out of politics' place, that doesn't mean politics will stay out of our place.

Avatar for rickdugan

Alrighty then. Wait 'til 2025 if that's what makes you comfortable I suppose. 😏

Avatar for Dolfan

I've been back at the clubs for a while now. I'm vaccinated and not in any high risk category. Most of the people I see regularly are in the same boat, although a few aren't vaccinated. If I do contract it I can easily self isolate without missing work, in the unlikely event I face serious complications I've got plenty of accrued vacation time and savings to weather the storm. For me, the risk low and the consequences manageable. I have been taking breaks for a couple weeks before attending family gatherings with more vulnerable folks, but I think I may go ahead and visit a club or two next week.

Do what you're comfortable with, but I ask that if you do go to the club don't be the jackass wearing multiple masks and gloves and shit. Either accept the risk and freely have a good time or acknowledge it's outside of your comfort zone and partake in other forms of entertainment. Don't half ass it.

Avatar for twentyfive

"Alrighty then. Wait 'til 2025 if that's what makes you comfortable I suppose. 😏"

Says the no judgement guy who created more threads about Covid than any other poster on the board

OP pay no attention, do what you're comfortable with, and again pay no nevermind to the guy with the insults on hot keys

Avatar for Chili Palmer
Chili Palmer

Never stopped going during the pandemic. Also went out to dinner at least once a week, went shopping regularly, and golfed every Saturday. If I wanted to live life scared and in a cave, I'd move to Afghanistan.

Avatar for gammanu95

Even Osama got sick of the Afghan caves and found himself a nice three story villa in suburban Pakistan.

Avatar for georgmicrodong

I went back as soon as the clubs re-opened. Some of them had mask mandates (well, actually, the governor had a mask mandate, which carried some stiff penalties, including but not limited to fines and shutting down), but I still went. As long as the clubs have been open, I've been going.

Avatar for Huntsman

I don’t think you can go wrong either way. If you don’t feel like going into a club for whatever reason, don’t go into a club. Save your money. Enjoy it some other way.

If you feel like getting back into clubbing, have at it. I’ve been vaxxed and am reasonably healthy and I avoid a few crowded venues that I never enjoyed in the first place but I also have gotten on with life end enjoy occasional clubbing and don’t think twice about it. But that doesn’t mean you need to approach it the same way I or anyone else here does.

Avatar for Papi_Chulo

Take one of those Covid home test kits to the club - set it on your table - when a dancer stops by have her do the test - then tell her to come back in 15-minutes to see if she can sit w/ you.


Avatar for g3ne01

Ben back for several months in Baton Rouge and NOLA. Vaccinated and rocking!

Avatar for Jasdoit

I’m still waiting. I don’t think the SC clientele and workers will take vaccinating seriously enough. I’ll wait a few more month, saving my money. Numbers got to go down vastly before that close of contact

Avatar for JamesSD

The vaccine works

Avatar for ilbbaicnl

Two of my favs came down with rona a few days after 30+ minute lappers with me (masked). I've gotten the jab and the booster. I did the at-home rona test to make sure I wasn't some freakoid asymptomatic spreader. But I only get a cold every 3 - 5 years, so maybe I have some kind of x-man mutation against getting all corona viruses.

Avatar for goosman

As I think about it, for an airborne virus which can also be exchanged by bodily fluids, I can't think of anyplace worse than a stripclub. Honestly outside of family members, I cant think of any other person who gets their face and airflow closer to your face & airflow than strippers. I've been out once since this all started. The change in how people worked & commuted also changed a lot of the availability in my life to make trips to the club, so it just wasn't available to me, even aside from the risk involved. When I get a chance to go, I probably will. But I'm fully aware, even fully vaxxed with a recent booster, this is probably the riskiest thing I can do.

Avatar for ilbbaicnl

I saw in the news that 1% of people 65 or over in the US have died of COVID19. Hopefully, it was mostly those who would have died within months otherwise.

Avatar for From978

You're asking this question a bit too late. After I was immunized in April, I felt safe going back, especially since a lot of clubs had very few customers. Where I live, however, (MA) the risk is now doubling every two or three weeks, and I just decided to pause again until the current surge is over. How safe you are depends on how many other people are in the club and what percentage of them are capable of infecting you. Check the New York Times (or probably other sources) for trends in your county.

Avatar for Techman

Sent $500 to your favorite club to support the business until you return.

Avatar for gSteph

Less than in the past. If it was just me, I'd probably go a bit more, but I DO NOT want to pass it on to anyone I love. My wife is perhaps more cautious than I, so I default to her level of caution.

I take local covid trend lines and planned family visits into account.

As others have said, do what feels right/safe enough for you.

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