Have You Had COVID-19 Yet?

avatar for sinclair
🦕 🦕 🦕 🦕

I see every day since December 30th, there have been over 500,000 new cases in the United States. The virus is spreading far worse than ever before. Some states have zero ICU beds left. I am starting to think the vaccine and boosters are marginally effective at best.

Who here has had the virus? How many times have you had it? Has anyone in your family died from it?


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avatar for NinaBambina
3 yrs ago

As far as I know, I haven't gotten it yet. I did get congested with very slight mild coughing for about a week in November but I was traveling and figured it was allergies from the climate change. Didn't get tested, no one caught it.

I've been fully vaxxed since May and just got my booster today.

My uncle died from it.

avatar for blahblahblah23
3 yrs ago

Me, 1 time afaik and it was easier to deal with than moderna both times, no my eastern euro family even my grandmas dont die from colds/flushing. That is for the weak

avatar for blahblahblah23
3 yrs ago


avatar for gSteph
3 yrs ago

Not me.

As to vaccine effectiveness, some think vaccines are a shield, they're not.

They are instructions on how to recognize a pathogen. They are like training for your guards/security team. If a vaccinated person inhales some covid, its in there. But the team will have a better chance. Effectively keeping you less sick. Etc, and alive. (Most often).

avatar for sinclair
3 yrs ago

I think I might have had it in October. I had many of the symptoms, but my PCR tests never gave a positive result.

I lost an uncle during the first months of the pandemic, not from COVID, but due to COVID. Doctors were cancelling their appointments during the lockdown, and his cancer spread too much while waiting to see a doctor.

avatar for RandomMember
3 yrs ago

Surely you've read that Omicron is 5x more likely to cause breakthrough infections to those vaccinated and boosted. It's far more contagious but much less lethal. Perhaps a good thing that brings us closer to herd immunity.

avatar for docsavage
3 yrs ago

I had it in June 2021. I was hospitalized for five days. I recovered really fast and after five days a doctor came into my hospital room and told me I didn't look sick so he was sending me home. A couple weeks later my personal doctor told me he was surprised when he looked at my lung x-rays and didn't see any lung damage.

I had worse after-effects when I got vaccinated a couple months later so I wouldn't lose my military job. This included nausea and chest pains that went away after about a month. An Israeli study showed that people who already had Covid had better immunity than those vaccinated so I probably didn't need the vaccine. The vaccines do appear to do a good job of reducing deaths so for people 65 and over who are in a high risk category they are probably a good idea.

avatar for Mate27
3 yrs ago

^^ I’ve known more people who’ve died from not pursuing preventive doctor visits than from covid. 2 people had cancer and were unable to schedule efficiently and delayed check ups, also in part due to fear of exposure since lockdowns were in place. Only know if 1 person dies from covid and she was older. I’m in sales so I hear stories of people I don’t know, but we’re young and died of pulmonary disease after contracting covid.

Luckily I’ve had it twice and although fatigued felt good once the brunt of the symptoms passed. It’s nice to have it and not worry about it again for some time.

avatar for mike710
3 yrs ago

I have really no idea why I haven't had it. I've probably flown over 150 flight segments and been around Covid patients in a hospital setting almost weekly. I had a couple weeks at home during this latest surge of this highly contagious strain. Maybe this will be the one I get? I'm triple vaxed so hope it does offer some protection. I've barely had any type of cold symptoms in 2 years either. Maybe a handful of times I've woken up feeling like I might be catching something, but I attribute that to developing allergies as I've aged since I never really got sick.

avatar for rickdugan
3 yrs ago

Once for sure in the middle of 2020. But now I'm finally over a multi-day bout of moderate chest congestion and 2 of my kids had mild symptoms starting a few days before mine did, so I am 90% sure that Omicron just made it's way through the house.

Given how mild the symptoms were, I did not bother to get them or myself tested. Fortunately it was Christmas break for the kids and I have been working from home, so I simply isolated the family until everyone was symptom free. The last thing I needed was to have to report a positive test to one of their schools with all the absurd drama that's involved.

avatar for Muddy
3 yrs ago

I got the Delta this past summer. Knocked the wind out of me for about 5-6 days. I was suspicious I might have had omicron but you could not get a test these last couple weeks around me. If I did get it it was mild though.

avatar for nicespice
3 yrs ago

I’m almost certain I had it way back in late feb/early March 2020. Received two vaccine doses almost a year ago. I was going to get the booster but by the time I got around to trying, appointments were way booked up. Tested positive for Covid last week and it’s been annoying cold symptoms, but nothing like back then. Heck, even drove for around a thousand miles coming back from holiday travels. (I had tested negative right before I left, wah) And yes, I was wearing a mask while out of the car.

I’m just mostly in quarantine, and getting lots of sleep and eating lots of soup. It looks like current guidelines says 10 days from symptoms and I’ll hope that’s good enough because that’s later this week. I definitely feel a lot better. I’ll try to get another at home test if that’s even possible right now. I think they are sold out at the moment though. 😞

avatar for CostaTheCrazyGreek
3 yrs ago

Santa gave me the Covititus so that rooned my Christmas. Still dealing with some congestion though. Might get tested again soon.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
3 yrs ago

I haven't gotten it to the best of my knowledge – I haven’t felt any severe symptoms to make me believe that I may have gotten it – I’ve only been tested once though back in April when I decided to get a test right before I was planning to take the vax to verify if I had unknowingly had it already but it came back negative; it was actually not a Covid test but a test for the antibodies and it came back negative so I assume that meant I hadn’t had Covid at the time – if I would have already had the antibodies then I probably would have not gotten vaxed.

I really haven’t had any bad flu-like symptoms so I “assume” I haven’t gotten it (I’m only twice-vaxed) but perhaps I did and the symptoms were mild – being that Omnicron is so contagious but also milder I guess there’s a chance I may have gotten it but who knows – I read a headline saying that the tests were not that good at accurately detecting Omnicron but I didn’t read the article and not sure if they were referring to all types of tests or just home-test-kits or what. Given the politicization of the virus there’s a lot of people that think they may have the virus b/c they woke up with the sniffles on a particular day; a lot of people get tested thinking they have it and it comes back negative.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
3 yrs ago

I had an antibody test in April b/f I got vaxed to see if I had already had Covid but it came back negative - but a month or two b/f that I had a throat-infection where I could barely talk for a couple of days and it required antibiotic treatment - anyone including myself 'would have been sure" I had Covid but it was just a throat-infection b/c not too long after that I got the Covid antibody test that showed I hadn't had Covid.

avatar for ElDuderino_AZ
3 yrs ago

Not sure if I've had it. Flew to Detroit and back to Phx twice within a week December 2020 after my grandmother died (of lots of things...but not Covid). Tested negative a few days after I returned the second time.

Then went to a wedding in NJ Veteran's Day weekend, and felt like dog shit a couple days after getting back to Phx. Texted the friends that were there and they were all fine, so I assume somebody on the return flight got me sick. Had a test a couple days into symptoms, but it came back "no value". I guess I didn't jam the stick far enough up into my brain that time. It was a nasty cold, but no flu / no fever, and felt better after three or four days.

I do enjoy the "leave it at the door" changes this has brought. Order pizza, and pull a Home Alone: "leave it on the doorstep and get the hell outta here!"

avatar for RamPaige
3 yrs ago

I caught it. I didn't even know until blood works from my annual revealed that I had antibody for it.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
3 yrs ago

^ have you been vaxed? i.e. can't the antibodies be the result of the vaccine or is it a different mechanism?

avatar for JamesSD
3 yrs ago

Nope! Fully vaxxed in Feb, not boosted yet. No one in my immediate family died.

A bunch of my vaccinated friends now have Omicron. The ones who traveled in particular, those of us who only drove less so.

avatar for jackslash
3 yrs ago

I have not had Covid and I probably won't because I'm fully vaccinated and boosted. Several friends and family members have had covid, but nobody died.

avatar for whodey
3 yrs ago

Haven't had it but have had 3 extended family members that have died of it. My cousin who was in his 20's and my aunt who was in her late 50's both died after my cousin caught it while on vacation in the spring of 2020. They were both extremely healthy prior to being infected so the fact that they died of it was really shocking and that is what caused me to begin taking it seriously.

My great uncle died after being hospitalized with it in December 2021. To be fair he was already immunocompromised from multiple rounds of chemotherapy and had 1/2 of his right lung taken out in the 90's due to mesothelioma. He had also battled Parkinson's disease for more than 30 years so while Covid was the straw that broke the camel's back it was only the last of many health issues for him. Before Covid he had been instructed to wear a surgical mask anytime he was out of the house (which seemed weird to everyone at the time) because the doctor had told him even a simple respiratory infection would likely be fatal to him.

Around here at least 2 major hospital groups have had to cancel all elective surgeries because the hospitals are so full of Covid patients with this current variant. While the vaccines are not as effective in preventing someone from catching this variant they do appear effective in reducing the severity and preventing hospitalization and death.

avatar for sinclair
3 yrs ago

Currently, I have five people in my family that have the virus. One uncle is in very bad shape and he may have to go into the hospital; he just got his booster shot three weeks ago. Six others in my extended family got the virus after Thanksgiving, and it took some of them three weeks to fully recover. The current variant might be mild for most people, but the next mutation of coronavirus could be more deadly. This thing is not going to go away.

avatar for drewcareypnw
3 yrs ago

Nope. Triple vaxxed and pretty careful, so I haven’t even had a cold in the last 2 years.

avatar for Dave_Anderson
3 yrs ago

Lol. Um, no. 🤣

avatar for Dave_Anderson
3 yrs ago

Sorry, I have an immune system. 😉

avatar for RamPaige
3 yrs ago

Papi_Chulo Not at the time, I wasn't eligible yet. I took my annual physical about 2 months before my first jab.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
3 yrs ago

I think many of us TUSCLers have built-up super-immunity from the years we've spent in those nasty VIP rooms

avatar for shailynn
3 yrs ago

Vaxxed and boosted by Moderna. To the best of my knowledge myself, my wife and my parents have not had it. I had a bad sinus infection 2 weeks after my booster shot in October but I tested negative for COVID. Both of my wife’s parents have had it. We both (wife and I) were pretty sick after each Moderna shot including the booster.

It is off the rails how many people I know that have gotten it in the past month. Most of these people were vaxxed. I’ve known several people who have died, a few young and healthy, but nobody close to me, then again I don’t have much family left to begin with.

I just pray a variant as contagious as Omicron but as leathal as Delta doesn’t show up down the road. I also feel this time around it’s just a matter of time before I get it.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
3 yrs ago

one things that is often in the back of my mind is that this seems to be a human-made/genetically-modified virus and given that the scientists may not really know how this will proceed into the future - i.e. this may be a different animal than previous viruses scientists are use to dealing with

avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
3 yrs ago

I can't be sure, but I might have had it in January 2020. I was never hospitalized but I came close. I was recovering right as it was starting to hit the news. Later descriptions of the symptoms and progression matched pretty closely with what I had.

I lost three people close to me. All passed pre-vaccine. None had conditions (chronic or otherwise) pointing to a greater chance of mortality.

There were two friends, both younger than me (early 30s and early 40s). The one in her 30s was a competitive trail runner and in amazing shape. The one in his early 40s was not an athlete, but he was active because he had athletic young kids. My cousin was a couple of years younger than me and and fair to middling shape, but with no existing conditions that made him high risk. He fought it for several months before it wore him down and he passed. He left behind a wife and two daughters.

So, I've always taken Covid seriously and treat it with much greater caution than the flu. Because no standard flu season has ever produced three extra funerals for healthy people that I couldn't attend (because Covid...).

avatar for gammanu95
3 yrs ago

Sorry to read that your family has been affected by the virus, sinclair. My condolences and best wishes.

After successfully avoiding COVID for two years, and despite being fully vaccinated since March, COVID finally caught us. I had a feeling Omicron was too rampant to escape for long, not in Florida. We both started with symptoms on Sunday and got our confirmation last night. Itchy throat, headaches, light coughing, slight fever, and just a feeling of general unwellness. So, telehealth appointments and working from home until we can produce a negative result.

We spent our NYE in a private party with about 100 people, including many fuests and snowbirds from the great lakes and new England. We joked that everyone was foing to have COVID for the new year. As usual, I'm right.

avatar for Longball300
3 yrs ago

J&J in march; Pfizer booster in October.

Scratchy throat monday before Xmas; Tuesday runny nose; Wednesday 100 fever and a positive QuickVue home test; Thursday better; Working out on Friday; got drunk and partied on Saturday.

It was the shortest head cold I ever had. Minimal coughing, no aches, O2 level stayed in the high 90's.

My opinion? Vaxes work and anyone who doesn't get one is a fool.

I know DOZENS of peeps younger and healthier than me who struggled for weeks with the Vid.

An uncle (with Comords) died.

Side note: I have taken a daily Multi, Zinc and Vitamin D for years. Did that help? Who knows.

avatar for Dolfan
3 yrs ago

I tested positive just after Xmas. No one else who attended the same family gatherings tested positive. I had the initial shots but no booster. I basically stopped taking any precautions whatsoever prior to catching it though. I was in strip clubs, going to football games, playing in poker tournaments, doing whatever.

My symptoms were mild. Headache, fever & aches. 24-48hrs of symptoms total. I did an at home test & no followup or care, just OTC meds to reduce fever for about 8hrs while I slept. I had a sinus infection/bronchitis I'm pretty sure i picked up from kids at the family Thanksgiving gathering that was much worse, but I tested negative for COVID at that time.

I did have a death in the family early on, but she was older and in a long term care facility. In my extended circle, I know of a number of otherwise healthy and younger people who had serious complications from it. I've gotta go out a bit to friends of friends before I get into young people who died.

avatar for twentyfive
3 yrs ago

I’m vaxxed and boosted, not to my knowledge I had a short duration cold very mild, don’t think it was covid, I’ll find out for sure next month as I’m due for my annual physical exam.

avatar for DenimChicken
3 yrs ago

Got it in mid 2020. Extremely minimum symptoms. Confirmed it with multiple blood tests months later.

Possibly had it again in November- was sort of sick so I just worked from home and didn't go out that week. Never bothered confirming.

avatar for Cashman1234
3 yrs ago

I’ve vaxxed and boosted (Moderna). So far, so good. I’ve traveled recently, via plane, and I have avoided omicron so far.

I took a rapid test about 36 hours after my flights - and they were negative.

The level of transmissibility of omicron is a concern. Hopefully, it is a much milder case, as it seems to be hitting so many folks at this time. I went to Costco the other day, and they were very low on water. Everything else seemed available. Hopefully this omicron wave will peak soon, and begin a rapid decline.

avatar for NinaBambina
3 yrs ago

"No my eastern euro family even my grandmas dont die from colds/flushing. That is for the weak"

My Eastern European aunt was in ICU for 27 days. I find her strong for pulling through.

avatar for Tiburon
3 yrs ago

never had the virus. I also don't eat junk food. My women only feed me fruit and baked food (no more friend unless it's air and made at home). My hoes know how to keep me healthy. Sucks many of my friends got it.

avatar for Uprightcitizen
3 yrs ago

Never got it to my knowledge and went to vegas no less than 3 times last year. Triple vaccinated. I don't wear a mask unless required post-vaccination.

My SB's son just came down with covid and is home with him. She was opposed to getting vaccinated becaise she had covid a year ago and for some of the more crazy reasons. Her employer required it so she just got the first dose 3 weeks ago.

I am presently a quandary if I am going to see her until this blows over. I am traveling in 2 1/2 weeks and I dont want to have to cancel that trip if I get sick. Not really concerned about getting it otherwise.

avatar for Player11
3 yrs ago

No - fully.vaxed, wear mask out in public.

avatar for Studme53
3 yrs ago

Probably had it. I worked close with people through the pandemic and felt under the weather a couple times. Never got tested. I got my Moderna jabs early on and the booster before Thanksgiving.

avatar for mark94
3 yrs ago

The head of Denmark’s Public Health Service says she thinks Omicron is the key to wide spread immunity. She expects a return to normal life within a couple months. I hope so.

Then, I’d like to have answers to two questions. What was China’s role in the spread of CoVid ? When did officials in the US government, and drug companies, realize the vaccine didn’t prevent the transmission of the disease and why didn’t they disclose this ?

avatar for gSteph
3 yrs ago

some think vaccines are a shield, they're not.

They are instructions for your body on how to recognize a pathogen. They are like training for your guards/security team. If a vaccinated person inhales some covid, its in there. But the team will have a better chance. Effectively keeping you less sick. Etc, and alive. (Most often).

avatar for misterorange
3 yrs ago

Socialist societies and those that see socialism as a goal (including powerful forces within the USA) have one big obstacle to success: The cost of housing, feeding and caring for the elderly and/or otherwise infirm non-productive segment of the population.

Interesting how this scientifically engineered virus targets those people almost exclusively. 5-1/2 million dead (so far) and nearly all of them fit that category. Sounds eerily like a mother bird who throws the weakest hatchling out of her nest because she can't care for it.

avatar for san_jose_guy
3 yrs ago

sinclair, most COVID infections are not even felt. No way you could know that you had it.

And also, we are living now is something pretty close to a medical police state. Privacy is everything.


We don't know just how lethal omicron is yet.

avatar for san_jose_guy
3 yrs ago

We know that none of the COVID variants are particularly lethal. The death count cannot be hidden. The normal death count exceeds 1% of the population per year.

Even Faucci said in June 2020 that 70% of the US population had already been exposed to COVID. And then by the time they were jabbing people with the mRNA needle, the vast majority of the populace had already been exposed to it. So the so called "vaccine" was completely unnecessary.

That mRNA jab screws up natural immunity.


avatar for skibum609
3 yrs ago

Covid twice. Two shots and a booster. Covid for me falls in between a hangover and mild cold.

avatar for san_jose_guy
3 yrs ago

The vast majority of the population was exposed to it long before they started jabbing people with that mRNA needle. But in a Medical Police State you keep your affairs private.


avatar for san_jose_guy
3 yrs ago

None of us want Gavin Newsom and his army of 10,000 contact tracers knocking at our doors.

And what about when they realize that the mRNA vaccine does not work, that it makes the situation worse? That so called vaccine is a far greater public health threat than COVID could ever be.

We all need to protect our privacy.


avatar for sideshow_bob
3 yrs ago

I had it before the vax was available. Tested positive. It was a cold.

Friends family all just got omicron. The parents are all vaxxed and boosted. Kids are vaxxed. My friend is overweight and diabetic. He's officially high risk for Covid, but it was pretty minor for them.

avatar for shadowcat
3 yrs ago

There is so much confusing and contradictory information being passed by the news media that I just don't know what to firmly believe. I'll be 80 yo next week and have COPD. My oxygen level never gets higher than 93%. I've had the 3 Pfizer shots and have decided to take my chances. I don't wear a mask unless it is required and I hit a strip club yesterday. My son had a mild case back in early 2020. My daughter works in a cancer treatment center and they have been flooded lately with Covid cases. So she is being more protective than I am. I will be hitting the club on my birthday.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
3 yrs ago

It'll probably be years b/f the final-chapter is written about Covid (unless the powers-to-be try to block the info from getting out).

It is very odd how this virus works - some people get it and it's nothing more than cold-symptoms for a few days - some people, supposedly even young and healthy, supposedly die from it - that is just odd - as I posted b/f I think the fact this is man-made is why it's acting so erratically and why it's hard to predict what it will do.

avatar for Longball300
3 yrs ago

What Papi said.... It was probably engineered to present a moving target.

avatar for san_jose_guy
3 yrs ago

Even some of the SCOTUS Justices seem to believe the fallacy that COVID is a grave threat and that it causes death, and that the vaccine is a protection. Under such conditions everyone needs to guard their medical privacy by any and all available means.

I just spoke to a man who may have the Omicron variant. I counseled him to sleep, as that is the cure, and to stay the fuck away from that mRNA Immuno Disabler needle, and to keep his daughter away from it.


Frampton https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yVCWaWFmLQg

avatar for BubbleYum
3 yrs ago

Yes. I got Delta last March working a Saturday night. And two weeks ago I got Omicron working a celebrity hosted night at the same club. I was vaxxed and supposed to get my booster the week after I tested positive (last week), but now I have to wait a month after testing negative to get boosted. I was not vaxxed when I had Delta, but was supposed to get my first dose the day after I tested positive lol.

avatar for gammanu95
3 yrs ago

Even AOC, three shots full, has tested COVID+ and is experiencing symptoms at home.

As Papi said, it's a weird fucking disease. It kicked my ass this weekend, and while I'm 100% better than I was, I'm still not 100%. Coughing, congestion, fever, allodynia, sore throat, clammy skin, headaches, and the infectious disease doctor confirmed that these "mild" symptoms are consistent with Omicron variant. This mild illness ranks in the top 5 sickest I've been in my life, maybe the 2nd highest in my adult life.

avatar for Longball300
3 yrs ago

Well Yum, at least now you'll be Superimmune like me.

avatar for hoopbhoy2000
3 yrs ago

Had it back in May 2020. Very unpleasant. Week and a half of razor blades in the throat, dry cough, fever, extreme skin sensitivity, bloody hurt just wearing clothes. Then a long period of mixed symptoms, problems with my sense of smell, progressive difficulty breathing at night, fatigue. Took about 4 months to properly shake it but managed to avoid hospital. Got the the vaccine and booster and no further Covid problems. Horrible illness and not one to fuck around with.

avatar for san_jose_guy
3 yrs ago

Well if you have had it and recovered you don't need the vaccine. And as available data shows you would be better of without the "vaccine" because it screws up natural immunity.

Being sick for 4 months, to me at least it sounds worthy of medical attention. And of course they would have tested you first off.


avatar for hoopbhoy2000
3 yrs ago

You appear to be an idiot. All available does not in anyway support your contention. Then again I see you're a rabid anti vaxxer so onto the ignore list you go .

avatar for Cowboy12
3 yrs ago

Wife and I had covid in October 2021, right after we returned from Vegas trip. I was pretty sick for 2 weeks, like a very bad flu, with a lot of coughing, some fever, lost 20 pounds because I had no appetite. Wife did not have it as bad, she was sick for 10 days. I still think that if we did not take the trip, we would never have gotten covid. We have always taken the right pre-cautions, but still went to work, restaurants, shopping malls, gym, and I was going to the club 2x a month(no mask at club).

avatar for elmer
3 yrs ago

^^^ "Well if you have had it and recovered you don't need the vaccine"

Seems that both my son and SanJoeguy are both naive idiots. My son was in the ICU for a week and recovered 5 months later got it again spent 2 weeks in the hospital. Has lost all ability to taste.

He doesn't believe he'll get it again must read the same garbage as SJG

avatar for twentyfive
3 yrs ago

^ Darwin was right

avatar for elmer
3 yrs ago

^ Oh and he won't divulge how much money he's lost from weeks of not working as well as medical expenses.

avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
3 yrs ago

So, up in Maine a good friend of mine just took his son off of life support after 1.5 months of watching him slip away slowly and not recover from COVID regardless of the measures they took. Young guy and healthy, but refused to get vaccinated or wear a mask anywhere.

I'm also involved with a nonprofit organization where I work in conjunction with board officer who has been vocally and proudly anti-COVID vaccination. Via an email received last night, we just learned that he has been crippled by COVID for 2 weeks. Yesterday, he was admitted to the ICU with severe COVID pneumonia. He's on a ventilator and being pumped full of steroids, etc. I hope he makes it because, though we disagree on some things, I've worked with him for several years and he's a good guy.

This isn't stuff happening weeks, months, or years ago. It's happening right now. Just like the other COVID variants, Omicron is also not just like the flu.

avatar for nicespice
3 yrs ago

^ That’s really sad. Sorry to hear about that

avatar for TFP
3 yrs ago

I just tested positive yesterday for COVID. All this time I had been going to work every single day since the pandemic started back in 2020, didn't get sick for two straight years. Wear masks everywhere, fully vaxxed although I haven't had the booster yet. Went to the strip club Sunday and I suspect that is where I got it as that is the only place I don't wear a mask. Had dances with too many dancers to know exactly who it was though.

Oh well. At least I'll be protected against the omicron variant. Then it'll be all about what the next variant is.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
3 yrs ago

From what I've heard it's expected for just about everyone to get Omicron at some point vaxxed or not vaxxed

I may have it i don't know. I had a positive test but my blood work doesn't show an infection.

You never know how long you've had it before you get hospitalized. According to the info a person would have to have had it almost 10 days for severe symptoms to persist. At least that's from what I read. So timelines don't work necessarily.

Covid pneumonia and sepsis are the big problem. And who gets it isn't really predictable.

avatar for san_jose_guy
3 yrs ago

People die everyday, its call Finite Life Expectancy. We have more premature death than the countries which have Universal Health Care, and we have a much Higher Infant Mortality Rate.

People talk about friends and family dying of COVID. Sorry, until I see a complete medical history I am not going to believe it. Where I have discussed cases with people, the NEVER CHECK OUT.


avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
3 yrs ago

^^^ Nobody is going to provide their medical records to a creepy ghoul who denies an entire pandemic because it fucks with his internet access at the library.

avatar for san_jose_guy
3 yrs ago

^^^ We are living in a medical police state. And none of the claims of people being killed by COVID, that I have learned of, have every checked out. There is always other stuff going on.


avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
3 yrs ago

^^^ You're creepy as fuck.

avatar for san_jose_guy
3 yrs ago

At least I am not a COVID Neurotic.


avatar for Tetradon
3 yrs ago

I'm triple vaxed, but unless this thing mutates into something worse, I'm not going to stop working, lifting, clubbing, dating new women, going out to eat, flying to visit friends and family, etc.

Like everything in life, it's a calculated risk.

avatar for Tetradon
3 yrs ago

Never had it, no family members, though it seems like all my friends have.

avatar for san_jose_guy
3 yrs ago

^^^^^^ COVID is a mind fuck. Don't let it impact you!

The risk is less than the risk of being struck by lightening.


avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
3 yrs ago

^^^ But it's still greater than the chance of you going to a strip club or seeing a vagina.

avatar for san_jose_guy
3 yrs ago

^^^ And still greater than the chance of Ishmael figuring out where he lost his brain.


Alice Coltrane & Carlos Santana - Illuminations [FULL ALBUM] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=64OGEASKuXg

avatar for ilbbaicnl
3 yrs ago

I got it after I was jabbed and boosted, it was extremely mild. One of my favs had it at about the same time, probably either I gave it to her or she gave it to me. The only hard part was when a contact tracer called and left a message asking me to call back. I asked my fav if she was worried the gub would close the club based on what we told them. She said she wasn't calling back, and begged me not to either, so I didn't.

avatar for NinaBambina
3 yrs ago

^my secondary club has had multiple covid outbreaks without closing. Most recently a girl gave it to another girl, a customer, and an agent. Before that, all the managers had it.

avatar for ilbbaicnl
3 yrs ago

@Nina the people in the gubment are not known for being the sharpest knives. What they do tends to be rando. Often just responsive to whatever today's biggest crowd of yelling idiots is. Lot's of yelling idiots just automatically love it when sex workers and their customers get shit on.

avatar for drewcareypnw
3 yrs ago

My kid got it this week, super mild case. I would have sent her to school with a sniffle if the kid didn't have a positive rapid test. The whole family went to get PCR tested yesterday, we'll see if I've had it. There have been several points where I thought that I maybe have. Since I'm fat, old, have high blood pressure, and a history of pneumonia, I'd think I would be ground zero for Covid, but I never really get sick from other colds/flu's so who knows.

We're moving in the wrong direction. Now is the time for an onslaught of mitigation efforts.

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