Sense of urgency in a club

avatar for Muddy
I usually do a lot of road clubbing. And in a lot of places I'm at there's a chance I won't be back for a long time if ever. So if I'm going to make something happen, be it ITC/OTC or whatever I got to do it then and there.

But I've been doing some recent stuff near me and it got me thinking, you know what maybe I could kinda slow play it a little bit. I could always get more done on round 2 or 3 because the place is like 20 minutes from me. It's a different kind of thing, lets me be a more laid back. My question is what sense of pace in a club and do you play the long game?…


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avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
3 years ago
I'm the exact opposite. I do all my clubbing locally, and really just in one club that I like a lot. And (at least right now) I'm very happy in my rut. There's enough turn over at my regular club where my "variety" itch gets scratched. I'm a regular with a good reputation, so I usually don't have a problem getting the attention of a dancer I'm interested in. There is no sense of urgency when I go to a club. If I don't have a great visit, then I know that I can try again anytime later. Lastly, it's nice develop a relationship with several dancers over time. Granted, it's a purely club-based relationship with the occasional OTC, but it's the reason why I don't deal with a lot of ROBs or drama.

So, I'm definitely in the long game camp.

avatar for shadowcat
3 years ago
I don't travel much. After I got my Covid vaccinations last March, I started hitting several of the 26 clubs in my city looking for a Follies replacement. Really only 6 interested me. I have finally found one that suits me the most and now I just call it home. I do read all of the reviews for clubs in my city to keep up on things and will occasionally stop into one of the other clubs to see if I am missing anything.
avatar for rickdugan
3 years ago
Pre-COVID mine was a mix of local and road clubbing, which I suspect will be the case again before too long. Honestly I rarely feel any sense of urgency in a club anymore. That's exactly the kind of emotional state that results in one throwing large sums of money chasing after something that isn't there. If a club visit is a dud then I save my shekels for the next stop, whether it's another road club or a home club.
avatar for shailynn
3 years ago
I only “road club” and sometimes it may be 6 months, a year or maybe “years” before I’m in that club again. I’ve often thought “man if I was able to be a regular at XYZ strip club I’d pull more tail than Rick D and Juice combined.” Lol

I’m sure being a regular has advantages so I try to go to clubs where (at least) I perceive it as not mattering so much. That seems to work well in larger cities than small ones.

My favorite places to club are where there are multiple clubs near by, so if I walk into one place and don’t like the vibe I can easily hop over to another club near by. Again, this usually only works in larger cities.
avatar for Dolfan
3 years ago
For a while, I hit clubs while traveling regularly. Maybe more than a dozen times a year. I tended to travel to the same handful of locations but rotated clubs enough in those locations to never really be recognized other than the occasional girl or two. That started to dwindle even before COVID, but since the pandemic started it obviously stopped. Nowadays I'm pretty much exclusively local.

I don't recall ever feeling a sense of urgency or anything though. I'm pretty open to a variety of ways to club. I'll happily sit and watch a good stage show with hot girls, I'll grab a bunch of table or lap dances with moderate mileage, or I'll do a room with the whole enchilada. One isn't better than the other. If a club has no attractive strippers, I'll simply move on. Sometimes that's another club, day, city, or all three. When I started clubbing, I forced the issue a few times and spent a lot for a little. I learned my lesson and no longer do that.

If I'm doing more than just watching the stage, I find I enjoy the strip club experience much more with strippers I'm familiar with. I guess that makes me a slow player.
avatar for Cashman1234
3 years ago
I’m a local monger for the past 5 or more years. If I don’t find what I want, it’s all good, I can stop in on a different night.

I think many clubs may do well off of road clubbers. Guys who are traveling and want to enjoy a drink and some tits. I don’t know if it’s worthwhile to change from a single night visit - to a return customer (the next day). I would recommend enjoying the single night in a club, and leave it at that. A return visit can lead to spending twice as much, but getting the same return.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
I like consistency in clubs. The turn over rates are so high now and clubs are pretty much the same.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
3 years ago
b/w 2014 and 2019 I did a few SC trips that were just for strip-clubbing - given that's the reason I was there I was def a bit on my toes per se to make sure I made the most of the visit on the trip especially if it was the first time visiting the club - thus since I had limited time in the area and didn't known when I'd be back, I tended to be more vigilant for girls I liked compared to when I hit my local clubs which I go to anytime.

Also since I'm big-time into variety, it's not as if I have to just find *one* girl I like and thus can take-my-time - when I club I like to get w/ as many different girls as I can that I find desirable/are-my-type and this kinda requires me to have my PL-antenna up constantly especially if it's a club I may not be able to get to for a good while (months or years) - at the peak of my SCing, even if I had a good time/visit, I'd be irked if there were some dancers I wanted to get w/ but didn't.
avatar for mike710
3 years ago
I'm one that doesn't necessarily go looking for extras at a club, but I obviously don't mind when I stumble across them. Therefore, I don't ever feel pressure. In my travels, I have come across a few places that I know are more likely to have extras available and some with, almost guaranteed, extras. But I still go into those clubs and don't see anything that really interests me all the time.

My city, San Diego, sucks for strip clubs so I do all of my strip clubbing out of town. I usually make at least one trip a month to a nearby city where I might be considered a regular at one club and semi-regular at another. I'll make trips to Tampa just because I know that I can have fun there. If I get a trip that doesn't go as well as planned, I don't really sweat it. I figure if I am too worried about extras, I might regret my trips even more.
avatar for JamesSD
3 years ago
Let's be real there are hookers, clean girls and then those in between. Some clubs only have clean girls. The in between ones are the girls you may be able to get more from as their comfort increases or they have a financial crisis.

When I go to the club it's either for my favorite to take care of me or with no specific plan besides see hot naked women.
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