
My Father Left My Mother for a Stripper. Now He Wants Me to Mourn Her Death.

Detroit strip clubs
OK. Whose daughter wrote this letter to Dear Prudence?

Dear Prudence,

I’m having an issue with my father I can’t figure out what to do with. About 10 years ago, he kicked my mom out of the house and moved in with a woman that he met at a strip club (Brenda) who he then fell head over heels for. She was a nice woman but she didn’t love him (she said so). Then she died and it ripped him apart. He’s now living in a different state, and when I went to visit him he told me that nobody down there knows about my mother who died last year and that Brenda was his only wife and I presume also my mother. He didn’t acknowledge my mother’s birthday to me, but every year gets a hold of me on the anniversary of Brenda’s death to “remember her.” It really hurts, and I love my father, but I’m not sure I can keep up communication with him. I’m just so angry. What should I do about that?

— Over All of It

Dear Over All of It,

Step 1: Tell him you’re hurt and angry, if you haven’t already. Let him know how his decision to leave your mom for Brenda and kick her out of the house affected you. Tell him how you feel when he doesn’t acknowledge your mom. You deserve to get this off your chest. It might even be a good idea to put it in writing, so you can make sure you don’t leave anything unsaid and aren’t cut off or interrupted.

Step 2: Decide whether there’s any version of a relationship with him that would work for you. If there is, it’s worth suggesting. Would you be okay with communicating with him if he didn’t mention Brenda? If he acknowledged the pain of losing your mom? Are there things you would enjoy discussing with him or activities you wouldn’t mind doing with him a couple of times a year? Really think about what would feel good to you. And then propose it. If he agrees, that’s your new relationship. If he doesn’t, you have every right to decide to limit or end your communication with him.


  • mike710
    3 years ago
    This sounds like the making of a Country Western song.
  • ilbbaicnl
    3 years ago
    That advice bitch is lucky the Beatles never sued her: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wQA59IkC…
  • Studme53
    3 years ago
    Ha ha - good call Jack. Someone on this board’s gotta fess up
  • grand1511
    3 years ago
    Sounds like the daughter is on track to becoming a stripper
  • ilbbaicnl
    3 years ago
    I think I'm going to start deal-ilbbaicnl.com . You type in your question, and it answers "move tf on". My dad wasn't much of a dad, did shitty things, but he got dealt a seriously shitty hand in life, so no hard feelings. If you were severely abused, or your physical needs were neglected when you were a kid, then yeah, that's not easy to get past. But some people never get it that by not making the best of things, they're making the worst of things. If she feels guilty distancing herself from her dad, she shouldn't, kids don't owe parents anything. If she thinks he's going to wake up one day and decide to be the man she wants him to be, she needs to pull her head out of her ass, get a new goal in life.
  • georgmicrodong
    3 years ago
    Without knowing why he "kicked [her] mom out of the house", I don't know how anyone can answer the question of what to do.
  • Uprightcitizen
    3 years ago
    This is several levels of crazy. Snow white is not posting on a "dear Abby column". She is on Reddit at the minimum.
  • Cashman1234
    3 years ago
    The dad might be a real miserable dude. Unless his former wife was a serial killer, leaving her out of everything is definitely wrong.

    A close family friend was married with three kids, and her husband left her. He is a surgeon - and he hooked up with a nurse - who got pregnant. He told his first wife that she no longer mattered to him since he had a new wife and family. Moving forward several years - the guy needs heart surgery and happens to have gone in debt. So he is now asking his first wife for money! The second wife kicked him out - as she found out he was fucking another nurse. I think he could almost be a TUSCL poster boy!
  • bkkruined
    3 years ago
    "What should I do about that?"

    Invite him to work and set him up with another dancer there.

    Sounds like the guy just needs to get a little every now and then, apparently been 10 years...
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