Disturbing posts from sick minds. If you can't even pretend to be decent human beings, you could at least post your vile thoughts in the Politics Forum where we don't need to see them.
The one thing Harry Reid opened the door for was confirmations without the 2/3 majority. Granted, he didn't do it for Supreme Court Justice but he was the one that opened Pandora's box.
Reid will be remembered for his significant role in getting the ACA through congress. The ACA is more popular than ever despite every effort to sabotage the legislation. RIP Harry.
Wasn’t there a story from a few years ago where he said he tripped over a cat? He obviously had been beaten half to death by someone who truly understood our country.
Anyone know if the truth ever came out?
BTW, the world is a better place after Harry assumed room temperature.
Harry Reed was one of many corrupt, self-serving, detestable politicians. I'm sure his family will miss him and the money train, but no tributes from patriots.
I never heard about him tripping over a cat, but that it was his brother or BiL that hit him. I do remember that dingy harry had some half-cooked excuse that he was using resistance bands to work out, which snapped and hit him in the face. LOL, whatever. I'd buy that for a dollar.
Look, celebrity death discussions have always been in the front room. Fuck you if you don't like it. That the decedent was a known public figure of low morals and corrupt character does not automatically move it to the politics forum.
Such a genius is Random -- people getting freebies they didn't earn or deserve - from other people's money - is popular. Burn in hell Harry Reid you left wing piece of shit. Icey, go suck Trump cock. harry Reid was under control of the mob. Remember when they beat the shit out of him because he didn't deliver?
^ I expect it and certainly won't whine like you when it happens. Words make you cry lol. Who cares if people are glad Trump is dead. Just imagine the cheering when Hillary dies. I plan on coming back from beyond the grave to cheer the death of AOC and to shit on her grave.
So what do you hate the most about Reid? That he opposed abortion. Opposed gun control. Clamped down on Nevada prostitution???? Or because he basically wrote the watered down version of the ACA? Repealed don't ask don't tell policies for the military? Do you hate that he authored the corporate welfare stimulus during the Great recession??? Or that he wanted more accountability from Wall street????
Harry Reid was worse for the country than Trump. He was the perfect immoral, soulless, demagogue for the democrat party, though. Good riddance. Hillary cannot go away fast enough, and will never go away in this lifetime. She seriously believes that she would have another shot at the White House. She cannot accept that she was rejected by the electoral majority because she is an unlikeable cunt.
Reid was a centrist but a fucking senate legend. He managed to get the Republican hoi paloi to nominate the worst candidate in their primaries to win his last election.
Trump's going the way of GW, all the GOP gets in line to lick his ass as long as he as power... Without it, well...
"Trump is either ignorant or one of the most evil men who ever lived" said Alex Jones!!
The parade of idiots that were in line to lick his ass while in office are now seeing what everyfuckingone else already knew about him and isn't going to shut up about it because it's getting him attention. And all the rest of the morons are going to stop adoring him and act like they never really liked him to begin with.
He hope he lives a long fucked up life of all those deadbeat former followers sending his ass death threats like they do everyone else they get outraged about over nothing.
last commenthttps://deadline.com/2021/12/j…
Actually, famous people seem to be dropping like flies this past year or two...
I wish I knew your names so when you finally die I could tell your families how you were twisted sick fucks on this forum.
Haha, Icee you stupid fuckin jerkoff, that's the first thing you ever posted that made me laugh. Awesome man. Keep up the good work.
"Disturbing posts from sick minds. If you can't even pretend to be decent human beings..."
I hope that scumbag suffered and died a miserable death. He deserved it more than anyone.
Nothing new; the OP is a psychopath.
Anyone know if the truth ever came out?
BTW, the world is a better place after Harry assumed room temperature.
I'm sure his family will miss him and the money train, but no tributes from patriots.
Look, celebrity death discussions have always been in the front room. Fuck you if you don't like it. That the decedent was a known public figure of low morals and corrupt character does not automatically move it to the politics forum.
Now, I know he is on record as calling for a federal law against prostitution. Of course I do not go along with that.
I guess I missed that McCarran was renamed
Politician = Political Forum. See its not too hard.
He was also super old and lived a long life.
Yeah - let's get back to "traditional politicians" that don't get shit done and whose top-priorities are getting reelected and enriching themselves.
Trump's going the way of GW, all the GOP gets in line to lick his ass as long as he as power... Without it, well...
"Trump is either ignorant or one of the most evil men who ever lived" said Alex Jones!!
The parade of idiots that were in line to lick his ass while in office are now seeing what everyfuckingone else already knew about him and isn't going to shut up about it because it's getting him attention. And all the rest of the morons are going to stop adoring him and act like they never really liked him to begin with.
He hope he lives a long fucked up life of all those deadbeat former followers sending his ass death threats like they do everyone else they get outraged about over nothing.
Threads on celebs dying go in the front room whether they were pols or not. The facts do not care about your feelings.